p The Only Paper of ffs 1 ^^ P V Vt °°v^iia Guide Kind West of the • Missouri River | VOL vn.— Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, June 10,1933 Number Sixteen— If 5c II PER COPY ^1 118 1^" "Tune In ~ ■■ | B KO A I)CASTI'.i* | Every Week from this Column X By CLIFFORD C. MTOJEll l I’rejMrin* To Leave Prison, • • • Never did I even dream that when Mrs. Cannady.Franklin, opened the columns of her Portland (Oregon) Advocate and commenced publishing this column, a tittle over three years ago. that my writings would attract the attention of readers throughout America as they have. When I sent irv first copy to the Advocate I men. tioned in a letter to the editor that if before I left prison I could get my writings in as many as twenty-five different papers that I would consid er my efforts a success. • • • Now that 1 am preparing to leave prison I am publishing a brief sum mary showiiai the extent that my writings have been used: digesting the News”—in one hun dred and two publications. “Weekly Book Comments.—in sixty publications. “PrUons and Prisoners”—in thirty seven publications. “This and That”— in twenty-four publications, and short stories, feat ure articles and personal sketches, in seven magazines and special public ations. • • • If, upon my entrance into Negro journalism, as a free man, I can con tinue. expand and more adequately develope my writings and my service to the colored publications and their readers, and at the same time earn enough to keep the wolf away from the door and pay my just debts I shall be exceedingly happy for in writing I have found something that I love to do and which I have wanted to do all of my life. • • • Already, even before the prison gates are opened to me, two commerc ial writing offers have reached me. Mr. Crews, editor of the Bronzeman. wants me to write a series of articles reflecting my reaction to freedom, etc. And from Miami. Florida, a tele gram has been received announcing the establishment of a new Daily there and asking me to wire them a column daily. This I am already do ing. and incidentally it is the first re quest I have ever received to wire copy. When I received a copy of this new Daily I will tell my readers more about it. • • • I take this means of thanking the various newspaper publishers through out the country who have featured my coming release in news stories and editorial comment. And I also thank my many readers who have al ready showered my with congratula tions. Particular thanks are extended to the Jackson Prison officials who are making my last prison days so congenial, and to the Inmates who are making my last prison days so j congenial, and to the Inmates who j are showering me with little gifts j that will come in handy after my re lease. • • • Mr. Harry H. Pace, president of the Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Company, my benefactor and sponsor of my efforts while I shall be on par ole. advises me that working facilit ies have already been arranged for me in their home office, and I am ask ing all of my reader friends to drop me a line. My address will be, Clif-1 ford C. Mitchell, Writer. 3507 South Parkway. Chicago, Illinois. Renovizing Cam pain Gaining Head way Gaining speed from new* of the SltKt.OOO credit pool formed by Omaha banks to assist homeowners in financ ing improvements, the “Renovize 0. maha” campaign went into high gear this week, as nearly a thousand wom en improvers, began a house to house * anvass of the city. The women im- ! provers are leaving “Renovize Om aha” literature, to pave the way for made canvassers who will take the field next week and secure rencvizintj pledg' * from householder* and busi ness men. rirmation of the $100,000 pool, which will be loaned out to household ers for renovizing purposes at six per cent interest and with a limit of $200 per loan, was hailed by the Re. novizing leaders as breaking the ice jam of credit which has retarded home improvements in recent years. It presages a successful campaign, ac cording to the Renovizers, who point to Washington, D. C., where similar coperative bank action put over the renovizing drive wdth a bang. The women improvers of the re novizing campaign can be identified through the official Omaha conven tion key badge, with a pale green rib bon attached. In their canvass they have been instructed by General Chairman Kirk Greggs to stress the relief aspect of the renovizing drive. Greggs points out that jobs created now will lighten the load on Omaha Chraitable agencies next winter. WESTERN UNIVERSITY CLOSES \FTBR 38 YEARS OF STRENUOUS ACTIVITIES by R. A. Adams (For the Literary Service Bureau) “Fire in their eyes and determin ation in their hearts” might aptly des cribe the atttitude of the trustees of Western University, as they discussed its affairs and, expressed their indig nation and voiced their protests a gainst what they considered a foul blow aimed at the life of the institu tion. The concrete cause was dissatisfac tion with the adjustment of the af fairs of the Industrial Department, supported by the State of Kansas and operated under the supervision of Western university. The objectionable features of this arrangement are: (1) the action of the Governor of Kansas in placing the control of this department in the hands of persons who were antagon istic to the existing relationship be tween the AME. Church and the State, in its operation; (2) election to the chairmanship of this board of trustees a man who had expressed the determination to bring about the “divorcement” of these interests; (3) action of this board in placing as su perintendent of this department a man who had been discredited and penalized, by his church, for gross misconduct, and who, for that reason, was considered unfit to direct the liv es of young people; (4) the discourt eous treatment accorded Bishop Gregg by the administration and by the new management of this school; (5) the ruthless grabbing control of the af fairs before the expiration of the school year, with its effect upon the commencement exercises. The resolution which closed the school was offered by a committee composed of Revs. T. W. Greene, Jr., J. A. Chandley, S. R, Stanley, R. A, Adams. W. D, Wilkins, and it read: WHEREAS we consider it impos sible successfully to operate Western University under conditions brought about by the new management of the State Industrial Department. BE IT RESOLVED: That it is the sense of the trustee board here assembled, that all operations at Wes tern University be suspended until such time as it may be deemed advis able by the trustees to resume such operations. FISK ALUMNI REUNION Nashville, Tennessee, May—Mr. An drew J Allison, Secretary of the Gen eral Alumni Association of Fisk Univ ersity. is arranging a very attractive program for the part the Alumni will Chicago Citizens Demand Equal Rights CALLOWAY TO PLAY Negro Is Put On Tenn. Jury; First Since 70’s Chattanooga, Tenn.—June 6— R. C. Hawkins, a retired mail carrier, was accepted yesterday as a juror af ter eleven white men had been select ed to hear charges of burglarly again st a Neyro. The defendant was found guilty. This is the first time that a Negro has been placed on a jury since the Reconstruction period following the Civil War. Because of the Jim-Crow system prevailing in public places, the jury was not sent out to a restaurant to eat. Instead, meals were brought di rect to the jury room by court at tendants. The International Labor Defense in the Scottsboro, Euel Lee. and Hern don cases sharply raised the demand for Negroes on the jury. The State and the defense agreed that IJawkins was qualified. New Orpheum To Re-Open Week of June 17th with Cab Calloway The spirit of Omaha’s renovization campaign is much in evidence at the Orpheum theatre this week. Since the theatre closed Saturday for one week to redecorate and refurnish for its reopening next Saturday under new management workmen have been busily engaged -riving the house an attractive face of newness. Several outstanding surprises at least will delight local theatregoers at the Orpheum when it rc-opens Sat urday June 17. The theatre will in clude entirely new sound equipment of RCA design that is reputed to have cost more than $35,000. It is similar in type to that of the Musical Hall, the world’s largest movie palace, at Rockefeller ^“nter, New York City. The outstanding feature of the new , sound equipment is its equal distri ! bution of volume. A person may sit ! in any part of the theatre and receive jthe same audition from these RCA. j sound horns as a person seated in any ! part of the theatre, i A second delightful surprise for ; Orpheum patrons upon the relopening of the theatre. Saturday. June 17, | will be the stage attraction which will I be headed by Cab Calloway, the red hot maestro of jazz and his original [Cotton Club orchestra from Harlem, i A galaxy of dusky night club artists will be in support of Cab and his band They will include Nicodemus, eecen jtric dancer; Elmer Turner, girl tap dancer, and Leitha Hill, blues singer. play during Commencement week. This is the 52nd anniversary of the General Alumni Association and many of the largest and most spirited class, es are expected to return. The class es of *93, ’98, ’03, T3, ’187 ’23. and ’28 are hoping to be back in fullforce. The class of ’13 has the distinction of being the smallest ciass graduated from Fisk in the last 35 years it hav ing only 13 members. SENATOR WAGNER TO URGE NO JIM CROW IN PUBLIC WORKS BILL New York, June—A provision in the new 3-billion dollar public works bill to prohibit discrimination in em ployment on account of race, creed or color, is being presented by Senator Robert F. Wagner of New York in response to a request of the National Association for th Advancement of Colored People, it was announced to day. The huge new bill, carrying a total of $3,300,000,000 the 300 millions be ing for direct relief, is designed to relieve unemploym’nt by a program of construction on federal, state and municipal projects including public highways and parkways, public build ings, flood control, water power, riv ers and harbors improvements, low cost housing and the removal of slums and bridges and tunnels. The interest on the loan necessary to carry on this work is to be paid by a tax which will hit Negroes as well as whites and that for this one rea son, in addition to the many others, Negroes should not be discriminated against when they seek jobs on these projects. Walter White, secretary of the NAACP., who wired Senator Wagner asking an amendment to prevent dis crimination and who received a reply saying “I will be glad to present the amendment you suicgest,” urges all branches of the association, individ uals, churches and other organizations to telegraph or wire their senators asking them to vote to make this a mendment part of the public works bill out of justice to Negro workers and other minority groups. ASA D. HERRING FORMER COUNTY FARM AGENT CONVICTED OF MURDER Lillington, N. C. (CNS) Convicted of murder here last week, Asa D. Herring, former county farm demon strator for Harnett County, was sen tenced to life imprisonment in State’s Prison, as an accessory before the facts in the killing of Jacob Hill. Af ter a trial lasting several days, Herr ing was found guilty by a jury that was out only 35 minutes. Notice of appeal was filed. He was taken to State’s Prison for safe-keeping. Herring, who is the husband of the Negro school supervisor of Harnett County, is 28 years old. has one child, and lives in Dunn, Harnett County. His father was an influential leader in Sampson County for forty years. He died last fall after a life of signal usefulness, as a teacher and farm - gent in Simpson County just south of Dunn. Herring was charged with being an accessory both before and after the fact in the murder of his brother-in law, Jacob Hill, of Clinton, on the night of the 15th of January. 1933. Three others were charged with the same offense. Two of them,tried in a separate case last week were Convict ed. They were: Johnny Lee, who con fessed to firing the fatal shot, and was sentenced to be electrocuted July 7, and Paul Holmes, sentenced to serve 25 to 30 years in State’s Prison after the jury found him guilty of murder in the second degree. Joe Ham, another man, involved in the affair, is yet to be tried. Jacob Hill, Clinto barber, was found dead near his parked ear at a lonely spot a short distance from Dunn on the night of January 15th. Investiga tion by the officers, resulted in the arrest of the 'men above named. Lee Holmes and Ham claim that Herring had persuaded them into the conspir acy to take Hill’s life after promising them $175 to do the job, later raising the price to $200. Lee admitted that he did the killing, and on the witness stand he attempted to exonerate all others except Herring, claiming that they had nothing to do with the shoot ing. It was his testimony, along with that of many others, that convicted Herring. , WHITE SUPERVISOR WHO STOLE SCHOOL FUNDS TO SERVE TERM Jackson, Miss (CNS) The Mississi-1 ppi Supreme Court on last Monday affirmed the five year penitentiary sentence of Bura Hilbun, former su pervisor of Negro education in Missi ssippi. on charges of misappropriat ing $51,000 of Rosenwald funds allot ted to Mississippi for school mainten ance. The court decision declared that evidence was without conflict, and it showed the appelant’s guilt beyond all reasonable doubt. ' Attorneys for Hilbun attempted to argue that “the donor of the Rosen wald funds had never raised his voice in criticism of the manner in which he administered the funds, therefore nobody else had any rieht to com plain, and that there could be no em bezzling of this fund because it was a gift to the Negro children of this state.” The Supreme Court of Missi ssippi disregarded this weak and filmsy evidence. WHITE WIFE SLAYER OF GREER PLAYWRIGHT, HELD FOR MURDER Los Angeles, Calif., (CNS) The Coroner’s jury verdict of a justifiable homicide in connection with the fatal shooting of Richard 0. Greer, by his white wife, was disregarded by a grand jury on June 2 which charged the wife with murder. Mrs. Suwanna Meyer Greer, thirty years old, once wealthy resident of Asbury Park, N. J. came here some months ago with $80,000 to back her Negro husband in the production of a play Greer was writing. The indictment was a surprise, since authorities had indicated they agreed with a Coroner’s jury verdict whch called the shooting “excusable homicide.” Mrs. Greer contended she shot him after he beat her in a drun ken rage. Mrs. Greer, a native of Germany, also was accused of violating an act making it a felony for aliens to pos sess firearms. JOB DISCRIMINATION BILL PASSES N. JERSEY HOUSE Trenton, N. J. June—A bill which will prohibit discrimination against Negro workers in employment on state public works projects passed the New Jersey lower house last week and is now before the senate. The bill was introduced and pushed by As semblyman J. Mercer Burrell, colored member from Essex county. It was backed by the New Jersey NAACP. and other organizations and was modelled after a similar bill passed by the Indiana State legislature un der the sponsorship also of a colored legislator in that state, Rep. Henry J. Richardson, jr. The national office of the NAACP. supplied the text of both bills. MRS. STUBBS REPORTS THE DAVISES SAFE AND WELL TREATED IN GERMANY Wilmington. Del. (CNS) The report eminating from Hampton that Alli son W. Davis, instructor at Hampton Institute, on leave in Germany; and his wife, formerly Miss Elizabeth Stubbs of this city, had not been heard from for the past two months and were in grave danger in Germany is denied by Mrs. J. B. Stubbs, Mrs. Davis’ mother. According to Mrs. Stubbs. Mr. and Mrs. Davis who are students in Ber lin, were treated more cordially in Germany than in England, and al though they have witnessed many Nazi demonstrations, they have had no cause for fear. G. R.’s SPONSOR VISIT TO ELECTRIC KITCHEN All women interested in visiting the electric kitchen of the Nebraska Pow er Company are invited to accomp any the High School Girl Reserves on LOOKING BACK “Speak when you’re spoken to Come when you’re called” used to be the terse admonition given to the young. As a general thing children were not allowed to remain in the room when older people were ! engaged in conversation. “Mos’ gen ully they knowed better” than to try to stay. How different, now! “No. Mother; it wasn’t that way; it was this way!” “You are so forget ful, can’t you tell a thing straight?” “But I saw something funnier thae that. Wait, Mother; let me tell it right.” These are common expressions used by young people who “butt in” when their parents and other peonle are talking. Some of them actually ho.? the conversation and take it a. way from their elders. And some of these grievous offen ders in this way are children of ten der vears an those of the adolescent period. Good thing they don’t have my parents, for they’d get one of those famous old back.handed licks and find themselves “sprawling.” a special trip to the electric kitchfn on Monday, June 12th, at 2 p. m sharp. A demonstration of all electric equipment will be given. Refresh, ments will be served. The trip is free and open to any girl or woman inter ested. -.^■■4, . . T , , ■ __ _ _ _ _ J ‘ ^ ^ ' | Dr. Lennox { I On the Job ! ! • ... f May 5, 1933. Northwestern Bell Tepehone Co.. Mr. W. F. Cozad, General Manager, 19th and Douglas Street. Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Sir: Some time ago I communicated with you relative to the prorata of employ ment of your Colored customers. Re ceiving a reply in regards to same, but at that time you were not in a position to bring about a direct or fa vorable consideration. From observation many telephones have been discontinued by subscribers due to unemployment. The present salary as received by a large number of the masses cannot afford the up keep of a telephone, especially the rates of today that have not been de. creased in proportion to the average earning capacity. We are again appealing to you from a humanitarian point of view for a group who have given you con tinuous support and would give more if they received the proper consider ation in regards to employment as other citizens. We cannot understand this great discrimination of employment when there is none shown at the time our fee is received or service is sought from us. If your concern is able to give a reduction in phones for serv. ices received in proportion to the pro rata of employment due us, we could make ourselves satisfied. Realizing there is a distinction manifested, we cannot, knowing the employment re ceived is far, far below the pro rata to which we are entitled. we realize you represent an inde pendent concern, but in view of the fact we also help to support your company, and are taxed the same as others entitles us to this full prorata of employment. This situation we are bringing to you is a serious one, and we are asking that you give it your favorable and profound consideration. Meanwhile, we should like to ex press the appreciation of this com munity for the use of the Mid.City Community Center Building, former ly known as a branch of the Unem ployed Married Men’s Council. Through your generosity allowing this building to be used by this com munity to help better situations along different lines. We are sure it is realized, if this group was given equal opportunities, of employment as others, we should be able to purchase this building, which is up for sale, thereby re moving the burden from your com CHICAGO NAACP. LEADS FIGHT AGAINST DISCRIMINATING PUBLIC PLACES CHICAGO NAACP. TAKES LEAD IN FIGHT FOR CIVIL RIGHTS Chicago, III., June—Within a space of five months the Chicago branch of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People has jumped to the lead of all branches of the association by its fighting pro gram of action for securing of full civil rights for the Negro citizens of Chicago and Illinois. It has filed suits against a railroad, two bus compan ies, a department store and two res taurants for jim crow practices. It has fought for helpful and against discriminatory legislation in the state legislature, has investigated treat ment of Negro prisoners in state pen itentiaries, pressed the fight for more and better jobs without discrimin ation in city, and state work, lined up against any beach segregation, in vestigated school conditions, provid ed a monthly open forum for the dis cussion of vital subjects of race wel. fare, and has established the Wilson Lovett medal, an annual award to the colored citizen adjudged to have con tributed most to the advancement of colored people in Chicago. In addition to all this work, the branch is pre paring to entertain the twenty-fourth annual conference of the NAACP. June 29, July 2. The president of the branch is A. C. McNeal and the sec retary is Archie L. Weaver. An office is maintained at 3456 State Street, with a clerk on duty. . !1. ' ‘ . 1 pany. However, the same is not given not only by your company but others, and as differen corporations and concerns seek our support, we are seeking their cooperation and support in the form of our proata of employment which is greatly needed at this time. Thanking you again for whatever manifestation you may give to help us secure a favorable consideration in regards to this matter, I am Respectfully yours. Dr. G. B. Lennox, President, Omaha Working Men’s Com. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. May 10, 1933 Dr. G. B. Lennox, 2122% North 24th St., Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Dr. Lennox: Your letter of the 5th is before me. This confirms the situation with ref ference to our discusions of last sum mer and subsequent correspondence on the employment condition. I have today checked the matter with our Employment Supervisors here and I find it stands exactly where we left it, that, they are plann ing to employ certain selected people from our Colored population whenever vacancies occur in the classes that per mit recruiting from these ranks. You realize, of course, that the em ployment situation in general has not changed since my visit with you, and when I tell you we have not employed anyone since that time, you will, I believe, also fully appreciate the dif ficulties confronting us in meeting your suggestions. We hope conditions improve, in fact the indications now are that there is some improvement underway. We hope that improvement continues, but I am rather of the opinion that it will be some considerable time before vac ancies occur which will permit our making replacements and thus using present unemployed people. Be assured our plans remain the same as when I reviewed the situation with you and we will cooperate fully as soon as there is opportunity. Yours very truly, W. F. COZAD, General Manager.