The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 10, 1932, ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION, Page 4, Image 8

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While I was visiting a friend, she
suggested having some lunch. She
asked to set up the card table
while she made the sandwiches. I
did so, and placed the dishes on it.
When she put on the tea pot and
the plate of sandwiches, however,
the table collapsed and everything
fell to the floor. I had failed to
hook up the table lees properly!
C. K. N.
Years ago. while serving as a re
porter on a weekly, I was assigned
to cover a church social. The night
of the social the weather was very
hot, and as the place was in a dis
tant part of the city, I faked a de
scription of the party. The next
dav I was surely bawled out when
our city editor read in a rival news
paper that the festival had been
postpoi 1 to a later date!
J. C.
“Africans rave much In common
with us as wit and wisdom expressed
in their proverbs show. It is time
for us to get away from the notion
that they are In an inferior and bar
baric state. In more than one sense,
we Americans are less civilized and
more barbaric than they." — C. J.
No monkey eats during the night
(as* favors in the day-time!).
K-l-D-N-E-Y-S -
No More Getting Up Nights
So you feel achy all over, miserable and
blue? Your head feels “crowded”your
nerves quiver, you have pin-and-needle
cramps—your appetite has gone and
you feel weak as a cat. Don’t fill your
•tomach with tonics or laxatives or
rheumatism remedies. How can they
help if it is your kidneys.
The job of the kidneys Is to strain the uric
•dd and other poisons out of your blood. They
purify your blood, that’s (t. Now you must
not let these adds stay la the kidneys or
they'll get back in the blood and poison your
whole body. That's why your kidneys must pass
f pints of “water" a day. Let them fail and you
know It. Your appetite goes back on you. so
does your pep. your sleep, and your nerves—
your back hurts, your ankles and feet asay swell
■ p aad you feel cranky and sick.
Now see what a wonderful change takes place
after you start on Foley Pills. Kidney action in
creases at once. Out go those adde. Burning
■tops Sleep Is sounder, and none of this got tlng
up business. You feel like “ somebody."
Your druggist has Foley Pilla. Soils a lot
of them, because most people know how
good they are. Don’t cost much either—
hut they certainly do a grand job. If they
don't, yout money back any time you
waul It. 019M
man) Troupe, Morgan fullback, who stole the
show recently in the N.C. State game in Balti
more. The score was 33-0 in favor of the Bears.
Here** the Richest, Most nourishing
Your Skin
Black and White Cleansing
Cream is the most effective
skin cleanser you can use. In'
stantly it penetrates deep into
the pores to remove all dirt and
impurities that cause bumps and
other blemishes. Keeps skin
flawless and attractive. The
large can, only lie.
That Money Can Buy
Give your skin Black and White
Cold Cream regularly! It's iust t^e
kind of FOOD that it peeds in
order to attain its full measure of
beauty and charm. This fine rich
cream restores precious oils that
your skin needs, banishes wrinkles
and preserves youthful firmness
and good looks in your complex'
ion. Large jar Black and White
Cold Cream, 25c, at your druggist.
Your Skin ,
■ ■ : .LJ_
Black and White Peroxide
Cream protects your skin from
darkening and coarsening by
wind and weather. Contains
just enough peroxide to keep
skin light and fair. Also an ideal
powder base.
Large jar
Black and
White Perox
ide Cream,
lie, at your I
druggist. Try
it today.
Pork Is the Topic of
Food Expert Today
One Meat That Most
Be Thoroughly Cooked
To have a roast well done In the
center of the piece without having
the outside overdone is something
of a maneuver. The best method
calls for searing in a hot oven to
hold in the rich meat juices and
then continue cooking at moderate
heat until done. A meat ther
mometer to be inserted in the meat
itself is the ideal saf'-'uard against
Water should never be added in
pork cuts. Most cuts have suffi
cient fat on their exteriors so
that when roasted fat side up
in a moderate heat the melting fat
may be used a, baster. In cook
ing chops it is different. In fact,
it is most satisfactory to brown
these in a hot skillet, then cover
them closely, and continue cook
ing in a moderate oven,
pleasantly with most foods, it has
While the pork flavor blends
some especial weaknesses which we
should humor. Celery, sweet pota
toes, cabbage, apples, peppers,
Sjuash, parsnips, and pineapple
form particularly pleasant taste
combinations with fresh and
smoked pork.
If you find yourself with pork
on hand and no new scintillating
ideas up aloft, try these for in
spiration :
New England Pork Steak Pie
3 tablespoons butter
1-3 cup flour
1 teaspoon onion juice
12 small white onions, parboiled
12 balls cut ' om cooked carrots
2 cups rich milk
1 blade mace
1-2 teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
1-2 teaspoon pepp.r sauce
2 cups small mushrooms
Melt the fat and blend half the
flour with it. When smooth add
the milk, onion juice, and the mace
blade. Add the seasonings and
then the mushrooms, which have
been cut in slices. Simmer slowly
for fifteen minutes, then cool.
Meanwhile hammer the remaining
flour ai d a generous flavoring of
salt and pepper into the steak and
broil over or under a flame until I
tender and brown on both sides, j
Now chop the steak into three- 1
fourths inch squares and blend with
the sauce. While the mixture is
cooling, prepare a double recipe of
pie paste suff -ient to give a thin
under and upper crust for six small
individual pie. Roll out the lower
crusts and put into the tins. Place
two c: rot balls and two small
onions in ach and pour over them
the filling. Add the top crusts, first
moistening the edges of the lower
crust in order that the upper and
lower may stick. Trim as for any
pie. Cut two diagonal “chimneys”
in the crust of each patty for the
escape of steam, and then brush
with beaten egg and bake in a
moderate oven (350 degrees P.) un
til heated through and brown.
• • •
Stuffed Pork Chops with Apples
This dish requires six rib chops
and the following stuffing: One and
one-quarter cups dried and ground
bread crumbs, two tablespoons
minced parsley, two tablespoons
melted buter, .ne tablespoon finely
chopped onion, one-third cup
chopped celery, one-third teaspoon
salt, dash of pepper, and one
quarter teaspoon poultry seasoning.
Blend the stuffing ingredients and
simmer together for ten minutes.
Slit each chop part way through
from the side, making a good sized
pocket in each. Dust the chops with
seasoning and flour, then brown
quickly in a hot skillet or over a
Now stuff each pocket with dress
ing and fasten the openings with
tooth picks. Arrange the stuffed
chops in a l ’ ing pan on a low
grill rack and on each place half
a tart cored apple which still keeps
its skin. Cr ,er and bake in a
moderately hot oven (375 degrees
P.) until tender — about three
quarters of an hour.
Modern Etiquette
If a man finds hitnsdf by chance
next to a woman of his acquaint
ance in the street car, should he
offer to pay her fare?
Golliwog—Hov. Is it that little
Johnny Richfeller ’ claims he gets
many whippings for his badness
yet he doesn't seem to mind them?
Polly wo;—That’s easy—his parent!
provide him with a playmate whc
is glad t oeam the money to take
Johnny’s whippings.
And Short Breathing relieved whei
caused by unnatural collection of wate
In abdomen, fedt and legs.' and when pre*
sure above ankle leaves a dent. Trla
package FREE.
A man »aid $1.2® for ora* cigars
and matches. He paid $1 more for
the cigars than he did for the
matches. How much did he pay for
the matches?
10 cents. Explanation—Subtract 4
11 from $1.20, and divide by 2
. —-- i
Advice to the 1
Lovelorn 1
"Dear Suzanne: While my girl
was away I found she was keeping
steady company with another fel
ow. She denies this, but won’t ex
plain. Advise J. G.”
Her going with the other young
nan isn’t so important as denying
t. Perhaps you have been misin
“Dear Suzanne: I two-timed the
aicest boy in the world. He asked
ue out, but I refused, thinking I
•cved some one else. But I love
>nly him. What shall I do?
Call him on the phone and seo
vhat is the present status of his
eeling for you. Govern yourself ac
• • •
“Dear Suzanne: My friend and I
ilways quarrel, and whether I’m
right or wrong, I have to give in. 4
EDDY." i
It’s big and generous to be the /
:orgiving party, but why quarrel? /
... f
“Dear Suzanne: He is four yejars
>lder than I. Does that matter?
If it doesn’t matter to ydp it
shouldn't be anyone else’s concern.
At the first symptoms of s
cold, clear your system off
congestion. Colds hang on
and thrive on waste - clogged
Intestines. A cup or two off
Garfield Tea cleanses thor
oughly, gently — and tones
up the system In general. (At
vour drusseist'.
Trial Si/c 10c. (.arliMd l<*»
€•„ Brooklyn, W.¥.
Get up
At Night
If you are one of the millions who must
get up several times a night, your trouble
is probably due to an irritation of the blad
der. Just try taking Gold Medal Haarlem
Oil Capsules. During 237 years this fine,
old preparation has helped millions. Why
not you? Insist on GOLD MEDAL. 35c & 7->c.
Take the remedy that be* brought
relief to thousands for more the*
80 years —Planten’e CAC of
Black Capsules. No more dte»
tryssins inUpmmation. Mo more
painful urination. No more
getting up at nights. PlantanS
banishes your ailment and with
lasting results. Don’t suffer a
minute longer—not wnefc it s so
easy to get this wonderful relief.
Ask, by name, for Planten’s.
the fltrifcffUL
•IBS •
St, SW box of MOwmbjIw At all Dm itor*«