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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1933)
>-- - 1 1 • -.. —-■ * ‘Johnny Hortons Political DOPE” by John Benj. Horton. Jr. - V ....-.. -> hoi ton's dope WELL FOLKS! ('atrh The Crooked Arson King end !»*»» The Firemen’s Lives. The City Com mi —ion Assumes (!r< ster Proportions! Much has be*n said pro and con on the short-com ings of the Om aha Fire Depart * ment. The truth ia that the fire department is a run «K)Miru ■ ment under the Johnny Horton present political system which con trols its present administration. It must be said right now that there’s a screw loose some where! Why should there be three m&jor fires w.thin the radius of live or six blocks of vach other all occuring with in the eight months period and all happening on the same days which were Fridays! It >.- generally believed that there’s an arson ring of men operating in Omaha paid to commit these acts which ultimately end in the loss in lives of firemen in our Fire Depart ment. The blame must not He in the Fire Department altogether. Think this over quite seriously and pray that if the screw is loose somewhere that we may find the guilty parties and put an end to this wicked vice. • • * • The political band wagon begins to roll and the music begins to sound much sweeter as the notes fly from the trumpets of the old maestros and the amateur students of the great po litical side show. We don’t know much at present; we are patiently listening and learn ing; we analyze the issues as they are presented, and THE PEOPLE ■WILL DECIDE TO SUIT THEIR BETTER JUDGEMENT, later. This City. Campaign promises that there'll be a hot time in the old town tonight!" HEROS UNSUNG by A. B. Mann Give Dad His Due (The Literary Service Bureau) It is noble to honor mother. Moth er’s Day is a laudable conception. Mothers make tremendous sacrifices. * < Eut the father is due much consider- ‘ ation, also. In Jacob weeping for Joseph, Dav- 1 id weeping for Absalom, the attitude of the father of the prodigal toward his wayward son, and in a chain of incidents running through all ages, We have evidences and illustrations of father’s love, which is but little less intense and fervent than mother’s love. a He toils and suffers. He, too, mak es great sacrifices. His burdens are of great weight. And though often neglected, little appreciate and little prized, this unappreciated and unsung father is every inch a hero. Redd Them Every Week 0==° Ross Drug Store Now Located At 2122 N. 24 th St. We. 277S VICTORIA PRICE AND RUBY = JATES, Star state witnesses in the _ kottsboro case. Ruby Bates’ letter 5 -epudiating her testimony is shown ibove. i GIRL REPUDIATES TESTIMONY GIVEN IN FAMOUS SCOTTS BORO CASE THAT NEGRO BOYS ASSAULTED HER A repudiation of all charges a. gainst the nine Negro boys in the fa mous Scottsboro case, in the hand writing and with the signature of the state’s star witness, Ruby Bates, in the trials of April, 1931, is on file in the national office of the Internation al Labor Defense here. This letter, written by the girl on January 5, 1932 was intercepted by Huntsville, Ala., police the day it was written and was not brought to light until January 23, when George W. Chamlee and Irv ing Schwab, defense attorneys, forc ed its production in court. Defense attorneys produced the let ter in the course of habeas corpus proceedings to secure the release of Roy Wright, youngest of the Scotts boro boys, on the ground that by con tinued imprisonment the state has denied him the constitutional right of a speedy and impartial trial, and fail ing this, to secure of bail for him on the ground that he is illegally im prisoned without trial. Wright’s original hearing in April 1931, re sulted in a mistrial On resumption of this hearing, before Judge P. J. McCoy in Birmingham, Ala. on Jan uary 31. an order for photostatic copies of this letter to be given to the defense was procured. The writ, however was denied and an appeal has been announced. The letter, written by Ruby Bates, is addressed to Earl Streetman, a former sweetheart, wiht the apparent intention of winning him back by counteracting the imputation of her framed testimony against the Scotts boro boys. In it she states in so many words that the Negro boys had not touched either her or the white boys on the same train. She states that the police made her lie on the stand and expressed her sorrow that the innocent boys should bum be cause of her lie6. f...1 DRINK — IDEAL Beverages POP GINGER ALE LIME RICKEY “Be Sure—Drink IDEAL IDEAL Bottling Co. IMS N. 20th St. WE. 3043 fc..... . «.«•-* r : <&< -"^ ^ „ »rj ^ -ut y^y^ y i jilt j&Lt<zt/+*M > ' f~ jAa ^ ,r^ ; ^ri£X^ ^/ cA **&£& '~y*XL— -J 'UerrXr «*agfflpa»t' X&lmA*is -v- -tLZf«x. 3^ vT <=?*/<? ‘ • ' v ^ tz^p^ >,S. ^r-*— ^ _*. - 'sHaB^ X>UsXXi, AZ^Tm^ - — — j A LESSON FROM FISHES by R. A. Adams (The Literary Service Bureau) I saw a man fishing for minnows, and was surprised to see him dip his net with mouth down stream. Later I saw a fisherman letting down a biig net, in a big stream, for big fishes, and he too, dropped it with mouth down stream. I did not know the why of this method, but the fisher man explained fishes move up stream and the net must have its mouth in the opposite direction. It seems that fishes disdain to trav el down stream, following the line of least resistance. It is true that much of their food is dead, and drifting and is thus more easily obtained if they are going upward. But one thing is certain, this swimming against the current will strengthen their fins and the exercise will give their entire bodies strength. In this fish logic, or fish modus operandi, there is a lesson for human beings. Individuals can win by ST S' S S V VV J S man—mirag—m. imiit i - ■ -wan «whmi | struggle against currents which op. i pose their advance. And too, the ■ he very struggle gives zest to life an develops human powers. The drifters fail while the strugglers up stream | succeed. Could this be a part of tiie Divine Plan for human development? | It'would seem so. But anyway, the I lesson is one of struggle against op posing forces and- the attainment of j one’s desires in spite of them. BIBLE FATHERS by Dr. A. G. Bearer i Jephthah—The Over Jealous Father (The Literary Service Bureau) Text: Whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the ’children of Ammon, shall surely be the Lord’s and I will offer it up for a burnt offering.—Judges 11:31. Rashness never pays. Though ac tuated by religious zeal, it is disas. terous. This fault was responsible for the untimely death of a girl—a father’s only daughter, at the hands of that father. This beautiful but tragic story has been read by many thousands, and doubtless the consenus of opinions is that Jephthah was wrong and the girl a martyr. In his fanatical zeal, Jepthah made a solemn vow that if he should be vic torioifs over his enemies, he would offer as a sacrifice to God, the first living thing that met him, rejoicing over his victory. Seeing her, he cried, “Alas, my daughter.” It was a rash vow. He was over zealous. It is unreasonable to think God would require the keeping of such a cruel, rash promise. But the over-zealous father kept the vow and killed his daughter. As did Jephthah in this case, and as Lot offered to sacrifice his beautiful daughters to the wicked, lustful Sod omites, so fathers and mothers, in their foolish zeal, allow their children to go to ruin, while they go to preach or to help others. Let Jephthah be a warning. S®HiI!l!aBlBIS5SlBIHBlg!BS!SBIS!llSSI!SB3SiW I . PRESCRIPTIONS . 1 | JOHNSON I I Drug Store I y Our New Number, WE-0998 | 1904 No. 24th St. Omaha | Read The Omaha GUIDE Modern Room for Rent, both carlines, reasonable WE: 5344. 500 LBS of CLEAN COAL—S1.95 Tom Bessy Coal 06., JA. 2159, Furnished apartment for rent. Call after 3TP. M. 'We. 5524 Furnished 5 Room House, Telephone Lights, Water free. Call WEb. 0790, after 3 p. m. HUMMMIHHMMMMMMMMte l! Office Phone: WE 0213 $ ' Res. Phone: WE. 4409 i Ray Lawrence Williams i ATTORNEY AT LAW \ jj Room 200 24th & Lake Sts. * ;! Tuchman Bldg. . Omaha, Neb. * e I Buy Your Bottled i Goods Ice-Cold at No ^ Extra Cost from Our 4 New Electric Refriger- 1 ated Bar. Robinson Drug Co. 4 —Free Delivery— J WE. 5000 f for Real Service j;|: ONLY SKELLY AROMAX GASOLINE IS HIGH TEST. HIGH ANTI-KNOCK AND TAILOR MADE for NEBR. *-,_, , , , . _ . , i far Job Printing The Omaha Guide FIFTY NEWSBOYS TO DELIVER The OMAHA GUIDE TO YOUR DOOR rnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m ■ n .* — — - , ■ ■ i — '1 Washington BELIEVED IN THE POWER OF WANT-ADS T*ODAY, Jail as In Cwf Washington* * time, (ha aureol method of wrvda| a renter, a burrr, an employe* or th* factory intwrr te an- other “fail" la te -gin public uotlee" af THAT want, w4 the at oat economical medium *f gi-b-g *• public notice of YOU* wanta n th. «aa» WANT-AD DEPA RTMENT Tires and Tubes BATTERIES and SPARK PLUGS —See— MILTON WILSON Redick Tower Garage 15th and Harney I ARE YOU CRITICAL ABOUT I YOUR LAUNDRY WORK? 8 of Course You Are. I Try Our Semi Flat at 6c per Pound I with Shirts Finished at 8c each I Edholm & Sherman ■ —LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING - § 2401 North 24th St._WEbster 6055 ■ N ' . \ f - - . * - ' ... - ' JOB PRINTING \ t .aw-.*:-:' "V; . .• '■ ■ ..Ci- -V -..i3)tmi2j®SSS£^::dM3mSl 2418-20 Grant St Omaha Hi-Grade Stationery at Lowest Prices