The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 01, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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    ________Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, April 1, 1933. paj?e 3 _
Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street by
Phone WEbster 1750
All News Copy must be in our office not later thau Monday
at 5 | ra., and all Advertising C®py or Paid Articles, not later than
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Entered as Second Class mail matter, March 15, 1927, at the Post
c.fl at Omaha, Nebraska, under the act of Congress of Mar. 8, 1879
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- ■ - — -
The Omaha Guide as press representative has (by
printing news items sent in by the various candidates),
endeavored to i it all sides and angles of the cam
paign. I'sues. These arguments will be terminated Tues
day, April 4th, when the Omaha citizenry selects 14 men
to n nt them in the finals of May 2nd. We hope our
limited amount of press items combined writh the know
ledge you already have of the prospective councilmen will
be s ient to help you in selecting the logical candidat
es for the city council. If we seem to favor certain candi
dates it is because we know from actual contact and ex
periei ese candidates will give our people the
Mt Moriah Baptist Church,
24th and Ohio Streets,
Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor.
Sunday was another great day at
Mt. Moriah both spiritually and fin.
ancially. The pastor delivered very
helpful and inspiring sermons, at the
morning and evening worship. A
men’s chorus of 30 voices rendered
the music for the evening service.
This was their first appearance, and
they received jnuch praise and com.
ment for their splendid music. Much
enthusiasm was demonstrated in the
Sunday school at which time closing
reports of the Hill Top Race in which
all class*-* were participating were
made. When the final reports were
sumed up it was found that the Sun.
day School had gone over the top
in new members and offering. This
same enthusiastic spirit continued
through the BYPU. at which time a
very Tmprsasive program was rend
ered by the Old Reliable Group to a
packed house. The closing report
showed that each group had raised
over their apportionment. The after
noon service under the direction of
Ever Loyal Group was well attended.
The Pastor, and Officers wore highly
pleased with the final reports of aux
iliaries for the Month of March. Dr.
R. T Frye, President of Western
Baptist College, Kansas City, Mo.,
who was Guest Speaker at the New
Era Board Meeting last week, was
house guest of Rev. and Mrs. F. P.
Jones, during his stay in the . city
He also spoke at the evening service
on list Sunday Dr. Frye, Rev. and
Mrs. Jones were entertained at Break
fast at the Home of Dr. and Mrs.
Hawkins, Wednesday morning. The
Recital by Mrs. Rosa Brown Buck
ner, on April 6, The Beautiful Pag
eant, on Easter Night by the Senior
Choir, The Sunrise Service, The Elab
; orate Program by the Sunday School
Easter Sunday afternoon, are some
: of the leading events for the month
i of April.
Salem Baptist Church,
22nd and Seward St.,
Rev. E. W. Anthony, Pastor,
Mr. Wm. Cooper, Reporter
Sunday was a banner day for Sal
em. The Sunday School had a spec
ial program as quarterly review also
BYPU. rendered a short drama on
lesson topic.
The pastor delivered two soul stir
ring sermons. 11 a. m. subject—Jesus
the slave, Matt. 20.28. 8 p. m. sub
ject The Christian a Martyr but a
victim. Rev. 7-14. A nice crowd was
• Mow Chairman County Board •
^k He he* saved the taxpayer* over ONE MILLION
DOLLARS. He knows how and WILL cut the cost
a1 city government. Civs him a chance. Elect him
eaty commissioner.
(political Adr.) -
on hand and all feasted on these pow.
eriul sermons.
We will have baptizing Sunday,
April 2nd. Come early, don’t forget
the spring banquet April ,6th sponsor
ed by the Mission Circle. Dinner serv
ed at new low rate. We also invite
you back April 7th for Quartette
musical by the Gateway Harmony
Four. Follow the crowd to Salem
and be made to feel at home.
Pleasant Green Baptist Church
Acting Pastors, Cooper and Clayton
Mrs. King, Clerk,
Mrs. I, Keys, reporter,,
Sunday School at 9:30 with Supt.
Upshir was well attended. Thirty en
rolled. Lesson review by Mr. Hall.
The morning devotion was conduct
ed by Deacon Surley and Mr. Strange
Rev. Clayton delivered the sermon
and the choir sang beautifully. Pres
ident, Mrs. McGuire.
Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m„ the
Mission and Pew Rally was held. Rev.
Cooper preached and the Pleasant
Green quartette rendered several sel
ections. The service was well attend
ed and was a large success.
The evening service was preached
by Rev. Hall. Pleasant Green had a
spiritual meeting all day long.
Friends and visitors are always wel
Morning Star No. 1 Baptist Church
A high day at Morning Star Bap
tist Church on North 24th St. March
26th. Rev. T. W. Stevenson, our
new elected pastor, was in the pulpit.
BYPU was very nicely attended.
Mrs, L. A.. Hughes, president. The
evening services was well attended,
and since being with us such a short
while, Rev. Stevenson has inspired
six to be added to the church. If you
want to hear the gospel come to
Morning Star Baptist Church No. 1.
Rev. T. W. Stevenson, Pastor, N. L.
Raybon, reporter.
Christ Temple,
26th and Burdette Sts.,
O. J. Burckhardt, Pastor,
Verda Gordon, reporter.
Christ Temple is being enlarged
and redecorated. We have a new choir
stand, and beautiful ceiling lights.
When we shall have finished, we will
have a very respectable place of wor
ship. Elder F. H. Huntley has been
supervisor of the work, assisted by
some of the other brethern and the
women who make up the various or
ganizations of the church.
We have a Bible class each Tues
day evening and you who live in the
community are missing a great op
portunity of learning the truth about
the Bible and its teachings. Brother
J. C. Parker is the teacher, and we
consider him one of the most profic
ient Bible teachers in the city. Elder
Huntley and Sister Mitchell have or
ganized a junior choir, which sings in
the mornings and the adults choir
snigs at tbe evening service. Both
choirs sing well. You should hear
them. We had in the audience Sun
day evening1, Mrs. James Smith and
Mrs. Eula Britt and with them was
Mrs. Jennie B. Holland of New York
an old friend of our pastor and a for
mer resident of Lincoln when a girl.
Elder J. W. Goodwin brought us
a splendid message Sunday evening
whcih brought compliments from the
visitors. You will always find a hearty
welcome at Christ Temple. Come and
worship with us and we will do thee
St. John’s AME. Church,
The Friendly Church—
22nd and Willis Ave„
Rev. L. P. Bryant, Pastor,
The services at St. John’s AME.
Church were very well attended last
Sunday. Rev. Bryant preached three
sermons at St. John in the morning,
at Zion Baptist at 3 p. m. and again
at St. Johns for the evening worship.
At Zion Rev. Bryant preached a
great sermon on the value of being
truthful and knowing your real
Sunday was promotion day in the
Sunday school at St. John. The Sun
day School board feels that by this
method of promotion, there will be
greater interest shown on the part
of the children.
The Booster Club of St. John dir.
ected by Mr. John Woods and assist
ed by local talent, presented a play,
the Slave Maid of Israel last Wed
nesday night at the Elks’ Hall, spon
sored by the Lady Elks. The play
was very well presented. It showed
there had been some very hard con
centrated work on the part of Mr.
Woods and the cast. The play was so
well appreciated that it will be pres
Vote For
Frank C. Best
City Commissioner
(Political Adv.)
ented again by the same cast on
April 14th at St. John’s AME. Church.
If you did not see the play when it
was presented before, make your plans
to see it when it is presented again.
Each member of the cast played his
| part well but the outstanding parts
were Mr. John Woods, who played the
part of Namman, Miss Bertha Crieg
ler, Ruth, the Little Jewish Maid,
Mrs. L. B. Houston, Thamar and
Mr. J. T. Scott, Simeon.
Dr. Lennox On the Job |
■■ -. -i
(Continued from last week)
been led to believe that this system
would accomplish impossible things.
Infortunately for the inauguration of
this permanent system it happened
to be started amidst the throes of a
national political campaign. The
plan to refinance sound mortgages
temporarily in distress has been mis
understood and the thought is a.
broad that the United States Gover
nment will immediately take over all
distressed mortgages and thereby re
lieve private capital of its present
troubles and loss. The emergency
confronting the nation and the home
owner should not occupy the entire
attention of the public without refer
ence to the benefits that would flow
from a permanent system any more
than should the emergency relief as
pects of the temporary Reconstruc
tion Finance Corporation banking, su
pplant the permanent Federal Res
erve System.
There are really two pressing prob
lems in the home financing field. One
is taking care of the individual with
a short-term mortgage which has
been called and the individual who has
good real estate security, who can
repay and who merits further funds.
The Home Loan Bank System can ef
fectively solve this problem. The
second problem is the property own
er who does not have employment
and has not been able for many
months, if not years, to pay interest,
taxes. apd insurance. Further loans
will not assist this individual and
most advances made under such con
ditions could ever be repaid. The
Home Loan Bank System cannot deal
with this problem.
If the Federal Government should
desire to undertake the granting of
doles to individuals under the guise
of loans with the resulting hazards
which such a departure in Govern
ment and in business entails, neces.
sarily they must do it without invit
ing into stock partnership commun
ity businesses and private investors
because private institutions cannot
risk the investments of their mem
bers and'pledge their credit in unsafe
and unbusiness-like enterprises.
The Home Loan Bank System con
tinues to be criticized in banking cir
cles and in banking publications. The
home financing institutions in this
country, and particuarly building and
loan associations, do not presume to
pass upon and criticize the obvious
shortcomings of the commercial bank
ing structure of the country. As
the building and loan associations are
primarily engaged in the home fin
ancing business, we feel that other
institutions should be equally toler
ant and should refrain from continu
ing the competitive offense against
the Home Loan Bank System that
characterised their actions during the
six months it was being considered by
The life insurance companies mili
tantly opposed the system and to
this date, (continued next week)
Mr. Frank C. Best, a candidate for
City Commissioner, is seeking elect
ion' on the strength of his past rec
ord as a former county official. When
he was a member of the County
Board he served as chairman of the
Finance Committee. He was Chair
man of the committee that had charge
of the building of the present County
Court House.
He has always been a friend of the
working man and has always been a
Louis H. Cinek
Insures A Clean, Honest, Progres
sive and Economical Business
Pledged For Lower Taxes
hard fighter for principle. The best
way to find out whether a man is
qualified or not is to investigate his
past record. Mr. Best welcomes an
Two of the main important offices
under Mayor Richard L. Metcalfe are
held by colored people. Reverend W.
S. Metcalfe is head of the Weights
and Measures and Mrs. Edwards in
the Welfare Department. The Mayor
has on his Executive Committee some
of the most prominent colored men
and women of the City. On the com
mittee will be found such well known
colored people as C. J. Coleman, Dr.
J. H. Hutten, Dr. Wesley Jones, Dr.
Peebles, Dr. L. E. Britt, Dr. G. B,
Lennox, Ed. Killingsworth, Foster
Nelson and Miss Gertrude Lucas.
Frank J. Riha, Chairman of the
Board of County Commissioners, has
issued the following statement in con
nection with his candidacy for city
“In this campaign, I intend to stand
squarely on my record as County
Commissioner. In that position, coupl
ed with the chairmanship of the board
of equalization, I successfully fought
for economies and lower taxes which
saved the taxpayers more than a mil
lion dollars a year. Proof of this
statement will be found in the 1932
County and 1933 City tax receipts.
These records will show that I was
responsible for actually reducing tax
March 27, 1933.
Omaha Guide Publ. Co.,
Dear Sirs:
Gus Dworak, a personal friend to
the race, has filed for City Commis
sioner. Gus Dworak, who is serving
“For A Square Deal and
Fairness To All”
(Political Adv.)
his third term in the Senate has
proven his friendship for our race
group. He fought for colored em
ployment in this present session. He
worked hard on the bill tQ put mar
ried women out of schools and to elect
the school board from Districts, claim
ing that the colored people had a right
to representation on the school board.
If you want a friend in the City
Council put Gas Dworak in there, and
you will have one.
Yours truly,
O. J. Burckhardt.
Others Say”
Dear Mr. Galloway:
I would like to say a few words in
interest of Dean Noyes. I see that he
is a candidate for Commissioner April
Mr. Noyes moved me when I was
evicted from my home last fall on
22nd St., and my family had no place
to go.
So many of my friends received the
same help from him.
The Colored people should apprec
iate a man like Dean Noyes for he
gives our men work and helps us at
Mr. Silas Johnson.
Dean Noyes
(Political Adv.)
Richard L. Metcalfe
" ' 1 " " ‘ '"" * * " . .
Richard W.
(PoHticjil' AdTft'rtiwwontTl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 11
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Adoption of
Baby Loring, minor.
To all persons interested in said
You are hereby notified that on
the 27th day of March, 1933, a
petition was filed in this court by
Deane H. Mallory and Helen B.
Mallory, husband and wife, resi
dents of Douglas County, Nebras
ka, praying for the adoption of
said minor, and the consent there
to of Margaret A. Loring was filed
the same date; that a hearing will
be had on said petition for adopt
ion before said Court on the 21st
day-of April, 1933, at 9 o’clock A.
M. at the County Court Room of
Deufclas County, Nebraska, and
unless you appear at said time and
place and contest said petition, the
court may grant the prayer of
said petition whereby said minor
shall be adopted by the said Deane
H, Mallory and Helen B. Mallory.
Bryce Crawford, County Judge.
3t, beginning April 1st.
John Adams, Jr., Attorney
Notice of Administration
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska, In the matter of
the Estate of Texanna Malone, de
All persons interested in said es
tate are hereby notified that a peti
tion has been filed in said Court al
leging that said deceased died leav
ing no last will and praying for ad
ministration upon his estate, and that
a hearing will be had on said petition
before said court on the 24th day of
April 1933, and that if they fail to
appear at said Court on the said 24th
day of April 1933, 'at 9 o'clock A. M.
to contest said petition, the Court
may grant the same and grant ad
ministration of said estate to Fanny
Freeman or some other suitable per
son and proceed to a settlement there
Bryce Crawford, County Judge.
3t, bg. April 1st.
RAY L. WILLIAMS, Attorney,
Notice of Probate of Will
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Fer
dinand L. Barnett, deceased.
All persons interested in said es
tate are hereby notified that a peti
tion has been filed in said Court,
praying for the probate of a certain
instrument now in file in said Court,
purporting to be the last will and
testament bf said deceased, and that
a hearing will be had on said petition
before said Court on the 15th day of
April 1933, and that if they fail to
appear at said Court on the said 15th
day of April 1933, at 9 o'clock A. M.,
to contest the probate of said will,
the Court may allow and probate said
will and grant administration of said
estate to Hattie Barnett or some
other suitable person and proceed to
a settlement thereof.
Bryce Crawford, County Judge.
3t—beg. March 25th, '33.
Notice of Administration
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of
Thurman Johnson, deceased.
All persons interested in said es
tate are hereby notified that a peti
tion has been filed in said Court aL
leging that said deceased died leaving
no last will and praying for adminis
tration upon his estate, and that a
hearing will be had on said petition
before said court on the 8th day of
April 1933, and that if they fail to
appear at said Court on the said 8th
day of April 1933, at 9 o’clock A. M.
to contest said petition, the Court
may grant the same and grant ad
ministration of said estate to Dr.
Price Terrell or some other suitable
person and proceed to a settlement
Bryce Crawford,
County Judge.
3 times, end 4—1,
In the District Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
Dkt. 285, Number 180.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendant,
Florence Brent, Plaintiff, vs. Paul
M. Brent, Defendant.
To Paul M. Brent, Non-Resident
You are hereby notified that «n
the 17th day of June 1932, Florence
Brent, as plaintiff, filed a petition a.
gainst you in the District Court of
Douglas County, Nebraska, which ap
pears at Dkt. 285, Number 180, in the
records of said court, the object of
which petition was to obtain a divorce
from you on the ground of extreme
You a1*© required to answer said
petition on or before the 10th day of
April 1938., or the allegations of said
! petition will be taken as true and a
; divorce awarded accordingly.
| FLORENCE BRENT, Plaintiff,
by H. J. Pinlcett, her attorney.
4t—Feb. ending March 25)