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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1933)
w v-r w w v vr v -v/-v/ v-v - v - v/ ———— ———— V/ * ■■ ■ * ■ — — i i yj - yj - I nm*~:-T^ The Only Paper of Hs V-c uinana Guide Kind West of the freqrWeek Missouri River TPTHEUNE\ —— _|_ _ VOL. VII.— Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, February 25,1933. Number One. _ j Tune In ■ j !; "QI6ESTINfi| '; Die NEWS" | 1 f (i \ i BROADCASTED | Every Week from this Column J J By CLIFFORD C. HLrCHEU. J HELPING NEGRO PRISONERS • ft During the past few months quite a few of the colored papers throughout the country that carry this particul ar column, and a few that don’t, have also been printing a weekly release of mine, “Prisons and Prisoners”, that is written for, and orginally printed in “School News”, a weekly public ation by *nd for Jackson Prison in miifi. • • • And while my weekly contributions of thought t® our paper are for the equal benefit of all prisoners without thought express ion as to color, na tionality or class, I recognise the fact that the readers of this “Digesting the News” column *re particularly in terested in comment as it pertains to racial affairs and, therefore, in writ ing thii release 1 have in mind, part icularly, Negro prisoners. • * ’ As the direct result of the publicity given my "Prisons and Prisoners” re leases by some thirty-odd colored pa pers I have received quite a few let ters from prominent colored people who not only compliment me upon my efforts but show a willingness to cooperate, as far as their limited means will permit them, to help some unfortunate prisoners. • • • Quite a few of the correspondents indicate that they a re glad to help and encourage the fellow who is "down” and as proof of their expres sion they relate the fact that they are financial subscribers to certain national organizations, etc. To all of these correspondents I am grateful and because I am unable to reply to each one personally I take this meth od of offering a few suggestions. • • • To offset some erroneous beliefs I wish to inform some of my corres pondents that in my nearly twenty years of contact with the "underdog”, especially prisoners, I have not yet seen or beard of any Negro organiz ation, national, state or local, who has actually helped any Negro pris oner that I have ever seen or came in contact with. In a few instances, cor. respondesKs has been seen, but no re baf. Of course, we have read of a great many metance# of such help, but in nearly twenty yean of contact*we have ntrrer been able to cone within done distance of any prisoners so helped. • • • There are a great many prisoners, with the Negroee in greater propor tion, who need help. Not particular ly of the financial or usual welfare wanety. hut the moral assistance that nr-jential members can give to pris oners. There are a great many pris oners, colored especially, who could gain their freedom tomorrow, if they enjoyed the contact of some reput able eitiren who would lend their moral aid m helping the prisoner to rehabilitate himself. And there are many prisoners who are sincere and worthy of such assistance. • • • And penologist is able to refer you to many worthy eases if you are de sirous ef really Helping Negro Pris oners. Am the Indian Doctor's Display at *o«a Drag. I FIVE KILLED IN TRAM CRASH -- ■ ■ —. Dr. Lennox On the Job ...... - ■ - - ■ ....-. February 10, 1933 Mayor Richard L. Metcalfe, City Hall Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. Dear Mayor Metcalfe. I am hoping you will not misinter pret my meaning, but as one of a community I am anxious to see each department of our city elevated to the highest efficiency obtainable. Knowing that you are a humanit arian, who believes in the betterment of our city from every angle, we feel proud that you have manifested all efforts towards same. 1 do not want you to think that I am making any criticisms whatso ever, as I believe those holding offic es as commissioners are true hearted and conscientious in every way. Observing in the last few weeks the terrible disasters caused by fire, and thinking of the many homes left without husbands and fathers, who have been the victims of the same as a representative of this community1 I am writing you, knowing with your assistance and cooperation added to that of Gommassioner Towle, a more safety protection will be worked out for our firemen. I do not mean to interfere with the men who have prepared themselves for such work, but I am sure you re alize these disastrous occurrences are touching to those dealing with the i ves of humanity day after day. Es pecially after having observed the in jured and the remains of those being carried away, victims of our recent fires. Thanking you for all consideration and co-operation I know you and the other commissioners will give in re gards to this matter, I am. Respectfully yours, Dr. G. B. Lennox, President, Working Men's Commrisioners, 2122 North 24th St. February 14, 1933. Dr. G. B. Lennox, 2122 North 24th St., Omaha Dear Dr. Lennox: Thank you for your letter of Febr uary 10th. I would be glad to have you call at the mayor’s office at your convenience and we will go over the suggestions you make. I shall be grateful for your assist ance. Sincerely yours, Richard L. Metcalfe • Mayor February 17, 1933 Mayor Richard L. Metcalfe, City of Omaha, Qity Hall Building. Dear Mayor Metcalfe: I highly appreciate the consider, ation given regarding my letter of February 10th. As mayor of our city, I know you are efficient and well qualified to cope with different situations that may arise for the betterment of the city, and if ^he small view points that I had in mind will be of any use, or as food for thought, enabling you to formulate a plan that will be benefic ial, I shall give them readrily. At the present I am over-crowded and pushed for time, but the first op portunity that I have, I shall make an engagement with you regarding same. In the meantime, little points that I may secure from association and contact, I shall be glad to give them to you also. Thanking you very much for this consideration, and appreciating your1 letter, I am, Respectfully yours, Dr. G. B. Lennox, President, Working Men’s Conrmrisioners, 2122 North 24th St. __ MEMORIAL SERVICES TO BE HELD FOR FATHER WILLIAMS Memorial Services will be held at St. Phillip’s Church Sunday after, noon February 26th at 4 o’clock in honor of Father John Albert Wil liams. Bi6hop Shaylet will be in charge of the services, h^syor Metcalije eri( Mr. John Hedeland will be the speak ers for the afternoon. DIXIE RAMBLERS AT DREAM. LAND We see that the Dixie Ramblers, under the management and personal direction of “Red Perkins”, are back with us again after filling dates all around us and not being able to play for a race dance here in the city in eighteen months. We hear that Perkins has rounded his beys into one of the best click ing bands in this part of the coun try and according to responses to their recent radio broadcastings they deliver more entertainment, along with the best dance rhythm, than many of the much, larger bands heard over the air. It may be well to know that Mr. Perkins is the only leader and man ager who has been able to keep all of his boys together, and has not changed or lost one through exchange in two and a half years. This alone accounts for their wonderful team work and ensemble renditions. The boys and their wives are being entertained at a banquet before the dance Monday Night. NEGROES SEEK ENTRANCE LAW SCHOOL OF N. CAROLINA U. Durham, N. C. Feb. 17—A legal battle to secure the entrance of Ne gro students to the law school of the University of North Carolina will be launched here soon. Plans are all aid and await the refusal of the university to accept application from a qualified Negro student who already has an application blank to be filled out and deturned to the dean of ad missions. The attorneys who are handling the case are Conrad 0. Pearson and Cecil A. McCoy of this city. They have the advice and assistance of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People. The attorneys are basing their claim on the United States Constitution and upon the fact that the North Caro lina laws do not forbid education of both races at colleges and universit ies, but only at elementary and high schools. • The plan to have Negroes seek en trance was given wide publicity in the Greensboro, N. C. Daliy News, and the paper’s correspondent called the young colored lawyers “radical mem. bers of their race who are, of couse, members of the NAACP.” The pa per states: “The NAACP. has turned some pretty spectacular tricks in its time. It undoubtedly caused the de feat of Judge John J. Parker—they brought down some of the biggest Re publicans in the country.” The art icle gives the opinion that while the Negroes may have a good case and may have the advice of the best law. yers in the country, they can’t pro vide tuition in other states for Ne-, groes who wish to secure profession al training not available within the State. o -- o Horrified _ a. MISS DORIS WEAVER This charming young woman is what all the fuss is about at Ohio State university. President George Rightmire and the white woman dir ector of the home economics depart ment wish to keep her out of a home management practice house on the campus. The NAACP. led by the Cleveland branch, is carrying the matter to the Ohio supreme court. Miss Weaver is a Cleveland girl and a senior at the university. The other students with whom she was to live in the practice house have no object ion to her coming in, but Dr. Right mire is horrified at the idea of a nice colored girl living under the same roof with white girls for six weeks. CHARGE WHOLESALE JIM-CROW AT N. Y. COUNTY RESORT White Plains, N. Y. Feb. 17— Charges that Negroes have been sys tematically barred, segregated, in sulted and even arrested at Playland the million dollar Westchester coun ty watering place and amusement re sort. were placed before the West chester county board of supervisors here today by the Mt. Vernon branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Witnesses were introduced by the branch who testified to the follow ing charges from their personal ex perience; that Negro citizens have been barred from the picnic facilities at Playland; that they have been de. nied the use of bath houses and the beach; that they have been denied concessions at the resort, and that such concessions as they secured by mail applications were cancelled when their racial identity became known; that they have been charged more than the posted prices of re freshments and told frankly that it was being done because no Negro patronage was wanted; and that bus and ship transportation companies have been instructed not to haul Ne groes to the resort on pain of having their licenses revoked. Playland is a public resort, built with the taxpayers money. Thomas H. Bridges, president of the Mt. Ver non branch and Waverly E. Jones, chairman of the executive commit tee, said that if the board of super visors does not end the segregation following the hearing today, damage suits will be instituted as soon as the resort opens and starts Jim crowing colored people. The Yonkers, New Rochelle and White Plain branches of the association, all in Westchester county, are pushing the fight with the Mt. Vernon executives. William T. Andrews, former special legal as sistant of the NAACP., represented the national office at the hearing. FIGHTS FOR NEGROES AS AM. MERICAN LABOR WASHINGTON, FEBRUARY 1« Senator C. C. Dill, won the at Jackson of Fratern ity Barber Shop Dies Heart and Stomach Ailment Cause of Death Mr. R. D. Jackson of 2723 North 26th St., and for many years part owner of the Fraternity Barber shop which is located at 2420 Lake St., died at the County Hospital, Wednes day night, February 22nd from heart trouble. Mr. Jackson is survived by his wife, Mrs. R. D. Jackson and four children. He was an active member of the Cleaves Temple Church. His body was taken to the Myer’s F'uneral Home. tention of the U. S. Senate Wed nesday when he introduced a bill to require that all employes of Pullman, club and observation cars on all rail roads engaged in interstate commerce, be Americans. Senator Dill eloquent ly presented the cause of the Negro porter as he discussed his measure, saying that the Negroes were being supplanted by Japanese and Filipinos He said that these workers were great ly best by foreign competition an that they were greatly in need of federal assistance. RABBI DAVID A. GOLDSTEIN TO GIVE TRAVELOGUE AT YWCA. “My Visit to The Holy Land and to Europe” will be the subject of a trav elogue to be given by Rabbi David A. Goldstein at the North Side YWCA. Sunday afternoon, February 26th, at four-thirty o’clock. Rabbi Goldstein spent last summer touring the Holy Land and Europe, and as a pictures que and brilliant speaker will be greatly enjoyed. There will be spec ial music. Men and women, boys and girls are welcome! Auspices of Religious Education Committee, Mrs. C. B. Wilkes, Chairman. NORTH OMAHA’S BEST SPELLER CONTEST The stage is all set at the North Side “Y” for the first of a series of spelling matches to determine North Omaha’s best speller. The Contest is open to men and women, and begins Thursday, February 23rd, at 8:30 p. m. Sharp! Following is the schedule: Thursday, February 23rd, (Ages 25 and up) Thursday, March 2nd, (Ages 18 to 25) Thursday, March 9th, (Ag es 12 to 18) Thursday, March 16th, (Finals), Register now! Auspices, Health Education Committee, Thelma Nor ris Hancock, Chairman, TO MAKE ,STUDY OF NEGROES HOUSING CONDITIONS February 21, 1933— A study of Housing Conditions among Omaha Negroes will be made by the Social Research Committee of the Omaha Urban League, as announced Tues day by Dr. T. Earl Sullenger, Head of the Dept, of Sociology of the Mun icipal University of Omaha and Chairman of the Urban League Soc ial Research Committee. The purpose of the survey will be to find out the housing problems of the Negro pop ulation and recommend any remedies which may be apparent. Acordirag to J. Harvey Kerns, Executive Secre tary of the League, “Negroes are still forced to pay exhorbitant rents for the accomodations they receive in houses. Many are living in base ments and overcrowding is common in many districts.” “There are many cases.” he continued. "Where from 12 to 14 persona are living in 3 to 4 Auto-Tram Crash Causes Death of Five Texans FORT WORTH, TEX., Feb. 16 Five colored persons were killed shortly after 2 o’clock Monday morn ing when an interurban car crashed into the automobile in which they were riding. The accident occurred at College Hill on the edge of the city. Hurled Into Eternity The machine was totally demolish ed and its passengers were all dead when gathered up from the scattered wreckage. The car hit the machine broadside and jumped the tracks, but did not upset. It dragged the auto mobile for more than 300 yards, bat tering it against three trolley poles and breaking them. The dead were: BERNICE BLACKMAN, 29 frac tured skull, arms and leg; A. C. Mc KNIGHT, 29, fractured skull and right arm amptated; ROBERT CALD WELL, 49, head crushed and one leg and one arm amputated; GEORGE JAMES, 40, (driver) head crished; A. Y. BRAZIER, 30, fractured skull and broken neck. Says Car /Sped Onto Tracks A. W. Powell, 47 (white) motor man of the interurban, who escaped with a cut lip, said the driver of the machine apparently did not see the speeding car which he was taking to the barns here. “Suddenly the machine cut in front of me.” Powell said. “I was only a bout 25 feet from the crossing and could not stop.” rooms. Unsanitary living conditions many of which are in violation to the health regulations persist and tenants are given little or no consideration by owners when improvements are sought.” Another problem Mr. Kerns stated, is the loss of home ownership by Many Negroes, who have been unemployed. The Survey will be directed by Mr. Kerns, who will be assisted by twelve field wor kers. DISMISSED lOmO UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR WRITES BOOK New York, Feb. 17—A new book, published February 20, called “Begin nings of Tomorrow”, is described on its jacket by the publishers as show ing “the dwindling importance of the white race.” The author is Dr. Her bert Adolphus Miller, former profes sor of sociology at Ohio State Uni versity, who was dismissed from that institution two years ago because he Believed in and practiced equality be tween colored and white people. Dr. Miller’s sociology classes used to vis it sociology classes at Wilberforee and frequently at a social period, the students would dance. Dr. George Rightmire, president of Ohio State who is now trying to bar Miss Doris Weaver from a home management house on the campus, objected to this social mingling of the students and Dr. Miller was ousted. His objection to military training was used as the excuse, but the real reason it is gen erally believed was his belief in e. quality of th races. His new book is published both by Frederick Stok es Company and Heath and Company The price is $2.50. THE NEGRO TRADE WEEK The Negro Trade Week will take on definite form next week. The speakers are pounding away on the subject so important to this occasion. Sunday will find about 25 speakers at various churches and clubs giving their reasons why Negro business should be saved in this emergency. The night of March 6th has been selected for a huge mass meeting and good will reception. Sunday, March 5th. the Ministers have been asked to preach special sermons on the im portance of supporting Negro en terprises. Prizes will be given a. way at the mass meeting. SCHOOL BOARD DIS TRICTING BILL REVIV ED BY REP. TEASOR AND OWENS THE NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE (by 0. J. BURCKHARDT) The forty-ninth session of the Ne braska Legislature is setting a pre cedent that will make the political world set up and take notice. They are conserving on ammunition and shooting direct at the bull’s eye. Now there are doubtlessly some in this session like there have been in former sessions, that don’t know what it is all about. But when those who do know get through explaining there is but little excuse for anyone voting ignorant on an important is sue. There is a Bill introduced by Rud olph Teasor of Douglas known as Hoiuse Role Number 31, which provid es for the election of the school board from districts. It read thus: “Mem bers of said school board shall be nominated and elected by a non-part isan ballot. For that purpose, the election commissionetrs shall divide the city of Omaha into 12 districts, as nearly equal in population as may be, and comprised of contiguous and compact territory. At the primary and general election in 1934 and ev ery 4 years thereafter, there shall be nominatd and elected to said board by the vote of the qualified electors in each respective districts to suc ceed the members whose terms of of fice expire at that time.” This Bill is now up for the third reading and if it passes, the Negroes will have a splendid chance to be rep resented on the school board. This bill, at one time, was assigned to the waste basket, but Representative Johnny Owens linked up with Teasor and took the floor and, with his orat orical persuasion, brought back this Bill to the floor of the House. At this writing, it has a splendid chance to become a law. Van Kirk and Varner of Lancaster Senate, file 157. For an act to cor rect the original plot of the City of Lincoln. This Bill deals with a strip of land running around the city of Lincoln that, at the time the original survey was left out because it was at the time a swamp, but since then the waters receded and a number of peo ple, both white and colored, squatted on this land and have made their homes there for years. But Bill 157 would take all of this land away from the squatters and give it to those who own land adjoining it. So -Mr. Bradley, chief custodian of the senate, notified his colored friend what was in the air and they got busy, both white and black, and Suc ceeded in getting said Bill amended. So all of these squatters ean retain their homes by beginning from now on to pay taxes on the same. The Negro's interest is being safe guarded during this Legislature, as in former times, thus for the race has been given a*> equal break with the rest of the citizens. IMPERIAL JUNIOR LEAGUE MA. TRON ACCIDENTALLY HURT Mrs. Carrie Jewell, treasurer of the Imperial Junior League, suffered a severe shock Saturday evening at the Urban League where she was attend ing the League meeting. The heel of Mrs. Jewell’s shoe caught in the top basement step and she was thrown about fifteen feet on to the concrete basement. Her back was severely bruised, one finger cut and her left leg sprained. She is rap idly limproving at this writing. POPULAR COUPLE IN DIVORCE COURT Mrs. Bennie Ray has petitioned for a divorce from Mr. Leon Ray, popu lar automobile salesman, for non-sup. port. The Rays are well known ini the community. They have one child.