Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, June 10, 1933 \j Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street by TD» OMAHA GUIDE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Incorporated Phone WEbster 1750 All New* Copy must be in our office not later than Monday at 5 p m - and all Advertising Copy or PaiU Articles, not iater than Wednesday at Noon. Entered a a Second Class mail matter, March 15, 1927, at the Post office at Omaha, Nebraska, under the act of Congress of Mar. 3, 18T9 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly in Advance) One Year.t. $2.00 Six Months . 1.25 Three Months. 1.00 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION—The Omaha Guide is issued weekly and will be -ml to any part of the United States for $2.00 per year in advance. Canadian subscriptions (including postage! $2.50 in advant « Foreign subscriptions (including postage) $3.00 in ad vance Trial six months’ subscriptions, $1.25. Trial Three months’ subscription $1.00. Siugle copy, 5 cents. RENI mg, give the name just as it appears on the label unless it be incorrect, in which case please call our attention to the aiMak» , and always give the full address to which your paper has been sent. CHANGE OK ADDRESS—In ordering a change of address, always give both old and new addresses. If the paper does not reach you regularly, please notify os at once. ADVERTISING RATES—Given upon application. REMITTANCES—Send payment by postal or express money order, cash in registered letter, bank check or stamps. OUR ADDRESS—Send all communications to The Omaha Gillie Publishing Company, Incorporated, 2418-20 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr. --—-——^ i -1 I Ml. Moriah Baptist Church, 24th and Ohio Sts.. Rev. F. P. Jonev*. Pastor. AH Services throughout the day were well attended although it was very hot. Sunday School opened at 9::10 with the uoi sl enthusiasm. Sev. j era! classes report new pupils. During j thr evangelistic period conducted by Miss Ethel Specie, Supt. of the In termediate department and the pas tor. one united as a candidate for bap. J tiam A spiritual feast was enjoyed in1 . the covenant meeting at 11 o’clock, j An ms pi rational sermon by the pas tor. and the administration of the Lords Supper closed the morning ser vice. The BYPU. opened at 6:30 with the i usual large attendance. A wonderful demonstration on ‘How to Use Our Education” was given by the Ever lojrml Group. The decoration and stage arrangement, which was done by Miss j Beulah Speese, Mrs. Pinkie Speese, j and Mr* Pauline Stewart, showed a marked artistic ability. 8:00 p. m. preaching by the pastor. Many visit ors attended each service. On next Sunday June 11, a Union Baptismal service will be held st 3:00 p. m. by Mt Moriah and St. John Baptist Churches, at Mt. Mpriah. The Choir wfl give a lawn social at the Home of Mrs. J A. Griffin, 2910 North 28th Ave., June 16. Everyone is invited to attend all of our service*. Zion Baptist < March. 221S Grant St„ Rev. C. C. Harper. Pastor, Rev. J. R. Yoons, Asa’t PoPtor Sonia? School. 9:36 a. as., H. L. Aodcmoo. Supt Sunday morning service was enjoy ed by a large congregation upon the reception of Rev. C. C Harper from his extensive trip through the south. Rev C. C. Harper preached a most inspiring sermon. “Enoch Walked with God", 5 Gan. 24 Special aftemon service was held by Rev. Dotaon of Pilrrim Baptist Church and hs choir and congrega tion to inspire the Reds and the Blu ea in the Penny Rally of which the Reds wen. K“ L. Turner was general of the Reds. H L. Anderson, general for the Bluer BYPV will be held at 6 p. m. sharp Group t will render the program. Let everybody come out M. Landrum, \ pres. Mrs Mildred Turner, sect. The evening service was preached by Rrr. C C. Harper and the final report of the Penny Rally and award ing the victory to the Reds The Im perial Choir A. L. Scott, pres., preach er, sect., rendered the hymnals for both services. Take notice ar.d remember Rev. C. C. Harper will preach Sunday morn ing service at 10:45. H. L. Anderson and Lola Bryant win prUsert the Children’s Day program Sunday at 2:30 p. m. ■„ — . ... I Let us encourage the kiddies by a large congregation. | j Hillside Presbyterian Church Sunday morning, June 11th will be “Leadership Day” at the Hillside Church. All religious and social lead ers are especially invited to take part in this special service. Rev. John S. Williams, Pastor of the church will speak on “The Essentials fo Leader ship in Social and Christian Work.” There is always good music at Hill side. The doors are opened to welcome you. There will be Christian Endeavor and a 15 minute sermon at 7:30 in the evening. Mr. Ollie Lewis is president of the Endeavor. Mrs. Dell Lewis, secretary. On Thursday, June 15th, the wom en of the Third Presbyterian Church will present a play entitled “The Old Maid’s Club.” Don’t miss this treat. Pilgrim Baptist Church, 25th and Hamilton Sts., Rev. Jas. H. Dotson, Pastor, Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 10:45 a. m, BYPU. 6:30 p. m. Evening Services 7:45 p. m. Sunday’s worship was begun with Sunday School at 9:30 The school un der the supervision of Fred Dixon, is making rapid progress. Promptly at 10:45 the choir began their recessional. The pastor was in his usual place and he preached from the sermon, “God’s Charge Against the Church.” Rev. Dotson seemed to be inspired and his message was in deed a powerful one. One member u nited with the church. At 3 p. m. Rev. Dotson and con gregation were with Zion. Communion services were held Sunday night. Visitors were very well in attendance all day. If you want a spiritual treat, come to Pilgrim. Remember prayer meeting Wednes day night. REV. GLOVER ORGANIZES INDEPENDENT CHURCH Rev. Glover organized the First Independent Church. They will hold services at 2702 Lake St., He pastored in California a few years ago where he met Dr. Gregg, Pastor of the In. dependent Church of Los Angeles, with a membership of two thousand Rev. Glover and his officials have planned to buy a Church and parson age, now occupied by a white congre gation. Services will be as follows: Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning Service 11, Young Peoples League 6:30 p. m.. Evening Worship 7:45. Rev. Glover will preach morning and evening. Special Services Wednesday night. A visiting minister will preach at 8 o’clock. Rev. Glover is a graduate of Turner College, Memphis, Tenn., with the Degree of Bachelor of Div inity. He is also known as a musician having instructed several choirs of the city. He plans to work with all Ministers and their congregations. He wishes to make it clear that he is not connected with AME. Church any longer. There will be special music Sunday evening, by the choir. Every body is invited to attend. “REVEALING” YOUR PAST FUTURE by Abbe’ W allace “YOUNGEST MENTALIST ON THE AMERICAN STAGE" W. M. L.—Will my husband be suc cessful in the business that he is go irv? into? Ans: Not as successful as he might be if he new a little about this busi ness. The experience will do him good however and I suggest that he try his luck at this line. R. J. T.—Please tell me if I will get what I want on the 6th of June? Ans: Yes; You will get a good bag at the Golf Club on the sixth of June You will be well satisfied I think. B. S.—I don’t know whether to take the steps I have in mind or to stay the way I am now. Please give me your help. Ans: What do you want with a wife? Matrimony holds nothing new for yqou. I advise you to let well enough alone and remain a bachelor. F. B.—Where is the buckle off my new shoe? Ans: Under the back seat of your boy friend’s car. Please don’t write me and ask me how it go there for you might embarrass the folks that read this column. A. G.—My husband is a money spen der and when he hasn’t any he wants to spend mine. Before marriage he said he did any kind of work but I hear that he never did like to work. Tell me what he means to do. Will he live with me and help me make a liv ing and be nice to me or quit? Ans: Oh he will be nice to you alright but as far as help support you is con cerned he will continue to be a fail ure. You heard right when you heard he was lazy. That is the best thing he does. B. E.—Is this dentist I am sending my sister to any good? Ans: One of the best in the city. You are fortunate in securing this den tist for your sister. Her mouth trou ble will be a thing of the past. F. R. T.—Will I pass all my exams successfully? Ans: You vdll flunk in History. Oth erwise everything will be aces. R. E. D.—Did my boy friend receive the letter or did he mean what he said? Ans: Don’t let him kid you, he got the letter also your little request. He did not have the money to send you and if he had he would not have sent it. I don’t blame him any either, as you mean him no good. F. H.—Who ran my brother off the side of the road causing the car to be turned over? Ans: The same fellow that has been after you for the past two months. He told you that he would get you and he will. He thought you were driving the car. P- L.—Will you please tell me under what Zodiac sign I was born? Ans: You were born under the sign of Virgo. This accounts for the rea on you are so tempermental. I advise you to control this to the best of your ability. L. K. N.—Is my sister in law a friend or an enemy? Ans: An enemy. She is the cause of your unhappy home life. With hor “gift of gab” she can ruin anyone’s home life. Persuade your husband to make a change. M. Me.—Will I hit the number any time soon? I am just about "disgusted. Ans: A week from Monday I contact you winning a sum of money, appar ently from the numbers. Incidentally Monday is your lucky day. Northside Unity Class meets every Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m. at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Ousley, 2408 North 25th St. Mr. Christopher P. Scott of Yakima, Washington, gave an interesting talk before the class Saturday morning at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. F. Thompson, pres. Mrs. Wm. Ous ley sec’y. NOTE:—Your question printed free in this column. For Prviate reply send 25c and (self addressed stamped enevelope for my New Astrological Read ing and reeive by return mail my advice on three questions free. Sign your full name birthdate, and correct address. Adress Abbe’ Wallace, P. 0. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia. fSSynewSoysto^* DELIVER The OMAHA GUIDE TO YOUR DOOR We. 1750 -- ■ ■ ■—.- =S=L WEEKLY SHORT SERMON CHILD TRAINING by Dr. A. G. Bearer (For the Literary Service Bureau) Text: Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.—Proverbs 22 6. This text is one frequently used, but its lesson is seriously needed. Espec ially is this true of the age of parent al laxness, neglect and indulgence. Perhaps there is no better or simpler way to emphasize the lessons than to follow the order of the clauses of the text. Living a life worthwhile requires the utmost skill and tact. To acquire these one must have training. A vine is capable of climbing, but it has to be trained. The bird was made to fly, but the mother bird trains the young. So, the mind, heart and life of the human being must be trained in order to be prepared for service. The ad monition is train UP. This means en lighten, elevate, direct activities and energies upward. The time to do this is the period of childhod, when the mind and heart are susceptible and yielding. The conclusion is philosophical. Character is the sum of our habits, and if the proper habits have been formed then the dispositions, trends and tendencies become permanent; and their influence will mean stabil ity of character and correctness of life. TO GIVE PLAY AT HILLSIDE On Thursday night, June 15th at 8:15, Circle No. 1 of the Hillside Presbyterian Church, 30th and Ohio Sts., will present the women of the Third Presbyterian Church in a play entitled “The Old Maid’s Club.” Rev. Ernest Decker is pastor of the Third Church. Read The... Every Week Washington BELIEVED IN THE POWER OF WANT-ADS -* >• yMi mm+mm ml 1SAT ^ ml+**4m paMkt W TOM m* fe it. »«• WANT-AD DEPARTMENT _ John Adams, Jr., Atty., Notice of Probate of Will In tbe County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Mil dred A. Bland, deceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a peti tion has been filed in said Court, pray ing for the probate of a certain in strument now on file in said Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 3rd day of June 1933, and that if they fail to ap pear at said Court on the said 3rd day of June 1933, at 9 o’clock A. M. to contest the probate of said will, the Court may allow and probate said will and grant administration of said estate to Dr. Wesley Jones or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford, County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Tex. anna Malone, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet th administratrix of said estate, be fore me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, a tthe County Court Room, in said County, on the 5th day of July 1933 and on the 5th day of September 1933, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examin ation, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 5th day of June 1933. Bryce Crawford, County Judge. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Thurman Johnson, deceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a peti. tion has been filed in said Court al leging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for adminis tration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 8th day of April 1983, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 8th day of April 1933, at 9 o’clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant ad ministration of said estate to Dr. Price Terrell or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford, County Judge. Local Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man must prevail. These are the only principles which will stand the acid test of good citizenship in time of peace, war and death. . (1) We must have our pro-rata of employment in businesses to which we give our patronage, such as groc ery stores, laundries, furniture stores, department stores and coal companies, in fact* every concern which we sup port. We must give our citizens the chance to live res pectably. We are tired of educating our children and permitting them to remain economic slaves and enter in to lives of shame. (2) Our pro-rata of employment for the patronage to our public corporations such as railroad companies, the street car company, the Nebraska Power Company, the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company and other establishments which we are forced to support by right of franchise. Also our pro-rata of employment in re turn for the taxes we pay in our city, county state and federal government. (3) To encourage the establishment of a first class hospital that we may get the best that there is in medical science from our doctors whom we know to be nearest us, also to encourage a high respect of them and encourage more of our girls to take nurse training. (4) A one hundred per cent deportment of our cit izens in our public or private places of business, especial ly on street cars. If we are to be respected we must act respectably, especially in public places where we are con stantly before the public’s eye. (5) A one hundred per cent membership in the Om aha branch of the NAACP. should be had to encourage the efforts put forth by the founders of the organization and to assist the general office to establish a five million dollar endowment fund to maintain operating expenses and to further the principles of the NAACP. All peo ple of all races must be educated up to a higher principle and a more thorough understanding of interracial rela tionship that our country may in reality be a government of the people, for the people and By the people in whole and not in part. (6) The re-establishment of the Christian Religion as Christ taught it, for the uplifting of mankind, elimin ating financial and personal gain. A practical Christian Religion, week day as well as Sunday. An attitude to ward our fellowman as a brother in order to establish a principle which will guide the destiny of each other’s children; our neighbor’s children today are our children tomorrow. (7) Courteous treatment in all places of business and the enforcement of the State Civil Right Law. (8) To encourage and assist in the establishment of the following financial institutions near 24th and Lake Streets: A building and loan association, a state bank, administering aid and assistance to our widows and children. (9) To encourage the erection of a one hundred thousand dollar Young Men’s Christian Association Building near 24th and Lake Streets. (10) To enlarge the Young Women’s Christian As sociation that it may supply sufficient dormitory accom modations. (11) To teach our citizens to live economically with in their earning capacity by printing in each issue a bud get system for various salaries. _ (12) To make Omaha a better city in which to live by inaugurating a more cosmopolitan spirit among our American citizens. (13 To put a stop to the Divorce Evil by passing a State law making the mistreatment of a wife or a hus band by either of them, a criminal offense to be decided by a jury, first offense, jail sentence of a short duration; second offense, one of longer duration; third offense, from one to five years in the penitentiary. This, we be lieve will make men and women think before marrying. (14) We must become owners of the city govern ment by paying a seemingly higher salary to those whom we employ to administer its affairs, a salary that will at and, also, a first-class trust company for the purpose of tract men of high calibre. National (1) Fight for a passage of the Dyer Anti-Lynch Bill and thus stop the shamful lynching of American citizens. (2) One of our citizens in the president’s cabinet. (3) Federal control of the educational system that every child must have a high school education. (4) Assist in the furtherance of research by our scientists and historians to prove that civilization was first founded in Africa. (5) Establish a political influence which will bring about our pro-rata of higher appointments made by our chief executives. (6) Stop graft in politics by passing a Federal Law making election day a legal holiday and compelling every American citizen of voting age to vote. # (7) Prevent further wars by teaching the so-called white race that it is high time for them to quit fooling themselves about white supremacy with only three-tenths of the world’s population. They must be taught that color is due to climatic conditions. They must be taught that seven-tenths of the world’s population is made up of darker races. They must be taught that the rays of sun that blaze upon the equator and turn the skin brown do not affect the power of the brain any more than the cold ness of icy glaciers affect the brain of the white race; and that the darker races will not continue to be crushed by a money mad few. If the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man are not welded into the hearts of this world’s family now, by teaching the principles laid down by our Saviour, it will be welded into the hearts of our children some day soon, on the bloodiest battlefields this world has eyer known. (8) Cut down congressional representation from the Southern States in proportion to the number of votes cast The OMAHA GUIDE will put forth its best efforts to bring about the above 22 points with the assistance of those who believe it is for the best interest of good Amer ican citizenship.