The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 01, 1933, Image 1

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..„ ..-••* S *, 1IIlift 1 '°r;^uuiHJ/ ^dViestoithe
I Tune In
Every Week Iron this Colamt J
The Fading Color Line.
• • •
With England flying to Italy;
France making overture* to America;
Germany on her rocking horse; Japan
and China playing see-saw; India
gaming a measure of independence;
quakes and tornadoes in our own
country'; the whirlwind actions of con
gress; bear starting to ferment; hun
dreds of banks opening—and hun
dreds more remaining closed. With
all of these happenings, in spite of the
protest organizations, the color line
seems to have faded during the rec
ent days.
And if we lost any recognition in
Liberia and Haiti we, at least, gained
attention at Washington. When the
pres.dent will send a whit* hoi’s* car
to bVing to him a retiring department
employe*, and thafc employee is col
ored, we need not ask whether the
employee was efficient or not. And
when the same president will have a
colored clerk transferred from an
other department to the white house,
again, we need not ask whether the
employee is efficient. In both instanc
es. efficiency accomplished results
that protests never would accomp
lish. Why, we even read, during the
week, of a colored journalist being
admitted to the white house confer
• + •
Indeed, throughout the country,
many appointments were made of
purely local significance it’s true, but
they were made, seemingly, without
the usual fanfare of protests, snpli
cations or remands that Negro re
ceive recognition. On the contrary,
•bey seem to have been made as the
result of cold reasoning, sense of fit
ness and right, along with a con
scientious policy of giving the “for
gotten” man a chance in th« “new
• • •
In West Virginia one race member
succeeds another in * position that
has been held by the race for nearly
two decades. But in Detroit a race
man succeeds s white banker on an
institutional committee that is of
much significance because of the un
usual honors bestowed. Usually the
appointment of a person of color to
such positions gs messengers, clerks,
stenographers, investigators and as
sistants is heralded far and wide, but
when a colored person is placed on
the committee that controls the pol
icies, expenditures and personal, then
w^»re inclined to think that the col
or line is beginning to fade.
• • •
An editorial in a leading national
race paper, which is presumed to be
the “mouthpiece” for the “new deal”
party now in power, states that many
might be surprised to learn that cer
tain leaden are not so anxious for,
or interested in, securing jobs for cer
tain Negroes, as they are for secur
ing rights, privileges 4nd represent
ation for all Negroes. And if this at
titude is not merely a shield for an
apparent lack of Individual influence
then we must heartily applaud their
• • •
A few more catastrophes, making
the whole nation kin. and we win
soon learn that by being ready, being
efficient and being useful is of great
er value and influence than being
vociferous in protests.
““With Our
0 - O
Monday morning, March 27th, the
house met at 9 a. m. and the senate
at 10 but both senate and the house
at this time commonly speaking up
in the air circling around and wond
ering which airport will be the soft
est .to land on as all of them look
The bit appropriations bill is em
erging toward a deadlock and it may
take a special session to get it out
of the air and on the ground.
The present Governor budget with
reduction of $950,000 of which the
university and state normals are ask
ed t® absorb approximately $700,000
and how to solve that problem is the
thing that is worrying the finance
But in the afternoon meeting the
house refused the Governor’s budget
and upheld the original committee re
port. Representative Bruvelut of
Stanton served notice Monday after
noon that at the proper time he would
propose that appropriations for the
university be cut from $2.568,2001
recommended by the committee to!
$2 389,085.
The committee is now asking the
university to withdraw from the
north central association, but this re
quest is thought by some to not be
germane to the subject of the approp
riation. Cushion questions the con
stitutionality of writing this provis.
on into tfte bill. But the committee
was sustained 40-35 in its attempt to
write the university out of the north
central association of colleges. This
move was refered to as “Indian gift
and trading”. It was only the quick
actions by the committee in a minor
amendment that any attempt in any
way to alter university board of ag
riculture college and other appropri
ations were struck down with em
phasis. Speaker O’Malley is strictly
an administrative man and tries al
ways to uphold the (governor’s wish
es. For the support of the Bryan
' budget figures was answered a mo
ment later by Representative John
Havekost (dem) with the statement
i that conditions had changed since the
: Governor made his budget.
“We have seen the time of 10c
j com,” he said, “I again want to call
i your attention to the tax payers con
dition. Many operations of business
! is below cost. We want to conserve
| the schools, the conservation of the
nomes are more important.
The bill to elect the school board
J from districts and the non.employ
imnt of married women was killed
in the committee; but Senator Dwor
ak, Bren, coupled up with Represent- j
ative John Owen and Teasor, have
| succeeded in resurrecting it again and
| it is now on the senate roll for fur
ther action. The present school
board is very active in using its in
fluence to defeat the measure, but
there are those connected with both
the house and senate, who believe that
| it is right and just that each district
! should be represented. Senator Dwor.
ak says one of the reasons why the
school board is opposing the house
roll 31 by Teasor. is that such a bill
would at least help to make it pos
sible for colored teachers to be res
tored back into the public schools.
This bill should be made a law in jus
tice to all tax payers.
Gov. Bryan’s Code Bill was passed
1 in the senate. The senate rejected the
amendment requiring the senate to
confirm all nominations, however,
things got a little warm in the sen
ate today, the boyj called each other
! what God struck Ananias and Sap.
phi-ra dead for doing.
(Watch next week's notes, they
will more than likely be hot.)
Helen Campbell, 17 year, old Negro
; girl, was turned over to juvenile au
thorities Monday when Jacob Lund
ell. proprietor of a grocery store near
Twenty-Sixth and Seward Street, com
I plained that she had threatened him
Detroit Man Gets Important Post
Student Dance Starts College Rift
N.A.A.C.P. Official
mill I —i—II ■ IIIIIIW— A*
DEAN WM. PICKENS IN OMAHA Secretary of New York, will be in
- Omaha, April 5-10th in interest of
Mr. Wm. Pickens, National Field the NAACP. Membership Campaign.
with a butcher knife.
Earlier last week, he said, the girl
bought a package of cigarettes but
did not pay for them. Saturday, when
she made another purchase he took
out money for the cigarettes. The girl
objected and later returned to the
store with the knife.
Frost Speaks
I, Frank E. Frost, President of the
Frost Battery Company, wish to in
form you that as a candidate for
City Commissioner, I pledge my
promise, if elected; I shall CON
TINUE using my present beliefs in
FAIRNESS to ALL regardless of
race or creed. And also; That I shall
do everything within my power to
promote anything that is of import
ance to the communitys’ welfare and
The Nation’s people decided plenty
strong that Washington and the
States needed a change—WHY?
What about Omaha? If you think
it does I advise YOU to do your best
to put in men who will earnestly do
their best to relieve Omaha in this
In the Senate Journal, daily report
of the fifty-eighth day of the Legis
lature, Rev. 0. J. Burckhardt, led the
prayer for the morning session.
Rev. Burckahrdt has worked in the
senate for many sessions and in many
instances has been given honorable
mention which is a credit to our race
London.—It became known here
last week that-the steamer Stanley
ville left Blyth, Northumberland on
March 6, for Japan, manned by a
crew of Negroes, who are British
subjects, determined to join the Jap
anese air force. The ship had cleared
the port when a delegation of the
British Anti-War Council arrived in
taxicabs from London bearing 200
Lbs. sterling with which they hoped
•to induce the discontinuance of the
voyage. The Begian owned vessel
had been sold to the Japanese govern
ment. The crew was enlisted after
the youths were offered 20 training
airplanes for practical aviation in
structions if they journeyed to Japan.
A fortune teller, buried treasure,
ghostly sounds, and a dark man with
a secret mission—all these combined
to excavate a 5 by 10 foot hole in a
polished dance floor a flight up at
1902 North twenty-fourth street, Mon
day night. As a result, Tom Coulter,
Negro, 1602 North Twenty-seventh
street, is in jail for 30 days.
Mr. Coulter explained in police
court this morning how, weighed
down with debt and woe, he went
Monday afternoon to a fortune teller
to learn the future had in store for
“Beneath dance floor that I des
cribe, you will find a buried treasure”
said the fortune teller, according to
Mr. Coulter. So he borrowed a kit of
tools, cut his way through the door of
the dance hall, and started to work.
Just below, a groceryman and his
family first heard ghostly rappings,
but it was not until Mr. Coulter had
upheaved a large portion of the dance
floor that they suddenly decided that
it might be a burglar. They phoned
“I would have dug up more” said
Mr. Coulter this morning, “but my
saw broke.” As it was he came clear
through into the grocery and right on
top of the refrigerator. But he didn't
find a dime.
The city prosecutor this morning
presented Coulter with a dream, book
to help while away his sentence.
"I don't believe there’s any treasure
any where in that floor,” said Coul
ter. “If there is, it will never be both
ered by me!”
o -—-—o
o -—-o
How unjust it is to judge of guilt
on the strength of superficial cir
cumstantial evidence was illustrated
some time ago by the case of a 11
year old boy murdered in Arkansas
presumably for a small amount of
money he carried.
It was known that shortly before
his death he had been in company
with a one-eyed Negro boy. who also,
was missing. Search for the negro
was begun, with open threats of sum
mary vengeance. After several days
the negro boy was found not far from
where the white boy was killed. But
he was also dead, with indications
that he gave his life in common battle
with the white lad’s murderers.
Now suppose that the two boys had
seperated before the white boy was
killed. And suppose the mob had cap
tured the negro lad, whose sightless
eye would have identified him beyond
question. There would have been just
one more lynching of a negro, despite
his pleadings and protestations of in
This should be a lesson for any who
may be tempted to take part in' mob
While many of the 91 candidates
filed for the city commission are
stressing that they are pledged to
no political faction or organization,
and have no committeements, Blaine
Young is boasting that he is PLEDG
ED. “I am pledged and committed,
—not to one man or group of men—
not to any so-called “gang” or “ma
chine”—but pledged unreservedly to
219.500 citizens—committed to every
man, woman and child in Omaha to
do simply my best in the interest of
our city. What my ability is I leave
to the judgement of my friends,” said
Mr. Young.
Blaine Young, who is a successful
insurance man also stated that the
insurance rates in Omaha could be
materially reduced by electing seven
men to the city council who will work
in harmony and accord. Fire, liabil
ity and burglary iilsurance rates all
depend on efficient city management.
Another issue ef importance to a
great number of sportsmen in Omaha,
would be the material improvement
of Omaha’s municipal golf courses.
Johnny Goodman, Omaha's pride of
the golfing world, says, “It would be
a great break for Omaha’s muny
golf players if Blaine Young is elect
ed. I am sure Blaine would make an
effort to see that all of the fees paid
by muny golfers go right back into
the upkeep of the courses, and not
used somewhere else.”
To My Friends in Omaha:
I have always believed in having
my friends know exactly my position
on matters concerning our mutual
welfare. Therefore, I am taking the
liberty of using the columns of this
excellent newspaper to state my posi
tion in the dty election now before
We, you and I, have an interest in
this city election. We want to vote
and help elect candidates who are
grateful for our support, and who
show their appreciation by favoring
and giving employment to our people.
We want to know those candidates
who have shown their graciousness to
ward our people when the dust of
election has been settled and we have
all returned to normalcy.
Such a man is Arthur Westergard.
(Continued on page 4)
The opening date of the Mid-City
Community Center has been changed
from April 3rd to April 9th.
Action Taken Against 3 White Stu
dents at the Pittsburgh, Kansas
Teachers’ College
Pittsburgh, KanJ;., March—(Spec
ial)— An informal interracial dance
that followed a meeting of the For
um Club at Pittsburgh Teachers Col
lege here last week created a furor
resulting in:
(1) Two mass meetings. (2) The
passing of a resolution banning mix
ed dancing. (3) The taking away of
all social privileges of j three white
men students for the remainder of the
current semester. (4) The suspension
of one of the trio by his fraternity.
Dance Was Scheduled
About 25 students were at the For
um meeting sponsored by the YMCA.
and YWCA, for discussion of current
issues. A colored coed read a paper
After the program the three white
students danced with colored coeds
and a white girl danced with a color
ed student. Two college professors
were chaperons. The dance had been
scheduled on the college’s social cal
The white students against whom
action was taken are Alfred B. Coats,
Kans., graduate history student and
Forum Pres.; John Price, Kans., grad
uate student and former college “Y”
Pres.,; and his brother Ralph Price,
V. P. of College “Y”
Under the auspices of the Family
Welfare Association, Mr. E. A. Hop
per, Horticulturist, School of Agri
culture, University of Nebraska, will
speak to a group of people interested
in gardening, at the North Side “Y”,
Thursday, April 6th at 1:30 p. ml
Any person interested in gardening
may come.
Here’s your chance to see the won
der of the age! The long talked about
“World’s Fair” held once every 20
years and this year, held in the 5th
largest city in the world. You can go!
All of your expenses paid for one full
glorious week! Simply register in the
“Trip to the World’s Fair Contest”,
sponsored by the Finance Committee
of the North Side “Y”. Get full part
iculars by phoning Webster 1539!
Mrs. Florence Johnson, Chairman.
Before an appreciative audience at
the Zion Baptist Church on last
Thursday evening, members of the
“Y” Dramatic Club presented very
effectively two one act plays. The
first, a Negro Drama, with a real,
istic setting, captivated the audience.
Each actor showed individuality and
intelligence in portraying his and her
part. According to Community Play
house critics, few; amateurs achieve
the effect which Fannie Lu Levison
produced as the betrayed wife of a
worthless husband. Mr. Henry Thom,
as as “Old Man Williams” showed,
through his speech^ a careful analysis
and understanding of Negro dialect.
James Dotson, as the small boy, was
competely at home on the stage; and
Mr. Alvin Wilkes, as the worthless
husband, carried the audience along
with his fine acting. The second play,
“All Gummed Up”, a comedy, was
light and entertaining. Vera Chand.
ler was a charming sophisticated ac.
tress. Mr. Eugene Murray showed a
naturalness while Mr. William Peeb
les portrayed a fine characterization
as the irate musician. True to form
was the playing of Charles Dickerson
and Ruth Gale Griffith made a lovely
indulgent wife. The players were
highly commended and will be pres,
ented at two later dates, in the same
performance in Council Bluffs and ai
the Joslyn Memorial.
Mr. A. C. Butler died last week ai
6:40. He was one of the old friends
and father of J J. Butler, 2709 Corby
Detroit, Mich., Mar.—John C. Dan
cy, secretary of the Detroit Urban
League, has been named by Mayor
Frank Murphy as a member of the
commission of the House of Correct
ion. The House of Correction com
mission is one of the four key com
missions of the city government. The
appointment stirred up protest from
prejudiced white people, but Mayor
Murphy is ignoring the agitation. He
stated he named Mr. Dancey not as
a political appointment, but because
he is an able and trained, high class
man such as is needed foi* the work.
Mr. Danceyjs one of the best known
social workers in the country. He i®
the son of John C, Dancy, former reg
ister of deeds for the District of Col
umbia, and is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania. He has been
at Det^jit Urban League for 13 years
In meetings of various civic and
political groups last week Harry
Irustm vigorously announced his in
tentions it elected to the City Com
mission. He stated: “I am for gov
ernment of the people, free from any
machine entanglements and from any
organized group, free from any pledge
of patronage to any class, color, or
creed. I am not in favor of any ex
tension of natural gas except hy the
vote of the people and I will do my
utmost toward giving the city an
economical and business-like admin
He added: There is something sa
great deal more important than de
claration of platform in this particul
ar campaign; because of the existing
conditions, it is more necessary than,
ever before that the voter be more
careful in his choice of the men who
will sit in the City Council Chamber
for the next three years. I believe
that it will take a courageous man
It will take an honest man, and it
will take a man who has been tested
and proven. It seems to me that one
can only be proved by his record ht
the past. If he has given of himself
to the civic organizations of the city
for the betterment of the community
in which he lives; if he has given of
his time unstintingly for alleviating
the distressed and infirm; if be has
been thoughtful of the future citizen*
of our country and has tried to make
conditions better for those growing'
into manhood; if he has been active
and interested in making better cit
izens; and further? if he has educa
tion and has had professional or busi
ness training and necessary exper
ience in both; if his life has been,
without stain and his home life irre
proachable; if he has in his daily life
among the citizens in his communityr.
conducted himself in an upright gmf.
substantial manner; then, that typ*
of a man should receive the vote edT
trie people.
Mr. Trustin has been extremely
active and can truthfully say he caw
meet every requirement. Mr. Trustin.
has received the endorsemnt of may
organizations including:
Independent Voters League, Doug
las County Voters League, Robert1
Smith Group, Benson Boosters Leagoo
Builders Industry, United Clubs,
Omaha Building Trades Council.
Community Civic Imp. Club, North
Side Political Club, Youngmen’s and'
Women’s Trustin Club.
Friday night, March 31st, at 9:30
over station WOW., Mr. Trustin,
represented by Robert Smith, Henry
Monsky, and Francis P. Mathews,
prominent Omaha men will be heard.
The Associated Retailers today an
nounced their stores would close at
5:30 p. m. starting April 1, on tbs
understanding that all general mer
chandising stores downtown would do
the same. All but a few were “m
line” today.