The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 04, 1933, Image 1

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Read The Only Paper of Its
The Omaha Guide Kind West of the
Every Week Missouri River
VOL. VII.— Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, March 4, 1933. Number Two—.
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$ Tune In ——-* jj
wFhe NEWS" f
t v”
! Every Week from this Column J
• * *
Were I to set a charge on the
humble service that I have attempted
to render through this column since
its inception nearly three years ago
I would consider the bill “paid in
f_H" after reading the editorial, pre
sumably by “Book” Lawton, in the
kalis a > W op, of 1 peka, issue of
February !*th. reading a® follows:
a • *
“No. 396«7”
“Somewhere within the broad ex-1
pan?'.. tW fcWbnMItate* of - Amor-.j
ica a brilliant mind, a regenerated
'Oul; af vering to the No. “306ln -
bids toia tint* and a1waits the hour
when “r” shall roll hack like a
SCI II; thf prison bars that restrain
his freedom until the full measure of
justice Is meted out; and societv
bas collect*.' : ;:s lull debt.
“He pays! He pays! He pays! The
strpied or gray uniforms are symbols
of an institution that crucifies hum
an souls to avenge the illusions of
society: that it is a moral force, cap
able of meting out justice to those
who transgress its civil and moral
“Were I to name the most brilliant
literary men of my group, the No.
"90687”, would stand beside those of
DuBois. Pickens, Simmons. Hughes,
and Wilkins. And were I obliged to
chcx«e from the whole field; the one
■whose star shines the more brilliant
from amid the greater number of
shackles that retard each in his
sphere, 1 would seek the solitude of
the grim gray walls of-prison,
to pin upon the breast of “30667”, a
star of hope; the gratitude of a race.
“Uncomplainingly, he languishes
behind steel and stone and writes
beautifully oi me nexxer iiuiigo ^
life, like a great “General”; directing
a battle on many fronts, he conducts
a system of information so stupend
ous, as to affect the readers of more
than half a hundred (colored) news
papers in the United States. When
1 see So. “30667V column alongside
that of my own. sharing with mine
the same pages; it is, with a feeling
of doubtful equity of what falls from
mv pen, that I appreciate the honor.
“Surely the kind hand of provi
dence. searching over the universe
for those who suffer fate; will touch
the hem of his garments, and cause
to fade; the cruel stripes, the stigma
of a prison slave that rideth swiftly
as the winds, to scatter its filth and
its brand; even before his going.
“The law of reciprocity! Is it not
dead? Arise and loose the shackles
society has been paid! Give to him
the reward of your bargain, as he has
given to you. Hear his knocking at
your door, which echoes the ears of
twelve millions of colored Americans ?
By his advice and gentle kindness un
der reversed conditions, he has light
ened the yoke about their necks and
lighted the darker avenues of their
lives, and awaits at the fork of the
roads to lead them through green pas
tures watered and grown in the flick
ering shadows pf a gloomy prison—
by the ray and hope of one that has
lived not alone for himself; hut for
them and their God—which is his al
“It has been my pleasure to ex
change with No. “30667”, compli
ments and acknowledgement to each,
for his writings. It is my further
pleasure to unsheath the sword in his
name, as he has for the millions of
us. To scale the heights of society;
higher to the impregnable wall, w'hich
like an iceberg, stands haughtily in
contempt of those who are beating
“In closing, may I admonish that
we all shall take up the gauge of
battle; our cry shall be; “Liberty for
No, 30667!” Let it be in unison; that
it? volume will be like the peal of
mighty thunder; which will rock the
foundation of society, eo echo through
the halls of justice and expend its
force in the dark archives of “Jack
son Prison”—when the victory shall
have been won.”
* * *
And for such an expression, from
a comparative stranger, gladly do I
mark the bill for my humble service, j
-Paid In Full.
Washington, DC., Febi.,— Without
the services of ’’Showboat” Ware,
Hiiward’s star forward, the Bison
•sasketball team defeated Virginia
Union here last Wednesday night by
a . ore of 33-27.
Re; !. Howard guard, scored an^
easy basRH in the first few nainffftte.
r;er which neither team saemed able.
. get together until Lee, Union iOT- L
ward, dropped one through fh< hoop>
r m mid-court to tie the score.
A double foul was called on Wff-'f and Walker, both scoring to
:>e for the last time and at three all. I
The Bison offensive came to life ,
when Carter took a long, hard pass
and scored a basket from deep right,!
followed by another in rapid succes
ion from the left side of the court.
Then Parker caught a sleeper and
scored a double decker from under
the basket to give Howard a six
point lead as Union took time out.
Upon resuming play, after Carter
had boosted the Bison lead by two
more points, Davenport, Union guard
got his only field goal of the game
which Reid erased by two points from
the foul line.
“The ■
The Legislature assembled Monday
afternoon at 2 p. m. with plenty of
blood in their eyes. The senate had
sent the Newbaur Bill No. 306 deal
ing with car licenses to the house
with the majority of the senators ap
proving it. But the house at once
consigned it to that long sleep from
which a few bills ever recover.
This action on the part of the house
brought letters and telegrams and
representatives from the various
parts of the State to protest against
the loss of their chances to run a car
for Three Dollars per year. There
was administrative pressure brought
against the Newhaur Bill.
The house has a substitute Bill
gotten out by the Road Gommittee
known as House Roll No. 195, that
was accepted by the senate after a
large number of amendments were
added. The Bill was advanced to the
third reading. This Bill deals with all
forms and styles of motor vehicles,
pleasure cars not weighing over 2600
pounds. $2.00; weighing 3800. $5.00,
and all cars weighing more than 3800
will be $8.00. For cars carrying
more than seven passengers, the fee
remains, $25.00 the same as now.
The Bill has been amended by the
senate and provides that the registra
tion fee on commercial trucks shall
be based upon the load to be hauled!
at the following rates: 1 ton, $8.00; !
I1* tons, $12.00; 2 tons, $15.00; 2 1-2
tons. $25.00 ; 3 tons, $45.00 ; 4 tons,
$60.00 ; 4H tons, $75.00; 5 tons, $90..
OO. For farm and local trucks, the
fees are l^z tons or less for $4.00 and
for each additional ton, $4.00.
By standing vote, the committee
af the whole advance this bill to the
third reading and in all probability
it will become a law.
Memorial Services for the late Rev.
J. A. Williams were held Sunday af
ternoon at St. Philips Episcopal
Church. Bishop Shayler was in
charge of the services. The speakers
for the afternoon were Mr. John Hed
elund, Mayor Metcalfe, Rev. Wil
liams of Zion Baptist Church and
Bishop Shayler. His life was eulog
ized as a citizen, a Christian and fa
ther to all mankind.
Twenty-five speeches at various
Churches Sunday morning, March
5th. will mark the entrance of Ne
gro Trade W'eek being sponsored by
the Housewive’s League, colored
merchants and business men. On
Monday night, March 6th, at 8:00 p.
m. at the Dreamland Hall, the Busi
ness and Professional Men’s League
will hold a big mass meeting at
which tisaoir free - nvszes ■•'will-bcr'snvflta
aw^fei^Lyrdpvp’ambers he given
to public. the door.
Stwit ’SpsPws' will be given by
Sfesfe*?. J; SSyCarey and Milton John
son -and Mrs. D. W. Gooden. Music
will be furnished by the Melody Boys
Quartet, and The Housewives’
League Quartette. Prizes to be given
were listed as follows: % ton of Coal.
10 lbs. Sugar, 1 bag of flour, 1 bas
ket of groceries, 1 bu. of Potatoes
and a 5 lb. chicken.
a. it. Adams, president oi tne
Housewive’s League, stated. “There
are 94 Negro business establishments
in Omaha employing 234 Negroes.
Negroes spend $4,000,000 annually in
Omaha. If the Negro stores secured
the amount of Negro business which
is being spent daily with other groups
not employing Negroes, we would
have more than 500 Negroes employ
ed in Negro businesses in Omaha.
The Omaha Housewive’s League and
Business and Professional Men’s
League, recognizing this fact, is pro
moting a Negro Trade Week. We
are urging: every loyal Negro citizen
to begin now to invest his money in
building bigger and better Negro
businesses in Omaha.
The winner of the Window Display
Exhibit will be presented at this
meeting. Dr. A. L. Hawkins, presi
dent of the Business and Professional
mens' league will preside.
Negro business establishments will
feature a special Window Display
Exhibit beginning Friday, March
3rd. All Negro business establish
ments have been urged to participate
in the exhibit. Judges will be: Mrs.
I. S. McPherson, Mr. J. D. Crawford,
and Mr. A. R. Goodlett. They will se
lect the most commendable window.
The owner will be presented at the
Mass Meeting on Monday night.
The following committees have
charge of planning the week’s activ
ities: Miss Rachel Taylor. Chairman,
Negro Trade Week; Speaker’s Com
mittee, Mr. J. C. Carey, Mr. L. L.
Hayden, Mr. A. R. Goodlett. and Mr.
J. H. Kerns; Advertising, Messrs.
Boyd Galloway, J. C. Carey, Atty.
H. L. Pinkett and Mrs. Bertha Bell;
Public Mass Meeting. Messrs. J. H.
Kerns. A. R. Adams. J. C. Carey,
Drs. A. L. Hawkins, Milton Johnson
and Mrs. Bertha Bell; Window Dis
play Exhibit, Mr. J. D. Lewis; Busi
ness and Professional Men’s League,
Dr. A. L. Hawkins, Judges, Mr. A.
R. Goodlett. Finance, J. H. Kerns. J.
C. Carey and Jasper Holmes.
The Middleton Ice and Coal Comp,
any will open under new management
March 5th. 2122 North 26th St.
Dr. Lennox On the Job
• January 28, 1933.
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Mr. William E. Murray,
Secretary to the Board
Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr. Murray:
I appreciate the communications I
had with you some time ago in ref
erence to the Federal Home Loan
Bank Bill.
After Speaker Gamer had worked
hard to put over this bill for the bene
fit of the masses, who are the great
est sufferers during these times, from
my investigations I find but very few
.have been fortunate to obtain same.
Eligible according to regulations and
statements, but from some other
source they are denied.
Through a great deal of procedur
es. with many communications on the
end I received the information this
loan could not be obtained in the
State of Nebraska. The state as a
whole was greatly stimulated to the
extent, thinking they would be suc
cessful in saving their entire life’s
labor up until the present time, their
It is extremely difficult for prop
erty owners whose homes are under-:
going liquidation to secure loans of
any kind. A ntimber of forelosUres
are being brought about w-hen a small
loan would help to tide them over,
and for which I thought the Federal
Home Loan Bank Act was provided.
It seems the larger concerns that
are more greatly fortified are given
many small concerns that keep these
most consideration, but it is the i
, larger businesses going, and they
should be considered, realizing it is
not in your power to change or modi
fy this bill.
If the property owners of Nebras
ka had received the information in
the beginning that they could not se
cure this loan, a great deal of ef
forts and time spent along these lines,
trying to accomplish what it seems
was impossible, would have been
jeopardized. It seems the Federal
Home Loan Bank Bill has been util
ized by larger corporations, and the
masses left with no consideration.
I continued time after time to make
investigations, not from the stand
point of securing same for myself, as
I can secure a los\ here if it is nec
essary, but for the benefit of others j
who had the securities, and tried to !
obtain loans here from different as
sociations. but were not successful.
I was desirous of finding out if j
this loan could or could not be ob
tained, and if I had received the direct
information in the beginning as I re
ceived a few days ago from Mr. Chas.
A. Myers, Director of Field and Ser
vice. of the bank located in Topeka,
it would have jeopardized a great deal
of time and expense. I suppose it
takes a part of all of this to make a
Thanking you very much for all in
formation given. I am
Respectfully yours.
Dr. G. B. Lennox, President,
Working Men’s Commissioners,
2124 North 24th St.
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
W ashington
February 9, 1933
Dr. G. B. Lennox,
President. Working Men's
2122 North 24th Street,
Omaha, Nebraska.
, My Dear Dr. Lennox:
Re: Loans
Your letter of January 28th, with
reference to loans, has been received.
The situation which you cite is one
over which we have no control. The
| institutions otherwise eligible have
been prohibited by existing State
laws from becoming members of this
system. I understand a bill was in
troduced in your State Legislature
i to enable these institutions to join
but that it has not passed. This being
the case, you can readily appreciate
that it is difficult for the Topeka
Bank to fully carry out in your State
the purpose for which it was intend
Sincerely yours,
William E. Murray,
Secretary to the Board.
Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka
Topeka, Kansas.
February 9, 1933.
G. B. Lennox.
2527 Patrick Ave.,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
In order to make sufficient mort
gage money available to the people
of Nebraska, there has been introduc
ed in both Houses of the Nebraska
Legislature a bill which would enable
the building and loan associations to
secure mortgage money for distribu
tion from the Home Loan Bank Sys
tem. Your loan application indicates
that there is a need of mortgage
money in your State.
A telegram or letter from you to
your Senator or Representative will
do much to impress him with the im
portance of passing the Home Loan
Bank Bill. If you will let him know
that you want this bill passed, he will
be better able to make up his mind
when voting. This matter is now
entirely in the hands of the people of
Nebraska and immediate action on
your part is needed if money is to
come into your State through the
Home Loan Bank System.
Yours Very truly,
C. A. Sterling.
Executive Vice-President.
The Business and Professional
Men’s League met at the Urban
League with representatives of the
Housewives’ League.
The Mass Meeting to be held at
Dreamland Hail, Monday, March 6th,
occupies most of the meeting’s at
tention. Seven large prizes will be
given to those holding tickets which
are free. A prize will also be given
to the business man having the best
decorated window display in his busi
The Negro grocers met at the home
of Mr. Adams, the president, 1313 N.
26th St., and decided to more slashing
reductions in their prices even listing
numerous articles below cost in order
that the full meaning of bargain week
may be carried out.
The Friday meeting will be held
at the YWCA. The wives of the
business and professional men are in
Miss Lucille Gray, graduate of the
Omaha University, has been appoint
ed as a social worker with the Sal
vation Army.
Miss Gray received her A. B. from
the University last June and won hon
ors in her social research work.
Rabbi David A. Goldstein gave a
traveloque of his visit to the Holy
land last Sunday afternoon at the
YWCA. Musical numbers were given
by Mr. Jess Hutten
The Imperial Choir of which Mr.
Scott is president and the S. A. Botts
Club, whose president is Mrs. Ander
son. will present “The Nazarena”, a
cantata at Zion Baptist Church,
Thursday evening, March 16th at 8
P. m.
Soloist, Mr. Percy Baugh, “The
Nazarena”. Mrs. Venus Starms; Ruth
Mrs. Lorraine Shoemaker; Widow,
Mr. Allison; John, Mr. Russel Taylor,
.James, Mr. James Owens; Priest, a
chorus of fifty voices. Mrs, Hattian
Madison is the director. The admis
sion fee is 25c.
by R. A. ADAMS
(The Literary Service Bureau)
Though other stars inglorious fall,
Forsake the firmament of truth,
Still your high place maintain, for
Shining amid earth’s dismal pall.
Though others from the right should
From rectitude should turn aside,
Do you still in the path abide,
Pursuing still the “narrow way.”
Though other hearts may harder
Their wells of sympathy run dry.
Speak to yourself and say, “Must I
See that my well shall constant flow.”
Because, Ipt it be fully known,
Whatever others say, or do,
Whatever course they may pursue.
One answers for himself, alone.
Religion is not just cant,
For pious hypocrites to chant,
Their lives unrighteous to conceal.
But deeds which virtues true reveal.
Religion is not ju<?t to shout.
Or something fine to talk about,
But it is, if in nature true,
Less what we say, than what we do!
Religion is not love, confessed,
But love revealed, in every test—
Love in the heart, the soul, the mind,
For God, and for all humankind!
* % f’| ■' ~|i * £ •'$ -t ' * 1 iLL
By sophistries be not beguiled;
“Religion, pure and undefiled,”
Is not in words, but noble deeds—
Ministering to human needs.
Mrs. Worthington Williams, 2856
Binney St., was taken to the hospital
Monday evening for an operation.
Her mother, Mrs. Cousins of Denver,
Colorado, arrived Monday morning to
be with her.
by R. A. ADAMS
(The Literary Service Bureau)
In the opinion of many, you are an
alarmist, a fanatic, or just a common
fool, if you bewail the reckless Bo
hemian ism, the lowered ethical stan
dards. the corrupted social taste, and
the unquestionable evidences of mor
al decadence of this age. You are
a pessimist, or worst, a cynic, if you
see in these departures auguries of
certain Destruction.
Every day, the1 press tells stories
of men and women who trade wives
and husbands; thousands of women
no longer conceal but flaunt their il
licit sex association; in print, women
sanction almost every kind of moral
departures; many are the cases of
the “Oedipus Complex,” and sex as
sociation between fathers and daugh
ters, mothers and sons, and brothers
and sisters; children are murdered by
parents and parents by children; daily
murder records attest the cheapness
of human life, in America; graft, cor
ruption, bribery, shameless betrayal
of public trust are of daily occurence
and common knowledge; and all of
these crimes are on the increase.
Only the wilfully blind will fail to
see the conditions, and it will require
no philosopher to realize that these
things spell destruction, even though
thousands foolishly and blantantly
“God’s in His heaveiK
All’s right with the world!”
The fate of Nineveh, Capernaum,
Babylon, Greece and of Rome will be
the fate of America, unless there
shall come rapid reformation and a
returning to the principles of right
eousness, honesty and morality. As
it is, the nation cannot endure.
The Mid-City Community Center
has been formed to serve primarily
the colored people and all others who
desire to use the Center.
The building, which will house the
new Center, is the old Webster ex
change, donated by the Northwestern
Bell Telephone Co. The building
can be ideally arranged for a com
munity Center. '
The project has been endorsed by
the Council of Social Agencies.
The program comprises a Day
Nursery, equipped and furnished by
the Junior League.
The Reading Room and Library
will be furnished with over two thous
and books to start with. The Library
will be supervised by a trained Libr
An athletic department providing
sports in season and a properly equip
ped gymnasium will cater to those
seeking to keep physically fit.
There will be a sewing room
equipped for the sewing needs of the
present emergency as well as laying
a foundation for future instruction
in tailoring and sewing.
The women’s auxiliary will super
vise canning and preserving for the
needs of the present emergency. A
large quantity of food was canned at
ihe building last summer.
a dime comprising educational
and preventative efforts in medicine
and the removal or extraction of
teeth in tae dental field will he su
pervised by Dr. Craig Morris. The
Billings Dental Supply has donated
equipment for the dental clinic.
Young people’s groups will be or
gan.zed at the Center providing the
young people of the district have the
benefit of the organized character
building agencies of the Omaha Wel
fare Federation and Community
A Welfare-information department
has been organized to not only direct
people to the proper relief organiz
ations, but advise them over their
The officers of the new organiz
ation are: Mr. E. W. Sherman of
Edholm-Sherman, Launderers and
Dry Cleaners. President; Mr. C. C.
Galloway, Acting Editor of the Om
aha Guide, 1st Vice-President; Mr.
Herman Friedlander, owner of Her
man s Market, 2nd Vice President;
Dr. Craig Morris, Secretary; Mr. H.
A. Taylor. Manager of the Ritz
Theatre, Treasurer.
The Center expects to be in readi
ness to open about April 1st.
Mrs. Ruth Lewis was appointed by
Mr. Arthur W estergard, to succeed
Mps. Constance Singhton-Adams a?
stenographer in the finance depart
ment of the city.
looking back
by Videtta Ish
(The Literary Service Bureau)
An old woman used to say of a
little child, “She is just a curiousity
as she can be;” and that was saying
she was at least a normal child. Of
ten parents become exasperated when
children “meddle” and ask questions,
but this very conduct shows that the
child’s mind is active. My parents
were wise in that they did not rebuke
us when we asked questions: and I am
patient with mine.
This habit runs in many ways. A
little girl pushes her finger into her
doll’s anatomy to see what is inside.
A boy tears his toy to pieces to see
how it is made. A child asks a tor
rent of questions from “What is the
moon doing” to “Who made God”.
Another pushes against articles of
furniture to see if they will move. A
little fellow is curious about fire, and
gets burned. And so runs th gamut
of childish curiosity. To squelch the
child not only is to humiliate him, but
it will discourage him and destroy
his iniative. I am thankful that, my
parents saw this in the proper light.