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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1932)
_Policeman—Miss, you were doing 60 miles an hour! She—Oh, isn't that splendid! I o drive yesterday.— Use This Laxative Thedfobd’a BLACK-DRAUGHT la made from plants that come up from seeds and grow in the ground, like the garden vegetables you eat at every meal. NATURE has put into these plants an active medicine that stimulates the bowels to act — just as Nature put the materials that sustain your body into the vegetable foods you eat. In Black-Draught you have a natu ral laxative, free from synthetic drugs. Its proper use does not make you have to depend on cathartic chemical drugs to get the bowels to act dally. Find out by trying Black-Draught what a good medicine it la for con stipation troubles. In 25* pkgs. (dry). P-8. — For Children, get the new, pleasant tasting SYRUP of Thedford’a Black-Draught. 25* & 60* bottles. BLEACHING CREAM nilRlI ^ Don't waste time trying to get results with inferior bleaches that are too weak to do their work. Be safe, be sure of results by asking for Black and White Bleaching Cream, the scientific double strength bleach ing cream that lightens and whitens skin in ONE HALF the time. Because Black and White is made DOUBLE STRENGTH, it instantly penetrates to the skin’s fourth layer where coloring is regulated. Because of this positive, powerful action Black and White Bleaching Cream lightens and whitens twice as quick ly as ordinarybLeaches; In addi tion this marvelous, double-strength bleach clears up bumps and mole discolorations with amazing speed. For best results use Black and If bite Skin Soap (25c) before applying bleaching cream. Re member, only Black and White Bleaching Cream has the exclu sive Double Strength feature. ------♦ A Daily Menu TODAY’S MENU MORNING Sliced Oranges and Bananas Bran Waffles Maple Sirup . Coffee NOON Cream of Corn Soup, Croutons Cheese Noodle Ring with Spinach Center Frozen Fruit Salad Milk Tea NIGHT Calf's Liver Smothered with Onions Baked Stuffed Potatoes Green String Beans Finger Rolls Citron Marmalade Chocolate Nut Torte Coffee A Doctors leautu t-ake i, from S e we i A your doctor, V C beauty is more than “skin deep.’’ It begins with your digestive system. Facial blem ishes, eruptions and sallowness merely re flect an upset stomach. Cleanse internally the pleasant Garfield way. A cup nightly, for sev eral weeks will do more for your complex ion than costlv cosmetics. /At all drutaistsl Trial Sire 10c GARFIELD TEA CO.. Brooklyn, N.T. IF YOU WANT TO BE A Social Favorite YOU HAVE TO HAVE PERSONALITY You can’t make people like you if you are tired and ailing all the time and haven't pep enough to go places and do things. Women who are pop ular are those who have strength and energy enough to keep busy. If you are losing your popularity then there must be a reason for it. Start Tak ing This Famous Tonic r Many women who were fast losing their grip on social things because they (elt bad all the time are now running from one party to another. That’s what St. Joseph’s G.F.P.. will do for you. This famous old tonic (containing roots and herbs of known medicinal merit) has been helping women for over fifty years by restoring their health and happiness. A Money Back Guarantee Enjoy the pep that comes from a sound, healthy body, free from fatigue and pain. Ask your druggist for the big dollar bottle of St. Joseph’s G.F.P. ! Sold on a money-back guarantee. THEY CHEERED HAMP TON. — Loci! and out-of town rooterc at the Morgan Hampton game, in Balto. Left to right, Mrs. William Paul, Magnolia, N.J.; Miss Mabel Spaulding, Miss Nel lie Kenry, Camden, N.J., and Mrs. Walter Paul. What they saw W'as the most thrilling game of the season. ■——»• F. D.’s HARVARD CLASS MATE 30 YEARS AGO.— James G. Wolf Asst. Corp. Counsel at Boston. Advice to Lovelorn “Dear Suzanne: I have a boy friend but don’t know whether he loves me. How can I find out? J. J.” By the way he treats you; by the attentions he pays you, and by the preference he shows for your com pany. * * * “Dear Suzanne: We have been go ing together steadily for a year. We are 19. Our parents think we are too young. Are we? A. and L.” Do you mean too young to marry, or too young for steady comw.ny? To the former, I’d say yes; to the ► How Can I? How can I remove a rusty screw? ANSWER Heat a poker or spike red hot and apply it to the head of a screw that is rusty and o!>stinate. WHEN MA IS SICK ► When Ma is sick she pegs away, She's quiet, though, not much to say. She goes right on a-doing things. An’ sometimes laughs, or even sings. She says she don't feel extra well. But then it's just a kind o’ spell, She’ll be all :.*ight tomorrow sure, A good old sleep will be the cure. An’ Pa he sniffs an’ makes no kick, For women folks is always sick. An’ Ma. she smiles, lets on she’s glad— When Ma is sick it ain’t so bad. ■ — - Beware the Cough or Cold that Hangs On Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a new medical discovery with two-fold ac tion; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and inhibits germ growth. Of all known drugs, creosote is recog nized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for per sistent coughs and colds and other forma of throat troubles. Creomulsion contaira. in addition to creosote, other healing ele ments which soothe and heal the infected membranes and stop the irritation and in flammation, while the creosote goes onto the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs. . Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other forms of respiratory diseases, and is excellent for building up the system after colds or flu. Money refunded if any cough or cold, no matter of howlong stand ing, is not relieved after taking according todirections. Ask your druggist. (Adv.) Don’t Be Discouraged I £ or Alarmed I fabout irregular, suppress- ■ red, unnaturally delayed ■ periods. _ Use our New E S. P. Relief Compound, (a ■ Regulator.) Safely re- ■ L lieves some of the stub- fl f*r. • v ft born rases loop overdue, “ 4 niany in 48 hours. Used by doctor*. Easy to take, safe, harm less. no inconvenience or interference. Itecommended to be reliable by thou ■ sands of women. For ordinary cases ■ send for $2.00 box. For obstinate cases I our <■ Special) $3.00 box. 2 for $6.00. If B C.O.D. is desired, send 2.r>c deposit. I Valuable bookjet given free with order. I Snyder Products Co.. Dept. T-26, 227 | W. North Ave., Chicago. 111. SHOULD MEN BE CHLOROFORMED AT FIFTY? fTnnr n munrin'nnr in n n nunn r n r n r ~r n i~~i ip nrnrfil Maryland Man States That Man Is Just In His Prime at Fifty Ever since the famous Dr. Osier asserted that at fifty a man had outlived his usefulness and should be chloroformed, there has been a great deal of argument on exactly what age a man becomes feeble and useless. Some men are this way at forty two. Investigators, however, have just discovered the case of John Mann of Baltimore, Maryland. lie is 55 years old and looks like a voung man in his early forties. Hale and hearty with strong mus cles and vigorous appetite, Mr. ,_Mann was just married a year ago to a lovely woman. They are soon to have a baby to bless their union. “I feel sorry for some of the men I see around me,” said Mr. Mann on being interviewed. ‘‘Most of them younger than I am, and com plaining of backaches, digestive trouble, weak vital organs, con stipation, and heaven knows 'what not! Look at me! I’m as fit now, I believe, as when I was thirty. My wife thinks I’m every bit as good as any of the young bucks one sees around. It all comes from knowing how to take care of yourself. Nature meant a man should be in his prime at fiftyt There’s absolutely no ex cuse for a man losing strength at an early age, becoming weak, bilious, sluggish and making things miserable for both himself and his family. When asked what system be used to keep himself so fit, Mr. Mann replied: “I learned years back of a famous doctor’s prescription called Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. Every man’s liver, stomach and vital organs grow tired now and then and need to be stimulated back to prop er action. Aiding nature, that s the trick. The stimulant that always stirred my system to new life when I got to feeling low-down was Svrup Pepsin. It always did the work thoroughly and helped me keep in shape the year around. I’ve always avoided strong cathartics and so-called blood and patent medicines.” Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is made of pure pepsin, active senna, and fresh laxative herbs. At any drug store, already bottled.