The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 18, 1933, Image 1

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38.000 ~<d The Only Paper of Its
m w iyipl*■ >.**&£*
The 0«hi Guide Kind West of the
tray Week _ Missouri River
VOL. VI. Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, February 18,1933__Number Fifty Two—
1 r«*« In I
''-ms Ntws" I
Every Week Iron this Column y
• * •
“Say, Buddy, Have you heard all
about-*?” Prisons the country over
are ail alike in one respect—the
breeding and spreading of gossip by
its inmates. Perhaps, in a measure
this is a natural result, especially
when you consider that within a pris
on the chief topic of the day, usual
ly, ia centered around the menu for
the next meal, or the title of the next
• • •
Whatever the cause, there is »o way
of avoidirs; at some time during the
day, hearing a score or more of idle
rumors and bits of gossip. If you
show- no mterest in such tales the
bearer J them will only talk the loud
er in order to attract the ear of some
other listener, and try as you may to
avoid it, you cannot escape from the
tongue at the gossiper.
■ • • *
About once in a hundred times seme
rumor will later prove out to be true
and for this one bit of correct inform
ation you are forced to listen to, di
gest and discard ninety-nine other
choice bits of scandal or advance in
It is nothing unusual to hear a loud
conversationalist admit, quite confi
dentially of course, that he was talk
ing to “So and So” and “So and So”
told him stra ght that another “So
and So” did is or will be doing so
and so. And if by any chance the
conversationalist did not receive such
information verbally he either re
ceived the news in a letter or he read
h in some paper, which incidentally
no one else has either seen or heard
• • •
If. by some fortunate chance, your
conversationalist is rot in a talkative
r..ood he is very easily aroused by this
simple query: “What’s the latest
news?” He v ' Ar sSart off by
saying _ that he really don’t know
anything but ju=-t by .aident be over
heard a cor.venation and .while he
will admit that he doesn’t know how
true the information is he can be re
lied upon to unwind a lengthy and
^»ky bit of gossip, and will usually
wind up with the admonition not to
repeat the information for no one is
supposed to know anything about it.”
• • •
Just why gossip should be such a
popular “within the walls” pastime is
somewhat of a mystery. At best it
does not reflect very creditably upon
the analytical intelligence of those
who dispense such gossipy tales for
most of them can be definitely dis
carded and classed as pure fiction by
just applying a moment’s thought to
the supposed facts and the source
from which the tale originated.
• • •
The situation seems somewhat sim
ilar to the pre-Depression days of the
booir. *»t stock market when thous
ands of people were putting their
money into stocks merely on the
strength cf some rumor, tip. hunch
or deliberately designed bit of propa
ganda without giving a bit of thought
or makvr.? »ny analysis of the act
ual conditions behind a certain stock
* • •
At last the day of reckoning arriv
ed and those who had made tempor
ary gairs simply by acting on the au
tomatic waves of financial hysteria
were wiped out. And while prison
ers will not suffer financially by their
hits of gossip there will come a day
when they will find themselves handi
Suicide Attempts To Kill Mother of 2
Marriage of Popular
Young Couple Held ‘
Secret for 18 Months
capped because their reputation for
veracity will be somewhat doubtful
and their every utteranaa will be
greatly discounted.
* * *
It may be that as long as there are
prisons these idle rumors and gossip
ing tales will be floating around and
it may be impossible to avoid hearing
them but at least we can digest them
and shift the truth from the exagger
The Negro Business and Profes
sional Men’s Club met at the Urban
League, Friday, February 7th. The
social committee entertained the
members with a smoker. About twen
ty business men were present.
Plans were laid for the Trade
Week being sponsored by the House
wives League. The plans call for a
mass meeting at Zion Baptist Church
February 19th at which time a pro.
.'iam will be sponsored telling about
various reasons why you should
r. ize Negro business. An army
th.rty speakers will go out to the
. . r' uis churches and make pleas for
•p-TV'rt of the enterprises of our
> The meeting Friday night
v : in Igne a round table discussion
n « ulema r shin This discussion will
led by Mr. J. C. Carey.
New York, Feb.—Negro ball play
ers ought to be given a chance on
he teams in the big leagues accord
ing to Heywood Broun, famous col
umnist for the New York World
Telegram and other Scripps-Howard
newspapers. In his column of Febr
uary 7, Mr. Broun says: “If the bi(g!
leagues ' magnates want color why
don’t they seek it among the semi
professional Negro teams of New
York. Chicago and the other large
[cities of America? I can see no rea
son why Negroes should not come in
to the National and American Leagu
es. If Negroes are eailyd upon to
bear the brunt of competition when
America meets the world in an inter
national meet, it seems a little silly
to say that they cannot participate in
a game between the Chicago White
Sox and the St. Louis Browns.”
Jimmy Powers, of the sport staff
of the New Y’ork Daily News also
took up the cudgels for ^Negro play
ers in the big leagues. The News
had its inquiring reporter to ask six
people Friday were they opposed to
Negro players in the big leagues and
five of them, including one man said
he was born and reared in the south,
said they would like to see Ne^groes
on big league teams.
New York, February—The NAACP
has protested to Charles L. Orn
stein. manager of the Paramount Ho
tel. near the Times Square district,
against the barring of Eugene Beat
ty and Munice Walton, two members
rf the Michigan Normal College track
team which competed here February
4, in the Millrose games. The hotel
not only refused the men rooms,
but ordered them to cease visiting in
the rooms of their white teammates
and to leave the hotel by the freight
elevator and the back door. The nec
essity of the athletes returning
promptly to Michigan prevented a
suit being brought against the hotel
■ under the Nw York civil rights act.
Mrs. Anna Jones of 2107 Ohio St.,
announces the secret marriage ef her
daughter, Constance B. Singleton to
Atty. John Adams, Jr.
Miss Singleton and Atty. Adams
were married on the 3rd day of Sept
ember 1931. during the noon hour by
Rev. Charles Bready of the First
Methodist Church at his home, 104
North 31st Avenue. The only per-,
sons present were Rev. Bready, his
wife and son and the bride and
New Yrk, Feb.—The proposal of
Solicitor W. Gist Finley of York, S.
C„ to exhibit the dead body of Will
Sanders, 16. on the court house steps
after the boy is hanged, March 3,
was branded ‘Middle Age Barbarism’
by the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People in a
sharp telegram of protest Sent today
to Governor Ibra C. Blackwood of
South Carolina.
The association has asked attorneys
n South Carolina to examine the case
Sami rs to see if there are not still
some legal steps which can be- taken
:n bis behalf. He is said to have eon
r' 'il,to murderirg a white woman.
The t; legram to Governor Blackwood
• - signed fay Walter White, secre.
:'ary*of the Association and stated:
“The National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People has
Associated Press n -ws dispatch which
read with amazement and horror and
states that Solicitor W. Gist Finley
of York, S. C.. has announced that
the dead body of a sixteen year old
Negro boy, sentenced to hang for
murder on March 3, will be exhibited
on the court house steps at York as
a deterrent to crime. This associa
tion and all decent white and colored
people, north and south, brand this
plan as a ghoulish relic of Middle Age
barbarism. There are instances
where outlaw mobs have staged pub
lic exhibitions of this nature, but it
remains for an elected official, charg
ed with enforcement of the law to
propose in the name of the law, a bar
baric display unrivalled in modern
enlightened civilization. We call up
on you as chief executive of the state
to peremptorily order the abandon
ment of this plan which cannot but
bring shame upon the name of South
Worthington Williams, driver for
the Kimball Laundry Co. announces
that he won the Drivers Contest being
sponsored by the Laundry.
Omaha Guide, Omaha, Nebr.—--1
A Scottsboro Stalker defense meet
ing will be held in Ahamo at 21st and
Cuming Sts., Wednesday, February
22nd 8 p. m. At this meeting the
speakers will stress the Scottsboro
case on which new and convincing
evidence has been presented (This is
a letter from Ruby Bates, in which
she completely exonerates the boys.)
The pending deportation of George
Stalker, Communist Organizer, who
is being deported to Scotland for his
activities on behalf of the working
class, both Negro and White (In fact
his case arose out of the fact that,
he went to the defense of a Negro
who was falsely charged) will be
linked up with the thousands of oth
er deportations taking place during
this, the greatest and far reaching
crisis in the history of capitalism.
Stalker himself will be the main
speaker, and we hope there will be
a large turnout of Negroes present.
The meeting will be held under aus
pices of The International Labor De
fense. Everybody welcome' Sue
Stalker, International Labor Defense
Many Notables On Inter-Racial Program
Frank Wilson, who plays the roU
of Jasper DeVoid in the Octavus Roy
Cohen mystery serial, sponsored by
Westing-house on an NBC coast to
coast network, is one of the leading
colored players of the country.
He has had a long record of suc
cesses in this country and abroad,
particularly in the title role of Porgy.
His last staice success was in Elmer
Rice’s play, ’‘We, the People.”
In his climb up the ladder to the
theatrical summit Mr. Wilson has
overcome a great many obstacles in
the way of artistic recognition. His
father and mother died while he was
yet a baby. Reared in an institution
he has made his way without the us
ual encouragement and help that is
the lot of those more fortunate.
He has been self-educated to a
great degree. He served for 15 years
as a mail carrier in New York. He
wrote Negro playlets, he played in
Harlem theatres, he entertained aud
iences between film shows. He play
ed bits on Broadway shows.
Then came his chance as under
study to Jules Bledsoe in the play,
“In Abraham’s Bosom”. He took
Bledsoe’s part one night after an al
tercation between the player and the
management, then scored a hit.
lhen came rorgv and wit* it, tn*
title role to Mr. Wilson. He played
in many cities of the United States,
then went to Tendon, where his suc
cess was repeated.
Wh:le in England, he played “Jim
Farris” in “All God’s Chilluns Got
Wings”. again scoring a hit.
Then back to the United States,
where he payed “Marius Harvey in
“Sweet Chariot”, a play written of
the exploits of Marcus Garvey. Next
came “We. The People.”
Now this player brings all his ex
perience and perfected artistry into
part, written for him by Octavus
Roy Cohen. The stage’s loss is radio
gain | id is another indication into
t.his new dramatic medium and find
ing in it an outlet for dramatic ex
Wiston.Salem, NC. (CNS) H. C.
Jones, local Negro farm agent in a
report to Dean I. O. Staub, head of
the Agricultural extension service at
North Carolina College at Raleigh
states that upon his appointment as
special garden agent to work among
unemployed Negroes last spring, he
took $150 provided by the extension
service and a similar amount appro
priated by the city of Winston-Sal
em and developed a community in
come of more than $47,000.
Agent Jones reports that he work
ed for about three months giving su
pervision to a gardening project a
mong residents.
During that time 2.068 gardens
were arranged with adults and 3,230
among boys and girls. Of all the plots
planted, about 37 per cent was good
gardens and 42 per cent medium.
Twenty-one per cent was classed as
The cost per garden averaged $6.16
and the average value of the veget
ables produced in each garden amount
ed to $15.
This left a profit of $8.84 to the
garden with a profit per acre of $176.
80. The total profit from the ven
ture amounted to $46,860.84, figuring
the vegetables at the current market
prices then existing. • *
C. R. Hudson, of N. C. State Col
lege. in charge of extension work a
mong Negroes, said this example of
aiding a helpless people to help them
selves had proved of great value as
an object-lesson over North Carolina
and will stimulate more work of this
kind in 1933.
Richmond, Va., (CNS) The Times
Dispatch, a daily newspaper in Rich
mond, Virginia, has a columnist,
Thomas Lomax Hunter, who believes
in “The Brotherhood of Man” and
preaches that doctrine. Recently he
addressed the brotherhood of the Sec
ond Baptist Church in this city and
declared that the man who does unto
others as he would have others do un
to him will give his brother no offense
Said he, “I have often been struck
with the fine natural tolerance of
your race.” “I have spoken to Cath.
olics, Jews and Unitarians, but this
is the first invitation I have had to |
address a Protestant congregation. I
am pleased but not surprised that it
has come from my colored brother, j
Mr. Hunter defined the meaning of'
the word brotherhood, as he believes j
in it, and outlined the qualities nec
essary to a congenial association be
tween two peoples. No other race
has displayed such a genius for ac
commodating itself to strange sur
roundings, the speaker declared.
Mr. Hunter’s address, in part fol
lows: 0
i Deneve in tne universal Drotner
hood of man.
“I am too fraternal to join frater
nities. Most fraternities are exclus
ive rather than inclusive. A man
need not know certain grips and pass
words to be my brother. It is enough
that he 'is a fellow-traveller with me
on this journey which we call life.
“What I object to patroitism as a
virtue is that it sings out one coun. 1
try to love, and manifests that love
by looking at all other countries with
jealousy and suspicion.
“What I object to racial pride is
that it is not generally content to
cherish the virtues of its own race,
but generally looks with hostility at
other races.
“The effort of the colored man to
find a place for himself inside the
white man’s rather jealous civiliz
ation has immensely interested me.
“I have looked on that effort with
the keenest sympathy and interest, j
“The colored man has accomplished
a miraculous success in an almost im
possible situation. No other race has
such a genius for compromise and ac-t
“T ou have adopted the white man’s
manners, morals and religion. The
great majority of your race in its na
tive continent of Africa have become
followers of Allah, but Mohammed
anism is just another Syrian religion
and springs from that race of Semitac
nomads which gave the world three
of its great religions.
“I adopting the Christian religion
you accept the doctrine of the broth
erhood "of man founded on the father
hood of God.
The most comprehensive state
ment of man’s social duty is contained !
in what we call the Golden Rule. The
man who does unto others as he would
have others do by him will give his
brother no offense.
“But this willingness to give one’s
approval to one’s neighbor must be
accompanied with no requirement of
conformity. I must not recognize as
my neighbor only those people who
have my politics, my religion, my col
or, or my race.
“The itch to make all men in one’s
own image is the hall-mark of the
antisocial man. Such a man loves only
himself or the image of himself. From
such men are recruited the whole pest
ilent brood that goes about persecut
ing and torturing men to make them
just like the reformer.
“I have often been struck with the
fine natural tolerance of your race.
Your religion is not filled with the
rancor of petty doctrinal differences.
I have always found you "willing to
live and let live. You have honored
me with an invitation to speak to
your brotherhood without asking me
to submit my religious beliefs to any
board of theological censors. I have
spoken to Catholics, Jews and Unit
arians, but this is the first invitation
A tty. S, Joe Brown Guest Speaker
Under the direction of Miss Rachel
Taylor, executive secretary of the
YWCA, and the public affairs com
mittee, many groups enjoyed an in
teresting program on race relation
ship Thursday.
At the 10:30 session of the confer
ence, Atty. John Adams presided at
■which time Mr. Ballard Dunn, editor j
of the Journal of Progress and Mr.
W. R. Watson, managing editor of the
World Herald, spoke on “Interracial
Attitude of the Press”.
Mr. Dunn, in part, spoke on the de
sire of the press to promote better re
lationship in the community at all
times. In suming up the general at
titudes where prejudice exists, he
said, even though the Negro is un
der constant pressure, he as making
splendid progress.
Mr. Watson spoke of the press as ]
a friendly agent to the community
and lauded the many outstanding Ne
gro leaders. Among those was the
late Rev. John Albert Williams.
At tne noon luncheon. Kabbi David !
Goldstein was the speaker. At 2 p,
m. the sjleakers wore. Mr. Charles C.
Cravat, professor of English at the
Creighton University and Atty. H. J.
Pinkeft. 3:45 p. m. Rev. Lawrence
L. Plank spoke. At 6:30 p. m. Mr.
Sam Caldwell spoke of race prob
lems. At 8 p. m. the main event of
the conference was the guest speaker
Attorney S. Joe Brown of DesMoin.
es. Ia.
Mr. Brown is one of the outstand
ing lawyers of the country and retir
ing Chairman of the Interracial Com
mission. His subject was ‘Pecert
Developments of Inter-racial Move
I have had to address a Protestant
congregation. I am pleased but not
surprised that it has come from my
colored brothers.
“The moral as well as the civic im
portance of the work you are doing
is hard to exaggerate. The principles
you are teaching, the spirit you are
inculcating, help materially to make
Richmond a better and safer city.”
Richmond, Va., (CNS) A. D. Price.
Jr., a local undertaker of this city
was recently haled into court charg
ed with being disorderly in that he
had “without right or authority unlaw
fully obtained possession of a dead
body and unlawfully held and detain
ed same for debt claimed due him.”
Justice T. Gray Haddon before
whom the case was tried in police
court ruled however, that: “refusal to
relinquish a corpse to members of
the bereaved family until a debt con
tracted for the preparing for burial
is paid does not constitute “disorderly
There are statutes in Virginia, how
ever, which limit the time a body
may be held without burial, and if
the body is not buried within this
time the court will then consider the
case on its merits, Judge Hadden de
Price faced Judge Hadden on a war
rant sworn out by Johnnie Johnson,
charging him with being disorderly
in that he had “without right or au
thority unlawfully obtained posses
sion of the dead body of Annie Lee
Johnson and unlawfully held and de
tained same for debt claimed due him
by Johnnie Johnson,”
Price produced a contract in court
which showed that Johnson had a.
greed for him to handle the funeral
of the dead woman, who died at the
city home Thursday. According to
Price he went to the home, obtained
the body, and embalmed it.
After this work had been done John
son changed his mind about under
takers and assigned another to take
charge of the body. Price refused to
give the body to his competitor until
Johnson had paid $30, $25 for em
balming and $5 for having moved the
Monday morning about 9 a. m. the
community was aroused by shots fir
ed by Walter Stevens, painter and
decorator of 2321 North 27th Ave.,
when he shot Mrs. Mattie Russell, a
friepd, where he was visiting at 2519
Parker St., and killed himself.
Seemingly an argument took place
at the home of Mrs. Russell while she
was preparing breakfast. Stevens
shot Mrs. Russell in the right arm.
which was later amputated by Dr.
Lovely at the Covenant Hospital, then
evidently thinking he had kilfed Mrs.
Russell, turned the gun on himself
and shot his brains out.
It is alleged that Mrs. Russell and
Stevens had been friends for some
time and an argument ensued over
the denied admittance of Mr. Stevens
into her home.
Mrs. Russell is the mother of two
small children, Martha 8 years old,
and Johnny 6 years old, who were in
school at the time of the shooting.
The body of Stevens was taken to
the J. D. Lewis Funeral Home.
Considerable delay was caused
while the defense produced witnesses
to prove that the contract was valid.
Judge Hadodn said that the contract
had been broken by the father it was
necessary "that Price ~be paid his bill,
and that he had the right to hold the
body until a settlement was made.
New Orleans, La. (CNS) S. W.
Green was reelected President of the
Liberty Industrial Life Insurance
Company here last week. Mr. Green
has served in this capacity since 1924
and was one of the early charter
members of the company.
0 - O
Lessons In Poetry
0 - o
by R. A. Adams
(The Literary Service Bureau)
You may laugh at mother’s tears,
At her anguish and her fears,
Her anxiety, for you,
But this you will sadly rue.
Cause your parents’ hearts to bleed,
Waste while they may suffer need,
But, some day, will laugh, also,
Your own children, at your woe!
To your parents be unkind,
But you’ll ultimately find,
Will your children deal with you,
As you have been wont to do.
It has been, will ever be,
Such the doleful penalty;
So, lest such shall be your fate,
Take this warning, ere too late.
by R. A. ADAMS
(The Literary Service Bureau)
The path of life has never been
Easy to tread.
More true it is, as oftentimes
It hath been said,
Those who attain-the heights sublime,
Life’s steep acclivities must climb!
Life’s battles never have been won
By sitting down;
No laggard ever did obtain
A victor’s crown;
But such has been reward of those
Who win ’gainst forces that oppose.
Successful voyage never was.
Nor e’er shall be,
Sailing along, with gentle breeze
On placid seas:
Who in things worthwhile would avail
Must drive his ship against the gale!