The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 12, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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    Read What Others Say
Editor, Omaha Guide,
Omaha, N’ebr.
The election of the greatest nation
on earth has just passed. The Am.
ericas people who have listened with
patience for many weeks to the can
didates of various parties expressing
their views, on conditions of the
world and this country in particular
have rendered their decision.
The favorite sons of this nation
will now get down to business, and
produce those things, which they say
is posible to do, to establish indust,
ries that will place the country upon
a sound economic basis, that will in
sure the prosperity and happiness in
the homes of every American family.
We supported the candidates we
thought would be fair to our group.
Some were elected and some were
not. We like the rest of th patriotic
citizens of this country, will support
to the last drop of our blood, those
ideals for which those gentlemen
were elected to uphold.
2522 Lake Street.
Contacting With Lennox
November 6, 1832.
Dr. G. B. Lennox,
Omaha Guide.
Dear Dr. Lennox:
I am doing perhaps a very unpol
itical thing by writing this letter but
my sense of fair play prompts me.
I was called by phone and invited to
attend the meeting and explained at
that time that through no fault of
mine, the letter I wrote was not re
ceived by you.
It was quite embarrassing to me
to be on the platform with the other
candidates and not able to explain
my reason for beirs? there.
Let me say this that, although I
go into this election without your
support and without my name among i
the ones whom you intend to support, i
I am and always shall be a friend to
your people, as I have always been.
I have attended numerous meetings
of your people and have pledged my
support to them and 1 intend keeping
my word even though it is not writ
When the issue is put by our good
friend Sam Klaver, I trust that I may
have the honor and privilege to sec.
ond that motion.
\ ery Sincerely yours,
Ed. S. Burdick.
Mr. E. S. Burdick,
2611 Famam St.,
(kn»h», Nebr.
My Dear Mr. Burdick:
^ our letter of Nov. 6th, by special
delivery received. I was indeed glad!
to have this correspondence from you,
even though it was too late to be us.
e«i for the purpose we had in mind,
(but your name was given out oral
However I am sure the Omaha
Guide’s Working Men's Commission.1
ers will accept this letter in good
forth, as if it had been received on
I was informed by Mr. C. C. Gallo,
way. Chairman of the Executive
Comm., that he fully expected you to
have something to say, at our meet,
ing Sunday, but by your request he
did not call on you I am taking the
liberty in sending your letter and a
copy of my answer to the Omaha
Guide for publication.
Yours truly.
Dr. G. B. Lennox.
October 3, 1932.
The Federal Home Loan Bank
of Topeka,
Topeka, Kansas.
Dear Sir:
I have been informed by Mr. Fran,
klin W. Fort, that this bank is to open
October 15th, representing this part
of the territory which is one of the
banks to be put into operation, giv.!
ing borne mortgage loans not exceed
ing 40% of the value of the proper- j
Home mortgages defined as mort_
gages on property worth $20,000 or
this loan be secured by an
individual who has a sufficiency to
meet the requirements? Will this
make him eligible, and how is same
obtained through the building, or the
bank with which he has been con
nected ?
Kindly give me toll information re
garding same, covering rules, regu
lations. interest, and payment under
which this money can be borrowed in
connection wth blanks to be filled
Appreciating whatever consider
ation and information you may give,
1 "n* !
Sincerely yours,
Dr. George B. Lennox.
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
November 3, 1932.
Dr. G. B. Lennox,
1602H North 24th Street,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Dr. Lennox:
Your letter of October 22nd, ad
dressed to the President, has been re_ ,
ferred to this office. For your in
formation I am enclosing herewith
copy of the Federal Home Loan Bank
Act. This legislation is intended to ;
provide liquidity for mortgages on
homes It is operated somewhat in 1
■ ------ - ■■
the nature of a reserve system, using
the facilities of local financial insti
tutions, namely building and loan as
sociations, savings banks, and insur
ance companies. In the event any
home owner is unable to obtain funds
for mortgages from any other source
he can then apply direct to any Fed
eral Home Loan Bank.
If the people of your community
are unable to secure the benefits of
this organization through their local
institutions, then it would be entirely
proper to make application direct to
the Federal Home Loan Bank of
Topeka, Kansas.
The President is appreciative of the
expressions of your cordial approval.
Very truly yours,
O. K. LaRoque,
Assistant to the Board.
Federal Home Loan Bank,
of Topeka
Topeka, Kansas
C. H. Sterling, Exe. Vice Pres.,
Dear Mr. Sterling:
I highly appreciate the information
given relative to loans in the Federal
Home Loan Bank.
As you stated, applications cannot
be made to local agencies, but direct,
ly to this bank. I shall appreciate re
ceiving the information regarding
same that you are expecting from day
to day.
I realize the public demand is great
but I am sure they will manifest their
appreciation for same when the op
portune time comes. Thousands of
homes will be saved through such in
stitutions and other similar institu
tions which is greatly needed at this
The different associations that are
now carrying mortgages are trying
to bring about a liquidation, or in
other words, manifesting no accom
modations regardless of the number
of years one has been a continuous
supporter of such institutions. These
places never before having a cause up
until the present time due to the de_
pression that we all are undergoing,
enabling us to write to you for spec
ial form with special provisions.
Thank you very much for your con
sideration, I am,
Respectfully yours,
Dr. G. B. Lennox.
Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka
Topeka, Kansas
November 4, 1932.
Dr. G. B. Lennox,
1602^ North 24th St.,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
• It may seem to you that we are un
duly extending the delay of sending
you proper information in regard to
Home-Owner Loan Applications, to
gether with complete information re_
garding same.
This matter has not been neglected,
we are only waiting patiently for sup
plies from Washington which are al
Judge Holmes
. .1 i ___Ml
_Judge Wheeler_
ready prepared but which have not
been received by us.
This word is merely to advise you
that as soon as these supplies are a
vailable we will in turn forward you
complete information in answer to
your letter of October 27, 1932.
Very truly yours,
Wilmot E. Stevens,
A great big Thanksgiving Turkey
will be the grand prize for the Bridge
o --- o j
j o -.- o
It has been rumored that during
the past winter needy families were
often given food by more than one
Community Chest Organization at the
same time.
We want you help in telling Om
ahans the truth in this matter. These
are the facts:
Community Chest maintains the
Social Service Exchange which is a
confidential file of the names and ad_
dresses of all persons who have
received or are receiving help. All
relief agencies whether in the Chest
or not use this exchange.
When someone makes application
to any agency for help a call to the
Exchange shows if any other organ
ization is already helping the family.
Thus duplication is avoided and
dollars made to go further.
Here is another thing that you
can help us with:
Some people have questioned Set
tlements, neighborhood centers and
organizations such as the Boy Scouts
beii>r in the Chest at this time.
These people probably do not re.
lize that although more than $20,000
was cut from the budgets of these or
ganizations last year, their work has
been greatly increased and they are
serving many more people than ever
before. Thousands of men, women,
boys and girls find diversion, recre
ation, and enjoyment in the activities
of different ones of these agencies.
This is a necessary investment in the
future security of our community.
These organizations are proving
more important now than ever be.
You may want further informatio*
or you may have questions to ask.
Please call Community Chest office,
503 Hoape Building. At, 9374.
Puts Magic Ir Your Baking
Judge Palmer
o -—--- o
To my host of friends, supporters,
and welLwishers, I thank you. To
express myself in words thanks. I
realize how' futile my efforts are. I
further realize that thanks alone can
not effect a settlement of indebtness
to the people of this district, but it is
with deeds and expended effort that
I must pay my thanks. I assure each
citizen of a clean, constructive legis
lative record.
Indeed, I am very grateful of the
duties, which the voters have placed
in my keeping and promise not to
betray their trust.
Truly, I thank you,
Johnny Owen.
O - O
o -- - o
Thomas J. O’CONNOR
» -
Washington (CNS) Recently an
nounced occupational statistics by the
Bureau of the Census show that Ne
gro trained nurses increased nearly
75 per cent in the past decade; the
figures revealing 5,728 in 1930 as a
gainst 3,341 in 1920. In the de
cade from 1910 to 1920 the increase
was approximately 37.0 per cent the
count showing 2,433, of which 275
were returned as males.
This profession is almost entirely
dominated by females, there beint?
but 147 male trained nurses in 1930,
an increase of .five -over fhe 1920 fig
ure-of 142, but a considrable decrease
below the 275 reported in 1910.
In 1920 Georgia led with 448 and
increased to 573 in 1930, a gain of
28.0 per cent; but is displaced from
its front rank, in 1930 by New York
which increased from 282 female
trained nurses in 1920 to 764 in 1930,
a gain of more than 170.0 per cent
in the decade.
The following table shows the Ne_
gro femal trained nurses in 1930 and
1920 by states:
State 1930 1920
Alabama 385 257
Arizona 6 2
Arkansas 110 51
California 100 38
Colorado 5 6
Connecticut 10 13
Delaware 8 7
Florida 266 181
District of Columbia 173 130
Georgia 673 448
Idaho 1
Illinois 258 151
Indiana 39 15
Towa 4
Kansas 38 30
Kentucky 80 62
Louisiana 157 92
Maine 1
Maryland 158 46
Massachusetts 34 22
Michigan 104 35
Minnesota 10 4
Mississippi 120 90
Missouri 261 122
Nebraska 4 6
Now Hampshire 1
New Jersv 109 27
New Mexico 2 4
New York 764 282
North Carolina 372 169
Ohio 75 43
North Dakota
Oklahoma 46 17
Oregon 5 3
Pennsylvania 198 117
Rhode Lsland 3 3
South Carolina 276 198
South Dakota
Tennessee 268 183
Texas 158 84
Utah 2
Vermont 1
Virginia 346 233
Washington 4 5
West Virginia 46 19
Wisconsin 8
Read The Guide
0 -..0
John Adams, Attorney
Notice by Publication for Setlement
of Final Administration Account.
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of Wil
liam Miller, Deceased:
All persons interested in said mat
ter are hereby notified that on the
24th day of October 1932, Mrs. Wil
liam Nora Miller filed a petition in
said County court, praying that her
final administration account filed here
in be settled and allowed and that she
be discharged from her trust as ad
ministratrix and that a hearing will
be had on said petition before said
Court on the 18th day of November
1932, and that if you fail to appear
before said Court on the said 18th day
of November 1932 at 9 o’clock a. m.,
and contest said petition, the Court
may grant the prayer, of said peti
tion, enter a decree of heirship, and
make such other and further orders,
allowances and decrees, as to this
Court may seem proper, to the end
that all matters pertaining to said es_
Th s fam*!y a■ I got
work again
through their Telephone \
Thai* actual instances
show how men and women
ar* getting work through
th* telephone.
/ \ man, his son and a daughter all lost their
jobs. He decided to have his telephone removed.
But another daughter, who was working, said
she would pay for it. Her father, brother and
sister all got work through the telephone.
“My telephone is a wage earner,” one
man told us. “It has proved its worth during
recent months as practically all my work has
come through this source.”
A woman who goes to homes to work
rays, “I keep busy because I have a telephone.
Near'y all my work comes through telephone
Men and women with telephones can
be reached quickly. That Is why they
get first chance when work develops.
tate may be finally settled and deter,
Bryce Carwford,
County Judge.
John G. Pegg, Attorney
Notice of Probate of Will
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska. In the Matter of
the Estate of Caroline Bridewell, De
All persons interested in eaid es.
j tate are hereby notified that a peti
' tion has been filed in said Court, pray
ing for the probate of a certain in
strument now on file in said Court,
purporting to be the last will and tes.
tament of said deceased, and that a
hearing will be had on said petition
before said Court on the 12th day of
November 1932, and that if they fail
to appear at said Court on the said
12th day of November, 1932, at 9
o’clock A. M. to contest the probate
of said will, the Court may allow and
probate said will and grant adminis
tration of said estate to Florence
Muriel Wright or some other suitable
person and porceed to a settlement
Bryce Crawford,
County Judge.
4 “There is
I A Difference”
Jf Try the Original French
Hj Dry Cleaning
m and Tailoring
y J. W'. Benson
I 2304 North 16th Street
p Call WE. 3057—Deliver
Office Phone: WE 0213
Res. Phone: WE. 4409
Bay Lawrence Williams i
J Room 200 24th & Lake Sts.
; * Tuchman Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
I DRUG Store |
| Prescriptions Carefully Fille# j
J WE. 2770 |
vywwyy* ********
24th & Lake St.
Webster 0609
24th & Cuming St.
Atlantic 0609
6C Per lb.
—Shirts Finished 12c—
Phone - JA. 0243
IDEAL Beverages
ginger ale
“Be Sure—Drink IDEAX,”
IDEAL Bottling Co.
1808 N. 20th St. WE. 3043
5 Room House, Strictly Modern, 2629
Decatur St,, JA. 2887.
3 Room Apt. on 24th St., furnished or
unfurnished, JA'. 2887.
FOR RENT, 5 room House and Gar
age, Modern, HA. 2120.
Modern furnished 2 room Apart,
ment. .Also large Single front room
Web. 3308.
House Furnished, 2425 Grant St.
Attractive bungalow—Apartment fur
nished. reasonable.
Nicely furnished room for rent.
Web 2582.
FOR S A I. h—$1800—Big Bargain—
Duplex, 8 rooms each side—modern,
good condition—2 garages, fine loca
tion., 2213 Miami Street.
Modern furnished 3 room apartment.
Nice large front room — single
We. 5774.
2 room, single, 3121 Corby.
Furnished two room apartment for
rent, At. 8429. Near Car Line.
Furnished or unfurnished room for
rent WE. 2954. Mrs H. Scurles
FOR SALE—*rv horn• at a sacri
fice, 2902 N. 2r*h St, H. K. Hilton.
FOR RENT—6 R^^m Modern House,
Furnishtd. efceftn—Owner leaving the
City—One hW r-nm 24th St. Car
Line, and one M •*"V from the Lake
St. Car Line. Rent this house and
make the rooms pay your rent. Call
WE. 1750.
I Drugstore
Oor New Number, WE 0998
1904 No. 24th St Omaha
Poultry & Eggs
Fancy Milk Fed Poultry, live or
dressed to your order. We dress
wild game 10c a head.
Ja. 0554
1114 N. 24th St.
American Memorial Company
Cuming at Twentieth Omaha, Neh
Res. Phone WA. 8156- AT.4927
I WE. 5000 |
Tires and Tubes
Redick Tower Garage
15th and Harney
A bekfoct
of Course You Are.
with SHIRTS FINISHED at 12cts. each
Edholm & Sherman
2401 North 24th St. WEbster 6055