The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 26, 1932, Image 1

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10.000 People Read The Only Paper ol Its
The Omaha Guide Kind West of the
Every Week _ Missouri River
_VOL. VI. _Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday November 26, 1932___.Number Forty—
J Tune In |
| “0I6ESTM61
| [He NEWS” j
i 1
/ Every Week (mi this Columr )
fB? cuFfxwc. wictfEii?
• • •
About three years ago I felt con
vinced that if 1 could get some colo
ured paper to allow me a weekly
space to conduct a column that in
time I could extend myself and event
ually have the same column appear
simultaneously in twenty-five dif
ferent publications in as many differ,
ent communities. I felt that if I
could accomplish that feat while I
was yet in prison that I would have
then laid a successful foundation up
on which to build after 1 became a
free man.
• • •
With rracious thanks to many edi
tors, publishers, and the reading
public. 1 have been fortunate in hav- ,
ing this column used by eighty-three
different publication*, over fifty of
whom use it regularly each week as
an editorial feature. Thus, on the
basis of my original plans, I have
been eminently successful.
♦ • •
Nearly two years ago, and merely
a coincidence, I commented on a book
that I received from a prominent au
thor. The publication of that com
ment brought requests to review or
comment on other books and since
then, each week, nearly fifty papers
use a book comment of mine. For
this success I must give thanks to
the four score or more book publish- J
era who are constantly sending me
their latest racial books.
As my writings appeared in each ;
new publication a flood of ensuing
mail would follow, most of which
could be answered through the med- j
ium of a siiwle personal column and |
so for the past year and a half I have
conducted a strictly personal column
“This and That”, for which I am
grateful to the Chicago Sunday Bee
for allowing me the necessary space
This column has enabled me to keep
my com*'pendents informed on many
personal situations without having to
embody the information in a Series
of many different letters.
• • •
A certain book publisher suggested
that I write a book on my experienc
es in the south, particularly in Ala
bama, and at Kilby. And so for the
past six months in the WORLD pa.
per* published throughout the south
by the Southern Newspaper Syndi
cate there has appeared a weekly
Kilby sketch of from three to four
columns. When these sketches run
to about fifty or sixty thousand words
they will be published in book form
and for creating an interest in these
articles I give particular thanks to
Mr. W. A. Scott, founder of the SNS.
• • •
And to the boys in my own “village’
I owe many thanks. Mere words will
not begin to repay the many kind, i
nesses they have shown me and the
wonderful cooperation they have giv
en during the past three years. Now,
I only thank them but someday 1*11
commence to really repay them.
• • •
I must acknowledge the wonderful
support given me by “School News”
our “village” paper, in which I con
duct a weekly column, “Prisons and
Prisoners", and I extend thanks to
the entire staff. And so at this time j
1 humbly acknowledge and offer
thanks to my many supporters
throughout the country, and particul
arly to the prison administration
which has been so liberal, and so
tolerant in extending opportunities
to each man.
Beginning Dee. 1,—Watch for oar
Holiday attraction in the Omaha
Murderess Sentenced To Ten Years
' ii
Horton s
by John Benj. Horton. Jr.
£ .. ••.—. —
We’ve recently witnessed one of the
most dramatic as well as hectic na
tional political battles known in the
annals of Ameri
can politics. The
American people
have made their
choice, most de
cidedly, by a pop.
ular vote of mil
lions over the fig
ure necessary to I
g-ain a majority
of electoral vot
„i „* Johnny Horton
es in our elect
oral college for their next President,
Franklin D, Roosevelt, Democratic
Standard bearer.
Mass psychology was developed, a
gainst the present Republican Ad_
ministration and Herbert C. Hoover
was defeated. The issues have been
analyzed and weighed and judgement
has ben passed, so the thing for us
to do as a great racial element in
American political life, is to hope for
the best that might be gained in the
shuffle of the cards’ of a “New Deal”
for “the forgotten man”.
Our battle will not be easy; they
weren’t easy during Mr. Hoover’s ten
ure. Roosevelt may mean well to us,
being a Democrat of Northern ex
traction, but the combination of Gar
ner and Roosevelt is one to conjure
w-ith, because Mr, Garner comes from
the south and that section of the
country went almost solidly for
Roosevelt. Therefore it logically fol
lows that southern sentiment will be
dominate where patronage and posi
tions of honor and trust for Negroes
is concerned by Franklin D. Roose.
The puzzling question before me
today is whether or not the few high
positions held by men of my race un
der the present administration will,
by the stroke of southern contempt,
dwindle to almost naught?
This writer can’t believe it, but it
is said that instead of being the mili
tant fighter of the “Teddy” Roose
velt type, New York political stal
warts know Franklin D. Roosevelt to j
be evasive If Governor Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s philosophy of justice
could be measured in terms of those
millions of Americans who so flag
rantly revolted from the REPUBL_:
ICAN PARTY and had the courage
"f their convictions to register along
with other millions their unequivo
oral approval of his party's platform
then, “expediency” • would demand
that he not only retain the same num. i
her of Colored Government appoin- j
tees under his Administration but he
Bhould also make additional appoint
ments; then, he would in a great
measure, prove to the world and es
pecially to the Negroes of America
that although Theodore Roosevelt
has taken his place with the immort_
als of the ages, his image of justice
still lives and moves and has its be
ing in his successor who bears the
same family name.
••'Writers Note: Watch this column
every week and you’ll read the truth
exposed politically, wherever war
ranted, irregardless of political, con
Evelyn freer Dead
Noted Dramatic and Screen Actress
Mis Evelyn Freer, noted stage star,
and wife of Edward Thompson, also
a noted stage celebrity, died in Los
Angeles, Calif., November 17th,
Miss Preer’s death resulted from a
cold contracted less than a week be
fore her death.
News of her death is a shock to the
music and theatrical circles through
out the country.
Masy stage celebrities witnessed
the funeral.
Marie Fellows Acquitted
Richardson Bros. Tailors and Dry
Cleaners have moved their Tailor
Shop from 24th and Burdette Sts., to
2308 North 24th St., just north of
the Ross Drug Co. This business is
owned and operated by Leroy Rich
ardson who has been a resident of
Omaha for a number of years. Mr.
Richardson is a graduate of the Kan_
sas School in both Academic and Tail
oring Department. He has studied in
Chicago and taught tailoring in Miss.
i. sippi, Alabama and Kansas. He
has had a wide experience in the busi
ness in which he is engaged, having
operated shops in Chicago and Om
aha. The present shap has been in
operation one year and has proven
that good workmanship and service
counts. A trial will convince you of
their ability to please.
Men’s Suits, cleaned and pressed 50c.
Ladies’ Plain Dresses,_75c
Hats cleaned and blocked _49c.
Alteration and relining, a Specialty.
Lennox Writes
November 11, 1932
Speaker John N. Garner
Uvalde, Texas,
Dear Speaker Garner:
Whom we shall soon address as
Vice-President Garner of the United
A product from the little town of
Detroit for whom we are indeed proud
with each and every inhabitant there
carrying the same feeling. Some,
thing in the soil of that little town
must be stimulating and inspiring to
individuals beyond the average town
or city in proportion to the popula
From our small town have derived
5 physicians, 3 of them surgeons; 6
professors, and 2 musicians, one a
Paris graduate. One of the surgeons
is a post graduate of Columbia, Harv
ard and Berlin, Germany; one from
the Rochester Clinic, University of
New York, and Freedman’s Hospital
in Washington, D. C. and still an
other from Northwestern University.
Placing you, our Vice-President
elect of the United States at the head
of the list. All of these individuals
born within a stone’s throw of each
other. Many congratulations for
your achievement and continuous suc
cess during your administration.
It is the first time in life that I
have known our United States to have
had a southern Vice.President, and
this one deriving from our little town
of Detroit, Texas. It is also the first
time I have known the Colored people
to vote a straight Democratic ticket,
giving our home town product their
support. This is the first election I
have known so many Colored citizens
of this state to vote the Democratic
ticket, for I am sure if you have ob
served the returns of Nebraska you
will find they were, practically speak
mg' wnoiiy uemocratic.
^ ou made quite an impression with
the public in your campaigning with
your fair decision and plain expres
sions. There was some false propa
ganda spread, but I was happy to be
in a position to prevent same as it
was about to be taken to the local pa
We believe now the masses will get
more consideration and have a chance
enabling thousands of our people to
secure employment. Just think the
banks are fortified with pecuniar;
thousands of needy individuals with,
out employment; corn down to its
minimum price; and hundreds of in
dividuals going hungry, not in a pos
tion to help themselves. The country
1 am sure you realize is in a deplor
able condition and will take time to
bring about a rectification, but we
feel row there will be a wonderful
:hange and betterment.
In the meantime there are any
number of homes undergoing liquid
ation, and the “Garner-Warner” bill
- ,
Marie Fellows was acquitted by a
Jury, Nov. 23, for the murder of her
common law husband, Ballard Haw
kins, whom she shot and killed on
the evening of Sept. 29th.
Deceased"s Kin
Asks Mercy
for Slayer
713 E. 41st St.
Chicago, 111.,
November 15, 1932.
Judge Arthur C. Thomsen.
Dear Sir:
I, Mrs. Sarah Lockman and Doris
Lockman, a foster mother and neice
of Julius Alexander are writing you
a few lines in behalf of his wife, Min
nie Alexander. We know the act she
did was terribly bad, but we are in
. sympathy with her. As Christians
we know that God will take care of
this case. We know that she needs
to be punished and yet punishing isn’t
going to give us our boy back. I’m
praying to God each day to do his
will but in the name of God I am ask- i
ing you, to please be as easy as you
can on her sentence. God will have
a hand in the punishment as well as
man. Thanking you for whatever
you think is right.
Mrs. Sarah Lockman, and
Doris Lockman,
713 E. 41st St.,
Chicago, 111.
- =r! !
which you were the instigation in
passing, so far has not been of any
help to the masses, only to certain j
concerns, individuals or corporations
that help make conditions still worse
for the masses at the most urgent
I should like to know, speaking for
the masses of the community in which
I am located, among some of those
who were your greatest supporters,
is there a possible chance that the
said loans can or will be available for
these individuals, or the masses?
I am hoping you will enjoy a well
earned rest and it will be stimulating
and helpful to you when on March
4th you enter upon your future dut_
ies as Vice President of our United
Thanking you for any information
or consideration you may give, and
again wishing you a continuous suc
cess, I am,
Respectfully yours.
G. B. LENNOX. President.
1602^, N. 24th Street.
The Speaker’s Rooms
House of Representatives U. S.
Washington, D. C.
November 16, 1932
Mr. G. B. Lennox, Pres.,
1602M, North 24th St., '
Omaha, Nebr.
My dear Mr. Lennox:
Thanks for your letter of the 11th, j
expressing your good wishes and kind ]
sentiments. It was very gracious of i
you to write me as you did, and I
wish you to know that I appreciate
It was, indeed, a glorious victory
for Democracy, and is significant of
the country’s confidence. It will be
an inspiration to all Democrats to
give to our country the best of which
they are capable.
I was greatly interested in what
you had to say about the old home
town, and it is true it has made quite
a record in producing men who have
assumed positions of leadership in
various walks of life.
Sincerely and cordially yours,
New York, Nov—A national swing
by Negroes breaking their former
solid Republican alignment, and pro
ducing in some cases a 50 per cent or
greater vote for the Democratic party
is disclosed in returns to a question
naire sent out by the National As
sociation for the Advancement of Col
ored People, 69 Fifth Avenue, which
Mrs. Minnie Alexander, 1102 North
22nd St, who shot and killed her
husband, Julius Alexander, Aug. 7th,
1932 was sentenced to ten years,
Nov. 19th.
today made public a summary of in
formation received.
Striking returns are reported by
the Kansas City Call, whose editor,
C. A. Franklin states that in Kansas
City, Mo., where the Negro vote is
approximately 14,000, Hoover receiv
ed 25 per cent less votes than he re
ceived four years ago.
The Call reports that in the 11th
Ward, the largely Negro 1st, 3rd, and
11th precincts gave Roosevelt 1050
votes against Hoover’s 388.
From St Louis. N. B. Young, Jr.,
of the St. Louis American reports
that whereas in previous elections not
more than 5 per cent of Negro voters
voted the Democratic ticket; in this
election one-third of the approxim
ately 150,000 Negro votes of Missouri
went to the Democrats.
In Texas the Dallas County Negro
Ferguson-For_ Governor Club urged
all Dallas Negroes to oppose the Re
publican candidate on the ground of
his alleged opposition to the Negro’s
Va. Negroes 40 percent Democratic
In Virginia, P. B. Young, editor of
the Norfolk Journal and Guide re
ports that of approximately 6000 Ne
groes voting, estimates give 40 per
cent to Roosevelt
“This represents a 50 per cent drift
of Negro voters from the Republican
to the Democratic party,” writes Mr.
Young to the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored Peo
From Pittsburgh, Mrs. Daisy E.
Lampkin, Regional Field Secretary of
the Association, reports that the 5th
Ward gave only a 300 majority for
Hoover and adds: “This ward has
formerly gone overwhelming Repub_
lican and it was a decisive Democrat
ic victory to hold the ward to almost
a 50.50 vote. It was a new day in
Pittsburgh for Negro voters who for
the first time showed their indepen
dence in thought.”
Indiana Gave “50-50” Vote
In Indiana, Robert L Bailey, Spec
ial Assistant in the Office of the
State Attorney General, reports esti_
mates show “the Negro in Indiana
and in Indianapolis voted on an ap
proximately 50.50 basis.” The mar
gin of votes was sm 11 in many Ne
gro precincts he states. His estim
ate is corroborated by F. B. Ransom,
General Counsel for the Mme. C. J
Walker Manufacturing Company.
A strong swing toward the Demo,
crats in Philadelphia, hitherto strong
ly Republican in Negro districts, is
reported by Isadore Martin, colored
the National Board of the NAACP.
real estate operator and member of
who writes:
“Philadelphia has always been a
Republican city and for a Negro to
say that he was a Democrat meant
that he would be considered a kind of
outcast and a traitor to his race. But
now things have changed and one
Baptist minister went so far as to
preach a sermon the Sunday before
the election against the Republican
party and to give splendid reasons
why he was supporting Roosevelt.”
Mr Martin reports that a conserv
ative Republican estimate 25 per cent
of the Nettro vote hitherto Republic
an in Philadelphia, had gone to the
In Ohio, in the absence as yet of'
final figures, an estimate by the As
sociation’s local executive secretary.
Gordon H. Simpson, gives a large
Democratic increase among Negro
voters in the 11th, 12th, 16th, 17th.
18th and 30th wards of Cuyahoga
Reasons for Change
A consensus of opinion among in
formed Negroesi as to the reasons for
the swing of Negro voters, compiled
by the NAACP. lists the following
main causes:
General economic conditions and de_
pression; “Lily-white” policy of the i
Hoover Administration and especially
the nomination of Judge John J. Par
ker to the U. S Supreme Court; Jim
rrowing of colored gold star mothers
an the pilgrimage t graves in France;
iistribution of the Negro regiments
in the Army to service detachments;
failure to appoint Negroes to federal
office; general indifference of the
Hoover administration to the Negro.
by R. A. Adams
(The Literary Service Bureau)
The collapse of Negro business en
terprises has wrecked faith in such
racial efforts. Investigations shows
that these unfortunate failures were
not wholly due to depression. The
chief cause was shameless betrayal of
trust manifest in speculations which
gambled with the people’s money, in
the interest of personal gain.
Big salaries and extravagant living
floured big in the ruin of Negro busi
ness. Fine homes, expensive cars,
costly vacations, rank favoritism, ne_
opotism, all have been contributing
factors in the downfall of these insti
tutions and destruction of faith in
racial business leadership and con
duct. This does not mean loss of
faith in the Negro’s business capacity,
but in his honesty, and his integrity.
Sometime ago, I called attention to
extravagancies in monies given to our
insurance companies and cited,
“Standard”, “National”, “Mammoth”
“Century”, “Victory”, “Imperial”,
“Supreme” and other such names giv
j en enterprises which were sucklings
in these fields. The cellaspe of these
corporations with such imposing
names most certainly emphasizes and
: justifies the criticism of race arro
gance and bigotry.
Because the Negro is hopeful and
because he recognizes the urgent need
for such racial enterprises he will
swallow his disappointment, and hope
fully undertake the work of rebuild,
ing these institutions. But he will be
slow, cautious and sceptical. And it
will require at least fifty years to
restore his lost faith in this connec
New York, Nov. 18-In response to
a telegram from the National Assoc
iation for the Advancement of Color,
ed Peple, reporting that out of 300
workmen employed on the new Parcel
Post Building in New York City, only
two are Negroes, Ferry K. Heath, As
sistant Secretary of the Treasury,
has given orders that colored work
men are to have “larger consider
Mr. Heath in a telegram to the
NAACP. sent Nov. 15, says: “Engin
eer Parcel Post wired to urge larger
consideration for colored labor when
men hired today.”
The NAACP. is today forwarding
to Mr Heath a report from two col
ored workers who were denied employ
ment by the foreman. One of the men
L. J. Rhinehardt, showed a gold but
ton, the award of the N. Y. Building
Congress for superior craftsmanship.
Both colored men are affiliating with
the proper labor unions and are mem
bers in good standing.
“We called Mr. Driscoll, the con
tractor,” writes Mr. Rhinehardt, “but
he referred us to the foreman on the
job. Our men have been going to
this job since it started but have been
turned away. At this writing we
can find only one colored man work
ing on the entire operation.”
New York, Nov.— The annual a
ward of the Spingarn Medal will be
made at a meeting of the committee
early in January, and the committee |
aks all those having nominations to |
make to forward them at once to the
NAACP. at 69 Fifth Avenue, New
York City.
The award is open to all men and
women of U. S. Citizenship and of
African descent and is made on the
basis of most distinguished achieve,
ment in some honorable field of hu
man endeavor, whether in the arts,
sciences, industry, education or mili.
tary service. The achievement con
siders either achievement during the
preceeding or during an entire career
of service.
Nominations should clearly state
the achievement or career on the bas
is of which the award is asked and
should be accompanied by brief life
history of the nominee, including date
of birth, where educated, and other
available facts.
Negro Bank President Dead,
3 Robbers Dead or Dying;
A Negro Town.
Negro Employe Slips Into the Vault
and Opens Fire; Banker Rings
Alarm, Is Killed
Boley, Okla., Nov. 23.—An invasion
of this all-Negro village by two white
bank robbers ended today in a roar
of gunfire that left a Negro bank
president dead and the robbers and
their Negro accomplice dead or dy_
Shot down by one of the white rob
bers when he pulled a hidden burglar
alarm, D. J. Turner, president of the
Farmers and Merchants State Bank,
died on the way to a hospital at Oke
mak, fourteen miles away. But hjs
killer fell in turn before the fire of a
Negro bookkeeper and the man’s
companions were hit by the bullets of
a score or more enraged citizens.
Parking their motor car near the
little bank the white robbers sent the
Negro inside to present a check.
While it was being refused by W. W.
Riley, the cashier, one of the white
men entered and slipped into the
cage, poking a pistol in the ribs of
President Turner, also in the enclos
Unnoticed, H. C. McCormick, the
bookkeeper, meanwhile had edged in
to the valut where his rifle hung. *
As the second white robber enter
ed the cage and began to scoop up
about $700 in cash Turner reached
under a desk and rang a burglar a_
“Did you pull that alarm?” shout
ed the first white robber.
“Yes,” replied Turner.
“Then I’m going to kill you,” the
robber cried, leveling his pistol.
As he fired, McCormick, from the
vault, pulled the trigger of his rifle.
Turner and his killer sank to the
floor simultaneously.
The second white man took charge
as a menacing crowd of Negroes ran
from every part of the town to the
front of the bank. He ordered Riley
and Horace Aldridge, a customer, to
carry the wounded robber to the mo
tor car.
Just as they started for the door
a fusillade sounded from outside and
the second white man dropped.
Meanwhile, the Negro robber, gain
ing the motor car, was half way down
the street. Every weapon was turn
ed on the machine and the driver,
mortally wounded, threw up his
hands. The car plunged into a curb
and stopped.
The loot was recovered where it
was dropped, in the bank, when the
second white robber fell.
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