“This and That.... Fn*od» t« the Rritrur! • • • It >uft a week ago that I wrote j of the p*e* ibility of obtaining my ewrty fr • dor, but already friends are ru iiwy to ayr rescue. « • • Th f Wf*' tribute that one man cuuld nay another came in the form | •f a carbor <,#y of the letter James j A. Jaw*—n paragraph: -**•1 „ ^ „|#0 |0 state that we have utr. :*r. a petition to the Com. auuHir-f of Pardons and Paroles, at Ua'Wf. asking that be give you your flredutr Mr. Charles Diggs a mem ber of the PanJe Department, plans to rail Jackson soon, during which time hr hope* to talk with you.***” • • • Arid from Minneapolis, Minnesota, coast* a .neering word from one whom 1 tho.i-ht had dropped out of Don’t be raided by old time brands "marked down to 5c." JOHN RUSKIN always was and always will be America's Greatest Cigar Value at 5c. It is the m tf res/ 10c. quality cigar telling Bt 5c. JOHN RUSKIN haa more than 60* choice Havana filler, giving it a taste and aroma al its own. Bssy a few today and learn for yourself what reel smoking e*joymesst is. —-- •1 * SAVt THK SAMOS - THtr ARK aIDSCMASUK f- *■ MU.C^Mkn.Nmrt.N.1. GRAMP GRUNT T= or ATKINSON K my life .sohne seventeen years ago: “***I think it grand they are giv ing you a hearing and I do hope for your sake it will be favorable. You should be able to progress wonder fully, though of course, you know it will be slow wfork. Do not be over, ambitious and over-estimate your limitations, by that I mean, do be satisfied with a small income. Money isn’t everything, first comes happi ness and freedom.***” * * * Before I go any further I want to acknowledge a stack of communica tions and to ask the correspondents to accept this acknowledgement as their reply. Upton Sinclair, Los Angeles; ' "axton Printers, Caldwell, Idaho; and Little, Brown & Co., Boston; all book publ:shers, ***Young’s Magazine; N'egro World; and Radio Review & Television News; of New York; Bronzeman, Chicago; Broadcast, Houston; Union. Murfreesboro. Tenn. and the extra bactc copies from the Advocate, Portland, Oregon; all the latter being from magazines and news paper publishers. ***From commerc ial houses the following communica tions are acknowlecVed; Cook-Rite Food Products Co.; Defender Labor atories; and the Noburn Product Co., all of New York; Aramed Co., of Providence, R,. I.; Ashton Collier, Cincinnati; Ideal Rummage Sale Co., Chicago; Godefroy Mfg. of Detroit. •**From writers—G. James Fleming, Norfolk,, Va; Daniel Ryerson, Chi cago; Rupert A. Griffith and his booklet “Cosmone in Scrambles”, New York, and D. M. Buchanan, Knoxville Tenn. ***And many releases from the following sources; W. C. Handy Music Co., Inc; Universal Pictures; National Urban League; Internation al Labor Defense, dnd the National C. M. A, Stores, all of New York; Tom Mooney Congress, Chicago; And from Lansing, Michigan; bullet ins from Frank D. Fitzgerald, secre tary of state; automobile registra tion lists from the Beurmann-Marsh all, Inc; and the daily journals from the Michigan State Senate. ***So, that’s that! * • * current thanks: May Opportunity; Birth Control Review, and the Rosic rucian Digest; ***to the Detroit Tri bune, and the Atlanta DaHy World, for commencing to U3e this personal column, making twenty-three (in two months) to do so. the Detroit Tribune also for using “Digesting the News’* 1 (99th paper to do so), and my “Week, ly Book Commerf ” (58th paper td**iIo so), ***special thanks to Anna Mae Colbert for her personal comment in HAVE YOU GOT NERVE? Use It-It Will Pay You-Stick With It All of our ads for the next twelve weeks will run : under the above heading. Watch for them—they will be very interesting, and you will learn some interesting facts. Wonderful News! Great Surprises In Prices We have priced everything to sell. So BUY—it will create jobs. 192b.29 Whippet Parts 1930 Nash Special. Standard Parts 1931 Hudson Parts 1929 Dodge Standard 6 Parts Fastest “4" Dodge Parts 1930 AA Track Parts 192b Pontiac Parts 1930 Willys.Knight ‘*70” B Parts 1939.31 Chrysler 70 Motor. Parts 1929-30 Chevrolet Parts Willvs.Knight “66 Parts 1926 to 1930 Buick Parts Chrysler “65" Parts Graham.Paige 610. 612, 619, and 629 Parts. 1928 to 1931 j Marmon 68 and 78 Parts j 1930 Marroon Parts Model A and T Parts Car „nd Truck Bodies an! Chassis | New Ring Gears and Piniors j Tires, Tubes, Batteries. Gla?s | Heavy Trailers 1 S3®—2-ton International truck chassis—will sell any part or entire truck If It’s Parts—We Have It! And We Are CERTAINLY Selling! 1,0®® Cara Wanted—SO,000 Batteries Wanted IF YOU NEED ANYTHING. COME AND SEE US! ARE WE BUYING? YOU BET! Gerber Auto Parts j 16th and Pierce and JA 6300 t Consolidated Auto Parts "Home of Kangaroo Court” ' ! 2501 Cuming AT 5656 | Truck Department—4th and Pacific—Jackson 7070 I I “Crumbs", a weekly feature in the i Columbus Voice. ***After “dkjeeting’ an arm-load of the different SNS publications I can heartily endorse the change of name from “‘Southern” to Scott Newspaper Syndicate. That’s all—no more room! * * * JAMES A. (“BILLBOARD” JACK. SON WRITES IN BEHALiF OF MICHIGAN PRISONER*. U. 3. Dept, of Commerce Official Writes a Personal Letter to Michi. gan’s Parole Commissioner W. Alfred Debo Asking Clemency for Clifford C. Mitchell Washington, D. C., May 3rd— Writing a personal letter to Parole Commissioner W. Alfred Debo, Lans ing, Michigan, James A. Jackson -says: “This communication requesting favorable consideration of the case of Clifford C. Mitchell is an express ion of a virtually nation-wide inter, est in the accomplishments of that man within the past few years. His research work and journalistic con tributions, conducted under handicap ped circumstances, has arrested the attention of a number of people to whom he is totally unknown except through his work. That he has been able to achieve this attention is ho mean accomplishment; and to' have been perfectly candid and honest as £o his personal situation while doing j it, is a very obvious indication of | worthy purpose. “In order that you may appreciate my interest in the matter, perhaps it would be well that I provide some explanation as to myself. I am a one time resident of the city of Detroit and my sons were born there. I am also one of the older Negro newspa per men of the country, having en gaged in such work at a time when there was very little opportunity for a Negro in that field; remuneration and chances of employment were both very limtied. However, the sit uation with reference to Negro journ alism has greatly improved su»ee those days. It is evident from Mr. Mitchell’s pge that he too was affect ed by the circumstances of those pio neer days of the Colored Correspond ent. “For the past six years I have been a Business Specialist in charge of a section of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce havirtg to do with the small business units of the country with a special interest in the Negro commercial elements. Depart ment regulations forbid personal cor respondence on Government letter heads, therefore this is a personal communication. It was because of my position that I came to know Mr. Mitchell’s work since one of the features of my office work is the reviewing of more than a hundred Negro publications each week. Then, too, he has from time to time written to me for in. formation which my office makes a. vailable to the public. Being myself, a reasonable well known writer, with a public given nickname of “Bill board” Jackson; and being interested in one of the largest Negro owned press services, it was but natural that I should become interested in this seeming newcomer into promin ence in the field. “Without doubt, Mr. Mitchell has become one of the outstanding feat ures of Negro journalism, nor has his usefulness been confined to that field. A large number of the foremost pub lishing houses of the country have ac corded his work recognition. The consistency with w'hich I am obliged to study the Negro press has kept me thoroughly informed as to the merit and the distribution of his work; and my own experiences enable me to recognize th merit of his several columns. I have no doubt of his abil ity to find a profitable place for him self in his chosen field; and I am sat isfied that if Mr. Mitchell is released, that he has built up such sustaining contacts as to make it .indeed diffic ult to stray from the highest stand ards of business and society. The assurance of a competency earned with his facile pen and his love for detailed research, removes temptation to steal or beg from being future pos sibilities with him. To continue Mr. Mitchell longer in prison, is in my opinion, wasting a useful service to humanity and with-holding from Journalism a capable mind that, if free, would acquit itself creditably.” (Signed) JAMES A. JACKSON. DOINGS AMONG THE AMATEURS The first two games in our league, is history now. A record that we need not be ashamed of. I now relate some of those records. 1. A new deal as to our opening grounds were in evidence. Heretofore it has been Muny beach or Riverview. This time on one of the city's three best diamonds, AkSarBen field with an admission charge of 25c we gave the Muny association a record crowd which meant many shekels in the much used treasury. 2. A record was set as to our de portment, both among the players and especially among the fans, there was so much interest as to the general strength of each team, so much loyal ty and self-respect shown that we are proud to say that w^ were 100% better thafi heretofore. When we con sider that we have been almost isolat ed from residence sections for several years. How do pople get what they want? By asking for it! And know ing how to handle it when they get 1 9 0 3 THIRTY YEARS -OF SERVICE To Nation-Wide Clientele -o ACCIDENT and HEALTH INSURANCE Covering Every Sickness or Accident from First Day of Disability -WORLD INSURANCE CO._ OMAHA LOAN BLDG OMAHA, NEBR. 1 9 3 3 [ ‘ • T 111 ■ t T 1 I ■ - - T I I T I ■ I ■ , , , , , . MOTHERS—-Here IS News About RAISING STRONG, RUGGED CHILDREN , «T-.0ur. TrJAMIN D” MILK contains the natur al vitamin D , extracted directly from cod liver oil. Each quart contains the “Vitamin D” equival ent of THREE teaspoonfuls of standard cod liver oii without the oil itself. Cooking, boiling, or making into junkets will not affect the qualities of natural “Vitamin D”. Think what this means to your child! A quart of pure fresh milk—and the “Vitamin D” of cod liver oil—TOGETHER! From the day that Baby takes his first bottle, he needs “Vitamin D” to help nature make his little legs and back sturdy and straight, his little teeth sound, his bones strong—and this early proper de velopment carries on through life! Order this “VITAMIN D” MILK today! i Call HA. 2226 i ! ROBERTS DAIRY CO. it. Let us continue to be good sports. Sunday’s Game The U. P. Boosters with their old time team strength again gave action, defeating Holmes Tailors 13-6. The Tailors started out to cut a frock for the Boosters. In the very first inning getting four runs off of Lowe. In fact they made it so hot for Johnnie that Richie had to send him to first base until things cooled off. The Bosters came.back in their half strong to almost wreck the Tailors. It was experience and team work vs. inexperience and new men. Give C. C. a little time and he will be there. Both j teams deserve high praise. Harry Trustin I Commissioner Harry Trustin found time to be with us on this occasion which meant so much to the effic iency of our hustling president. In the opening just before the second , game. Mr. Trustin pitched the first 1 ball to a youngster whom I did not know, perhaps his son. The little fel- J low hit too short but was safe at first on an error. And the Globe Trotters and Rex were off. What A Game Kirksey a little unsettled in the first allowed 3 runs but settled dowrn * after that and pitched shut out ball while “Big Red” was cool and almost invincible. The Trotters began to trot in the 3rd getting 3 and no more until that memorable nineth when Wake field and Gray walked Parker, doubl ed to left center putting the Trotters two ahead. But up pops the devil in the Cudahy’s, halt. Wilson hit to Wakefield. Wilson safe, an error on Freddie, Manley tripled to deep center, Clements walks. Love hit through 2nd, Manley scores, Fry hit to Woodruf, Clements takes 3rd when Woodruf drop easy out. Three on one out. Score tied, last half ninth, grandstand gone mad. Trotters in field pull in for squeeze play. Arvm drops Texas leaguer over second. Boy! boy! boy! It’s over, Rex 6; Trotters 5. So long. —C A S Book IReview “A. B. C.’s OF GREAT NEGROES” by Charles C. Dawstn (Dawson Publishers, 403 East 45th Street, For some time I have been attract ed by the drawings of Charles C. Daw son, in the Bronzeman magazines, the first magazine to use one of my short stories, about a year and a half ago, and qnite naturally I felt honored in receiving an autographed copy of the illustrator’s first book, the A. B. C’s. of Great Negroes. In this little book Dawson has us ed his original hand-made linoleum engravings of a prominent Negro for every letter of the alphabet and in cludes a short (in my opinion—en tirely too short) biography of each character. The book being printed from linoleum cuts is of necessity very limited, probably only a few thousand being printed in this first edition. The twenty-six Negroes whom Daw son has chosen for subjects are: Rob ert S, Abbott; Mary McLeod Bethune; George W. Carver; Frederick Doug las; Eatevanico; Meta Warrick Ful ler; Albert B. George; Roland Hayes; Ikhnaton; James Weldon Johnson; Ross Drug Store Now Located At 2122 N. 24th St. ' We. 2770 Khufu; Toussaint L’Ouverture; Rob. ert R. Moton; Nefert; Anthony Over ton; Alexander S. Pushkin; J. W. Quinn; Ras Tafari; C. C. Spaulding; Henry O. Tanner; Usaphais; Wip. E. Varick; Booker T. Washington; Fran cois Xavier, Col. Charles Young, and Zaudita, one time Empress of Ethio pia. A very interesting book is added to my permanent library of racial lit erature. —Clifford C. Mitchell. NEW STUDY AIMS TO PERPETUATE LINCOLN LORE — I Expanded Program An nounced by Historical Foundation. FORT WAYNE, 1ND—The most comprehensive study of the life and character of Abraham Lincoln ever at tempted has been announced here by the Lincoln His torical Research Foundation. “The state tn which Lincoln grew to manhood now becomes the scene of the most thorough study ever made of his life and already boasts the most complete collection of literature on the Emancipator as yet Artbir y. uiii assembled," ex plained Arthur F. Hall, president of the Lincoln National Life Insurance company, which endowed the founda tion. “After four years of work under the direction of a distinguished Lincolnian scholar, Dr. Louis K. Warren, we have laid the necessary groundwork for an expanded program designed to per petuate Lincoln lore and stimulate in terest in his life." Doctor Warren, who started his study of Lincoln's Hfe while editor of the Larue County Herald at Lincoln's birthplace, Hodgenvllle, Ky„ has or ganized the foundation into eight bu reaus to conduct research, gather ma terial for exhibits, mark sites of his torical significance, compile all avail able Information, conduct educational programs, publish books, pamphlets, and magazines, and to provide speak ers for ail occasions identified with Lincoln’s career. . •> ■< » I * 1 i IDEAL Beverages POP GINGER ALE LIME RICKBY “Be Sure—Drink IDEAL” IDEAL Bottling Co. 1808 N. 20th St. WE. 3043 i i - - --- T ■ I - - I ■ ■ I 1 _ Ik ' 1 Washington BELIEVED IN THE I POWER OF WANT-ADS T'OOaY. h- •' C»»ry fwMifaA * (fan*, rh* W’l nnM ml nniHap • MM. a fafM. —ipUrw M (faa aafaa faaaary i* fa «a -|l-. pfafa a^J-*- «k THAT mi, *4 (faa annaf ama.aa»-il W (faa raMfa Mlir. *# VOl || . »** fa *. Vaafa WANT-AD DEPARTMENT fStynewsbotcW^ DELIVER The OMAHA GUIDE TO YOUR DOOR Shirts Finished 8c •* When Finished eut of Wet Wash—Thrifty—R. D. Linen Bdles. EVANS LAUNDRY a Phone - JA. 0243 1 Buy Your Bottled i Goods Ice-Cold at No i Extra Cost from Our } New Electric Refriger- a ated Bar. J Robinson Drug Co. I —Free Delivery— i WE. 5000 ^ Tires aod Tobes BATTERIES and SPARKPLUGS Ztedick Tower Oarage 16th and Harney ARE YOU CRITICAL ABOUT YOUR LAUNDRY WORK? of Course You Are. Try Our Semi Flat at 6c per Pound with Shirts Finished at 8c each Edholm & Sherman —LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING— St. WEbrter 6055 RHEUMATISM ? BACKACHE ? NEURALGIA ? De 1*9 know what yon are takinr for these eompkfatat te.. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO TRY ? Clovatabs A doctor's prescription, scientifically prepared and founded en a physician's hospital research and experience in private practice. If vonr droe-P-ist cannot supply you SEND FOR A BOY TODAY —IX) NOT DELAY—OnvA-TARS. P.O. Box 1*. College Btat. M _ New York City Man this eonnon with cent. (Send no stamps) *********... CLOVA-TABB, P. O Boa IB. CoTlsrs Button. Haw Toffc CtU B«*t I Nam* ... A,Wr*" . * P.D. Boa Hs.. — P°*T °™~ . Stats .%.