__—.-- -I- — — f, " ■- ' * Contacting With Lennox _.___ July 30. 1932. President of the Prudential Savings, and Loan Assn. 102 South 18th Street. Omaha. Nebraska. Dear Sir: 1 am writing you in regards to the situation in the north end of Omaha among the cult red citizens. A large number of whom are your tenants, ami some are buying property from you 1 am iju.te ,ure you had not ob served the aer.ousneas of the situa tion, and tho. e who are depending up«.n tab class of people, makes it V IV hud to k rep all things adjusted properly. 1 have bvn t customer of yours for the j.^st 8 or 9 years, and I have tri i , hr? very prompt in takirg care of my account*. I have spent a large . sith your Co. carrying ten. ants who have paid me well, or as they h»uid each month when the rent comes due. and they have been doing this for 4 or 5 years. Wh.-n one take* into consideration, corporations *uch as the Telephone Company, Nebraska Power Company Metropolitan Utilities District, Pax ton and Gallagher, and other busin esse« that we patron ze; representing at least 5'i of the population of the city, numbering 11,000—14,000; each concern make* our group “the last to be hired and the first to be fired.” When it comes to being »*iven a fair consideration, they are put at the bottom of the list, regardless of how they support a business. It seems very cruel and unjust to shut them out of work when they are deserving and willing to work, but are not giv en the proper consideration. They are human and act similar to any other body of people if given a chance. They are dependable, ap_ preciative, trusty and fair, and are anxious for an opportunity to make good. These businesses that they are sup porting expect the same fee as reg ularly from them as of others; al though they are given the least, or no consideration whatsoever, regard less of qualifications. I am sure this body of people have meant a great deal to your Association. Many of them are anxious to save their homes, and will if given an oppor tunity. If the city was crowded with opportunities of employment for all matters would be perhaps some what different, but wherver there is employment, after every other na tionality is served, this body of peo ple is given the rest, or the next consideration, which is not fair. I am sure you realize the same as I, the more intelligence one has, the better equipped he is to prepare him self for the necessaries of life, re. gardless of race; the more comfort, able and inviting he can make his surroundings to guard himself a. . ainst diseases, and the more desir- | oas he can fit himself for the situ alien. If every man was given a fair i chance, there would be no discrimin ation as to employment or business transactions; no confusiorts or ill leelir.gs, but every one made happy, not speaking from a social standpoint : f view for that is not to be consid- j . ’ ered. 1 know that you nave any number; f house.-, in this community, and per. haps you and several of the men em ployed on your staff, are members of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, or some other organization that is band id together for the betterment of the city. 1 was thinking if there is not ome way you can influence these dif ferent corporations to give this body f people a more fair consideration in regards to the amount of money they spend with you and these different ■ ther concerns. We will be happy to know you have given us consider ation which is greatly needed, and this will perhaps be a wonderful help in keeping your books up to date, and helping any number of property i buyers to hold on. Any businesses have used this body ! r f people as a means to an end, and •hey are not receiving the proper ! consideration they should, in proport i ion to the amount of money they are pending with your firm, and others. V ny number of concerns have given ! them satisfaction to the extent, “they 1 were going to do, but this is often the end of such consideration, and no j further action is taken on same, and I am appealing to you for a body of people who are not in a position to help themselves, which makes it bad for all in the community. If there is anything you can do to help better this situation and bring about a fairer consideration, it will be hVthly appreciated among this group of people. Thanking you for whatever consid. eration you may give, I am Respectfully yours, Dr. G. B. Lennox. August 5th, lydd G. B. Lennox, M. D., 1602V4 North 24th Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Dr. Lennox: Your long letter of July 30th re ceived and I assure you I was greatly surprised to be included in any class that was not fair to the Colored peo ple of our city, particularly coming from yourself. I have always looked 'with pride to our Colored business, and have never turned a request down for assistance because of color, know, ing it was only skin deep. We are working under State Law and governed by the Banking Depart ment. They make no distinction of race, in fact they do not know only REMEMBER!—^ THE ANSWER TO DEPRESSION IS BUY! It Will Create Jobs 20.000 BATTERIES and 10,000 CARS WANTED Burnt, Wrecked and Dilapidated—Parts for Trucks and Cars See Us Before You Buy—Everything Is Priced To Sell CONSOLIDATED AUTO PARTS CO. GERBER AUTO PARTS CO. 2501 Cuming St., AT. 5656 16th & Pierce Sts., JA. 6300 TRADE IN YOUR OLD CLEANER ON THE NEW 1933 PREMIER - GRAND Housewives! Here is an opportunity to get rid of your old cleaner, and buy a new Premier Grand Cleaner. Trade in your old cleaner on tins new machine which has a dozen new features that make it one of the outstanding cleaners 'n America today! SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Balance Easy Terms CALL YOUR NEAREST POWER COMPANY STORE FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Nebraska Power © Courtesy * Service • Low Rates "'A Good Citizen Wherever We Serve" * the names as they appear on our books. When they give an order it must be obeyed regardless of color. People have invested their money in these institutions and the only way they can get it back is by having the borrower pay, or sell the property. As to our treatment of your people, no individual or firm has done, yes I will say, one quarter as much a3 we have. Our outside man has kept one half of our tenants working all win ter and up to July, allowing them to pay one half back payments and the other half to live on. I would refer you to Luchias Murray, 2906 North -Sth Street, and ask him if we have helped him to save his place and many others we could name. Mr.' Murray is a railroad man. We find a good portion are not willing to work to help out, particularly when they get back in their rent, they get up and move, leaving property open to vandals and in a very dirty condi_ tion. I hope I have explained myself ful ly, and assure you, Tiave n-’ver chang ed front from my feelings for the col ored people. With kindest regards. I am, Respectfully, D H. Christie, Sec’y CHEST BUDGET SET AT $611,160 The 1933 budget of the Omaha Community Chest has been set at $611,160 at.d workers in tb* Chest an nual campaign will endeavor to reach this goal in the period from Novem ber 14 to November 24, E. S. Water - bury, president of the Community Chest, stated. “In settling the budget at this a mount consideration was given to the fact that the depression has fielded a two.edged sword against the Com. j munity Chest this year,” said Presi dent Waterbury. “In the first place there are many people, who gave to the Chest last | year, now on the unemployed list and many less can be expected to give. In the second place, several thousand j of those who formerly gave in other years will require assistance from the j Chest this year. In order to fill up j the gap thus created and also to take care of the deficiency which occurred last year, as a result of the terrific and unprecedented relief load, which the Chest was obliged to carry, it was the unanimous conclusion of the Chest board of directors that this total represents as much as can be realized from the people of Omaha in this campaign^’ munity Chest budget committee, stat. Roy Pane, chairman of the Corn ed in regard to the budget: In seting up the budget for 1933, the Chest budget committee has had to keep in mind two things*: first, the i needs of the community, and second. I the ability of the community to sup | ply these needs. “After carefully considering the budgets of the thirty-one Chest agen_ t ies, and paring down all proposed ex penditures to the absolute minimum, the Budget comm tee feels that any thing short Of the figures set, will make it impossible for the Omaha Community Chest to carry even the load it is now carrying. In fact, is little doubt in our minds that 'he Budget set is low, and that j: the Chest i- to arry through 1933, its -hare of the Relief Burden, we must aisc the >um we have or more than this amount,” Page added. (rwyer H. Yate.- general chairman of the 1932 33 Che-t campaign, in' commenting upon the budget of $611, 160 said that in order ; } nave a sue. L-essful eamj : gr and to raise the a mount that ha been set, it will he i necessary for all who can to contril I ute a much larger amount than they gave la~t year and in every instance campaign workers will be instructed to urge all subscribers to substantial, ly increase their contributions. Chairman Yates said: “The Public must realize the necessity for welfare ! work and come forward with sr . ■ c-iptions larger than ever before. ! 'there is no question but that the i funds required are needed and muri ■ be raised. To discharge their civic j duty, everyone must contribute as much as their individual circumstan- t es wil permit, even to the point of; sacrifice. “A large number of citizens are giv ■rg their time and counsel to the car-*; h'us activities of the Community1 rI,est. many serving on the Boards of; Directors of the various agencies., There will soon be over 4,000 men and women on the streets, whether ■ the weather be good or bad, making | a city-wide canvass for this year’s Chest requirements. These workers j not only give of their time but con tribute liberally of money and we do I not think it is too much to expect that; every citizen shall do his or her full, share in this emergency. SPORTS AT THE GAME Mr. and Mrs. Billy Davis, Gladys j Brown Thompson and Bert Fowler i motored to Lincoln Saturday to see j the Pitsburgh-Nebraska ’Football game. Mr. Luther McVay. 2868 Corby St. _; i Even Dolly's Dresses Tumble in Suds As Washer Swishes Family's Clothes Clothes can 6» washed so easily »Ho~, stt cessfuliy at home that it s no wtifl der this curly-headed youngster want* her mother to to.se dolly's best party dress into the household washer to oe swished frcffh and clean with the rest I of the family's things Almost y.OCfl.SOO women hare learn-t ed bow pleasant it is to have plenty of clean clothes for themselves auu their families as often as they wisn They nave learned, to'.*, now easily met can accomplish the feu's A household washer gives them clean garment* sue linens with a minimum of effort Chy me 10 tit* sunlight gives the fr«*h. sweet. clean, "outdoorsy" sc?»t caret*!' wives and mother* insist on 'It is easier than ever (0t »a~ woman, no matter whr.t her circum stances oe to tt*v# s good wasHsme I machine ' said J. St Oohnen. secrerwfy wf the American Watching Miciuflt Manufacturers assO&Sftwn "Dealerr ! everywhere offer wa^fc?r* in * w;ae I ^incr of stv’h* «»*''i *4 - f>* ■'1 seeds of all families and the srttf Si 111 purses Women can end their drudgery and cut thefr household expenses try watching tbe newspaper sdvertisd* mentis and tbe Store display windows. Sealers sell washers on Installments, too. which makes it possible for any one." was seen on the firing ft#* at the Cornhusker game Saturday, Mrs. Floy Southard, 2617 Erskine has been ill at her home for ai few ! weeks. THE OMAHA PONIES, a neWly organized teSrfl of Colored Basketball-' players, will open their season by playing the fast and great white team of Gretna, Iowa, on next Wednesday,1 November 16th. The lineup of the colore'd players is |as follows: Thoftlas Love, forward ----— ' player; Johnny Phillips, forward; Chaffes Dickerson, guard; George Curry, guard; John Beasley, center; Theodor© Bell, forward; Joe Allen, guard; Harold Wilkes, guard. The Omaha Ponies expert to have a very busy season in Omaha as well as out in the surrounding towns in OPr vicinity. This team plans to travel to Cleveland, Ohio, Kansas £5i>y, Mo., Witchita, Kansas, and St, Joseph', Mo. T/w Omaha Guide wishes our “0 maha Ponies” much success during their season and Eastern tour. W \y \y ] Read What Others Say i. Omaha Nebraska, Nov. 15th, 1952. Editor, Omaha Guide: “Thanksgiving* As we approach Thanksgiving, I am forced to admit that I am com pelled to put on double glasses to dis cern sufficient reasons to be thank ful with 15,000,000 people roaming be country without work, with suf eiing, crime and poverty and tne orals of the people at its lowest point. The people have become discour, a: - d; yet there :s plenty of every tn ng—food and clothing wre never cheaper. In fact, all the necessities T lue are going begging for buyers. ,) one seems able to solve the law' . distribution, perhaps we should thankfu] for this. HIE CITY ELECTION— Now that the No ember election is! over, we are pleased to turn our to the coming City election that ' ds fair to he one of the hotest cam rai Vis that has ever been waged in this City. Rumors are flying around that the present Commissioners must go, seems to have caused Commissioner "fowl to think that hi chances for re election will be beter if he goes alone. The other Commissioners seem to be somwhat in doubt and of course are using care in their declarations, as to what they will do. For which I can see no reason. Thd job carries with it a tidy salary, and the present City Commissioners should be proud of their record in ad ministering the laws of this City. Everyone knows that there are baf fling law violations in al] urban cen_ ters, that cannot be solved. But the citizens of Omaha are compelled to acknowledge that since the shifting of the police, fire and finance depart ment. harmony has prevailed. Whether this is due to the person ality of Commissioner Hopkins, or *o the careful handling of the situation by Mayor Metcalfe or whether it is just one of those astrological cases, where each person has found their place in life, is hard to determine. Whatever the case may be the present City Commissioners have nothing to [he ashamed of in asking the people for con. inuatior. in office. Respectfully, ANDREW STUART, 2522 Lake Strefc. ROLLS UP SLEEVES | by C. Homer Burdette Johnny Owen is all smiles. H-e is ! one of the two Negro democrats that were elected to the State Assembly. ■ Lh. third Negro to be elected to any | office and the first to be nominated v’ >i of or outside the city of New ' York. Owens has rolled up his sleeves, 1 and started ©n a plan to exterminate the depression in the State of Ne-I braska. “We need more men to look after ' the interests of the poor man”, were Owen’s final’ words. _- . ___! John Adams, Attorney Notice by Publication for Setlement of Final Administration Account. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Wil liam Miller, Deceased: I All persons interested in said' mat | ter are hereby notified that on the | 24th day of October 1932, Mrs. Wil liam Nora Miller filed a petition in" said County court, praying that her final administration account filed here in be settled and allowed and that she ; be discharged from her trust as ad- ■ ministratrix and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 18th day of November 1932. and that if you fail to appear Read The... ..Read the.....' Guide Every Week >efore said Court on the said 18th day , jf November 1932 at 9 o’clock a. m., j ind contest said petition, the Court nay grant the prayer, of said peti- ■ ion, enter a decree of heirship, and nake such other ami further orders, I illowances and decree-, as to this iourt may seem proper, to the end j nat ail matters pertaining to said es_ ate may be finally settled and deter nined. , Bryce Crawford, , County Judge. John G. Pegg. Attorney Notice of Probate of Will In the County C;>urt of Douglas Bounty, Nebraska In the Matter of the Estate of Caroline Bridewell. De ceased. All persons interested in said es- i tate are hereby notified that a peti- j tion has been filed in said Court, pray ing for the probate of a certain in urnment now on file in said Court, purporting to be the last will and tes. tament of said deceased, and that a h<\aring will be had on said petition before said Court on the 12th day of November 1932, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 12th day of November, 1932, at 9 o’clock A. M. to contest the probate A “There is I A Difference” j|yj Try the Original French Dry Cleaning H and Tailoring I J. W. Benson fjt 2304 North 16th Street ® Call WE. 3057—Deliver Office Phone: WE 0213 Re>. Phone: WE. S409 Ray Lawrence Wiliams ATTORNEY AT LAW | Room 200 24th A Lake $**■ *• -I Tuchmen Bldg. Omaha, Neb. £ ^OVIMIIIM^II***************^^ I ROSS I I DRUG Store I Prate rtptkm* Carefully Hlle4 j 1 WE, 2770 I WBigMgMiinmiiate——Hi Reid-Duffy Pharmacy 24th & Lake St. Webster 0609 24th & Curfimg St. Atlantic 0609 r1 ’ * thrif'Ty service I 6C Per lb. —Shirts Finished \2c— EVANS LAUNDRY Phone - JA. 0243 DRINK= • ! IDEAL Beverages pop l ginger ale i ; LIME RICKEY f “Be Sure—Drink IDEAL’' IDEAL Bottling Co. \ 1808 N. 20th St. WE. 3043 I >f said will, the Court may allow and probate said will and grant adminis tration of said estate to Florence Muriel Wright or some other suitable person and porceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford, County Judge. -CLASSIFIED ADS^~ Neatly furnished Room for Rent Web. 1162. I'se of Kitchen. > Room House, Strictly Modern. 2629 Decatur St.. JA. 2887. 3 Room Apt. on 24th St., furnished or unfurnithed, JA. 2887. FOR RENT, 5 room House and Car. age. Modern, HA. 2120. Modern furnished 2 room Apart ment. .Also large Single front room, Web. 3308. House Furnished, 2425 (irant St. Attractive bungalow—Apartment fur nished, reasonable. Nicely furnished room for rent. Web 2582. FOR SALE—$1800—Big Bargain— Duplex, 8 rooms each side—modern, good condition—2 garages, fine loca tion., 2213 Miami Street. Modern furnished 3 room apartment. I Nice large front room — single I We. 5774. 2 room, single, 3121 Corby. Furnished or unfurnished room for rent. WE. 2954. Mrs H. Scurles FOR SALE—My home at a sacri fice, 2902 N. 26th St. H. K. Hilton. FOR RENT—6 Room Modern House, Furnished, cheap—Owner leaving the City—One block from 24th St. Car Line, and one block from the Lake St. Car Line. Rent this house and make the rooms pay your rent. Call WE. 1750. * .Two Furnished Apartment, 2209 No, 25kth-. WE. 3732. r PRESCRIPTIONS . I JOHNSON rug Store 1 Onr New Number, WE-0998 - 1904 Nd. 24th St Omaha Poultry & Eggs Fancy Milk Fed Poultry, live or dressed to your order. We dre** wild frame 10c a head. |v SANS & MELIJM Ja. 0554 1114 N. 24th St. j CALL ! i WE. 5000 I 5 * FOR tfEAL DRUG f j STORE SERVICE i W o t -* * I I Tirlf an,4 Tcibes ( RATTKRlFvS and ' I SPARK PLUG# MILTON WILSON ' Redick Tower Jtta^age * 15th and xSwitey COFFEE co. ARE YOU CRITICAL ABOUT YOUR LAUNDRY WORK? of Course You Are. TRY OUR SEMI FLAT at 6cts. Per POUND with SHIRTS FINISHED at. 12cts. each Edholm & Sherman —LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING 2401 North 24th St. WEbster 6055