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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1932)
■1 SENTENCE SERMONS SENTENCE SERMONS 1. A man knows what he is to do in J ^^k r I " I 3. We learn to perform one’s propor life and s-eU at it, the better. LjL I II I I—tion of the world’s work, society will 2. The cultivated man learns that the K % I I M I I . receive a common benefit. best fruits of real culture are an Jmm JL ^ wm aBa Jwm JLmtmm ^ * learn that higher education i span mind, broad sympathy and re. leads to a life of service the quicker *£2JT *" * hum‘" With Ray of Sunshine «ff pr"'nt’ iu PAGE 4_Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, December 10,1932._ MISS PEARL JUANITA GASKIN BECOMES BRIDE OF JOE TAYLOR IVipultr Omahan> Married in Port, land. Oregon Mias Pearl Juanita Gaskin, daugh ter of Mrs. Adelaide Gaskin, Port land. Oregon, was married to Joseph Spangler Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Taylor of Omaha, Saturday, Nov. ember 12 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church of Portland, Oregon. A beau tiful reception followed at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Arthur Ful ler Attendants were: Mrs. Lenore Gaskin, sister in law and Mr. Herm an Hays. Many beautiful and costly gifts were received from all parts of the country. Miss Ga-kn ami Mr. Taylor were popular members of the younger soc ial set of Omaha. Mrs. Belle Taylor mother of the groom and little Wes ley attended the wedding. While in Portland, Mrs. Taylor saw the following Omahans: jyfrs. Mary Duncpn. Mrs. Thelma Shipman Un thank and on a visit to Seattle, she aaw Mrs. Roberts and Madeline. The Women of the Neighborhood Jtepartmrnt of the Omaha Urban league under the supervision of Mrs. D. W. Gooden, are making the mach ines buzz in the I.<eag-ue Annex as sist ng the Red Cross in making drrs ses for the needy children of 0 raaha Every afternoon from 2 to 6 you can hear the machines buzzing. Their slogan is “100 Presses by Christmas”, This is just another piece of service the women of this Department are rendering the com. nunity Mr*. Marion Butler, organist of Christ Temple Church, was absent Sunday on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. W> Thomas were diner guests of Mr. and JVJrs. Thom as Vann. Sunday afternoon Mrs. I. S. Davis and Mrs. Lulu R. Thomas were guests of Mrs M. San foTd. Saturday evening. VISITORS AT THE GUIDE Mrs. Daisy Anderson and William Graham of Hemingford. Nebr., were visitors at the Guide plant Wednes day, December 7th. MRS. DELLA SEARS HONORED AT BRIDGE LUNCHEON Mrs. Bud CJVeen entertained Mrs. Della Sears of Kansas City, Mo., Mon_ day with a Bridge luncheon. The lun cheon was served in Rose and Black. The guests were: Mesdames Della Sears, Ralph Emmons, Jesse Mont gomery. Olivia Shoals. Dorothy Pol lard, Mayme Booth, Hattie Blanks, who acted as Sub, and Misses Rosalie Murray and Josephine Breedlove. « Mrs. Olivia Shoals won fjrst prize and Mr*. Mayme Booth, booby. Mrs. Della Sears was presented with the guest prize. GIRLS! HERE’S YOUR OPPORTUNITY $50 FOR A COMPLETE BEAUTY COURSE Embraces every phase and the lat est methods of the Profession, includ ing hair cutting and finger waving, Pressed Hair. This Course prepares you for examination in Nebraska and ether States. $10 down, $2 a week. CALL ATLANTIC 4533 for full in. formation. (adv.) 1 Men’s Overcoats (ANY CLOTH COAT) 79c Cleaned and Pressed FREE TURKEYS for XMAS JA'7383 We Call for and Deliver ROTHERY CLEANERS AND DYERS 2S1S-17.19 Coming St. li% Disc, far Caah and Carry HAND PAINTED SCARFS Mr. D. Eugene Murray, a graduate of Tech high, is selling Xmas gifts to help pay bis way through college. The gifts consist of hand painted handkerchiefs, scarfs and gift boxes of toilet articles. Call Web. 4210. MRS. CORDELL W ARD DUNSTON RETURNS HOME M rs. Cordell Ward Dunston, after a serious operation in the Rochester Hospital, spent ten days'in Omaha as house guest of her brother and sis ter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ward, 2322 North 26th St , and Mr. Robert Dawson, 2854 Corby St. Mrs. Dunston is a popular beauty specialist of Chicago. Rev. John Wrard of Maryville, Mo., her brother, : visited her while in Omaha Mrs. Dunston has returned to her home in Chicago after a pleasant vis_ it in Omaha. Many social courtesies were extended. _ INFORMAL DINNER PARTY Mrs. Stella Sullivan was hostess to an inform;:' (I nner narty given at her home, 2516 Ilur(i"tte St., Saturday night for the Jolly Bridgettes Club. The house was beautifully decorated and a delightful three course menu was served. Twenty-two guests en joyed the hospitality. It was the Club’s second dinner party of the season. The Omaha Branch National Al liance of Postal Employees met at the Urban League Headquarters, De. 3rd. The meeting was called to ordr by Mr. Austin, Pres. The regu. lar order of business was soon trans. acted and the dues were paid in spite of old man depression. A membership drive was sponsored by the chairman in order to bring in all delinquent and prospective meni bers_ Our aim is a 100 per cent membership with the postal employ ees. A smoker will be given Saturday, December 10th for the purpose of an old get together meeting. We will try our best to convince them of the nec essity of belonging to this great or_ anization. This association is a frat ernal, beneficiary and welfare organ, ization. devoted to the postal em ployees and the postal service. It has been whispered that the wo men are talking about organizing an auxiliary. You have heard it said that it is hard to get along without I them_ Well ladies we hope you get together soon because we certainly need your help. John Faucett, Reporter. s PRIMROSE SOCIAL CLUB Mrs. Burns, as hostess, entertained the club at her home, 2225 North 25th St., Wednesday, November 30th The business session was slightly curtail ed ami confining to the adoption of ! their by-laws. Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. ]yjaybury and Mrs. Redd won first, second and booby prizes respectively After which a delicious repast was PP TUBES FOR AIR MAIL 1 _ ^r.-ag-^-r. . - | .-f BRC.'.iLYN. N. Y.—Hon. John A. McKenzie (left), New York City Dock Commissioner, in charge of aviation for the city, inspects pneumatic mail tube system which carries Uncle Sam's mail at high speed beneath the streets of New York and which he is urging to be installed between f-ioyd Bennett Field. New York's $4,OOC.OOO airport, and Brooklyn to shoot air mail into New York, five minutes after the nr II plane has 1 nded. He says underground pneumatic tubes between airpjns and post will ’ui ti, r". ' ■ " -g. / served. Meeting was adjourned to meet at 1806 North 28th St. P'rancis Redd, President, Sarah Bradley, reporter. COLLEGE CLUB REORGANIZED The College Club met and elected the following officers for the year: Oscar Washington, president, Miss Ruth King, vice president, Miss Lillie Avant, secretary, jyjiss Vera Chand ler, ass't secretary, Julian McPher. son, treasurer and Joe Owens, report er Meeting will be held every Wed nesday night at the Urban Lea-rue. THE ACE OF CLUBS The Ace of Clubs met with Mrs. Cleota Reynolds. Mrs. C. H Single ton. first prize. Mrs. Mayme Thomas, consolation. The club will have their Xmas party Dec 29th at the home of the Pres. Mrs. Mayme Thomas. The PALLETTE ART CLUB The Palette Ait Club met at the home of its president, Mr. J. D. Craw ford. 2214 North 28th Ave.. Friday, December 2. The Club, in the future, will meet on Mondays at Mr. Craw ford’s residence. Those interested in art are cordiallv invited to attend any of the meetings. J. D. Crawford. President, D. E. Murray. Reporter. S. A. BOTT’S CLUB Mrs. Anna Williams entertained the S. A. Bott’s Club Thursday evening at her cozy home, 2426 Blondo St. A j delicious luncheon w-as served. Mrs. Williams was assisted by Mrs. Mat tie Groves. The Vice Ph-esndent, Mrs. E. M. Harris presiding, outlined plans for the club to be put over at an early date. Members present were: Mes dames Lena Cook, Mattie Groves, E. M. Harris. Georgia Hunter, Eliza Jones, Pearl Houston, Morgan, Ella Long, Belle Woods. Visitors were Mr. and Mr*. J. W. Thomas. Next meeting will be with Mrs. E. M. Har_ I BRANDE1S !_ - B 3i 5 j 5 | Come! See Our Great! I TOYTOWN I l ' 5 i Hundreds of Toys l J i 3 Bring the Kiddies To Our Vast Eighth Floor of Toys g 3 I 3 i j Santa Claus and \ j the Circus I 3 ! 3 On The Tenth Floor, Santa Has a Present for g Every Boy and Girl. | I 5 ?"24 Maple St. Mrs. A. W. An derson. President, Mrs. J. W. Thom as, reporter. THE JOLLY TWELVE ART CLUB The Jolly Twelve Art Club met with Mrs. Shirley Kennedy, at her residence 163214 No. 22nd St. Friday. December 2. The President, Mrs. Charles Morris, being ill. the vice President, Mrs. Horace Sherwood, was in the chair. The members en_ joyed the meeting. Each member wore her uniform, which was de- j signed and cut by by the instructor, ; Mrs. Horace Sherwood and made up in white trimmed with red and the Club’s initials worked on the pocket. The uniformed club seated at Mrs.: Kennedy’s beautifully service table j together with' the sumptous repast was indeed something to make one sit i up and take notice. Mrs. Charles Morris, President Mrs. George Harris, Reporter THE WISE OWL CLUB The Wise Owl Chib met at the home of Mrs. K. Eddens at 2633 De catur. A number of visitors were ! present. Mr. E. Cooper won the first prize, Miss H. Harrison, the second j prize. Five newT members joined. The Club will meet at the home of Mrs. McKinneys, 2105 N. 28th St. on BUEHLERBROS. MARKETS “Our Service Is Supreme” 2408 Cuming St. 212 N. 16th St. 24th & Lake St. 4903 S. 24th St! 618 W Broadway -:-: SPORK LOINS. Half or whole, lb. Small PORK CHOPS. lh. 7»zc HOLD’S SMOKED 7 0k HAMS, lb..I V Center Cut Slices, each.. 5c ARMOUR’S PURE LARD, ell you want .. “_>V FRESH PIG’S FEET £■ SNOUTS. AO LIVER, HEARTS, lb. ‘Nebraska Best’ Flour 48 Pounds BEST CREAMERY Butter, lb. IU Remember Your Friends with a Word of Greeting - Send,. —of— \ GREETING I With Your Name Engraved Free! Quality Printing 2418 Grant 81. !?£, December 15. J. Eddens, Reporter. THE LADIES SOCIAL CLUB The- Ladies Social Club met at tha home of Mrs. C. Phillips, 3036 Em meit St. Hostess, Mrs. Josephine Davis. After business, a lovely pro gram was rendered. "Can’t We Talk Pt Over,’’ a <on»; was rendered by Mrs. Christine PhillipvS, also a read ing given by Mrs Venice Harris. Vis a 1‘ors were introduced Mrs. Willie Mae foll-ns. Mrs. Lorraine Parker and Mrs. Mattie Davis. A lovely lunch, eon was served following whist was played. Mrs. Willie Mae Collins won first prize and Mrs. Lulu Moore, booby. Mrs. Eva Phillips, President Miss Maretha Burton, Reporter EUREK A TWENTY BRIDGE CLUB Eureka Twenty Bridge Club met Saturday night at 2233 Locust St. Mr. Williams, host. Visitors were intro, dueed and afterward Bridge w: - played. High scores won by Mr. I. Phillips and Mrs. P. Adkins, booby. Mr. Adams and Mrs. J. Phillips. Af < - the prizes had been awarded to the winners, the Club was served by th hosts's mother, Mrs. Ferguson. Mr. P. Adkins, President Mrs. Josephine Davis. Reporter THE JOLLY BRIDGETTES CLUB Mis. < lara Smith was a charming hostess Wednesday when the club was entertained at her home. The after roon was delightfully spent playing Bridge. A lovely luncheon was served Those enjoying the hospitality ware; Mesdames Stella Sullivan, Myra Kin_ caid. Dorothy Abney, Bernice Henry, I Casvie Jackson and Ruth Johnson. The,Club will meet next at Mrs. Kalb. /ryn Manley, Mrs. Clara Smith, President Take Advantage of The New Prices t TRENT BEAUTY' SHOPPE 2412 North 30th Street Shan poo. Press and 1 ho\ of Grow er .. . .$1.15 Shflmrfno, IVoss and Wave $1.25 Press 50c — Wave 50c f— tnno'"tments Call WEh 4415 If wanting a nice nlac« tn Ptco ’n T in'>oln, call or write, Mrs. W R. Colley, 1035 Rose phone. F 2046. Read The Omaha GUIDE Gold Seal Creamery Co. 80th and Underwood Ave. HArney 5261 or Glendale 2929 WE EMPLOY COLORED HELP Pasteurized Milk, Butter, Sweet and Sour Cream, Whipping Cream, Butter-Milk. —EARLY DELIVERY— J. F. TAYLOR, Prop. for Quality Laundry and Dry Cleaning Cali Web. 1029 -SHIRTS FINISHED 80 EACH (when finished out of family bundles) WET WASH—THRIFTY_Rough Dry Linens JENSEN-EMERSON —LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS— I RHEUMATISM? BACKAGHE? NEURALGIA? Do you know what you are taking for these complaintsl YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO TRY .M ClOVA'TABS j A doctor’s prescription, scientifically prepared and founded on a nhvsician’? hospital research and experience in private practice. If vour dmpeist cannot snunlv von SEND FOR A BOX TODAY DO NOT DELAY-CTOVA*TABP. P O. Box 12. College 8tat. New York City j Mail this conpon with 50 cents (Send no stampsT .“V....... CLOVA-TABS. P. O. Boy It. CoTVsrs Station. New Tort City Prpfc B Nemo .j...... Addroo* ........... R.F.B. Bo» Y outhful Strength Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, the world-known authority on Sexology and Director of the Institute for Sexual Science of Berlin. Germany, created TITUS-PEARLS to help the millions of men and women who have lost or are losing their vital physical power. In his 35 years of practice and research, however, he realized that the weakening of man’s glands was also responsible for other troubles: High blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, physical exhaustion after work or exercise, dizziness, depression, neurasthenia, etc. All these troubles can be removed with Titus-Pearls. Numerous cases were treated by Dr. Hirschfeld in his Berlin Institute. L. S. (State Official; 60 years old. married) complained of physical exhaustion, dizziness and tremors. Was easily tired. Mental power dull and slow moving. Physical powers had been incomplete for previous 5 years. Blood pressure too high. Given 2 Titus Pearls 3 times a day. 2 weeks later the medical report on this man was-_ general health better, more vigor; dizziness much less and returning of power. Treatment continued and 2 weeks later L. S reported again, this time to say that all weariness and exhaustion had gone he felt fresh and buoyant. His blood pressure had fallen, and at 60 years of age he had regained the physical power and virility that he had known in the prime of his life. Start regaining your youthfulness now! To-day! In 2 weeks time you will be aware of the new, virile force within you Send $5.00 (cash registered or money-order) for 2 weeks treatment COD Orders accepted. Write for Booklet. To avoid mistakes please fill out the following coupon: TEUTONIA IMPORT & EXPORT SERVICE CO., DPT. 13084 211 Fourth Avenue. New York City. N. Y. Gentlemen: Please forward to the following address.Boxes Titus-Pearls, for which I enclose $ . My name is. City. My address is. State..