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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1933)
N.C. ROY LOSES FIRST PHASE OFUHLOE — yj* ^L_ JH • ’\tvo°*, eople Read TTie Only Paper of ffs The Omaha Guide Kind West of the » Missouri River I_ VOL. VII.— Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday,^April 8, 1933._ Number Seven— Tune In — I "D!SE$nH61 rhe NEWS" f iBKOAIK'ASTU f Every Week froa this Column J By CLIFFORD C. 51TCHELL { RANDOM THOUGHTS! • • • Our bankers look none the worse after having been to the "cleaners” For once, apparently, color was no conaderatioR. Financial soundness, waa the key consideration and in pro portion the colored bankers seem to have fared much better than those of the white race. • • • Apparently, a colored Iran in New York who for twenty-three years was considered a reliable employee, has fared, financially better than his * Lite employers for the latter could, not stand the sight of seeing their colored employee being driven to work each day by a liveried chauffeur. How ever, there'* a moral in that story. • • • In Louisville, a colored professor lost his job because he dabbled too much in politics. He must have been dealing :n the wrong brand of politics • • • In Honolulu, a colored man loses his seat in the Assembly, but gains a Id 000 government job. On that basis many of our own legislative members, undoubtedly, would be glad to lose their seats • • • Each year the Spmgarn Medal is awarded to some colored person in America, who. presumably, has serv ed the race more notably than all other members of his race. An Amer ican. aow in Africa, receive#, or will receive, if he comes after it, the 1932 award. After all, the world is getting smaller and smaller. . • • • In contrast to the above, a colored doctor m Philadelphia will soon de part for Germany where he will study os m scholarship provided by white funds. A colored man in Missouri loses a high governmental position. He also dabbled too much in politics, appar ently. Another colored man, with a different brand of polities, secures the vacated position. • • • The tittle girl in Ohio lost her ap peal (not sex, but legal) but she re. reived infinitely more publicity than she would have received on receiving her degree for study in “Home Eco nomic*. • • • In Portland. Oregon, a colored pa per s building up quite a circulation through its slogan. “The Advocate in Every White Horae in Oregon in 1*»." • • • Apparently, “Happy Day* are Here Again", for we are beg..inmg to read of plane for the forthcoming conven tion season Conventions will be the death of us yet! That’* sn idea— “Conventions *nc Funerals—oar spec ialty." • • • 'Coder the Microscope* in the F'hiladelph.a Tribune is my favorite column, if anyone is interested in knowing it ATTT. MORTIMER M HARRIS GETS IS MONTHS Washington. D. C—Attorney Mor timer M Harris was sentenced to 18 months in jail by Chief Justice Alfred day. A. Wheat in criminal court here Thursday. The Justice previously over ruled a motion for a new trial for Harris who was convicted of ember, riemeat several months ago. DePriest Amendment In Labor Relief Bill - - . ...... _ DEPRIEST GETS AMENDMENT TO REFORESTATION BILL '-■ ■■ • ■ I. .. 1 Coagi sssman DePriest Washington, D. C.—One of the few amendments to be added to President Roosevelt’s unemployment relief bill through reforestation before it be. came a law was an amendment by Congressman Oscar DePriest of Chi cago stipulating that in the operation of the bill there should be no discrim ination because of race, creed or color. WORKING GIRLS HOLD ANNUAL NATION WIDE BANQUET On Thursday evening, March 28th, the Sixth Annual Nation Wide Ban quet, an annual celebration held by the 80,000 business women who be long to YWCA, clubs in the United States, was held at the Central Y WCA. One hundred and fifteen girls representing Business and Industrial Clubs from the Central and North Side Y WCA. The clubs also recogniz ed the 60th anniversary of the ad vent of women into the modern busi ness world through the perfection of the first typewriter. The first class for typists was conducted in a Y'WCA in New Y'ork City. Following the din ner. a pageant “The Shuttles of Com merce” was presented. Girls from North Side Branch taking part in the pageant were: Louise Scott, Edith Coleman, Lola Smith, Lucy Mae Stamps and Mamie Jackson. Before d:nner, Lola Smith and Lucy Mae Stamps sang a Grace written by Dor eene Holliday of the Quack Club. Ed. rose Willis was pianist for the even ing and Albertine Johnson presided. CRAWFORD HEARING BEFORE MAY l*t Boston, Mass,—The postponed hear ing in the extradition case of George Crawford will be held between April 15th and May 1. it became known here Wednesday. According to the New York Times of today, John Galleher, attorney for Loudon county, Va., has written to Attorney General Thomas E. Knight of Alabama, chief prosecutor in the Scottsboro trials, asking the advice on how to defend the jury system of the south. Galleher wrote that he was facing this difficulty in Boston in trying to return Crawford to face trial in Virgniia for murder of Mrs. A. B. Tlsley and her maid. The whole jury system in the south, which for decades has excluded Negroes, is being challenged on all fronts and the attorneys of Virginia and Alabama are consulting together to devise ways of meeting the .onslaught. WILL ELIMINATE OFFENSIVE WORDS Philadelphia. Mar. 31—In response to his protest, I. Maximilian Martin, newly elected secretary of the Phil, adelphia NAACP. branch has receiv ed a letter from Blackett-Sample Hummert advertising agency assur ring him that the word “darky” will not appear in any more radio adver tising of “Old English” wax and oth. er products. St. Louis. Mo., —C. T. Felker, edi tor of The Sporting Goods Dealer, has assured the NAACP. that no offense was intended by the use of the word “darky” in a recent issue, but that since it offends colored people, it will Six Douglas County Voters’ League Candidates Nominated not be used again. New York, —Grafton S. Wilcox, managing editor of the New York Herald Tribune, has written James E. Allen, president of the New York branch NAACP. that the paper re grets the use of the word “pickaninny in a recent headline and that copy editors have been intructed not to use it hereafter. Chicago,—Ames A. Castle, editor ef the Sporting Goods Journal, on re ceiving a protest from the NAACP. against the use of the word “darky” in his magazine stated they did not wish to offend any race, but that he, personally, thought Negroes in the south preferred to be called “darky” rather than “colored.” In reply Walter White cited his life in the south and his travels and wide acquaintance with Negroes of all classes and stat ed that never had he met a Negro who preferred being called “darky." NEW JERSEY NAACP. FIGHTS POR COLORED LODGES OF STATE Montclair, N. J.—A resolution to oppose in every manner possible the passage of a bill now in the New Jer. sey senate which would put the col ored fraternal orders out of business was adopted here Saturday by the annual conference of the New Jersey NAACP. branches. Twelve branches sent voting delegates. The year’s program of the state branches will include a campaign to place Negro teachers in mixed schools fight against segregation in theatres and the securing of jobs for Negroes on public works projects. CLARENCE MUSE VISITS NAACP. New York,—Clarence Muse, well known moving picture actor, spent an hour in informal chatting with the members of the office staff of the NAACP., 69 Fifth Avenue, Thursday. He autographed small photos of him self for the staff and answered num erous questions of the girl clerks a bout various movie stars. Later he had luncheon with Walter White, NAACP. secretary, who is a friend of many years standing. Mr. Muse has been an active supporter of the NAACP. for a long time and since going to Hollywood has aided the Los Angeles branch of the association in raising funds. NAVY CONTROL OF VIRGIN ISLANDS CALLED “DISASTER” BY NATION New York,—The Nation, in its is sue of April 5, has an editorial de claring that the return of the Virgin Islands to control of the Navy would be a “disaster.” In part the editorial states: “The islands—are in pressing need of rehabilitation. Governor Paul Pear son has been working on a plan to achieve that end, and in the face of uifiveijBal econorrfic depression, has made a good beginning. He has turned over to the Virgin Islanders ^0 per cent of the administrative posts. As Negroes are barred from the Navy except as mess boys and in other menial positions, return to nav al control would mean ousting of the Virgin Islanders from responsible of fices.” SMART BOY LANDS CROOK IN A CELL Jamestown. N. Y.—Five counter feiters are facing the U. S. Grand jJurj due to the smart tactics of ten year old David Howie of Chandler avenue, this city. David was selected by the counter feiters as being dumb enough to pass spurious five and ten dollar bills in grocer and cigar stores and bring them the change; which favor David did until becoming suspicious at a local bank and inquired if it was any good. The banking authorities told David the money was no good and took him to the rogue gallery where he identified the five men and also led the police to their hide-out. David is Uncle Sam’s chief witness, along with Secret Service Operatives Goodby, Garvey and Carlson. Assist ant U. S. Attorney Morgan is handl ing the case. THOMPSON RESTAURANTS MAY LOOSEN COLOR BAR Chicago,—The Thompson chain was founded by the late John R. Thompson, Sr., and for many years hundreds of Negro patronage was al ways welcomed without discrimin ation. With the passing of the found er, the control of the business fell | into the hands of the late William Wrigley, Jr., Charles A. McCulloch. W!m. Collins and W. W. Walker, and forthwith came the replacing of all Negro employees by whites and a new attitude toward racial patronage was noticeable. With the assumption of control, which was gained by Mr. Thompson, Jr., through his attorney Sydney Gorman, it is believed that tHe Thom pson restaurants will again be the institutions of old. OMAHA MID.CITY BUSINESS MEN WILL MEET AT ROBERTS DAIRY On Tuesday, April 11, the Omaha Mid-City Business Men’s Association will hold its weekly meeting at the Roberts Dairy assembly room. Elect ion of officers will be held. The association is composed of eighty-five business men within the territory between Fifteenth and For. tieth from Chicago to Bristol Street. The group was organized to promote good-will among the business men in this vicinity, and to do constructive work in the community. The group hopes to be able at some time to help do away with the seepage of water after heavy rains into the basement of some of the groceries on Cuming Street. At present the water floods the streets after heavy rains and runs into basements. The present officers of the assoc iation are: Mr. John Mercer, presi dent; Mr. C. D. Zents, secretary, and Mr. Dave Gerber, treasurer. Mr. Mer cer has given the group excellent leadership, Mr. Zents has put in a great deal of hard work, calling every — Six of the cadidates indorsed by The Douglas County Voters League were among the 14 winners in the April 4th Primary election. They were; Roy N. Towl, Harry Trustin, John Hopkins, W. W. Carmichael, Richard W. Jepsen and A. A. Wes tergard. • Atty. H. J. Pinkett, the only Col ored candidate among the 91 contest ants, finished in 42nd place with 2,134 votes. 14 High Candidates Roy N. Towl .34,882 Dan B. Butler . 27,616 Frank E. Frost . 24,769 i Harry Trustin . 20,962 John Hopkins .19,300 Frank Myers 18,913 Harry Knudsen lg’,251 W, W. Carmichael _'.17,891 Dean Noyea . 16,678 J. B. Hummel . 15,375 Emmett Man non .14,347 Riohard L. Metcalfe . 11,698 Richard W. Jepsen .... ....11,452 A. A. Westergard . . . 9,624 member of the organization on the morning of meetings, and Mr. Gerber has done equally fine work as treas. ) urer. Mr. S. E. Klaver, attorney, has done a great deal of legal work for the association, gratis, and has prov en himself very beneficial to the group. Plans are now under way for en tertainment at the April lith meet ing. according to Mr. C. H. Blom. berg, who represents the Roberts | Dairy in the association. Mr. G. S. Johnston, building superintendent for the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, is expected to give some of his famous impersonations. Refresh ments will be served. FOUNDER OF DOUGLAS NAT’L. BANK, DEAD Chicago, 111.—P. W. Chavers, foun. der of the Douglas National Bank and one of the leading business men here, died March 19 and funeral services were held on March 22. The late Mr. Chavers was a native of Columbus, O., and before entering banking he had been a newspaper editor and manufacturer of aprons. He came to Chicago in 1919 and took over the defunct Woodtfork Bank and out of this institution grew the Douglas Na. tional. --■ ' ' -A Dr. Lennox On the Job . HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM (continued from last week) very few have come to the support of it, although they have been made eligible for membership. Instead of using credit facilities provided by Congress, insurance companies and bankers are sending hundreds of their own mortgage debtors to the Feder al Home loan banks in an endeavor to convert their mortgage mistakes into cash. Building and loan interests are willing to shoulder their responsibil it ies by bringing mortgage funds in to the American communities and have so demonstrated by the alacrity with which they have joined ’the Home Loan Bank System even before it had made its initial loan. Any banking sy.^fem to be a- success must look beyond the lending possi bilities of its capital stock. A comm ercial bank must so conduct its af fairs as to attract deposits which constitute by far the larger part of its available working funds. In the same manner, the Federal Home Loan Banking System must look be yond its $134,000,000 capital to the possibility of its expansion to $1,800,. — y 000,000 if it is to be a factor in the field to which Congress has dedicated its efforts. If the terras of the act carefully and conservatively admin istered inspire the confidence of in vestors the full benefits of the sys tem will be felt. The $8,000,000,000 of building and loan assets constitute a broad and safe base for this expan sion. A liberalization of lending res trictions especially when investors de mand extreme conservatism will un dermine the possibilities of the new system before it gets under way. The restrictions that limit the discount privileges of institutions borrowing money from the banks to 40 per cent of the value of the property, a proper and necessary safeguard for the pro tection of Investors in the bonds of the banks, should not be confused with the rights of member institu tions to continue their natural and customary lending policies which by state laws permit 60 per cent to 75 per cent loans. It is unthinkable that investors would consider direct loans to individuals on distressed mortgag es as a proper base for the issuance of bonds in a Federally administered national credit institution. Judge Denies Writ of Mandamus to Youth Seeking to Enter Uni. of N. Carolina MANDAMUS IN N. CAROLINA “U” CASE DENIED; TO APPEAL DECISION Three Young Colored NAACP. At torneys Oppose State Attorney General and Two Aides in Durham Court*oom in Effort to Open Professional School to Negro Students Durham, N. C.,—After a dramatic and intense two-day legal battle here, Judge M. V. Barnhill on March 28th denied a petition of mandamus brought by Thomas R. Hocutt, a col ored yo<uth who sought to be enrolled in the school of pharmacy of the University of North Carolina. Hocutt sought an order from the court direct, ing the university to admit him as a student. The judge held that the peti tion of mandamus was not the prop er method of seeking relief. Denial of the mandamus was ex pected by all parties and was pre dicted before the suit was filed. The attorneys for Hocutt immediately fil ed notice of appeal and are preparing the papers for the higher court. At. tomeys for the NAACP. in Washing, ton and New York are studying the opinion. This suit is only the first step in a legal fight to secure pro fessional training for Negroes in N. Carolina and other southern states. Judge Says Color Barred Hocutt Judge Barnhill, regarded as the best trial judge in this section of N. Carolina, in his opinion made the vit all important point that in his judge ment Hocutt’s admission to the uni versity was denied on the sole ground that he was a person of African des cent. Judge Barnhill also declared that Hocutt had made due applica tion to the university to be admitted. On two other questions of fact which he was asked to decide, the judge answered in the negative, say ing that he did not believe Hocutt complied with all the rules and regu lations in respect to such application and that he did not believe Hocutt had established a clear legal right to the university as a student in pharm acy. Drama in the Courtroom The hearings were held in a court room packed with colored and white people. Conrad Pearson and Cecil Me Coy, young Durham lawyers, were assisted by William H. Hastie of Washington, D. C., sent down by the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People. The young colored lawyers were lined up against Dennis G. Brummitt, Attorney General of North Carolina, A. A. F. Seawell, first assistant at torney genera! and Victor Bryant, local white lawyer. Although the hearing was set for Friday, it actually did not get under way until Saturday. Friday was tak en up with conferences in the judge's chambers in which it was sought to arrange a compromise. The attorney general. as he said later in the argu ment, # was for granting anything to the Negroes if they would not ask entrance to the sacred campus of the University of North Carolina. No compromise' was reached and Satur day morning questioning of witness es began. Interest was high in the case as Hastie, immediately upon ar riving on Thursday, had proceeded with McCoy and Pearson to issue subpoenas for everyone, white and black, connected with the case. Other Courts Recess to Hear So intense was the interest in the case, the judge in the criminal court recessed for Saturday morning and practically all the members of the lo cal bar, colored and white, were in the room. The law faculty of the uni versity and of Duke University was present, as well as many students from the two schools. The Negroes, who had been running to cover under the steady propaganda of whites in the city and state, came out to see the battle and their attitude changed -. . ■■■" ■ ' ..—.' ' . „ I when they saw their young lawyers holding their own against the state attorney general. Thomas J. Wilson, registrar of the university was the main witness and he was examined and cross examin ed by both sides. Hocutt’s lawyers finally got him to admit that Hocutt had sufficient credits to enter the uni versity. He was on the stand for nearly two hours and under careful and persistent questioning by McCoy and associates, it was shown from the catalogue that Hocutt had done everything required for admission. Attorney General Gets Laugh On Tuesday afternoon when final arguments were made, the courtroom was like a sardine box. A mass meet ing of colored people had been held on Sunday and hundreds of people pledg. ed backing for the fight. The spect acle of colored lawyers bravely and skillfully stacking the age old jim crow practices fired the imagination and loyalty of the citizens who had remained quiet or hostile up to then. It turned out that not only were McCoy, Pearson and Hastie fighting against the attorney general, but they were up against brilliant legal minds on the law faculty of the uni versity. The university’s final brief was drawn with the assistance of Dean M. T. Van Hecke and Prof. R. H. Wettaeh of the faculty. In the final fifteen minutes allot ted to him for argument, the attor ney general drew an unexpected big laugh from the Negroes in the court room which effectively took the wind out of his plea. He pointed out that for 144 years the university had been for whites and he said: “I think there is a deep motive be hind this suit and I think that mo tive is that this ‘Nigra’ wants to as sociate with white people." The speaker evidently thought he would get approval from the whites and fearsome silence from the Ne groes. The whites did not say any. ll. • a _ «r cnange tneir expression*. The Negroes broke out into a load, derisive laugh and Judge Bamhili was forced to rap for order. Messrs. McCoy and Pearson made masterful closing arguments, divid ing their time with Mr. Hastie. Judge Barnhill’s dismissal was in somewhat technical language. He proper remedy, but that if it was held that the mandamus was not the proper, the plaintiff had not sought to use it in the proper manner in hia prayer for relief. This last reference is to the judge’s contention that the petition should have asked not for admission to the university, but for the unprejudiced consideration of the application by the registrar. The hearings were marked with the except that all the whites, by ona utmost courtesy between all parties method or another, dodged the use of “Mister” in addressing the colored attorneys. Mr. Hastie, a Harvard graduate, chatted with Harvard men on the university law faculty and with Duke university students who wanted to ask about the Harvard law school. At the close of the hearing Mr. Hastie thanked the court and bar for the courtsey they had shown a vis iting attorney. In reply Judge Barn hill assured him that his court wel comed him and appreciated the high plane on which the plaintiff’s law. yers had conducted their case. ANTI-LYNCH BILL INTRODUCED IN CONGRESS Washington, D. C.—Congressman Edmonds of Pennsylvania has intro duced in the House of Representativ es an anti-lynehing bill: “to assure to persons within the jurisdiction of every state the equal protection of the laws, and to punish the crime of lyn ching. ’ The bill has been referred to the Committee on the judiciary.