The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 29, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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• • •
A reader wants to know how I re.
member everything that happens dur.
irg the week and which is recorded
in this personal column. Frankly, I
dm't remember. I have a working
system and it s very simple. For ev.
ery communication received, whether
it is a letter, card, circular, newspa
per, magazine, book, manuscript, etc.
I record the essential contents on a
card and merely file the card, tem.
peranly. in a “This and That” file.
The same procedure is followed on
everything I read, only in the latter
case the cards are filed in various
files, all depending on which of my
six weekly features it is most approp
riate to write or comment upon. Isn’t
that simple, though?
* * *
Right now, there are easily 150
cards sorted out on a table in front
>{ me, all of which have accumulated
| in the “This and That” file since last
Sunday. I’ll be lucky if I can in this
release “cover” even a third of these
'ccumulations. And the same thing is
true' nearly every week.
• * *
Now that I have taken so much
room to explain the secret of my
“wonderful memory” as my corres
pondent expressed it the rest of my
comments will have t® be written in
staccato fashion.
* * *
More different books arrived last
week than any week since last Christ
mas. “Banana Bottom” by Claude Me
Kay, from Harper & Bros., New
York; ***“William Fox” from the pen
of, and published by Upton Sinclair,
Los Angeles; ***“Rosicrucian Ques
IsLwoq aaouadg II*
JO S3[3iC3„ ‘(<sXBpj»jsa^ JO SJB3^
puBsnoty, v». f„s»Aisuv puB suoij
and “Lemuria—The Lost Continent”
by Wishar S. Cerve, all four books
from the Rosicrucian Brotherhood,
San Jose, California.
The April issues of New Masses:
Birth Control Review, and the May
Short Wave Craft, were the current
magazines received.
After an absence of many months
the Newark (N. J.) Herald, and the
Charlotte (N. C.) Post are being re
ceived again with the many weekly
• * *
The Southern Negro World, L. H.
King, editor, of West Palm Beach,
Florida, arived with “Digesting the
News” right on the front pat?e. Inci
dentally, the following papers have
been using the same release as a
front page feature for many months;
Portland (Oregon) Advocate; Omaha,
(Nebr.) Guide; Detroit Independent;
Colorado (Denver) Statesman; Col
umbus (Ohio) Voice; Negro Star
(Wichita, Kansas); Cape Fear Jour
nal (Wilmington, N. C.); Waco (Tex
as) Messenger; ar*d, on occasions,
many others of the ninety-six papers
who have so far used it.
* * *
Many thanks to the Portland Ad.
vocate, and the Kansas (Topeka)
Whip, for commencing the use of this
personal (T&T) column. That makes
nineteen papers in six weeks. It took
j me a whole year, three years ago, to
get that many papers to use the first
woekly feature I put out.
* * *
Some miscellaneous acknowledge
Thanks to the McDowell Times
(Keystone, W. Va.) and the St. Louis
American for the special feature
stories they ran concerning my efforts
‘“the personal letter from W. Sid
ney Pitman, editor of Brotherhood
Eyes (the most unique colored paper
in the country), Dallas, Texas, ‘“let
ter from A. B. Whitlock, publisher of
the Gary American, offering me the
use of his plant facilities, etc. “‘Let
ters from, “Book” Lawton, writer,
Clay Center, Kansas. “‘Eugene Lu
cas editor of the WTiip Topeka. “*
George W. Powell, publisher, Florida
(Jacksonville) Sentinel. ***J. Edw.
McCall, editor Detroit Tribune. ***
Daniel Ryerson, literary agent, Chi.
cago. ***V, H. Crusselle, Organizer,
College Park, Ga. ***John S. Melden,
president Defender Laboratories,
New York, askinf? me to recommend
some colored persons suitable to act
as their representatives. ***And a
gang of Easter cards, especially that
one from “Mother”.
..Read the.....
i 'm,i i|
with Lennox
(Continued from Page, 1)
have demanded all the officials to co
operate in reducing their operating
expenses. In this respect I have ma
terially reduced my force and also the
wages of those remaining. At the
present time the taxpayer demands
retrenchment and I am in full accord
with his wishes and am doing all in
power to lessen his burden.
There is no posibility of employing
anyone in my department in the im
mediate future. However, when
Spring comes, I hope that I shall be
able to place some of your people
doing road work.
Yours very truly,
L. E. Adams,
County Surveyor.
February 7, 1933
Mr. L. E. Adams,
County Surveyor,
Court House Bldg.,
City. ’ *
Dear Mr. Adams:
I highly appreciate your letter of
Febryary 3rd in reply to the one
written regarding employment of a
Colored representative in your de
I I realize it is a difficult, time to
secure pmployment, bi^t I am only
seeking that to which we are entitled.
All department I also realize are put.
ting forth efforts to. cut expenses,
and naturally are discharging instead
of taking on, but the facts presented
to you as they were, I though you
would appreciate knowing that we |
are supporters of your department as
well as others, and should have this
We are depending upon you to give
us same as soon as the opportunity
presents itself, and the road work for
our group this Spring will be more
than appreciated and needed.
The Working Men’s Commissioner
greatly appreciate the interest you
have manifested and if it is impos
sible to secure employment immed
IBuy Your Bottled 4
Goods Ice-Cold at No 4
Extra Cost from Our 4
New Electric Refriger- ^
ated Bar. j
Robinson Drug Co. 4
—Free Delivery— f
WE. 5000 J
iatedly, we are looking for same in
the near future.
Thanking you very much for your
consideartion, and any future mani
festation you may give I am
Very truly yours,
Dr. G. B. Lennox, President,
Working Men’s Commissioners,
2122 N. 24th Street.
Candidate for city commissioner at the coming
election next Tuesday, May 2, is a tried and true
friend of the colored people.
He was the first candidate for city commissioner
to declare himself publicly in favor of giving the
colored people their proper recognition in the way
of employment.
When he was in charge of the street department
he employed 19 colored men, more than any other
street commissioner has ever employed.
He was also the first commissioner to employ a
colored man as foreman in the street department.
In many instances he has proven himself a friend
of our race.
About 10 years ago when some of the directors
of the Omaha Athletic Club sought to discharge the
waiters who worked there for years, Dan Butler
who was living at the club, led the fight that pre
vented their discharge and kept a number of color
ed men in their jobs.
These things are a matter of record. They show
that Dan. B. Butler will prove himself a supporter
of our race in the city hall.
A vote for Dan B. Butler next Tuesday will be a
vote for the best isterests of the colored people and
give us assurance that we will ^ave a loyal friend
in the city council.
i *
-- (Political Advertisement)
Roy N. Towl
Present City' Commissioner
with service ia
Fire Department
Police Department
Public Improvements
Civil Engineer
Harry Knuden
Pro*ident Benson Cask
Coal Co.
President Benson
Hatchery Co.
In business in Omaha
more than 20 years.
Active in Benson civic
Emmett Hannon
Secretary of Eckman
Chemical Co.
Graduate Creighton
Ex-Service man.
In business in Omaha for
over 15 years.
No Machine—Clear, Keen Thinking Business
Men—Sponsored by Taxpayers. "In UNION
There Is STRENGTH!" _ _
VOTE X Roy N. Towl
FOR p=,, , , .v
ALL |XJ Harry Knudsen
6 i [X] Emmett Hannon ,
. [X] Frank E. Frost
Harry Trustin
- *
Controlled by None L* I ^ K
* hrank Myers
P—1—pal—gWWMF^W^'M^1 1 ■■ mm
^ ■ a ^ mm » I *8 ~ H 4 V *"J ■ M ^8 ■ ■ f 8H a 8 H bb^E|
Frank E. Frost
President of Frost Battery
Former Auditor of
Armour & Co.
In business in Omaha for
more than 15 years.
Harry Trustin
Member of Building:
Materials firm of
Kraus & Trustin.
Professional Engineer.
Past Commander Omaha
Post, American Legion.
Frank Myers
Business—Life Insurance
Present member Omaha
School Board.
Active in Boy Scout