The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 12, 1933, Page Three, Image 3

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AH m*i copy muM be in the
Omaha <>oxle Office not later
than Monday «t 5 p. m.. in order
that it may be printed in the
current wme. Hereafter all news
inter than the time specified will
not be in the [>•»(<er and should
not be expected.
By Clifford C. Mitchell
A f.rwwtag Service!
Before I left prison 1 used to won.
d*r whether the render interest in my
writing* would diminish after I be.
came a free man Lit. friends it has
ju.-t been the opposite At the rate
the papers are expanding and using
my columns 111 soon have to have
the services of a clerk, stenographer
or secretary just to help me keep my
records straight Last week I gave a
detailed account of the number of pa.
pars using each feature of mine but
the week's exchanges have changed
those figures considerably
The Southwest Recorder, Ft.'
Smith. Arkansas; Lucky City World,!
RetdsviiJe, N C , and the Texas'
World Highland. Park Texas, com.
me need using “Digesting the News”,
bringing the total up to one hundred
and thirty.eight
The Athens Express, Athens, Geor.
gia and the Detroit World. Detroit,
Michigan, used my weekly book com.j
ment. making a total of sixty.two.
*. The Detroit World and the South,
west Recorder aho used my “This
and That” feature making a total of
fortyjaino papers to use this feature.
The biggest gain of the week, .was j
in the number of new papers to com.
mence using “Prisons and Prisoners."
Funny, that after I am out of prison,
the papers are using this feature
more than ever The new ones are:
Southwest Recorder. Ft Smith, Ark. j
Arkansas World. Little Rock, Ark
Miami Advocator, Miami, Fla ; Sav.
annah World. Savannah. Georgia;
Evanston World, Evanston, Illinois;1
Detroit World, Detroit; St Louis
World. St Louis; Ash vUle World,
Asheville, N C Durham Dispatch, j
Durham, N C . New Bern World
New Bern N C ; Lucky City World,!
Rr-idsville, y C ; Pittsburgh Couriei}
FiUsbttrgfc; Pee Dee Weekly. FI or.
race S C and the Texas World,
Highland Park, Texas making a tot.
a) of fifty two papef^ to use this
Two new papers commenced using
•“Chicago—And Chicagoans.” bring,
tog the total using this feature up to
tw.nty.three The California News,;
of Los Angeles. California and the
Mel> well Times of Keystone, W
j And my newest feature, a news
story, based on knowledge gleaned
through my intimate contact with the j
officials of the Supreme Liberty Life:
In> usance Company, and so written
as t#yrm constructive to all racial
economic efforts is building itself up
► in < •' *-viable style in their pub.
lications being; Arizona Gleans
Phoenix. Arizona; Miami Wichita
Kansas; Monroe broadcast. Monroe
Louisiana; Omaha Guide, Omaha
Nebraska; News Star. Newport News
Virginia and the McDowell Times of
Keystone, West Virginia
Thanks are extended to the follow.'
ing publishers for placing my new
address, 35P7 South Parkway Chicago
on their “exchange” list: California
New* L«»s Angeles; Southwest Re.
corder, Ft Smith Arkansas; Louis,
ville Defender. Louisville; Newark
Herald Newark N J ; Lucky City
World. Reids ville N C ; Texas
W rid Highland Park Texas; Regis,
ter San Antonio. Texas: Times Dan.
ville Virginia and the McDowell
Times. Keystone W Virginia
Thanks are also due Ray S Corliss,
editor of the Parma News (white) of
Parma. Michigan for his compliment,
ary remarks in his “The Velvet Ham.
mer" colon*" on the front page of his
current issue.
An apology is due Mr Crews, edi.
tor and his secretary Miss Mills of
the Bronzeman A letter and a phone
call explain* that “another clerk in
the office” was the cause of the “bon.
er" of which I mentioned in this
column last week And the August
Bronzeman arrived OK. incidentally
anr .miring that “Found”, a short
rtory of mine will be in their Sept,
er*-her issue And from the questions
a 4 me by Charles C Dawson, the
iilustintor something seems to tell
me that I’m going to be in for a lot
questioning when that story ap_
k pears When the illustrator takes a
* story so seriously, how will the read_
*n take it? Phew its getting hot!”
Prisons and Prisoners
“Book" Lawton, writer and philo.
. sopher, of Clay Center, Kansas, has
* written such a strong editorial on,
“Capitol Punishment, Like Capitol
Cr..-net is Wrong.’ that I am repro_
ducing it herewith ia full,
“Owr civilization hangs in thi
j balance! Our ideals are dreams that
can never be realized through de_
crees, hanging scaffolds, nor electric
chairs. The restraint, lies deeper than
law, or any contemplated law. The
hand of the law, however severe, does
not reach deep into one’s conscience
and remove the cause of any natural
or habitual desire It rather intensi_
fies the craving by its restraint Af_
ter centuries of dungeons, prisons,
guillotines, firing squads, hanging
scaffolds, and electric chairs, we still
have “the master criminal ” More
base, more cunning, more intelligent
Outwitting the law; because he is
born to the end of beating it. How
few are persons born, if any, with the
inherent desire to respect purely leg_
islative laws; in the face of penalties
for their transgression.
“First, crimes are conceived in
thought; stamped indellibly on one’s
conscience, transmitted to the off_
spring that develops the negative
restrained in the parent, and the
brutal criminal, preconceived in I
vengeful thought; is a reality Re_
spect for law, rests not on the sev_
erity of its punishment, which is vio_
latable; but on the institution of
ideals, which if perfected are inviol.
able; because virtue begets virtue,
which cannot transgress nor consume
its (own) perfect state; for they are
(one) inseparable How then, can the
pre-uniption that capitol punishment
is right; countermand the violation of |
human life, with a second act; that
compounds the first.
“The false patriotism instilled in
millions during the world war; that
it was noble to die for one’s country,
or the desire to kill; which was drill.
ed into them, are major reasons. .As,
is also, tn? truth of too many need,
less laws, city, county and state. Peo.
pie are being hemmed in too closely.
Liberally speaki/ig. .Like Japan,-they
want some personal latitude that
they may draw their breath, without
being stiffled or regulated.
“Law is to blame in many cases for
the quantity of criminals that are
foisted upon the public. It guapaotees ■
Life, Liberty and^ the pursuit of
Happiness — and adds, “by the due
process of law.” Then, what is due
process of law? “Yesterday” it was:
unlawful to have liquor in any’form.
••Tomorrow,” it nifty be had in every
form. Sometime in the distant fu_
ture, it might become unlawful again j
—even though a habit shall have been
formed, personal desires inherently
created and conceived—with the con_
sent of the law. Has law power, to j
purge one’s conscience of taking a
life; even though it gives the man.
date? Surely a disregard of human
life, will be as inherent in the off.
spring of a “hangman” as it was in
the calloused affections of the father
to such ghastly deeds. Conscience
< an not be disregarded; Tor it is by
conscience that we suffer the ills of
folly; know transgression by its con.
viction, and atonement by its demand
for retribution. It is through con.
science, that we climb toward the
perfection of an ideal; not through
prisons and scaffolds. They are only
splints that we try to bind broken
hearts, and broken character with.
“The application of criminal law is
founded on forae. It is something
without a conscience to be merciful.
It forgives not the soul that has
sinned and repented to God It teach. |
es no present, nor sets an example of
the love that was Christ’s It asks
God to have mercy on your soul—it
will not It commercializes the taking
of human life for hire; “It demands
its pound of flesh.” For some men
the penalty is death for taking a life; -
for others it is a living with a good
alary It depends on which side of
the fence you are on. Neither is right;
morally they are wrong. Through
right living, we can overcome the
criminal instinct in those yet unborn.
By thinking clearly, doing honestly
and subdueing the desire to deprive
, others, of Life, Liberty and the pur.
uit of Happiness. We shall! Certain,
ly not in this generation; but with
!ne next a little less criminally in.
dined; and the next even less so, and
so on; until we crave not for the lives
of others, both lawfully and unlaw.
■ fully; mercy unto a civil power to
purge a people of its unrighteous,
ness; but recognize, that in the blind
force of lawful restraint; there is no
power to make of a harlot—a virgin;
of an adulturous man—a Christ; nor
of America—a land of Canaan.”
by Viddeta Ish
(For Th eLiterary Service Bureau)
Under th** old code impudence was
Znot confined to “talking back”, “dis.
puting my word” and “contradicting
me”; but it was impudence to “roll
your eves”, “raise your voice”, “drop
j your lip”. You were not allowed to
i “crook your finger.” A mother
I whipped her little girl then stormed
1 “If you just crook your finger, I’ll
whip you again.” The child taking
it literally, hid behind the house and
vigorously “crooked her finger,” mut.
. tering,” I’ll crook my finger just as
much as I please.” But she was out
• of sight and out of hearing.
Perhaps these were extreme views
and extreme measures, but they in.
-rilled respect for parents and exert,
ed helpful influence. Call it “repres.
, sion” if you choose, but it beat the
j impudent, unmannered “expression”
I of this age. Then a child who deals
thus with its own parents will be dis.
1 respectful to others and will lose
emuch, thereby.
by Abbe’ W allace
H S —Why don’t my boy friend
call on me at night?
Ans. Ask the woman he LIVES
with. She KNOW’S the reason why.
G S —Is my little boy as bad as
the Doctor Says?
Ans. Your little boys HEART is
bad. There is a LEAK there that will
require medical attention.
H E S —Is there any more mon.
ey coming to my mother?
Ans. Not from your fathers
DEATH. She will be greatly disap.
pointed if she relys on this, too much.
K E B —Is the man I am going
with ever going to settle down?
Ans. NEVER. He’s just a ROL_
LIN STONE. He gives up too easily
and becomes discouraged at little
things that are really not important.
L T —Will I have the strength to
deliver the new stranger into the
world ?
Ans. Don’t FEAR you will deliver
this little stranger without a mishap.
Oet the safety pins ready, you will
need them.
Mrs J —Tell me if I will get the
money from my husbands insurance?,
Ans. I am afraid it will be neces_
sary for you to FILE A LAWSUIT, i
k ® H —Will I be fortunate
| enough to go to College in September
if I finish High School next June
: without stopping ?
Ans. Evidently you will for I see
you continuing your education for ef_
I fort necessary to complete.
B W —Will my boy friend be suc_
cessful on his trip?
An.‘t He will not be as successful
as he is anticipating although, I be.
lieve that he will send for you later
on. i
L G —Does this man love me well
enough to marry me ?
Ans. I do not advise it. This1 ro_
mance has been carried on thru the
mails and; I do not believe that your
friend is as sincere as> you are. He
has NO INTENTIONS of marrying
you or any other woman this year,
R C B—Is my law
treating me fairly?
Ans. Watch him closely. He is
stealing from you right and left. I
advise a change.
W E T —Can you tell me just
when I will be on full time again?
Ans. The second week in Septem.
her. I advise you to s'peak to your
boss about this for if you don’t one
of the other boys will get back on full
time ahead of you.
NOTE:—Your question printed free in this column.
For Prviate reply send 25c and (self addressed
stamped enevelope for my New Astrological Read
ing and reeive by return mail my advice on three
questions free. Sign your full name birthdate, and
correct address. Adress Abbe’ Wallace,
P. 0. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia.
Washington, Aug.— Vigorous ob_
jection to the American policy in Li_
beria, to its backing of the Firestone
interests in that country, to its pres_
sure on European countries to com.
pel them to force Liberia to accept
an American financial adviser to the ,
sending of an American white South,
erner as an “observor” to Liberia,1
and to the allege!! American dictation
of a Liberian budget which makes no
allowance for public education, was
voiced here Monday at the State de_
partmnt by a delegation of white and
colored citizens for which Dr. W. E.
B. DuBois, editor of The Crisis, was
The delegation charged that the
Firestone loan of $2,500,000 to Lib_
eria was fraudulent and was based
upon the use of slave labor. It
charged also that the United States!
is trying to negotiate a new agree.1
ment between Liberia and Firestone
which will put the small nation fur. |
ther in debt. The delegation also
urged that Liberia be given time to |
consider the whole matter and not be 1
subjected to the ultimatum already
sent (which the State department de_ 1
nies) demanding acquiescence by
September 1, 1933.
The sending of General Blanton;
Winship, a white Southerner, to ob_
serve in Liberia caused some sharp l
exchanges between Dr. DuBois and
William Phillips, assistant secretary
..of state, who received the delegation,
and between Mr. Phillips and Dr.
Mordecai Johnson and Miss Dorothy
Detzer. Finally, just before the dele,
gation left, Dr. DuBois suggested it
would have been much wiser to have
1 sent a colored American instead of
I General Winship. Mr. Phillips re.
“Yes, it might have been wiser.” i
The conference lasted an hour and
fifteen minutes. The delegation: Dr.
DuBois, Dr. Johnson, Miss Dorothy
Detzer, executive secretary of the
Women’s International League for
Peace and Freedom; Rayford W. Lo_
gan. assistant director Association
for Study of Negro Life and History;
Dr. Charles Wesley, Howard univers_
ity; Walter White, secretary, NAA_
CP.; Dr. Emmett J. Scott, secretary
Howard university; Mrs. Addie W.
Dickerson, president International
Council of Women of Darker Races;
Mrs. Addie W. Hunton, Women’s In_
ternational League; A. S. Pinkett,
District of Columbia NAACP.; Mrs.
Daniel Partridge, Washington branch
Women’s International League.
Charles H. Houston, of the National
Bar Association and Nannie H. Bur_
roughs of the National Association of
Colored Women were members of the
delegation not present bcause of ab_
sence from the city.
Read THE
The week’s NRA activities, direct,
ed by General Paul Martin, president
of the Chamber of Commerce, show
that Omaha is rapidly falling into
line in the national recovery march’. !
More than three thousand employers j
already have qualified to display the,
blue eagle and the list is mounting
An intensive publicity campaign
has been launched by Col. Morris E.
Jacobs, head of that committee In
outlining the program he said that
education and reasoning—not coercion
—would be the chief weapons used in
the campaign
Just what the recovery code means
and what Omaha business firms as
well as individuals are expected to do
in complying with it was told by four
speakers in radio addresses The
speakers were General Martin, Col_
onel Jacobs, Secretary of War Ray_
mond Young and Assistant Secretary
of War Raymond Crossman
NRA, with headquarters in the
Chamber of Commerce, will need 1,_
000 volunteer workers next week to
make a house to house canvass of the
city to have the customers’ pledge
signed This card is to be signed by
housewives, pledging they will not
patronize any business not eooperat.
ing in the NRA movement.
Persons having first hand informa_
tion regarding violations of the code
are asked to notify the NRA head,
quarters in the Chamber of Com.
j merce by letter Sign it or not, as you
! choose.
HARRISBURG, Pa., August 11—
Fifty.two delegates representing
thirteen Pennsylvania branches of
the National Association for the Ad_
i vancement of Colored People met
here August 1 and organized a state
conference of branches and elected
the Rev Robert W Bagnall of
Philadelphia, former national direct,
or of branches of the association, as
state president.
Resolutions adopted by the confer. |
ence urged further action in the In.
dustry, Pa deportation case and de_
plored the inactivity of the officials !
thus far The resolutions also con.!
| demned the segregated school system
which is creeping into the state and
pledged a fight against it A state
civil rights bill with teeth was urged
; and a campaign was outlined to see
that Negroes get a fair share of
^.vork on public projects Young peo.
pie were especially invited into the
work of the associetion as well as “all
citizens of whatever race, color or
creed who believe in equal justice,
opportunity and a square deal.” Oth.
er officers elected: Mrs H H~
Kennedy, Pittsburgh, vice president;
Rev Bernard Ross New Kensington,
j recording secretary; Miss Elizabeth
Hollingsworth, Chester, correspond,
ing secretary; Robert Fields, Media,
A small committee from the confer
ence met with Attorney General
Scnadr and several sharp exchanges
with him were had over the Industry,
Pa deportation case and especially
the Berwyn segregated school case.
Mr Schnader has loafed on both
cases, Pennsylvanians charge, and on
the Berwyn case, where 200 Negro
children are out of school because of
jim crow, he is charged with direct
opposition to the Negro parents.
The Tennis Tournament scheduled
for the Maple Leaf Tennis Courts
will be played at the Muny Courts at
32nd and Dewey Avenue, Sunday,
August 13th.
The teams to be represented are
Des Moines, Iowa, Kansas City, Mo
and Omaha Some of the best layers
in this part of the country will be
present. Robert Bell, former Omahan
will lead the Kar|-as City players.
Bell has become one of the leading
tennis players of Missouri Valley
since moving to Kansas City. Earl
Newcomb, a former Drake netster
will head the Des Moines group. The
Omahans will be headed by Milton
Wilson, Jimmy Lee and Herbert Mc_
Ballew and Jenkins Lead Hitters;
Return Game Monday
Twenty four hundred, just twice as
many as witnessed the Western lea_
gue double header with Joplin Sun_
day, gathered at the Vinton lot Mon_
day' night to see'Plug Griffin’s Pack_
ers score an 11 to 6 victory over the
Memphis Red Sort, claimants to the
southern colored championship. The
clubs will play a return game here
next Monday night
Harvey Ballew, Packer second
sacker, drove in six runs with two
doubles and a single, while Tom Jen_
kins, giant first sacker, connected for
a homer with none on in the second.
The Red Sox outhit the locals, 15 to
14, but Ralph Moreau, rookie Packer
chucker, tightened up in the clutches.
Suitcase Simpson, lanky Red Sox
pitcher and center fielder, got four
singles in five trips.
The Tuxedo baseball team played
at Clarinda, Iowa Friday, August 4
against the Clarida Merchats as the
featured attraction of the Emancipa_
tion Celebration held there The
Tuxedos lost the game 5 to 2
The Tuxedo baseball team defeated.
Hancock, Iowa baseball team Satur_
day, August 5 by’a score of 6 to 3.
The Tuxedo baseball team was de_
feated by Oakland, Iowa in a tight
game by a score of 3 to 1 on August
The Tuxedo baseball team meets
Shenandoah, Iowa Sunday August 13
in a feature game of a Hay Day Cele_
bration there.
The Tuxedo Kitten ball team sche_
dule: ,
August 12—draf, Nebraska.
August 13—Fremont, Nebraska.
August 19—Talmadge, Nebraska.
August 21 and 22—Coon, Nebraska.
August 26—Talmadge, Nebraska.
Two Men Sentenced for Life, Woman
Gets 20 Years.
CHICAGO, 111.—“A jury late today |
convicted John Rooney, secretary, i
treasurer of the Circular Distributors’
union; Henry Berry, an official of i
the organization, and Rosalie Rizzo,
Rooney’s reputed sweetheart, of the
slaying of Stanley Gross in what
authorities had termed a test case in
its drive on racketeering.
The punishment of Rooney and
Berry was fixed at life imprisonment
and the woman was sentenced to a
20_year prison term.
The prosecution had charged that
Gross, a watchman employed by the
Goldblatt department stores, was shot
down last spring during a campaign
of terrorism waged against the firm
by Rooney and his henchmen in an
attempt to force the concern to meet
the union demands in distributing its
The trial of the union officials and i
their woman companion was pressed
by State’s Attorney Courtney as one
of his opening drives in a general
war on racketeering w’hich has al_
ready brought indictments of a num_
; her of prominent persons, gang lead_
ers and politicians in connection with
the alleged illegal practices in the
; cleaning and dyeing and some
branches of the trucking industry.
During the trial, the head of the
Goldblatt stores testified he had paid
several thousand dollars to Rooney to
end window smashing, slashing of
goods and other forms of intimidation
directed againt his concern
Meanwhile a concerted drive on
crime in the city ended its first week
with a “gratifying record,” Chief
Justice Prystalski said. Twenty_nine
criminals, most of whom were
charged with using guns in their law
violations were sentenced
T —=j
(Prom the Denver Star)
You can’t have prejudice, without, at the same time,
having hate and fear and selfishness.
We only rise above and out of prejudice when we rise
above and out of the thoughts and suggestions which
cause prejudice. We then clear our minds of the belief
in prejudice, hate and fear. Moral: Destroy the cause
of prejudice and you destroy the effect of that cause.
Jim Crow must go, sometime, somehow, why not, today?
Let’s you and I make America,just a little better by daily
preaching and practicing it. Prejudice is built on fear
selfishness and ignorance.
Be it resolved, for this year and all other years,
that I will face unpopularity for the sake of truth; I
will declare boldly my convictions though they make me
despised; I will cleanse my heart from all selfishness to
the end that the will of mankind’s common Father may be
more fully expressed through my life.” Let this be a lesson
to you.
Front Kitchenette Apt. ATlantic 7356
Furnished Room for rent. 2875 Ohio.
WEbster 4909.
Wig Making, Curls, and etc. AT.7356
Furnished Room for Rent, WE. 4162
House for Rent, 1525 North 21st St.
2 or 3 room Apt., furnished or .un_
furnished to reliable people. WE. 0100
1525 North 21st Street, 5
room modern Cottage,
redecorated, water, garage.
ATlantic 5206.
Will Get Results
for You . . .
rent your vacant rooms, houses
or apartments, or sell useful
houseful articles for you.
Just Call WEbster 1750 and
tell the Office Girl what you
have to rent or sell. The cost for
running is very small.
This is what one advertiser
has to say about the three line
‘ad’ she ran in the paper last
I bought the Guide Saturday
because I was running an ‘ad’
to rent an apartment. I rented
the apartment right off the
reejl, and I have been swamped
with calls for the ap?f-tmicnt
ever since. They saw the ‘ad’ in
The Omaha Guide
Classified ‘Ads’
Cafe For Sale, Good Lo
cation- Call Ja. 8576
Shirts Finished
When Finished out of Wet
Wash—Thrifty—R. D.
Linen Bdles.
. Phone - JA. 0243
Now Located
2122 N. 24th St.
We. 770
Get Your Chicken for Sunday’s
LARGE HEAVY HENS, Per lb. 1.3c
LEGHORN HENS, Light, Per lb. 10c
YOUNG DUCKLINGS, Just right for roast, lb. 10c
Strictly fresh Country EGGS, doz. 10c & 15c
—(Just Brought In Today)—
Omaha Poultry House
1114 h. 24th St.-M Deliver- WE UOO
of Course You Are.
Try Our Semi Flat at 6c per Pound
with Shirts Finished at 8c each
Edholm & Sherman
2401 North 24th St._ WEbster 6055
Do yon know what you are taking for these complaint* t
A doctor's nreseription, scientifically prepared and founded on a
physician's hosnital research'and exnerience in private practice.
If vonr Hvtfwwiot cannot STTonlv von SEND'FOR A BOY TODAY
—DO NOT DELAY—Ctova-TARP. pq. Box 12. College Stat.
New York City
Mail thic rovnnn with 50 cents fSend no stamps)
CT.OV A-TABS. P O. Boi 1*. Coll«» Station. New fork CHr De*t S
Name .....
Addrw* . R F.D. Bos No.
__ Office .. . ... .. State . ...