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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1933)
SENTENCE SERMONS SENTENCE SERMONS Grandmother finds her renunis. T g ' I I 'X A r I 1 I T Old friends are dearest, and new c, are more listened to than her l\ I I 1 I I ■ I 1 LA I ones are impossible to win. jL JL A ^9 A JL 1 A-^ A >L JL JLmmtJ If one has three disagreeable tasks It it always safe to learn, even to perform, he might divide them a ' " °“r rm_ With Ray of Sanshine thrt* PAGE 4_ Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, June 3, 1933 PORTLAND, OREGON GUESTS EXTENSIVELY ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Crosswhite and son of Portland. Oregon, were Use house guests of Mrs. Lula Round tree and Mrs. Susie Yancy. While in Omaha they were also en tertained by a tea given by Mrs. Lula Roundtree, 2511 Charles St-, a break fast given by Mrs. Leslie Shipman, and daughter, Madeline Shipman, a dinner given by Mrs. A. L. Hawkins, a picnic dinner given at Riverview Park by Mesdames Earl Wheeler, Saybert Hai»:ar, D. V. Gordon, and Bernie Cowan. A dinner given by Mrs L. S. Davis. An afternoon tea given by Mrs. Joseph Taylor. A bridge party given by Mrs. Kenneth Moore and a breakfast given by Mrs. Andrew Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Othello Roundtree also motored their guests to Sioux City, Iowa where Mr. and Mrs. Pal blia Boyd and Mrs. Ella Berdine. Af ter wh ch Mr. and Mrs. Crosswhite left Omaha for Kansas City, Mo. Thursday afternoon. LITTLE MISS SMITH HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY A birthday party was given by Mr. and Mrs Phil Smith for their small daughter, Bonn’ir Bell Smith, who was two years old May 27th. The flowers were in full bloom in the yard and were a lovely back, ground for the group picture that was snapped by Mrs. Maupin with little Miss Bonnie Bell standing by her cake. *• Those present were: Collene King, cade, Joyce Blair. Roberta Longmire, Velma Lee Thomas. Adolphia Kin. caid, Charlotte Manley. Doris Manley, Alberta Henry. Catherine Taylor, Dorris Pittman Virginia Bombere, Annie Lee Hofner, Katherine Neely, Dorothy Woodard, Nadine Manley, and Warren Taylor. ■ If I., » t t a s « » t t » t t t > » n f for Better Gardens... Buy Your Garden Seeds in Bulk and SAVE 60%— We Carry a Complete Line of Roee Bushes. Trees, Shrubs, Grant Seed and Fertilizer. THE OLD RELLABLE —Home Landscape Service— 924 N. 24th St. Tel. JA. 6115 .» _ _— BUEHLER BROS, j MARKETS "Oar Swm I* Supreme" 240S Cuaiuf St. 212 N. I*k St. 24a 4 lake St. 4»«3 S. 24U St. 418 W. Broadway, Co. Bluff* Pork Loin Roast, lb. 5c | Sugar Cured Smoked Haros, lb. 11c ! Pork Shoulder Roast, lb._11c Small Spareribs, lb. 5c 100% Pure Lard, lb, 5]4C Pork Chops, lb. 8c Sunlight Butter, lb. 21!'zc Rex Picnic Hams, lb. 7*/2C Gem Bacon Squares lb^7^c Roasting Chickens, lb 9‘»c Flour, 48 lb. sack, 2 bags limit, per sack 75c !: Eggs, 3 dozen 35c Carnation or Roberts MILK, per can5c Corn, Tomatoes, Pork & Beans, per^can_5c Navy Beans, 3 lbs._10c Catsup, each 10c Red Star Coffee, 2 lbs. 33c THE PASTORS’ WIVES CLUB The Pastors Wives Club met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Al fred Clay on Miami street. After business the program committee pre sented Mrs. J. H. Jackson who read a very interesting paper on “Plans for a Vacation’ Mrs. J. S. Williams rendered a solo. Quotations were from Edgar A. Guest. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent. The hostess served a delicious luncheon. Next meeting will be this week at the home of Mrs. C. C. Harper, on Grant St. All members are asked to be present. Pastors wives are invited to join us. Mrs. F. P. Jones, Pres., Mrs. J. H, Dotson, Reporter, Mrs. Mathias, Sec. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE O F DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. W'illiam B Gamer announce the marriage of their dau ghter, Beryl A. Garner, to Robert Lawson of South Carolina. ClubS THE JOLI COUR CLUB The Joli Cour Club met at the home of Miss H. Crawford M[ay 10th. A jolly time was had by all of the mem bers. Each member present had a lovely piece of embroidery to show the club. The girls are enjoying their sewing more than ever now. A delic ious repast was served by the hostess at midnight. The club wishes to thank their many friends for their cooperation and help with the bakery sale that was given May 6th. The next meeting will be at the home of the club’s treasurer, Mrs. B. Hunter. Mrs. R. Overton received the h ghest praise this week for her sew ing. Miss. L. Britton, reporter. THE SUNFLOWER SOCIAL CLUB The Sunflower Social Club met Wednesday at the residence of 2412 Seward St. Mrs. Daisy Alexander, hostess. The meeting was called to order by the Vice-President at 3:45 p. m. Opening selection and reading were omitted. The hostess served a delicious luncheon. Cards were played until 5 p. m. Miss Beola Zoes was a. warded first prize and Miss Louetta Brown, the booby. The club is living a whist party Fri day, June 9th at the home of Mrs. Rosalie Hughes. 2430 Blondo St. Tic kets are being sold at 10c each. Two prizes will be given away. Refresh ments free. Beola Zoes, reporter. THE HAPPY HOUR BRIDGE CLUB The Happy Hour Bridge Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dorsey. 2843 Binney St., Thursday May 25th. Business transactions were very brief. Bridge was the main event of the evening. Mrs. N. Jackson and Mr. J. C. Brown receiving prizes for the highest scores. But the best and most interesting things was the eats, oh boy! Good old fashioned barbecue and all that goes with it. Mrs. Dorsey was declared an ideal hostess by all. Miss J. Woodson, vis itor. Mrs. N. Jackson will be hostess at the next meeting. 2218 North 27th Ave. H. H. Club reporter. THE PRIMROSE CLUB Mrs. Mayberry was hostess to the Primrose Club at her home, 2815 Miami St., Wednesday, May 23rd. An enjoyable time was had. The weekly feature of progressive whist being the main event. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Brad ley, 2863 Corby and Mr. Mayberry of Miami.. There will be a picnic at Elmwood next week. P, S. C.f reporter. THE JOYEUX BRIDGE CLUB With Mr. W. Williams as host, The Joyeux Bridge Club held their’ last meeting of the season at the residence of his mother, 1121 North 21st St. Plans to entertain the members wives and friends constituted the business program. The Play Well “Chuck” Southard made a splendid showing for the three quarters, but in the last lap “Blooie Louie” Artison nosed him out of first place. Southard, second, ‘Doc’ Seals, third. Banks, Macey. Hanger, Williams and Scott also ran. The pathetic part of the meeting was when one of our members, who does not eat to live, but lives to eat, sat holding his jaw while the others were devouring the sumptious menu prepar ed by the hostess, Mrs. Williams, Sr. THE MODERN PRISCILLA ART AND STUDY CLUB The Modern Priscilla Art and Study Club met at the home of the presi dent, Mrs. Frances Holloway May 11. This being our last meeting of the year, our election was held. The fol lowing officers were elected: Mrs. Vera Graham, president; Mrs. Mills, vice.pres.; Mrs. Frances Holloway, sec.; Mrs. Gertrude Shackelford, Ass’t. Sec.; Mrs. Fowler, chaplain; Mrs. F. W. Cloud, reporter. Our next meeting will be held May 31st at the home of Mrs. Fowler, 1805 North 25th St. Vera Graham, pres.. Mrs. F. W. Cloud, reporter. “O. TEMPORA! O. MORES!” by R. A. ADAMS (For the Literary Service Bureau) * As we view the thoughtless world, Drunken, reckless, dizzy, gay, Amid pleasure’s madd'ning whirl, Rushing on its heedless way, Pleasure’s cup iptent to drain, Even to its very lees, Difficult ’tis to restrain, “0, temporal 0, mores!” Looking at the surging throng, Playing in life’s checkered game, Profit-seeking, rush along, With no sense of guilt, nor shame, As they destiny defy, Thoughtless of dire penalties, Fearful, we’re inclined to cry, “0, temporal 0, mores!” ,~”T! W Noting this, behooveth all, Artful measures to contrive, Ere shall come our tragic fall, And with zeal unflagging, strive. Reformation to complete, Lest justice the sceptre seize; Then ’twere useless to repeat, “O, tempora! O, mores!” LOOKING BACK A HOUSE DIVIDED by Videtta Ish (For the Literary. Service Bureau) Bringing up children is a task. It has always been so and will always be so. It is the task of both parents. And it will require the united efforts of parents. Perhaps the most detri mental thing in this work of rearing children is what has been termed “divided family government.” My parents were a unit. What one said the other said. There was no appeal from the one to other. They faced their problems with closed ranks, and the children understood that, too. In our neighborhood was a family with this divided government, and the results were sad. Mary would say. “Wei, if Mama don’t let me do it I’ll ask Father and he will.” The boy of the family used to boast that “It don’t matter what Dad may say Ma will let me do it when he’s gone.” Sometimes the mother would remark, “Poor children, their father is too strict; they must have some pleasures. The boy became a criminal and the girl made serious moral departures. Yes, a divided family government means defeat—and destruction. • “REVEALING’' YOUR PAST PRESENT FUTURE by Abbe’ Wallace “YOUNGEST MENTALIST ON THE AMERICAN STAGE” W. E. R.—I am in a quandary and you seem to know why. Under the circumstances what shall I do? Ans: I suggest that you make your will t» your estate. I believe that your family physician would make a good executor. E. H. R.—I am in trouble. I had rath er be dead than to live. Am Ibad, I want to be good. It seems as if ev eryone is against me. I am just down hearted in everything. Ans: You will benefit most by tak ing a vacation for a few months. Your present surroundings and envir onment is enough to drive anyone crazy. I advise a complete rest. S. P.—Please tell me when I will hear from my baby? Ans: Your baby is well and healthy. He is in school and the people he is with are good to him. You will hear from him before very long. E. A.—Will my girl friend make me a good wife? Is I alright on my job? Ans: I think so, you have lived with her long enough to find out whether you love her enough to marry her. She will make you a god wife. Your job is safe. H. J.—Will we ever get the things we are looking forward to ? Ans: Your ancestors left no property for any of you. The crystal reveals nothing of value left you by any friends or relatives. D. N.—Will this gentleman which I am planning on going to see help me and give me a break? Ans: He won’t be much help. He is I the kind of fellow that expects a real j stiff price for any favors that he j grants. Be careful in your dealings J with him. | - i H. P.—I am in a terrible predicament Mr. Wallace, will you please tell me who took my ring? Ans: I shoud say you are in a jam. The fellow whom you were out with last night took the ring and gave it to his sweetheart. You will have a tough time explaining the loss of your wedding band to your husband. P.—Will I be successful and make money this summer? Ans: Somewhat, but don’t invest too much money in this business that you are planning on entering. Take it easy. A. E. D.—He thinks more of you now than he will when he finds out a bout “you know what I mean”. I contact him leaving tow*. SENTENCE SERMONS Somebody has to shake up Asia, so that it will begin to think modern, ly. Maybe it’s Japan. — If people don’t say “that’s so” in reading a wisecrack, it’s no good. One leaves home in the evening to be diverted—and he is. Only man who starts a successful magazine is one whose natural taste agrees with that of millions of other people. - ‘ -1 - - - ■ & ■ . ■ =y» NOTE:—Your question printed free in this column. For Prviate reply send 25c and (self addressed stamped enevelope for my New Astrological Read ing and reeive by return mail my advice on three questions free. Sign your full name birthdate, and correct address. Adress Abbe’ Wallace, P. 0. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia. I Buy Your Bottled i Goods Ice-Cold at No 2 Extra Cost from Our f New Electric Refriger- j ated Bar. : Robinson Drug Co. 2 —Free Delivery— J WE. 5000 f 1 9 0 3 THIRTY YEARS -OF SERVICE_ To Nation-Wide Clientele, -o ACCIDENT and HEALTH INSURANCE Covering Every Sickness or Accident from First Day of Disability -WORLD INSURANCE CO._ OMAHA LOAN BLDG. OMAHA, NEBR. i New Location. i — Guttman’s USED FURNITURE —STORE 2118 N. 24th St. YOU WILL SAVE_ Dollars- Time- Carfare and get a Good Selection of High Grade Used Furniture, when You Buy front GUTTMAN’S ! ’ i Rember the Address 21188.24” Summer Time is Five-O-Time Bottled and Sold by Alamito Dairy On Sale at All Popstands. IBook I IReview “DARKWATER” by W. E. B, DuBois (Editor, The Crisis, 69 Fifth Avenue New York) * * * Fortunate indeed was I to purch ase this volume last fall when the Crisis was putting on a bargain sale of miscellaneous books for only a dollar apiece. * * » Recently the learned Dr. W. E. B. DuBois has been much in the lime light. We have been following his speeches in the southern cities, and on one occasion noticed the heckling he received. We also noticed the praises and acclamations form many south ern students. * * * His organization (the NAACP) has also been in the limelight, favorably and unfavorably. His magazine, the Crisis, of which he is editor, has been having considerable controversy over its personnel. * * * With all these publicized differenc ■■■■HrananHBBBBiHW' THE ONE Horse STORE W. L. PARSLEY. Prop. Phone Web. 0567 2851 Grant St. Reid-Duffy / Pharmacy 24th & Lake St Webster 0603 Free Delivery j; H es I sought a hearing with the learn ad Doctor to refresh my mind on his thoughts and his views on pertinent subjects and so, for the second time, I read his “Darkwater”. My compli ment to the book is that if it is still in print copies should be purchased and donated to the thinking and read ing class of whites and I venture to predict that such a donation will do more real good, though subtly and quietly, than a similar amount spent on propagandized publicity efforts; marches; and mental brass bands. —Clifford C. Mitchell. Office Phon*: WE 0218 k Res. Phone: WE. 4409 j[ ; Ray Lawrence Williams |! ATTORNEY AT LAW ;[ Room 200 24 th & Lake Sta. !j I Tuchman Rldg. Omaha, Neb. MANUSCRIPTS Typewriting, Criticism, Correction, Revision. Sermons, Addresses and Special Articles Supplied. We have a Plan to Publish Books by Negro au thors. The Literary Service Bureau 616 Minnesota Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas Sell It FURNTTURI V a FOR IAUB WANT-AD wnx mwAwm wrarrsrawii ftcsSrisjttS TUB WANT-AD BBCTIOH thru the Columns of The Guide for Quality Laundry and Dry Cleaning Call Web. 1029 -SHIRTS FINISHED 8c EACH (when finished out of family bundles) WET WASH—THRIFTY Rough Dry Linens JENSEN-EMERSON —LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS— Youthful Strength Dr. Magnus Hirsch^eld, the world-known authority on Sexplogy and Director of the Institute for Sexual Science of Berlin, Germany, created TITUS-PEARLS to help the millions of men and women who have lost or are losing their vital physical power. In his 35 years of practice and research, however, he realized that the weakening of man’s glands was also responsible for other troubles: High blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, physical exhaustion after work or exercise, dizziness, depression, neurasthenia, etc. All these troubles can be removed with Titus-Pearls. Numerous cases were treated by Dr. Hirschfeld in hi* Berlin Institute. L. S. (State Official; 60 years old, married) complained of physical exhaustion, dizziness and tremors. Was e'asily tired. Mental power duH and slow moving. Physical powers had been incomplete for previous 5 years. Blood pressure too high. Given 2 Titus-Pearls 3 times a day. 2 weeks later the medical report on this man was:— general health better, more vigor; dizziness much less and returning of power. Treatment continued and 2 weeks later L. S. reported again, this time to say that all weariness and exhaustion had gone; he felt fresh and buoyant. His blood pressure had fallen, and at 06 years of age he had regained the physical power and virility that he had known in the prime of his life. Start regaining your youthfulness now! To-day! In 2 weeks time you will be aware of the new, virile force within you. Send $5.00 (cash registered or money-order) for 2 weeks treatment. C. O. D. Orders accepted. Write for Booklet. To avoid mistakes please fill eut the following coupon: TEUTONIA IMPORT & EXPORT SERVICE CO., DPT. 13084 211 Fourth Avenue, New York City, N. Y. Gentlemen: Please forward to the following address .Boxes Titus-Pearls, for which I enclose $.. My name is. City. My address is. State.