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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1933)
with Lennox (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from page 1) and shelter. The wage the average laboring girl receives today, she is often unable to provide her*elf with bare necessities. Such situations often causing many to submit thems- Ives in an immoral way to those of the opposite sex, who will give them assistance, robberies suicides, etc. Realism. the economic situation of today is very" grave I bel eve as oth ers, conditions have been worked out Something car. also be done relative to a sufficient wage for our working class of women in pronorton to their I living expenses in order that they may be protected from all immoral influences. I am hoping you will consider this matter in accordance to its import ance to the working women and girls of today under present conditions. Knowing if a materialization in some way can be brought about, you will give it your hearty support. Tharking you very much for your :onsideration and the monopolizing of your most precious time, I am Respectfully yours, Dr. G. B. Lennox, Pres., Omaha Working Men's Com missioners, 2122 N. 24th St. April 17, 1933. G. B. Lennox, President Omaha Working Men’s Com. missioners, 2122 N. 24th St., Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 6th to Governor Bryan has been received. This will be called to the attention of the Gov. ernor for his consideration. Very truly yours, H. B Porterfield, Secretary to the Governor BEER BILL— Governor Charles W. Bryan, Executive Officse, State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear Governor Bryan: I am writing you in regards to the employment situation in our state, knowing you are manifesting every effort to acomplish that which is best for the people. The “Beer Bill” is the most re cent issue before us, and it is stated if our our state fails to pass favor able action on this bill, we shall suf fer the loss of a threat deal of busi ness and any number of citizens. At this time a few have begun seeking different locations where this bill has been passed. The citizens of Nebraska realize you and our legislature will do all in your power to urge a prompt and fa vorable action on this bill which will mean jobs for thousands of our un employed. Another grave situation confront ing our state; What can be done re garding employment for men past 40 years of age? They are the last to be hired, and in many concerns the first to be discharged, after years of service, often without no consider ation whatsoever. Men at this age are just as depend able, worthy, efficient and deserving, and do not want to be taken care of by charitable organizations the rest of their lives. I am sure you realize at this time unles one is aspiring for a political position, county, city, nation or state, or a business of his own, men at this age stand a very poor chance of se curing employment, and some pro tection should be given to them along these lines. These are a few of the present em ployment situations we are confronted with, and are hoping some prompt action will be taken regarding same Thanking you very mucb for any cnosideration you may give. I am Respectfully yours, y Dr. G. B. Lennox, Pres. Omaha Working Men’s Commissioners, 2122% N. 24th. HEROES UNSUNG Law Enforcers by A. B. Mann (for the Literary Service Bureau) J udges, prosceuting attorneys, sheriffs, magistrates and other law Aggravatin’ Papa By Wonderful Anthony Of ALL TA/£ 0/SGA?AC£fVL) Y^ , A3£A//%G7X&AY- fy^AV/zSL -^ ' SVC A/ r/A/AAGf /'O 0/SOMSf£A? nOWOMAtY *—v ' A WH//£ AGO A y/r oa/- /ja/g y~~\ 'Of/ U/Of/f-D GO -Tf/C/f) (/GO G/SOW/V YOf/_J */r£/z --- ^ SI BETTY Bill Chase mb wla ot, Sk eat ^ E waiter I EAT.NCSr- -TOO MUCH, lWANT_X =\ 0,^eRt 0UT T'M TERRIBLY /(Styr WELL. -/ OF^ i HUNGRY TODAY I /-TODAY O/Y , \ DO YOU -V-- 375'! \ ToVAV I C a— , bv. . t STANTBto >MC [; J WE HAVE SoAOE G-OOD - OI-P-^J FASHIONED PIE Just like, mother, > used To TS Make J IMt DUPtO „ v BY BOB Pf(JUr> GEE! HiSS-ARE YOU I'LL JUST CARRY YOU ALLl OH ‘.BOY'.TLL BET _-[—^.,.,nDV I SAW NOU THE WAY HOME SINCE YOU v. ALL DADS MONEY HENRY-WHAT S DONT LIVE VERY FAR PROhM THAT IMAOE ANv^ DO YOU THINKS L—-sMOTHER* FIX HERE-TTS NO TROUBLE!! r IMPRESSION % WRONG WITH BILLY?)^Vn r*=?.t!lw HY AKJrfi pTkia- J2EY --tT“ THERE GOSHtWAIT I HOPE HE ISNT PRETTY BAD WAY- ' MYJWHATA TILLI TELLTHE 5ICK-ANDCANYQU acR«o° DARLING | GANG ABOUT THIS!! BEAT IT HE WONTy ^pi^^SES UTTLE BOY SUCH EYESl ■=* ANSWER ME!!/7tigNEED5 A ITS VERY A LUSCIOUS -—-[SPRING TONIC!! KINDOF 'MOUTH!! ^ you-toseb d WmmZi THAT IGET 'WtSSm? fUS HOME! ^><wUUP BY OL. HARRINGTON * r>ght\ n noer OlS HeReA W*WOE«? IF A*W ) Ld Co OLD OftOP Sotsr\p'M^^ « on vac« peer \t JVXiGWT viu_c HER 0OT \P \T F^CLS ffciXkl C>** HER HEAD Ysfill VT'L Otit-V W\*Kt/ fffc HER ^AOULFRiy |i t1 75^ Tvwtt AT last; WHAT OOCfi PMtt Hold im 9Tor« FOR SCOOPU^ 0, SUA0BEV? Amo what was »W THAT BAG? IT SOOMO-SO KlHO'A I _ BONNIE BY ray henry; I'M TOVMiTtoip THINK. I KNOwM I'VE FO?(tOTTEn1 & aoMEiHiNCri^^ . _ S^yS NOW T REMfcMGFR VVAiT HERE MI^J DONMiE • * ■ET .f NO OFFENSE HONEV, &JT rVE PLANED, GRID&e WITH you 8Bvtsf, <4 enforcers make many enemies. They are always in danger. By the lawless element they are hated, marked for destruction, and often assassinated. In such cases they die vicariously. It requires courage and devotion to principle for a magistrate to sentence a criminal, especially when the culprit is known to have dangerous, unprin cipled, friends who are apt to resent such actions and plot vengeance. Except when they do some spec tacular or some sensational things, these servants of the people receive but little praise. Few even get their names in the book of fame. They are killed; they are buried; and soon they are forgotten. Few ever have any monuments erected to commemorate their deeds and" their loyalty to duty. But for the measure of safety which it does enjoy, society is indebted to these unsung heroes; and it owes to them at least a debt of gratitude. fifty newsboys to DELIVER The OMAHA GUIDE TO YOUR DOOR DRINKb IDEAL Beverages POP ginger ale -LIME RICKEY “Be Sure—Drink IDEAL” IDEAL Bottling Co. 1808 N. 20th St. WE. 3043 I Buy Your Bottled j Goods Ice-Cold at No 4 Extra Cost from Our 4 New Electric Refriger- a ated Bar. Robinson Drug Co. 4 —Free Delivery— A WE. 5000 j ? ' Jn Shirts Finished I 8c • I When Finished out of Wet Wash—Thrifty—R. D. Linen Bdies. EVANS LAUNDRY Phone - JA. 0243 I ..Read the..... GUIDE I m*t&m ■ I Tires anil Tabes BATTERIES and SPARK-PLUGS Badiok Tower Gangs I 16th and Harney 1.... NORTHSIDE MESSENGER SERVICE —Rates 10 & 15c— Prompt, Courteous, Efficient WE. 0962 1812 North 24th St (In Economy Tailor Shop) WILLARD W. CHUE, Prop. .......