The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 10, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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Common or garden blisters are g I | I ~ I * |' To make men of little boys, you
the kind the town man brings on 1^^ I ■ ■ I I I ■ § % I Lj have to compel them to do many
with his hoe. M I ^^1 ^ W I I I I m I I 1 things that require courage.
If it is a current frenzy, sidestep It is often somewhat difficult to
it; don't be one of a flock of sheep. ltl\ Ray of StlflStllTlQ live UP t0 PU^*C ^P^81'088
PAGK 4 ___Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, June 10, 1933__
A committee of women represent
ing various local church of which Mrs
T. P. Mahamitt is chairman will pres,
ent*a~ b:g June Musicale at the Hill
side Presbyterian Church, 30th and
Ohio Sts.. Sunday, June Ibth at 8 p.
m. in interest of the Community Cen
ter at 22nd and Lake Sts. This music
ale will he the third of the many ac
tivities which these women will spon
sor in their big “Kitchen Drive” for
the furnishing of the Center’s kitch
There will be singers of reputa
tion heard on this program. There
will be « silver offering taken. Every
one welcome.
The committee includes: Mesdames
T. P. Mahamitt, Earl Wheeler, L.
Shipmn, M. Johnson, C. Jewell, E.
Campers. V. Turner. E. Pinkett, S.
Stamps. F. Johnson, N. Shelton, R.
Jones, H. Leland. I. Hangar. A. Gal.
loway, A. Copeland, A. Bland, M.
* Brown. Shackelford. and Messrs.
Herman Friedlander and Charles Dic
Drug Store
Our New Number. W1MII 3
1 19*4 Nol 14th 8L Omaha [
►■* « »...»«■■* ■ » »■»
for Better
Buy Your Garden Seeds in
* Bulk and SAVE M%—
We Carry a Complete Line of
Rom Bushes. Trees, Shrubs,
Grans Seed and Fertilizer.
—Home Landscape Service—
924 N. 24th St. Tel. JA. 5115
■j/i . _:
“Y Notes”
The Public Affairs Committee held
a delightful picnic out at Camp Brew,
ster on Thursday of last week. The
committee has made interesting stud
ies during the winter and has devot
ed its meetin-zs to an analysis of Ne
braska State Laws for Women and
Workmen’s Compensation and Inter
national Questions. Attorneys Edith
Beckman and Hunter have assisted
with the studies. The members of the
committee are Miss Jennie Robinson
Chairman and Mesdames lone Hang
er, Charlotte Crawford. Howard Bat
tles, J. H. Kerns. S. H. Dorsey, J. S.
Williams, Malcolm Scott, and L. F.
On hriday evening at the North
Side “Y” members of the House com
mittee and their friends held their
closing social meeting. The House
Committee has made itself very busy
looking after the building during the
past year. Members of this commit
tee are Mrs. Minnie Ousley, Chair
man and Mesdames Hattie Johnson,
Malcolm Scott, Lorraine Shumaker,
Sarah Bradley. Hattian Madison, Lil
lian White, Ada Woodson, Lulu Wil
liams, Irene Morton, Jane Johnson,
Marie Lecoq, and L. L. McVay.
The Hospitality Committee with
Mrs. W'illiam Evans as chairman, has
carried out a very interesting and
worthwhile program during the past
year. This committee closed its meet
ings with a very pretty reception on
Monday evening at the “Y” the re
ception being a Membership Recep
tion for all YWCA members and
their husbands. Members of the Hos
pitality Committee are Mesdames
Bessie Peoples Blanche Buford, Frank
Wesley. S. L. Richardson. W. P. Wade
Sarah Stamps. James Bradshaw, Su
sie Jones, T. C. Ross, J. H. Merritt,
Rachel Woods, William Perkins, and
Roberta Bailey.
The Booklovers Club will hold its
meeting for June at Kuntz Park at
which time Miss Jennie Robinson will
deview “The Good Earth!” Mrs. Ruth
Gordon is President of this group.
Clubs Elect New Officers
At its regular meeting on Friday,
evening. June 2nd, the Quack Club e
lected its officers for the next year,
1933-34. The new officers are Mrs.
Corrine McDaniels, President; Miss
n M
MBe sure to get gour
Westinghouse Fan
€•«« in mmd ]\T g^ >.» f
see this B-inch ^ ® ” wM/ •
Oar i Ha tiny Fan
Don’t go through
another mummer
' I
YOU can’t pick a better time
than right now to buy a
fan. And you can’t buy a bet
ter fan than a Westinghouse.
They’re made to blow cool
comfort your way when the
mercury climbs high. Look
over our display ol Westing
house Fans today. Stand in
front of one of them and feel
its refreshing breeze. You’ll
wonder how you ever got
along without one.
. Westinghouse Fan
Nebraska Power «
Lucy Mae Stamps, Vice President;
Miss Hazel Trambel, Secretary; Miss
Faith Patterson, Assistant Sscretary;
Mrs. Lillian Pettiford, Treasurer; and
Mrs. Merriam Fowler, Reporter.
The Optimists Club, Junior Hi^h
School Girls, elected the following of.
ficers for 1933.34 at its regular meet
ing on Monday. June 5th; Ruth Gale,
Griffith. President; Eva Mae Stewart
Vice President; Irene Harrold, Sec’y;
Thelma Dickinson, Treasurer; Inez
Coulson, Sergeant at Arms; Leona
Davis, Reporter; and Ada Lee Walk
er. Representative to Inter-Club
Industrial Club Officers to Breakfast
in Park
The officers for last year and the
new officers of the Quack Club and
the officers of the Trojan Club will
be the guests of Miss Rachel Taylor
and Miss Albsertine Johnson at
breakfast in Elmwood Park on Sun
day morning. June 11th.
Much credit for an enjoyable out
ing at Father Flanagan’s Home on
Decoration Day goes to Mesdames
Victoria Turner, H. L. Anderson and
Minnie Dixon. Promptly at two oclock
an ensemble of cars drove from the
YWCA, out to Father Flanagan’s
Home. They were met by a commit
tee of Visitor’s Guides made up of two
boys, residents of the home. The
group visited the entire plant, stop
ped to see a baseball game and track
meet by the boys of the home. It was
a pleasure to meet the Assistant
Stenographer to Father Flanagan
who is a fine young Colored boy from
Colorado who spoke in glowing terms
of the home. The party proceeded
from Father Flanagan's Home to
Muny Beach where they picniced.
This was the closing trip for the
year. The Membership Committee has
sponsored education trips through the
Telephone Building, Iten Biscuit Co.,
Josyln Memorial, Cudahy Packing
Plant, and the Douglas County Hos
Under the direction of the General
Education Committee, a car load of
youngsters hay rode to Manden Park
on last Friday. Baseball and other
games \nd races were featured for
the outing. The kiddis had such a de
lightful time another Hay Ride is to
be held this Friday to Riverview
Park. Mrs. Thelma Hancock is Chair
man of the General Education Com
A very enjoyable time was had by
a group of young people who attend
ed the Trojan Club’s Spring Dancing
Party given at the “Y” on Thursday
evenng, May 25th. This group had it?
meeting for the week as a picnic for
Club girls at Elmwood park on Dec
oration Day. Lola Smith is president
of the Club and Ella Mae Mills, Sec.
As a part of its contribution to the
North Side “Y” this year the Quack
Club is having the office in the build
ing partitioned. Having no partition
between the main reception room and
the office makes it very difficult to
work in the office when activities are
being carried on in the building. The
Quack Club is able to have this work
done with a part of the proceeds
from its Annual Style Revue.
The Happy Hour Bridge Club met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Biddieux,
2218 North 27th Avenue. Miss Nor
ma Jackson, hostess. Bridge was play
ed. Mrs. C. Selectman and Mrs. Phil
lips were awarded prizes for the high
score of the evening.
The hostess served a delightful re
past. Each one declared Miss Jack
son an ideal hostess.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mr. Mills, 2843 Binney St.
The Happy Hour Bridge Club is
very busy preparing for their spring
frolic to be on June 15th at Brown
ell Hall. 54th and Underwood. It
is Strictly Invitational. H. H. Bridge
Club Reporter.
The Eureka Bridge Club was en.
IBuy Your Bottled i
Goods Ice-Cold at No 2
Extra Cost from Our )
New Electric Refriger- 4
ated Bar. »
Robinson Drug Co. i
—Free Delivery— 4
WE. 5000 j
tertained by Mr. and Mrs. W. Penn, 1
Saturday evening, June 2nd at their
home 3111 Pinkney St.
The regular monthly business was
transacted after which bridge was
played. Mrs. Wm. Buckner and Mr. J.
T. Davis were awarded first prizes.
Mrs. J. Phillips and Mr W. Penn,
We were highly entertained by the
Eureka Quartette which was quite
harmonious. A lovely repast was
Visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. S.
Greenfield and Mrs. Wm. Buckneer.
Meeting adjourned to meet next week
at the home of Mr. J. Davis, 2118 N.
29th St. Mr. P. Adkins, Pres., Mrs. j
J. Phillips, reporter.
Mrs. Charles Morris of 2816 Ohio
St., was at home to the Jolly Twelve
Art Club, Friday, June 1st.
The meeting was opened by the
president. After the transaction of
business, the meeting was turned over
to Mrs. Shirley Kennedy, chairman
of the Memorial Day program which
was rendered in behalf of our deceas
ed members.
We also wish to thank the public
for our tea of last month at the “Y”
which was very successful. We are
looking forward to a grand time at
our picnic July 13th to be given at
Elmwood Park.
A lovely repast was served by the
hostess. The next meeting which will
be the final one for the summer will
be at the home of Mrs. J. Phillips,
3036 Emmett St. Mrs. Geo. Harris,
The stormy Weather Bridge Club
was organized at the home of Mrs.
Lee Bennett at 2619 Decatur St. The
following were elected officers: Miss
Helen Young, president; Miss Dean
Crowley, secretary; Mrs. Lee Bennett
treasurer, Mrs. Beulah Jones, report
er; Mrs. Ester Ransom, critic; Mrs.
Arzilla Bennett, sergeant at arms.
Mesdames Fay Cartwright, Hazel
Hanks and Letha Stublefield were al
so present. The next meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. Letha Stuble
field, 2211*4 Grace St. Visitors are
The Modern Priscilla Art and Study
Club met at the home of Mrs. A. J.
Fowler, 1805 North 25th St.
The meeting was opened by our
new president, Mrs. Vera Graham.
After the business the names of the
following persons were brought in:
Mesdames Estella Arnold, Lizzie
Whitlow and Viola Jones.
Plans were made for a lake shore
drive June 16th. Everybody is ask to
go along.
Our next meeting will be at the
home of the president. Mrs. Vera
Graham, 2509 Grant St., Wednesday
June 7th at 8 p. m. All members are
• sked to be present and visitors are
Vera Graham, pres., Mrs. Frances
Cloud, reporter.
The Joli Cour Club met at the home
of Mrs. B. Hunter. An enjoyable even
ing was spent by all members pres
The club was very sorry to hear
that Miss H. Crossley is sick and hop.
es for her speedy recovery. Some
more beautiful embroidery was brot
in this week. Mrs. M. Booth and Mrs.
W. Anderson received the highest
praise this week.
The evening of the business meet
ing was spent in playing whist and
bridge. Mrs. Booth winning first
prize and Mrs. Brewer, the consola
The club adjourned to meet at the
home of Mrs. Overton next time. Miss
L. Britton, reporter.
The Optimistic Club of the YWCA,
met Monday, June 5th. The election
of officers was held. The outcome was
as follows: Ruth Griffin, president;
Eva Mae Stewart, vice-president
Irene Harrold, Secretary; Thelma Dic
kinson, treausurer; Leona Davis, re
porter; Ada Lee Walker, inter-club
council member; Inez Colsen, sereeant
at arms.
The club members regretted losing
the old officers in particular Miss
Mary Alice Willis who has served the
club so faithfully as president. Miss
Inez Battles is the advisor of the club.
After a short talk by Miss Rachel
Taylor on the coming summer pro
gram the meeting was adjourned by
saying the Girl Reserve Code. Von
ceil Anderson, reporter.
The Quack Club of the North Side
YWCA, held the annual election of
officers at their last meeting.
Officers for the ensuing year are
as follows: President. Mrs. Corine Me
Daniels; Vice-president, Miss Lucy
Mae Stamps; Secretary, Miss Hazel
Tramble; Ass’t. Secretary, Miss Faith
Patterson; Treasurer, Mrs. Lillian
Pettiford; Reporter, Mrs. Merriam
Plans were also discussed for the
annual spring party and picnic. The
last meeting of the season is to be
held June 9th.
Mrs. Merriam Fowler, reporter.
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
(Note for advice write to Maxie Mil
ler, care of Literary Service Bureau,
516 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City.
Mo. For personal reply send self-ad
dressed, stamped envelope.)
MJAXJE MILLER:—I’m twenty-two
and Im in love. But I don’t want to
leave my mother. My boy friend is
older, is in good circumstances and
says he wants us to live by ourselves.
He laughs and says “I’m am afraid of
living with in-laws.” Mother says it
is all right with her if I go or stay.
Sometimes I think I’ll go; then I am
inclined to let this man go rather than
leave home. Wihat would you do?—
Bertha: If I loved a man, believed
he loved me. and he could take care
of me, I’d not be fool enough to cast
him aside. This man is right. When
young people marry they’d better go
to themselves. This will avoid friction
and will give them a chance to gain
knowledge through experience and to
develop initiative and self-reliance.
Marry and go.
by R. A. ADAMS
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
Children’s Day involves interests
and problems of children. The pro
grams add exercises will have as their
object the cultural development of
children. This is wise because upon
children depends the perpetuity of the
human race. And, on the nature of
this development will depend the qual
ity and the utility of future civiliz
But, one of the unfortunate weak
nesses of our present dealings with
our children and their problems is that
of placing the greatest stress on in
tellectual development, and assigning
a place of lesser importance to the
ethical and spiritual phases of these
activities. This needs to be corrected,
because, at best, the intellectual is
erratic, given to dangerous errancies,
and unable to direct the course of hu
man life into safe channels.
Ethical enlightment is necessary to
bring knowledge of human relations,
obligations and responsibil'ties, and
to incite behaviour consonant with
these Much of the trouble in the world
today is the result of failure to reco
gnize these relationships and obliga
tions, and to make practical applica
tion thereof.
Spiritual enlightment explains and
stresses relationship to God and the
devolving duties ensuing. Duties to
God and to our fellowman affect all
human behaviour. Individual and col
lective peace, amity, and social pros
perity are pendent upon them. These
phases of human lif and activities
should be taught to children at a verv
To Nation-Wide Clientele
Covering Every Sickness or Accident
from First Day of Disability
early age and are an indispensable
element of culture development These
are matters worthy of consideration
by parents, teachers, ministers, and
all others who have to do w ith cultur.
ai development of children.
The National Home Library Found
ation, 1518 K Street, N. W. Washing
ington. D. C.
* * *
No comment is necessary on the
[literary content of Shakespeare’s
“The Merchant of Venice”. There are
however, two interesting items in
connection with my reading of this
particular volume.
* * *
Quite recently it was my privilege
to be called before Michigan’s parole
commission with a view of determin
ing whether I should be granted a pa
role or made to serve further periods
of incarceration.
* * *
Knowing that I might have to spend
hours while awaiting my turn before
W. L. PARSLEY. Prop.
Phone Web. 05fi7
2851 Grant St.
24th & Lake St*
Webster 0609
Free Delivery
the commission I looked around my
private collection of books and spied
this little pocket-size edition, of Shak
espeare’s drama. I recalled that years
Ego in school we had to learn the lin
es about ‘‘The quality of mercy is not
svvained1—etc.” and inasmuch as I
was seeking mercy I took this little
book along to read while waiting.
* * *
And while no modern-day Portia’s
appeared in my behalf I was fully
prepared with letters from many of
A meric?’s colored Portias, and by now
all readers know that on June 8th I
will have fully paid my pound of
flesh. The second thought in connec
tion with this volume is that it is one
of the Jacket Library volumes and
sells for only fifteen cents.
—Clifford C. Mitchell
Typewriting, Criticism, Correction,
Revision. Sermons, Addresses and
Special Articles Supplied. We have a
Plan to Publish Books by Negro au
The Literary Serviep Bureau
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Dr. Magnus Hirschfekl, the world-known authority on Sexology
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to help the millions of men and women who have lost or are losing
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All these troubles can be removed with Titus-Pearls. Numerous
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L. S. (State Official; 60 years old, married) complained of
physical exhaustion, dizziness and tremors. Was easily tired. Mental
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general health better, more vigor; dizziness much less and returning
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he had known in the prime of his life.
Start regaining your youthfulness now! To-day! In 2 weeks
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