The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 19, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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    — ■ ■■■»■■ 1 .
Di mocracy Has Mon— TL T Jj ’ J A Democracy Has M'on—
Over auK racy; it must now win A11^^ I I I M"r I I * m I m"^* P *ts r‘Khts; ** must now make it
i iiN vy i Ij i n ±y ii x L-j -if r ght.,.
it mu.-* now win the ^ 3. Its argument; it must now meet its
With Ray of Sunshine responsibilities.
PAGE 1 __Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, November 19, 1932._
Mrs. Lyda Singletary of Kansas
City, Kan»a is the house guest of
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Scott, 2511 North
22nd Street.
Miss Grace Dor-ey, who is studying
at the University of Nebraska this
year, spent the week.end in Omaha.
Dundee MrihudUi Church Rummage
Sale, Northnide Y. W, C. A., Satur
day, November 26th.
Misa Nettie Newby, charming niece
of Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, left for her
home in Kansas City, after a visit in
- Omaha.
Mrs. Saybert Hangar who has been
ill at her home for the past week, is
out again.
The Kappa Kabaret at Lincoln, Ne
braska is scheduled for Nov. 23rd.
Mr. and Mr*. J. W. Thomas, 2212
Ohio St., was the dinner guest of Mr.
and Mrs J. K. Todd last Monday
Mrs. Crumbley’s Jolly Glee Chorus
has recently engaged a music in
structor from Chicago, and she is
sending out a demand for all old
chorus members to meet her Monday
evening, November 21. Virgil
Thompson, chorus reporter.
Mrs. Thelma Reese of Wichita,
Kansas was the house‘guest of her
aunt. Mrs. S. Darling, 2618 Franklin
St , while in Omaha. Mrs. Reese
wishes t» thank her many friends for
the many social courtesies extended
her while here.
A newly organized pleasure club
held its first meeting at the home of
Mr. ami Mrs. W. A. Davis. 2211) Ohio
St., Thursday, November 10th. A
delightful evening was spent at
bridge and a delicious three course
luncheon was served by the hostess,
Mrs. W. A. Davis, President,
Mrs. Amy Ousley, reporter.
The Zion Progressive Literary
Club met Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Jessie Vann, a very
Splendid program was rendered by
the following ladies; Reading by Mrs.
I<ena Williams, song by Mrs. Lulu R.
Thomas, reading by Mrs. L. S. Davis,
solos by Mrs. Ruth Wheeler and Mr.
Basil V ann. songs by Mrs. H. Madi
son, Mrs. S. Dotson. Mrs. H. Madi
son was Mistress of Ceremonies. The
climax of tne evening pleasure was
n-a with a delicious repast. Mrs.
Vann manifested her efficiency as a
charming hostess. The visitors were
Mrs, Dotson, Mrs. L. Rose, Mrs.
Wheeler, Mrs. Christopher, Mrs. Al.
len and Mrs. Waldron.
Mrs. L. S. Davis, President,
Mr*. I.. R Thomas, reporter.
Mrs. Lulu R. Thomas is reporter of
the Progressive Literary Ciub and not
Mrs. Lulu Roundtree as stated in last
week’s Guide.
Miss Ruth Johnsn, reprter, feted
the Jolly Bridgettes at her home,
260* Hamilton St., Wednesday.
Members present were: Mesdames
Myra Kincaid, Marie Calloway, Stel
la Sullivan. Kathryn Mouley, Bern
Nov. 26th.
(or 5c Each)
A Coupon with each Cleaning I
h Order.
| JA-7383
|i£ We Call and Deliver
R 2513-17.19 Cumin* St.
Biarfc Dim: for Cagh and ( arry|
ice Henry, Clara Smith and Alice
Jones. A dainty luncheon was serv
ed by the hostess. The club will
meet with Mrs. Smith, November 22.
Ruth J ohnson, reporter.
Mr. Wm. Laster, 1614 North 24th
was host to the Eureka Twenty Club
Saturday evening. Four changes of
Bridge were played. High scores
were won by Mr. S. Phillips and Mrs.
G- Phillips. Mr. E. N. Sturbes and
Mrs. P. Adkins received the booby
with a smile, after which a lunch,
eon was served.
Mr. P. Adkins, Pres., Mrs. Joseph
ine Davis, reporter.
On Sunday afternont November 27,
at 3:30 p. m. the Hillside Presbyter
ian Church, 30th and Ohio Sts.,
through the courtesy of the H llside
Quartette will present the choir of the
First Presbyterian Church of Wahoo,
vebraska, in a sacred concert. The
heirs of all “Churches and other mus
lovers are asked to be present,
"'"''••-e vv:]l be no charges at the door,
t a silver offering will be taken,
'atrons are also asked to be on time
I n order to secure their seats.
Members of the Community Chorus
50 in number, and other assisting
artists wi|l sing the “Messiah” on
Christmas Sunday afternoon' at the
Hillside Church, with the Pastor, Rev.
J. S. Williams, directing. Names of
assisting artists will be mentioned la.
ter. Rehearsal is every Tuesday
evening at the- Hillside Church.
This presentation will be free to
the public. No member of the
! chorus should await a personal invit
ation, but COME.
by C. Homer Burdette
A crowd of two hundred and fifty
people made merry under the strains
of Simon’s Harrold’s music the
Elk’s Hall, last Sunday night. Ralph
Watson and Paul Holliday will not
give their dance soon. Some un
known party has booked George E.
T>ee and his orchestra to play at the
Elk’s Hall Thanksgiving Eve.
* * *
Andy Kirk at Dreamland Wed. Eve.
One of America’s greatest bands
will play for the Crack O’Day dance
to be given by Jimmie Jewell at the
Dreamland Hall, Wednesday.
A record breaking crowd is ex_
pected. These broadcasting artists j
are plenty warm, if ya ask me.
* * *
Sunday, Monday, Nov. 20, 21
“War Correspondent” promises
plenty of action. A girl, a mob and a
war with Jack Holt, Lila Lee and
Ralph Grave.'.
Tuesday—“Bachelor’s Affairs” with
Adolphe Menjou,— Annual Thanks
givin: Turkey drawing, Tuesday only.
Wed.. Thurs., Nov. 23, 24—“Bird
Ttadise” staring Dolores Del Rio.
Fri. and Sat.—Double feature pro
gram, “Morals for Women” with
Conway Tearle and Natalie Moorhead
and “Salvation Nell” with Ralph
Graves- and Helen Chandler.
Husband L nreasonable and Irritable—
Wife Must Be a Slave—Better Be
Careful^ Mr. Husband—Sometimes j
“The Worm Turns '—Sometimes the
Worm Crawls Away. .Understands!
(For advice, write to Maxie Miller, ;
tare of Literary Service Bureau, 516
Minnesota, Kansas City, Kansas. For
personal reply send self-addressed,
stamped envelope.)
The Literary Service Bureau)
Maxie Miller: Here is my problem.
My husband is unreasonably, irritable
and spasmodic, and I am tempted to
“lay down my heavy load” and make
my “get-a-way.”
This man is unreasonable in that he
wants me to meet him at the door,
lead him in, take off his shoes, get his
dippers, fix the bath water, put his
| clothes out and otherwise’ act as a
i slave. I do it sometimes; sometimes
I am tired and refuse, then there is
the devil to pay.
My husband is irritable, and when
something goes wrong on the outside
he comes home “all het up”, ar.d I
must suffer from his unkindness. In
this I think he is unjust, and mean,
too. Last, my husband is “timey” in
affection. Sometimes he seems as if
if he wants to eat me up; at othe
times, he is as cold as an iceberg and
wants to be let alone. I am ardent in
affection, and he offends me often, in
this way. I’m tired of it all and
want to get out of it. What do you
advise?—Abused Wife.
Abused Wife: I agree with your
conclusions that this man of yours is
unreasonable, unjust, and mean. He
has no right to expect you to be his
slave. Perhaps you started wrong.
Maybe you indulged him to begin
with. Assert your rights and refuse
to be a slave. In regard to affection,
perhaps you are too lavish and he does
not appreciate what is so lavishly
given. Take time off in your Jove ex.
pressions and let him get up an ap
petite. Try a while longer; shift sear;
if he will not reform, then, say G60D
NIGHT!—Maxie Miller.
Maxie miller writes
(The Literary Service Bureau.)
Unreasonable Husband—Tired Wife,
Afraid She Might Lose Her Beauty
Someone Else Might “Appeal” To
Friend Husband.
(For Advice, write to Maxie Miller,
i are of The Literary Service Bureau,
516 Minnesota Ave.. K. C., Kansas.
For personal reply send self-address.
ed envelope.)
* * *
MAXIE MILLER:—My husband
goes to work early and insists that I
ret up at 5 o’clock to c.ook his break
fast. I have two small children, one
is a baby six months old. I have to
get up through the night with the
children and I am tired in the morn,
ing. I can’t sleep in the day because
of the children. Even my mother
says it is my duty to get up. I say
he ought to get his own breakfast and
let me rest. Im afraid I’ll break and
look old, then he’ll look- at someone
else. Tell me what is my duty.—
—Tired Mary.
TIRED MARY:—No wonder you
are tired! Your ftusband is unreason
able. The children are his as well as
yours and he should recognize the
fact. He should be willing that you
prepare things at night and he
should cook an egg and make his
own coffee, in the morning.
But men are unreasonable creatur
es in such matters; so, if you can’t
convince him, you’ll have to the best
you can. There’s a world of truth
in what you say about breaking and
looking old. Every sensible woman
will guard against this loss. You
have my sympathy nad my hope that
your husband may read this letter.
The Misses Beatrice Williams, Edna
"’lair, Vonceil Anderson and Vivian
Green represented the four Girl Re
serve Clubs of North Side “Y” in the
YWCA Exhibit for the Community
Chest Drive Sunday afternoon at the
City Auditorium. The girls helped to
form a striking picture of the inter
racial spirit of the YWCA, as they
sat among twenty-seven white girls
representing the schools of the city.
During the afternoon, Miss Rachel I.
Taylor, Executive Secretary, led the
group in the singing of “Y” songs.
Approximately 125 persons attend,
ed the Opening Mother and Daughter
Forum held at the North Side Branch
YWCA on Sunday afternoon at 3:30
p. m. A special feature was the Rec
ognition Service at which twenty-six
new girls took their Girl Reserve
vow. Margaret Blair presided over
the ceremony, assisted by Vonceil
Anderson and Helen Wilkes.
Tea was served by the Senior High
School Club, Lorrain Fletcher, presi
dent. Miss Madeline Shipman pre
Ninety-nine persons attended the
Training Course for Girl Reserve
Leaders, held at the North Side
Branch YWCA. November 7. 11 at
8:00 p. m. each night. The following
persons addressed the group; Dr. D.
W. Dishontr, Nerve and Mental Dis_
ease Expert; Miss Lola McCullough,
Girl Reserve Secretary. Central “Y”
and Mrs E. E. McMillan. The follow
ing persons assisted with music crafts
and games: Misses Asilee Dotson,
Madeline Shipman. Rachel Taylor and
Mrs. Doreene Holliday.
The Hospitality Committee, Mrs.
Martha Evans, Chairman, is sponsor
ing a Buffet Supper for all “Y” Com
mittee Members and their husbands,
Friday. November 18th at 6:30 p. m.
sharp. Following the supper, a pro
gram will be rendered. Reserva
tions are 50c per couple.
Neighborhood prayer meetings will
be held by members of the Committee
of Management on Wednesday, Nov_
ember 16th, at 3:00 p. m. These
meetings are planned in commemor
iation of the World’s Week of Prayer,
and are sponsored by the Religious
Education Committee, Mrs. C. B.
W’ilkes, Chairman.
On Tuesday evening all new mem
bers of the Trojan Girls Club became
“well initiated” members. The Init
iation was full of laughter and fun
and very “effective”. On Wednesday
evenmg Misses Louise Scott Alber
tine Johnson, and Mrs. Doreene Hol
liday and Mrs. Mary Ann Elliott with
Miss Ann Lang from Central “Y” did
their Okoboji Skit for the Prospector
Club, Business Girls club of Central
YWCA. On Friday evening sixteen
Quacks enjoyed dinner and a very in_
teresting review of J. Embree’s Book.
“Brown America” given by Atty. H.
J. Pinkett.
o --- o
o ---:-- n
“Jes as the un was ^ setlin down,
A pictah come to ma mind,
Ma haht grew sad and dreary,
i As I thought of a'l man kind.
Seems ta me ah race is lowest,
And the pictah’s awful black
Sin and shame and degration,
Bout a million things we lack
' ' "
Seems ta me ah head them callin’,
Cove oah and help us too,
We know we is dirty and filthy,
But we’s got a heart jes like you.
We don’t know nothin’ about sani
tation, •
Can’t use ah words jes so,
j But jes come ovah and help us,
Fo we’s jes a dyin’ ta know.
! ■ ,
| When you all looks at us,
We see’s yo nose tun up,
^a quitly pulls yo cloak aside,
As if t’was a dose o’ snuff.
Wah actually shamed of ah ignance,
And the way we’s let things go,
Wah black, we know and homely,
But we do so want ta know
i , : , |
Oh! the blackness of ah faces
Cain’t equal ah despa,
Say, fell won’t you help us,
We’d like ta get some wba.
Brothah we’s not mindin’ the color,
Jes tell us bout thet man,
Ihet had the thorns on his head,
| Ar,d the nails run thro his bands.
Jes a little mo about Jesus,
And we wouldn’t be quite so low.
Folks say he loves us people,
But we’d surely like ta know.
When the roll is called up jiondah,
And the saints ah gatha tha,
| When the Lard ca]I on Africa,
j Will the ansah be ? “Wah Heah.”
by R. A. Adams
(The Literary Service Bureau)
When comes the tempter with a
And would you into sin beguile,
To falter, parley, hesitate,
Means but to, gamble with’your fate;
r .. ■..■■I —
For, hath bee demonstrated well,
Given “an inch, he’ll take an ell.”
The w isest method to pursue,
When comes this enemy to you,
Is to resist, with all your might—
Against him valiantly to fight;
To falter augurs sure defeat,
Instead of victory, complete.
by Mrs. Mrytle Thompson Clay bourn
(1469 H ldreth Ave., Columbus, O.)
* * *
Seldom have I read a book that
brings forth so much pity for the
author as has, “People and Things
Worth While”. No doubt, the author
?4rs. Mrytle Thompson fClaybourn.
trave considerable time and study in
the. securing of the necessary bio
graphical data concerning ^members
of our race whom she thought worthy
to be included in a volume of people
and things w'rth w'hile.
* * *
Unfortunately, the author, after'
having carefully prepared the data |
left the publishing part entirely to
her printetrs or agents and no one
excepting a writer knows the negat
ive effects that a poorly printed,
badly arranged, mis-spelled and cer_
tainly not proof-read book has upon
a reader; not to mention the heart,
aches and disappointments that an au
thor must experience when they see
their brain child returned to them in
printed form and barely recogniz
* * *
Incidentally this is the first book
that I have so far received for re_
view purposes wherein the name 'of
tbe*printer or" publisher* is not given
somewhere in the book but .judging
from the poor mechanical appearance
of the finished product the printer
knew what he was doing by omitting
his name.
* * *
tIf you can close your eyes to the
many frightfu] mistakes that appear
on almost every page you mi’ht then
enjoy the various biographical sketch,
es of over fifty of our more or less
prominent racial characters.
—Clifford C. Mitchell.
5* i
'. .....
| Special Purchase Sale
j of 500 MEN’S
I You'll find practically every type of
Overcoat in this 2 day special purch
ase Sale in Bargain Annex. At This
low price no one should be without a
new, warm, Overcoat. Sizes 31 to 46.
100 Students’ Overcoats Included.
Man To Produce “Black and White'
Negro Film In United States
New York City — (CNS)—It was!
learned here last week that it is plan- |
ned to produce “Black and White”, a j
Negro film, here. This was learned !
through Henry Lee Moon and Theo- j
lore R. Poston, Amsterdam News cor
espondents, who were members of
the party of twenty-two American Ne. ,
groes who went to Russia to produce
the film. The film production was
abandoned by the Soviet Government
allegedly as the result of pressure of
■:he “forces of American race preju
The director estimates, they said,
that the flint can be produced here for
{50,000 or less. Moon and Poston re
turned last week from Russia aboard
:he steamship St. Louis.
Take Advantage of The New Prices
2412 North 30th Street
Shampoo, Press and 1 box of Grow
er . . $1.15
Shampoo, Press and Wave $1.25
Press 50c — Wave 50c
for Appointments Call WEh, 4415
If wanting a nice place to stop in
Lincoln, call or write, Mrs. W. R
Colley, 1035 Rose phone, F 2040.
Today. Gearfe VaafclnfWa *
llmr. l!ur -ureal okiIhnI «f imiria| a
re-.1. I a L .<«, aw rtnplojer ar like aatia
l»n r* ■ ( in awe .rfher “fart" k la
f J>Kr aKAtor" nf THAT uawA. .ad
tH. aaoat r- unuinieiJ airdiuai af tk
U ■ ' lire of YOt B .tota k ika «aa»
Ad racuwa m ihk t»e» .paper
K _ " ". "~i >■!!—■—■■————■ ■■'"■"■■" "■ 1
Read The Guide
Gold Seal Creamery Co.
80th and Underwood Ave. HArney 5261 or Glendale 2929
Pasteurized Milk, Butter, Sweet and Sour Cream, Whipping
Cream, Butter-Milk.
J. F. TAYLOR, Prop.
I for Quality Laundry
and Dry Cleaning
Call Web. 1029
(when finished out of family bundles)
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Do you know what you are taking for these complaints?
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If I’o’ir Hcannot svrnlr .on CF\Tn FOR A ROT TODAY It
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| Youthful Strength
I Dr. Magnus Hirschleld. the world-known authority on Sexob ,ry
and Director of the Institute for Sexual Science of Berlin, Germanv,
to help the millions of men and women who have lost or are losing
their vital physical power. In his 35 years of practice and research,
however, he realized ihat the weakening of man’s glands was also
responsible for other troubles: High blood pressure, hardening of
the arteries, physical exhaustion after work or exercise, dizziness,
depression, neurasthenia, etc.
All these troubles can be removed with Titus-Pearls. Numerous
cases were treated by Dr. Hirschfeld in hi3 Berlin Institute.
L. S. (State Official; 60 years old, married) complained of
physical exhaustion, dizziness and tremors. Was easily tired. Mental
powrnr dull and slow moving. Physical powers had been incomplete
for previous 5 years. Blood pressure too high. Given 2 Titus-Pearls
3 times a day. 2 weeks later the medical report on this man was:—
general health better, more vigor; dizziness much less and returning
of power. Treatment continued and 2 weeks later L. S. reported
again, this time to say that all weariness and exhaustion had gone;
he felt fresh and buoyant. His blood pressure had falleh, and at 60
years of age he had regained the physical power and virility that
he had knowm in the prime of his life.
Start regaining your youthfulness now! To-day! In 2 weeks
time you will be aware of the new, virile force within you. Send
$5.00 (cash registered or money-order) for 2 weeks treatment. C 0. D
Orders accepted. Write for Booklet.
! To avoid mistakes please fill out the following coupon:
211 Fourth Avenue, New York City, N. Y.
Gentlemen: Please forward to the following address. Boxes
Titus-Pearls, for which I enclose $ .
My name is. City...
My address is. State.