The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 19, 1932, Image 1

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1 vV au.000 People Read |'| |
The Omaha Guide Kind West of the
Every Week Missouri River
_VOL. VI._Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, November 19, 1932. _ Number Thirty-Nine._
I broadcasted \
Every Week frata tlis Columr )
By CLIFi:)M)r. -ur.HELL
“WIKI'S WHO in Government".
• • •
The B.ograhical Research Society,
46o West oUh Street, Near York City
are tue compilers and publishers of a
reference work which is entitled,
“Wnoi Who in Government”, and in
a spirit of cooperation they sent me,
a few ago, a copy of their
edition for reference purposes and to
enable me to check the contents a
gainst my own files as far as the
biographical sketches of Ncyjroes are
• « •
Th s volume contains over thirteen
hundred pages filled with nothing but
biographicr.1 sketches of over nine,
teen thousand prominent men and
women who are connected with the
administration of government, elect
ive and appointive, and covering fed
eral. state. <-ity and a few county of
• • •
The purpose of this particular di
gest is not so much to give publicity
to the reference work in question as
it is to call the attention of all col
ored office.holders, and their spon
soring organizations, that they are.
a. appai eally, losing quite a good deal
of prestige simply by not furnishing
a complete and accurate biographical
data So *hat their names, jnd their
positions, can be listed in a reference
work that is universally accepted as
a true and accurate Who’s Who in
American Government.
• • •
There are so many persons of color
whore position automatically entitles
them to a place in this reference work
but who are, for some reason or oth
er. omitted, that space will not permit
reference to their individual names
but the well-informed reader can
easily note these discrepancies by a
mere listing of the forty-two sketch
es of Negroes found in the book, and
it is safe to infer that if I have over
looked any name that all such can be
counted on the finger* of one hand.
• * *
Without decimating their positions
or residencies, hut listed in alphabet,
leal order, are the names of all color
ed office-holders who are represent
ed in the 191*2 “Who’s Who in Gov
ernment” with a complete biorrraph.
ical sketch,
• • •
Ruf”= B Atwood: George H. Beati.
bian: George W Blackwell: F D. B>i.
ford; Matthew W Bullock; James
Garrefh Carter; Louis Augustus Car
ter; Frank W. C|erg; James A. Cobb;
Harry >J. Dana; John warren Davis;
Hub* rt T. Delanv: Oscar DePriest:
William Harvey Fuller: John Manuel
Gandy; Albert B George: Clavbonme
George; Frank A. B. Kail; Samuel
Lee • Hart; John C. Hopkins; Ben
jamin F. Hubert; William H. Hunt;
Charles J Jenkins: Gilbert Haven
Jones; William E. King: Charles Ed
ward MitchelJ; Ferdinand Q Mor
ton; Eugene Washington Rhodes;
Clement Richardson; Adelbert K.
Roberts; Frederick Madison Roberts;
John H. Ryan; William W. Sander--;
John Winfield Schenck: James E
Stephens: Cbas. E Toney; Harper
Ciiun i: Trerhs'lm: William Samuel
\ auglr; Joseph Henry Ward; Wil
liam A. Warfield; William J. War_
field, and Isaac William Young.
All others, holding a high govern
mental position, should write at once
submitting necessary data, to the ad
dress riven in the first paragraph,
and thus assure a representation in
the 1933 edition.
The Comunity Chest Mass meetirvt
Sunday. November 13th at the Aud
itorium. was a hti£e success. Thous.
ands jammed the Auditorium.
31 Agencies were represented. A.
mong our group were girls from th«
North Side YWCA.. Cultural Center
and a display booth cf the UrbaT
Negro Appointed For N. J. School Survey
Detective Jones Demoted
Sergt. Charles Smart of the 10th
Calvary now stationed at Fort Om
aha was retired Monday, November
Tin, after completing a 30 year’s ser
Sergt. Smart leaves the service
with a fine record of excellency with
! every discharge.
He served 18 years with the tenth
Calvary on the Mexican border and
made a trip around the world in 1909.
Sergt. Smart wears two medals- of
honor, Pistol expert and expert rifle
He and his family are leaving for
California where they will make their
future home.
Mr. Billy Davis of Washington, D.
C., is now the new- representative of
the World Insurance Co., of Omaha.
Mr. Davis is of Howard University
and comes to the World Insurance
'Co., with a splendid record and three
years experience with the North A
meriearr Insurance.
"Billy", as he is known to his many
friends, has been a very successful
in his new territory and will be glad
to serve you at any- time.
He is the first Colored representa
tive of this company- and lives at
2514 Corby St.
La Grange, Ga., (CNS) “The Ne_
gni must immediately build a large
daily newspaper in which he may be
able to express himself freely and
untrammeled,” declared Bishop R. A.
| Garter in an address before the Geor
gia annual conference of the CME.
Church held here last week.
Presiding over more than 150, lay
men and ministers, delegates to the
Southwest Georgia Conference of the
Colored Methodist Episcopal Church
in session here, Bishop Carter stirred
audience when he insisted that
'•hi- Negro must immediately build
i large daily paper in which he may
!» able to express himself freely and
"It is not merely business or money
that demands this p-ipei', but it be
comes our duty to give to the world
-his type of paper in a time when
free expression in all too many in
stances is denied us. The Negro
j i -list become both a moral and relig.
■ us factor in this nation. He cannot
ait for our white brethern to cry
t o us at all times and protest the
j v. ocmmitted by those who
a aid be protecting every citizen.
I Others addressing the conference
were Drs. H. P. Porter, General book
agt at, Jackson, Tenn.; J. A. Martin,
I A. Martin, Sunday School editor,
Atlanta and J. A. Bray, Birming
i ham.
The Annual Father and Son's Pro
gram will be held at Pilgrim Baptist
Church, corner 25th and Hamilton
Sts., on Sunday. November 20th and
Tuesday, November 22nd. On Sun
day, 11 a. m. services will be in
j charge of the Boys with a short ser
mon by Rev. J. H. Dotson. Pastor.
Tuesday. Nov-ember 22nd, the An
nual Father and Son’s banquet will be
[ held at the Church. 150 Fathers and
Sons are planning to attend this af_
fair. The program will consist of
racial music by the Pilgrim Melody
Boys and group singing. Melvin
Downing will speak in behalf of the
sons and Mr. Ed Fletcher will rer>
the fathers. Rev. J. S. Wil
Bams, Pastor of Hillside Presbvter
Church, will give the principle
address. The orry-ram is being
snonsored by the laymen of the
’ urch. J. Harvey Kerns is Chair
man of the Program Committee.
Two men were picked up early
Monday morning for disturbing the
neace on 25th Street, between Grant
and Erskine Streets. They refused
jto give their names.
WHY Do Women 9
Laugh at insults .
by R. A. Adams
(The Literary Service Bureau)
One of the strange things in con
nection with the modern social trend
of this morally decadent age is the
lightness with which women consid
er approaches from men. It seems
that many of them consider it an hon
or to “appeal” to men and. to be
sought by them; and it seems quite
evident that very few consider ser
ious such things as would have been
angrily resented a generation ago.
A case in point is that of a young
woman who stood on a street corner,
in St. Louis, waiting for a bus. A
man, an entire stranger, stood by her
and began a conversation. It was 7
p. m., and he had no excuse that a
late hour suggested something wrong
yet, before he had talked to her ten
minutes he had invited her to make
a trip to Chicago with him, spend the
night there and return the next day,
at his expense. The young woman
only laughed and said, “Why, I am
on my way to Kansas City.”
Telling of this incident the young
woman still was laughing. When
asked why she did not angrily resent
the insult, and why she would laugh
at so serious a thin?, her reply was,
“It amused me to think he would con_
sider me so dumb as to accept such a
proposition.” She was amused to
have a man—a perfect stranger—re
gard her as a woman of the world, or
to seek to degrade her, with no pos
sible encouragement. And she could
not understand why she should have
taken the matter seriously. Such an
attitude and such conduct on the part
of women are largely responsible for j
the loss of respect for womanhood, j
and the opinion that all women are j
easy marks. Yes, it is past all un- ;
derstanding why women would laugh j
at insults—or at what should be con- j
sidered insults, by any decent woman.
Walter Scott Grimes, our promis.
inr pug, received an arrest by local
authorities last Wednesday after
noon. Our City Police force
blamed him of breaking in a North
side home. Grimes and his col]eagu
ue. Jimmie Butler, were found not
by C. Homer Burdette
, The Apex Billiard rooms became
ignited by rubbish early last Monday
morning. The district fire chief
blamed the fire on some matches that
wrere thrown away unstruck. Only
the basement of the building wras
New Aork, Nov. 11—Gratification
was expressed today by the National
' Association for the Advancement of
! Colored People at the U. S. Supreme
Court’s decision ordering retrial for
the 7 Negro boys summarily rail
roaded to death sentences on a trump,
ed-up rape ehanre in a mob-surround
ed courthouse in Scottsboro, Ala
“We are glad that the method used
^ successfully for 22 years by the
: NAACP. has been vindicated,” de
clared Walter White, NAACP. Sec.
notary, “and that the United States
Supreme Court, to which the Negro’s
cause has again and again been car
ried by the NAACP. has r.iterposed
its power against the legal lynching
of these boys.
“A stern and difficult struggle re
mains to be fought in Alabama, to
which state the case of the boys has
been remanded for retrial. It will
be a fight conducted in the courts,
amid a public sentiment which only
those who know the South can prop
erly estimate.
“The NAACP. believes, as it has
believed throughout that victories of
Leroy Jones, former Detective of
Central Police Station, was demoted
to patrolman on the south side. E.
R. Rose was promoted to Detective to
replace him.
this kind are best won by strictly
legal means, as the case was won by
Mr. Walter Poliak before the U. S.
j Supreme Court. It is absurd to claim
that mass demonstrations procured or
forced the U. S. Supreme Court de
cision because six victories have been
won by the NAACP. before the same
tribunal by the NAACP. without any
such recourse.
“The NAACP. is glad to have been
able to participate in the defense
through the cooperation of its legal
committee by contributing $1,000 to
Mr. Poliak’s fee, and stands ready to
give whatever legal aid it can in
helping to free the boys entirely.”
NAACP. Challenges Color Line
Drawn in School and Clinics
Chicago, Nov.—The entire issue of
race discrimination in Rush Medical
College, of the University of Chicago
is again raging due to the denial to
a colored doctor, H. F. Bouyer, op
portunity to register in a special
course on oto-laryngology on the sole
ground of his color. Dr. Bouyer at
once ropted the facts to the National
Association for the Advancement of
Colored Peple which is challenging
the jim crow policy of the Chicago
University Medical; School.
“I am at present on the staff of
Provident Hospital,” wrote Dr. Bouy
er to the NAACP., “in ophthalmol
ogy and oto-laryngology—I was giv
en a scohlarship on Sept. 9, 1932, by
the La Verne Nayes Foundation of
Chicago University and was refused
the privilege of registering in one of
the special courses, oto_laryngology,
taught at Rush Medical School of
Chicago University for the simple
reason that I am colored.”
Dr. Souyer qualified for the schol
arship as an ex-serviceman of the
world war, having spent 11 months in
France, 30 days on the front line of
battle, “carried a 90 pound pack on
my back, lived for many months un
der shell fire, and amid the mud,
slime and hell of No Man’s Land,
only to return and have a career
spoiled and changed by those who in
the thickest of the fray were living
in ease and gathering in dollars.”
Free Patients “Object” To Negro
The NAACP. took up the matter
with the Chicago U. authorities, an
investigation being ordered by the
university president, Dr. Robert M.
Hutchins. Dean Ernest E. Irons of
Rush Medical College then reported
that free patients “object” to b^ing
cared for by colored doctors, but that
a “light” colored doctor had been ac
cepted at the dispensary. Dean Irons
“The work of the school is depend,
ent to a considerable degree on the
Central Free Dispensary .which re
ceives patients of all races. A ma
jority of patients in the Dispensary
are white and a very considerable
number of them obj'ect to being cared
for by colored doctors. Dr. Sham
baugh, however, agreed to take Dr.
Tancil notwithstanding this diffic
ulty. Dr. Tancil is relatively light in
color and the difficulties in connect,
ion with this service in the Dispens
ary are, therefore, corresponding less.
However, Dr. Shambaugh felt that
he was unable safely to take on two
colored men. especially as they will
be there at the same time.”
NAACP. Challenges Jim Crow
Replying to Dr. Frederick Wood
ward, Vice-President of Chicago Uni
versity, who forwarded the report,
Walter White, NAACP. Secretary
challenges the position taken by Dean
“I am certain that you will agree,”
writes Mr. White, “that it is most
absurd to permit free dispensary pa
tient! to determine the policies of a
medical school and in turn of the uni.
versity with which that medical school
is connected.
“If those patients know that the
hospital dispensary or medical school
Governor A. Harry Moore of New
Jersey, in response to a letter from
the Nat’l Association for the Ad_
vaneement of Colored People, calling
to his attention that among the mem.
bers of his commission to survey ed
ucation in the state, there was not a
single Negro, has appointed Dr. J. C.
Love of Montclair.
Da Love has been active in many
civic and educational activities and is
a member of the executive board of
the local NAACP.
Governor Moore has written to the
NAACP. to inform them of his ac
tion in response to the letter calling
his attention to the omission.
The committee was appointed by
Governor Moore to “propose recom
mendations in regard to an essential
program of modern education and the
means to finance it.”
Among the members of the com
mittee and the State Commissioner of
Education; Louis Bamberger of New
ark; Thomas N. McCarter, President
of the Public Service Corporation,
and Mrs. J. T Preston, the former
Mrs. Grover Cleveland.
select their staffs upon the basis of
fitness rather than skin color and
that they refuse to recede from the
principles involved, these patients
especially if they are charity ones,
are not going to dar# question those
principles. Dean Iron’s reference to
Dr Tancil’s being relatively light in
color’ is indicative, in our opinion, of
a most unhealthy and unwise attitude
Is a man to be denied opportunity for
training because he happens to be
dark of skin, and given opportunity
even though a Negro, because his
skin is light in color?”
The University is asked in the
NAACP. letter to take an unequivo
cal stand against the jim crow atti
tude of the medical school.
Chicago, (CNS) Herbert Newton,
Communists candidate for Congress
in the First Illinois district led a band
of “reds” in an attempt to stage a
demonstration in front of Congress
man DePriest’s office Monday, Nov
ember 7. Surrounded by a number
of women who held red banners and
placards in their hands, Newton Har
angued a crowd until driven away
from the locality by the police. In
the election Tuesday, Newton received
less than a thousand votes.
New York City, (CNS) “Little new '
j white blood is now entering the Ne
gro racial mixture in America”, says
Dr. Irene Barnes Taueber of the
i Mount Holyoke College in a paper
presented before the Third Interna
1 tional Congress of Eugenics. Science :
News Letter a science service public-!
ation of Washington, D. C. expresses
the views that: ’‘Negroes in America
are becoming lighter in color, as a
race, but a considerable range of dusk. |
■ iness will always be found among
Little new white blood is now en-'
tering the Negro racial mixture in
America, Dr. Taeuber stated. Never,
theless the race as a whole is grow
ing lighter, due to crossings with
the lighter colored stock already in
existence. The unmixed Negroes
are a dwindling group: their percent
i age among parents at present is 29,
as against only 14 per cent of pure
blooded Negroes among the off
“The American Negro population
of the future will probably be more
homogeneous as to ancestry,” said
Dr. Taeuber: “there will be a smaller
percentage of unmixed Negroes, a
larger percentage with half or more
Negro ancestry, and a smaller per
centage of unmixed Negroes, a larger
percentage with half or more Ne
gro ancestry, and a smaller percent,
age who pass as Negroes, but have
more white than Negro ancestry.
The segregation process operative in
the inheritance of pigmentation will
Drevent the development of a popula
tion of one uniform hue.”
Democrats on Trial before Negro
Says N. A. A. C. P.
V k
Some of the
Things Expected
of Roosevelt.
Washington, (CNS) Many times
and in many places during the recent
campaign Negroes supporting Roose.
velt and the Democratic ticket were
asked what they expected to gain in
the event of his election.
No one gave a very definite answer.
Now that Mr. Roosevelt is president
elect, Mr. Robert L: Vann, one of his
staunch Negro supporters says in a
leading editorial in- the Pittsburgh
“Let us pause to warn the victor
ious Democratic party that it must
satisfy the hopes and aspirations of
the American people if it wishes to
control the government of this nation
after Election Day, 1936.
“Thanks to a century of popular
education, enhanced by countless
newspapers, magazines, books, and
lectures, the memory of our people
has grown much longer. This is
particularly true of Negroes, whose
bitter experience in this land of the
tree has endowed them with insight,
foresight and hindsight.
“If we find that we have revolted
in vain and committed ourselves to
the political custody of just another
Hoover, we shall wreak vengeance a
gain in 1936, not by returning ig.
nominiously to the discredited party
that misruled the nation from 1920 to
1932, but by going even further to the
“We rightly expect President
Roosevelt to use the great power he
possesses by virtue of the high office
to which we have helped elect him, to
“(a) Definitely end discrimination a
gainst Negroes in the Civil Service,
“(b” Definitely end segregation of
Negro and white workers in govern
mental departments.
“(c) Definitely end the flagrant
and long.standing violations of the
jim.crow laws in the South in inter
state travel.
“(d) Urge Congress to enforce the
14th and 15th Amendments and to do
so himself in his capacity as Chief
“(e) Definitely recognize the sup
port given him by Negro voters and ,
party workers by increasing the
number of appointments in the dip
lomatic service and all other govern
ment appointive jobs.
“(f) Adopt immediately a hands,
off, friendly-neighbor policy toward
Haiti and Liberia.
“(g) Generally take special recog
nition of the fact that Negroes have
serious problems due to color preju
dice and that it is necessary and de
sirable that he take immediate steps
to impress upon the nation the fact
that he is opposed to its treatment of
the Negro, and wishes to improve the
status of our people.
m i/eiiniteiy end the breaking up
of Negro regiments and their exile
to Georgia and the Mexican border,
open up technical branches of the
army and navy to Negroes and end
the segregation and discrimination
practiced in the Citizens’ Training
“These are some of the things we
Negroes expect President Roosevelt
to do. We expect him to do them be
cause they are easy to do, and in do.
ing them he will merely be properly
living up to his oath of office. In ,
addition, as working people and cit
izens, we expect him and his party
to initiate policies that will increase
the economic security and improve
the cultural status of the American
“Wre give thanks now for the elect
ion of Franklin Delano Roosevelt be
cause of the promises made by him
in the name of the Democratic party,
for the reconstruction of the nation
and the assisting of the ' Forgotten
Man. Eut we expect him and his
party to make good.”
Roland Hayes, world’s greatest
tenor is scheduled to sing -with the
Minneapolis Orchestra. November 25,
28. He will then fill engagements in
New York, Nov. 11—The Demo
cratic party is on trial before the
Negro citizens of the country declar.
ed the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People to
day in a statement commenting on
the sweeping victory of the Demo
cratic forces in the election.
“Negro voters played their part as
never before in this election,” says
the statement. “Traditional party
lines were scrapper! and it is evident
that in this election for the first
time on a national Scale the Negro
was voting on the basis of his par
amount interests.
Neither the Negro as a race nor
the NAACP. is Democratic. Bt>t the
Negro exercised his right as a cit
izen to vote .for those who promised
to safeguard his basic rights. The
NAACP. watched the Hoover Admin
istration and commented freely on its
shortcomings. The NAACP. will be
just exactly as vigilant in watching
the Roosevelt Administration, The
NAACP. is neither Republican nor
Democratic. It is non.partisan, and
it wi]l continue advising the colored
citizens concerning their best inter
ests regardless of party. •
“The Democratic narty now has a
great opportunity to wipe out the dis
trust with which it has justly been
regarded by many colored people.
The coming years will tell whether
that opportunity has been taken or
not. Meanwhile the NAACP. will re
main on watch and on guard.”
Oklahoma City, Nov.—The State of
Oklahoma has become a storm center
in the battle for Negro rights, no less
than three cases of stirring interest
to all colored citizens being now
fought under the leadership of the
National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People.
In the first of these, Editor Roscoe
Dunjee of the Black Dispatch, re.
ports that even prisoners in the state
penitentiary have given their pennies
toward the defense of Jess Hollins,
who goes on trial for his life this
month, the defense fund toward the
lawyer’s fee of $500 and additional
expenses, having reached a total of
$378.94. The NAACP. National Of
fice has given $100 toward the de
fense of this man, railroaded to a
death sentence on a charge of rape,
whose conviction was reversed by the
State Supreme Court;
In the second case, also involving
a rape charge and railroadinging to.
the penitentiary, Mr. Dunjee, who is
president of the Oklahoma State
Conference of NAACP. branches, re
ports that the convicted man, Charl
es Dumas, stated that he had “con.
fessed’’ his guilt under threat of mob
violence. Dumas was immediately
1 to electrocution upon plead
ing guilty.
JJumas told Mr. Dunjee that he
was a prisoner in a road camp at the
me the alleged assault took place,
ad that subsequently the girl alleged
to have been assaulted failed to ident
ify him. He confessed only when of
ficers entered his cell and told him he
would he killed if he did not “con
fess” Dumas is scheduled to die on
Nov. 18 and the Oklahoma State
NAACP. is undertaking to prevent
this legal lynching, almost identical
in its general outlines with the Jess
Hollins case.
The third Oklahoma case in the
state_wide battle for civil rights con
cerns the driving of more than 200
colored citizens from their homes,
farms and jobs, with threats of mur
der, arson and beating as penalties
for Negroes remaining in Beckham
County. This occurred on July 17,
1930, and the National Office of the
NAACP. has at last obtained a def
inite pledge of action from the local
I. nited States Attorney against the
night riders and mobbists. Nugent
Dodds. Agsistanst U. S. Attorney
General, informs the NAACP. that
the U. S. Attorney at Muskogee has
been asked for a report on the mat
ter. The NAACP. supplied the De
partment of Justice with a lengthy
opinion from its special counsel Na_
than R. Margold, holding section
19 of the Federal Criminal Code of
fered a basis for procedure against
the white Oklahoma mobbists.