- . • '• • - .■ -* • - v. r - . * .. _ ' ' n ' ■ - ... 30.000 People Read The Only Paper of fts The Omaha Guide Kind West of the Every Week _ Missouri River HEW TO THE LINE\ VOL. VI. _Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, December 10,1932._Number Forty-two.— BOOK Pt BL1SHEKS I am taking tbia means of replying to at least fifty different inquiries that have come to me during the past few months for a list of book pub lishers who have, within the past few year*, publ^hed books either by or s boui Negroes, or at least the themes •re of interest to Negroes. The list as published here may no* necessarily include every *«*b pub. lrnher a- 1 am Hating those only who have forwarded one or more^of their book* to me for review or comment The 1 -t •!*«» inclmle* a half a dozen publishers of purely statistical data, anu a lew auinors woo »viit tneir bwu to me direct. 1 ne*e name are not given either m atpaabevtai or geograpmcal orucr Put are- listed in tne order that they became cooperator* with me, Space will i l permit my giving local ad anu every name tnat is not Ivuiiunl i»> u speedic city i- presum ed u le in -vew York. uevrgc S. bctmyler tauthor); Har. per ft Bros; Harcourt, Brace ft Co; Meador Pub. Co., Boston; Wetzel Pub Co, Lw Angeles; It. It- Rosamond, Hollywood; t'arrar ft Rinehart; Christopher Pub. Co, Boston; Bobbs Merrill Co., Indianapolis; Minton, Balch ft Co.; New York Book & New* Agency; Yak University Press New Haven; Robert Mallory lautnorj ftlinneapolis-- New Pub. Co, Chica go; C. W. Merriweatber (author), Hopkinsville; A. C. McClurtr ft Co, Chicago; Stanley Newman (author) Hartford; Modern Library; J. L. Nich ols ft Co, Naperville; Macmillan Co., E P. Dutton ft Co; Henry Holt ft Go; The Lantern Pres*; Negro Year Book Co-, Tuskegee Institute; Colum bia University Press; Wm. B. Eerd m*!.< Co., Grand Rapid*; Cros*ett ft Dunlap; Manual Arts Press, Peoria; Thomas Y. Crowell Co; Doubleday, Doran ft Co, Garden City; Cokesbury Press, Nashville; The Vikw Press; Smithsonian Institute. Washigton; International Pocket Library, Boston; Frank D. Fitigerald. Lansing; W. P. Dabney (author). Cincinnati; Tha Stratford Co., Boston; Legislative Reference Bureau, Springfield; Geo. rge Sully ft Co.; Arixona Year Book Co.. Phoenix; C. ». Uept. oi wm. merer (James A. Jackson), Washing ton; W A. W:ld< Co., Boston; John C. Winston Co., Philadelphia; Rosie recun Brotherhood. San Jose; J. A. Roger* (author); ). A- Stokes Co; Frank A. Johnson (author-deceased); AD Sport* Record Book Co; Vanguard Press; Ethiopian Press, Oklahoma City; Mrs. Myrtle Thompson Clay boome (author), Columbus; R. F,"1 McBride Co; The Meteor Pres*; John Day Co: Pegasus Pub Co; Stanley Rose. Lid-, Hollywood; Sociological Press. Hanover; Prof. A. H. Gordon (author); Funk k Wagnalls; MaCauL ly Co; Dial Pres*; Canton Printers. Ltd , Caldwell; William Faro, Inc; The Bat: Pab. Com: Ray Long k Richard R. Smith; National Home Library Foundation. Washington; Lex Pub. Ca, Seattle. Eudora V. Marshall (author), Duluth; Freedom Pub. Co; Joseph S. Klmepeter. Tol edo; Fisk University Press, Nash ville; Mrs. Katherine Ash (author); Charles A. Battle (author). New. port; D. H. Smith, Brooklyn; Fred eriek M. Waterbary; Biographical Research Society; George F. Robert Sob (author). Clover; Brewer, War. ten k Putnam: Georgia Press. East River; Norman W. Henley Pub. Co: Annie Nathan Meyer (author); The BbeJet Bros. Inc; The Kingdom Press i 9t. Petei sburg; Alfred H. King. I nr. k and John H. Paynter (author) Wash barton In addition t« the above eigfaty.frm pn*' risers or authors who have furn ished nee with copie* at their book; a score oe mere at others have furnish ed pamphlet* which I have not classi fied as books. Woman Killed By Auto; Driver Freed Ala. State Court Re verses Decision Montgomery, Ala. (CNS) Upon authority of the United State* Sa il ■ ■me Court, the Alabama Supreme ( urt today reversed its decision af firming the death sentences of seven y"ung Negroes for alleged attacks on tw* white girls near ScovULoto in ; 1 11. and sent the caeas ba«k to Jack, r o Circuit Court for new trial*. The "rder followed a mandate from the United States Supreme Court vhich reversed the death sentences on I t*it- ground rhat the Negroes had not h*-<‘n jr’wn their full rights in obtain, ing counsel. Thomas E. Knight, Jr., attorney- j g neral of Alabama, recently an-; nounced that he would not oppose a motion for a change of venue in the retrial if defense counsel sought to have the new trials elsewhere than in Jackson county. «0 PER CENT VOTE CHANGE REPORTED AMONG NEGRO VOTERS OF LOS ANGELES Los Angeles, Dec. —A complete change from Republican to Democrat, ic alignment of 60 per cent of the colored voters of Los Angeles in the > la«t election is estimated by Dr. II. Claude Hudson. President of the Los j Angeles branch of the National As. i enciation for the Advancement of Colored People, it was announced to day. As causes of the change. Dr. Hud son lists: Failure of the Republican party to recognize Negroes; Hoov er’s attitude in the Parker apnoint. • lent; Reduction of Negro soldier to laborers; Jim Crow practices in Washington and general dissatisfact ion with economic conditions. HESLII', NATIONAL BAR ASS’N. CHIEF SUBSCRIBES $5 MONTHLY TO NAACP. Toledo, Ohio. Dec—Jesse S. Heslip, j President of the National Bar As_ sociation and Mrs. Heslip have sub scribed •?!> a month to the National | Association fflr the Advancement of Colored People “in order that the work might be curried on". Under existing conditions, the con. J tribution of $60 a year represents a I sacrifice which Mr. Heslip expresses himself as being glad to make. Under his leadership the National Bar Association played important part, jointly with the NAACP.. in in. vestigating the discrimination against colored workers at the Hoover dam in Nevada and in obtaining jobs for some of them. ASK ILLINOIS GOVERNOR TO REPUDIATE PROFESSOR’S "WHITE RULE” SPEECH New York. Dec.—A “white domin. i ation” speech made by Professor James W. Garner of the University of Illinois before an audience in At. lanta. Ga„ has drawn vigorous pro test to the Governor of Illinois and the President of the University from the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People. In h.s address Professor Garner justified white domination, declaring that intelligent northern whites did not favor depriving the southern whites of their prerogative to rule over and administer the affairs of Norroes. In the letters to Gover. nor Louis L. Emmerson of Illinois and President Harry Woodbura Chase of the University, the NAACP. •ays in part: “This speech, if Professor Garner was correctly quoted, represents a reversion to the mental attitude of the slave-holder and cannot but give comfort to the lyncher and the Ku { Kluxer throughout the country. It is a short step from denying politic al rights to a citizen of this country to saying he has no personal rights that must be respected.” The NAACP. asks that as an of ficer of the State and of the Univers ity, Professor Garner be rebuked by h:s superiors for advocating doctrin- | *» “repudiated by enlightened hum. anity and contrary to the basic law • of the land” and requests that the repudiation be made a matter of public record. BE BEAUTIFUL— WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITIES The California School of Beauty Culture owned and operated by Kathryn Wilson proves to be one of the most modern equipped schools in 1 the country. < Mrs. Wilson, who been prominently identified in Omaha for years, has won nation-wide recognition through I her well trained operators. The Californ a School of Beauty Culture is located at 521 North 33rd St. More than 75 graduates of the California School of Beauty Culture are oper ating beauty shops in Omaha and in Council Bluffs. It is indeed an op_ portunity to enter this school where ; you may thoroughly prepare yourseif j for a dignified profession. Mrs. Wilson is also the writer of one of the best known beauty culture text books, “The Successful Hair dresser which is used throughout the ' United States and Canada. The California School of Beauty Culture has grow'n so fast that the manager is now making many addi_ tions. The class-rooms are artistically decorated. Most up-to-date equipment is used including five different styles of permanent waving machines. Visit the school and see the won derful opportunities offered. DEMAND GREEFF ANSWER QUESTIONS ON N. Y. NURSE TRAINING JIM CROW New York, Dec.—Dr. J. G. Greeff, I New York City Commissioner of Hos-! pitals, is asked to answer specifically questions concerning the discrimin ation against colored nurses in city institutions, in a letter made public today by tne -National Association lor tlie Advancement of Colored People, the questions to wnich his answer is ' requested are as follows: “1. Will colored citizens of New ■ Aorit City be admitted for training in the nurse training schools of Belle vue and Kings County Hospitals on the same basis as any other female citizens ? ‘2. Will you employ a colored grad_ j uate nurse, based on her competence, in either of these hospitals?” In pressing (these questions, the NAACP. states that it is informed “that at the present time the answer j to both of the questions asked is in i the negative. So far as we know, yours is the only Department of the New York City Administration in which Negroes are jim-crowed. We reiterate our reqruest that an un equivocal and thoroughgoing investi. gation be made of the status of the colored nurses in New York City hospitals and that the gross discrim-> illations whcih do exist and which may be easily ascertained be prompt ly corrected.” This was written in response to Dr. Greeff’s denial of discrimination in. his department. IMPERIAL LEAGUE OPENS GIFT SHOP One of the most unique gift shops has been opened at 2116 North 24th in the annex of the GIo-Gloss Beauty Shop by the Imperial League to help the needy enjoy a merry Christmas, j geauciful articles from 9c to 99c. What can you see? Commission. Call JA_ 4802 or WE. 2864 for further in_ formation. POOLHALL RAIDED by Homer C. Burdette Two uninvtied policemen raided T. C. Crawford's Rising Sun Billiard Hall up at 24th and Clark Sts., Sat urday, December 3rd and took from there five men and a toy bank used to store cuts from games. They were turned loose Monday morning. Citizens Plead For State Jobs Annual Election NAACP. ELECTION of OFFICERS All members and friends are cord. | ially invitee! to attend the meeting I and annual election of officers at the j Urban League, Sunday, at 4:00 p m.; Dec. 18th. FLOGGED FLORIDA CITIZENS WHO REPORTED JIM CROW IN RED CROSS FLOUR RELIEF NAACP. Asks Governor Carlton To Punish Mobbists -1— New York, Dec.—Governor Doyle 1 E. Carlton of Florida has been asked I in a letter sent today by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to prosecute a group of mcbbists who, masquerading as federal officers, brutally flogged col. ored citizens of Clearwater, Fla., for heading a Colored Welfare League and reporting discrimination in the distribution of government flour by, the Red Cross. •‘From the information that has come to us," says the NAACP. letter, “these two men. W. D. Williams and M. Harvey were taken out and flog ged on Nov. 4. 1932. just four days after thev hod consulted with City Manager H. S. Riddle and Mayor H. H. Baskin regarding the Colored Wel fare League of which Mr. Williams j was an official. The purposes of the Colored Welfare League were explain ed to the two city officials and they are said to have lauded its objective of improving the colored citizens of Clearwater and stimulating their in terest in civic betterment.” Previous to the conference, com plaint made to the NAACP. by Clear, water citizens had been forwarded to the Red Cross in Washington, which asked for a report from Florida. Mr. Williams, according to a report j sent the NAACP. from Tampa, was so severely beaten with leather and rubber hose that the blood streamed j down his back. Mr. Harvey was forced to leave his family and prop- j erty in Clearwater. Mr. Williams , was also kicked in the stomach and an X-ray will determine the extent of the injury he received. A number of white people have ex pressed abhorrence for the brutal at tack on the two colored men both of' whom had a high standing in their community. In concluding its letter the NAACP urges the Governor “as chief execu tive of Florida cause an investiga. tion to be made into the flogging of these two men at Clearwater, to the i end that prosecution of the perpet rators may be launched and punish, ment assessed.” — JESS HOLLINS CASE TO BE HEARD IN JANUARY COURT AT OKMULGEE Oklahoma City, Dec.—The case of Jess Hollins, whose conviction on a rape charge was reversed by the - State Supreme Court, will be heard in January at Okmulgee, according to Roscoe Dun.iee, editor of the Black Dispatch and President of the local i branch National Association for thei Advancement of Colored People, which is defending Hollins. Mr. Dunjee reports contributions to. ward the defense have reached a total ofe $391.85. The National Office of the NAACP. has contributed $100. to ward the expenses of the case. WYOMING NAACP. STOPS AT TEMPT TO MAKE “ORDERLIES" OF NEGRO CADETS Casper, Wyoming, Dee.—An at tempt by a southern army captain to make orderlies of all colored boys in military training in the local high school was stopped by prompt pro test to the high school principal, ac cording to report of Mrs. M. E. Sand, ers, Secretary of the local branch Na tional Association for the Advance ment of Colored People. The south, ern captain has been replaced by a westerner. PERRY’ HOWARD’S TICKET LEADS IN MISSISSIPPI Jackson, Miss. (CNS)—Returns from all parts of Mississippi how that Perry Howard’s ticket swamps the Lament Rowland’s ticket in the elect ion here on November 8. For many years the lily whites of the South have dinned into the ears of occupants of the White House and Republican Administration that if they had white leadership of the party in that section they could be come serious contenders against the Democratic Party. This contention was put to the test on November 8 when the electoral and congressional ticket of the Howar-1. Redmond-.Booze black and tan ticket ran awav with the lily white ticket in the old State and forever set at rest this spurious ami race hating crowd. It was extensively advertised in the campaign that the Rowland band was strictly a white party. The verdict, at the polls was most decisive. !y against them. CHARLES W. CHESTNUT, AUTH OR, DIES Cleveland, Oh. (CNS) Charles W. Chestnut, the well-known author died at his home here Tuesday November 15 at the age of 74 years. Mr. Chestnut was born here June 20, 1858, moved to North Carolina with his parents when he was 8. He served two years a principal of a normal school there, then went to New York as a reporter and returned to Cleveland fifty years ago to study law. He became associated for a time with Virgil P. Kline, counsel for John D. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil interests. He later gave up the practice of law in favor of court re portinr, a profession which occupied him through his business life. His widow, the former Susan Nut ley Perry of Fayetteville, N. C., and three daughters and a son survive. Mr. Chestnut, who started his lit erary career in 1887, was among the nation's leading literary men invited to the dinner celebrating Mark Twain’s seventieth birthday. He won the Spingarn Medal in 1928. When Mr. Chestnut submitted his first book—a collection of short stor_ ies published over a period of thir teen years in the Atlantic Monthly, to Houghton Mifflin Company, Wal ter Hines Page, the publisher’s liter ary adviser, who latex became Am bassador to the Court of St. James’ was so fascinated by the tales he sat up all night to read the manusscript. That book. “The Conjure Woman,” as all of Mr. Chestnut’s books, dealt with problems, tribulations and joys of the Negro. It w-as built around folklore of the North Carolina plan tations, where Mr. Chestnut spent much of his youth. Another collection of his short stor_ ies was published under the title, “The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories,” Other books were “The House Behind the Cedars,” “The Col. onel’s Dreams.” “The Marrow of Tradition.” and a biography of Fred erick Douglass. HAWAII THE VICTIM OF UN. TRl’E REPORTS Washington, (CNS) The Govern, or of Hawaii, in his annual report to the Secretary of the Interior, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1932, in vites attention to the fact that the Territory has been made the victim of a great many untrue and unfavor, able reports regarding conditions in Hawaii. The absence of any crime problem in Hawaii, of major propor tions, was found by the Honorable Seth W. Richardson, Assistant At torney General of the United States, during his investigation in the early part of 1932. The Governor vigor ously protests any move by Congress which would tend to diminish the measure of self-government now en joyed by the citizens of Hawaii. The population of the Territory in. creased by 6,296, bringing the total population on June 30, to 380,607. Control Board Informed No Colored Employees In Institutions, •Spokesmen Cite Special Severity of Negro Unemployment. (From Lincoln Star) Not a single negro is employed in pny of the state institutions, de_ dared a delegation of colored pen- j pie which called on the state board Jof control Friday morning to make a plea that tbeir people be given | some recognition. More than 1.100 people arc employed in the seven. ; teen hospitals, homes and penal in. stitutions under management of the : board of control. Members of the board of control I declared there had been no willful diseriminatiorj against the negroes. They said that the superintendents ' of institutions had been permitted to hire their own employees. They also declared that they had no ob jections to the employment of col ored people, and following the meeting, several members of the • board said they believed the delega. I tion was justified in making its pre sentation to the board. Ask Social Justice. "Regardless of whether there is discrimination or not,” declared H. J. Pinkett, Omaha attorney who was one of the spokesmen of the group, "the fact is that there no negroes em ployed in any of the institutions. "We are only pleading for social justice for the negroes. We have made our contribution to the cause of America, and want to continue to do so, but we also want to participate in the privileges and benefits. “The board of control’s policy of selecting an executive and leaving him free to select his staff appears to be sound. But that does not alter the fact that thefe are no colored em ployes in any of the institutions which we are taxed to help support.” Needed To Encourage Youth. Pinkett said that recognition of ne groes in appointments to responsible positions was needed to encourage Vue- jvuiigtrr wiurwi ytupie, t* need to be able to hold out to them the possibilities of advancement,” he declared. “If we cannot point to negroes in positions of responsibility as examples to the boys and girls in school, the problem of educating them I is much more difficult.” The delegation included Harry Le. land of Omaha, a state oil inspector and president of the Omaha Negro Democratic club; Rev. O. J. Burck_ I hardt. Omaha minister; C. J. Cole man, commander of the Negro legion i post at Omaha; M. T. Woods of Lin coln, head of the Urban league; Harry Bradley, one of the custodians at the j capitol for fnany years; and Isaac B. Smith, mail carrier in the capitol, and the pa*tor of a Negro congrega tion at Grand Island. The delegation pointed out that j the University of Nebraska does not employ a single negro. They did not call on the university or officials of other state departments. The dele gation did not request the employ. i ment of any certain individuals or ! ur»r*‘ the hiring of negroes at any ! specific institution, but merely made the plea for employment of a reason, able number" of colored people in the institutions. Members of the delegation said there was certain types of work which they believed negroes were able to do even better than whites at the in stitutions. They also pointed out that there were negroes in various of the institutions and that members of their own race might be able to han dle their problems better than white employes. “The unemployment problem is es. pecially severe among the negroes.” Pinkett declared. “They have the same difficulty that every man has in these days of finding a job and in ad dition they have an added problem because they are colored.” Negroes have been employed in some of the institutions at times in the past and have proven capable, the delegation declared. A woman employe at the Geneva industrial home was one of the outstanding workers, it was said. She accepted DRUNKEN CHARGES AGAINST VICTIM OF AUTO SMASH l I* WINS FREEDOM FOR SANTOL On Friday night, December 2, Mrs. Paulihe MacCurtis, was killed by an automobile driven by Edward John Santol, white, at 26th and O Streets. An inquest was held Monday after, noon at the Court House. Many w it nesses testified to the fact that Mrs MacCurtis was seen drunk, just be. fore the accident occured. Mrs. Aila McGill, who operates a cafe on the south side said she had known Mrs. MacCurtis for seven or eight years and she was always drunk. Mr. Santel and all of the wit nesses testified that he was driving 20 miles an hour and could not avoid hitting Mra. MacCurtis, however in order to stop he ran into a telephone post dragging the body several feet. The funeral was held at the Myers’ Funeral Home. a better position. At one time, there was a negro guard at the penitentiary was a Negro guard at the penitentiary hospital in Norfolk. Pinkett reviewed the part Negroes have taken in various wars, declar ing that -1,000 of them served in the Revolutionary war. 200,000 in the Civil war and 400,000 in the World war. "Prior to 1850,” he declared, “the bulk of the wealth produced in this nation was by black hands, principally in the button fields of the south. We have paid the price and given fully to the cause oi Atner. ica. We want to continue to make our contribution and to participate in the benefits.” Chairman Harry Thorpe of the board suggested that the delegation visit the superintendents of the in stitutions, since they are the ones who select employes. He said the board has no record of the race or re ligion of the employes so that he did not know whether there were any colored workers or not. ADDITIONAL VICTORS AT THE POLLS ON NOVEMBER 8th. Washigton (CNS) Belated returns show that several other Neg-ro Repub. lican were elected to legislatures in Western States. McDowell the ban ner Republican county in West Vir ginia returns Stewart A. Calhoun to the house. Chester K. Gillispie of Cleveland won in Ohio, Dr. Wm. M. Blount in Kansas, and Fred Robert of Los Angeles, in California. 11 WHITES JOIN NAACP. AFTER PICKENS’ ADDRESS Chicago, Dec.—A luncheon address delivered by William Pickens, Field Secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Coldred Peo. pie, conducting a membership cam paign in Chicago, brought eleven new NAACP. memberships from white people who heard the talk. The luncheon address was given at the Board of Education, Methodist Episcopal Church, 740 Rush Street. HAITIAN DAILY PRINTS NAACP. LETTER TO FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT Port_au.Prince, Oct (by mail) Le Nouvelliste, daily newspaper of Port au-prince, Haiti, today prints aslhe featured item on its front page a let ter written by the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colored People to Franklin D. Roosevelt, ask ing him to give assurance that he would reestablish complete self-gov. ernment and independence for the black republic. •‘ROOSEVELT REPUBLICAN" EXPLAINS THAT DESIGNATION -i - Washinjrton (CNS) Senator Nor. beck of South Dakota is a “Roosevelt Republican,” but wants it clearly un derstood that he means Theodore Roosevelt. "I am listed in the ConKTessional Directory as a Roosevelt Republican, I am troinjr to chanjre that to Theo. dore Roosevelt," said the senator in callinjr attention to the designation. Norbeek was one of the six Repub licans who were re-elected to the Senate last week.