The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 05, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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what if god A XT /^v T} T“7 T A T~2 WHATIF GOD=:
AIN VJ1 DIN 1/ A 1 D h *r..
Off,- .I men the excuses they offer ^ ^ Had to have every account settled up
With Ray of Sunshine Saturday night?
^a}re 4 _Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, November 5. 1932. __
1 tramp a perpetual journey (come listen all!)
lly sign* are a rain.proof coat, good shoes, and a staff cut from
the woods;
N'o friend of mine takes hi* ease in my chadr;
I have no chair, no church, no philosophy;
1 lead no man to a dinner-table, library, or exchange;
But each man and each woman 1 lead upon a knoll,
My left hand hooking you around the waist.
My right hand pointing to landscapes of continents, and a plain
public road.
Not 1—not any one else, can travel that road for you,
You must travd it for yourself._
Thursday evening, Oct- 27th will
long live in the Memories of Omaha
Socialites, who attended the Hallo
ween party given at the Masonic Tern
pie It was a brilliant collection of
Omaha stately matrons, charming
society del», collegiates, and Beau
Brummels. Everything for the en
tertainment of the guests was a com
plete set up for a real good time.
Among the spookiest of spooks,
walked the ghost of Jap Brown, r>ld
Wild West Bill. Frank Blackwell, Old
Deacon Southard, and Sister South-,
ard. Little Topsey herself Elois Tur
ner, the vamping Hawaiian girl, Con.
nie Singleton, the Gypsy pirate, Louise
Deckard Smith, the Dutch Maiden,
Dolores Blackwell. The Senorita, Nina
W’est, the spirit of 1876, Valeria Me.
Caw The bell boy Derothy Allen,
farmers and farmerettes and many
other equally attractive. Among the
out of town guests were Mrs. Gladys
Brown Thompson of Dallas, Texas;
Hon. J. Finley Wilson, N, Thatcher,
Crocker and Chas. Henry of Kansas.
Everybody is talking of the many
Aloha parties, this one seems to have
been the jolliest and spookiest of all.
Saturday evening Louise Deckard
Smith was at home to a get together
honoring the popular Gladys Brown
Thompson who is visiting in Omaha.
The J. M. F. Bridge Club enjoyed
their annual Halloween Bridge at the
Hangar residence, 1915 N. 28th St.,
Monday evening. Oct. 31. Mrs. Gladys
Brown Thompson was the out of town
Clarence Davis Entertains
A ppomatox Clab
One of the pre-halloween Largest
parties were given Friday evening,
Oct 28, by Mr. Clarence Davis, 1703
N. 33rd, in honor of the Appomatox
8ocial and Religious Club of Bethel
Church and its friends. Who were
there? Witches, Pirate's, Connivites,
Indians, Gypsies, ladies dressed up in
their best eighteen seventy.six attire.
The guests were greeted by the host;
who was dressed as a hindu. Hallo,
ween colors of black and orange were
used throughout the rooms. Favors
of assorted horns were given each
guest. A very delightful lunch was
served about ten, the guests departed
for home after spending a very en
joyable evening. Clarence Davis,
President. Hilda Woods, Secretary.
A oi
Has an Excellent Record and
Should Be Re-Elected.
The All Day Conference sponsored
by the Social and Research committee
of the Omaha Urban League, Tuesday
at the YWCA, proved to be a wonder,
ful success. Miss Gertrude Lucas So
cial Worker of Juvenile department
of Omaha presided at the morning
session at which time J. Harvey
Kerns and Miss Elizabeth Perrine
spoke. Judge Herbert Rhoades of
Juvenile Court and Miss Eva Morse
were the luncheon speakers. Dr.
John Andrew Singleton presided. In
speaking of the wonderful work done
by the cooperating Agencies as the
Urban League and Y. W. C. A he
paused for a moment to say that t'le
Omaha Guide newspaper was also a
contributing factor to uplife of the
community. About 50 persons at
tended the luncheon. Mrs Charlotte
Crawford presided at the evening
session and the speakers were Dr.
T. Earl Sullinger, Dr. Wm. Thompson
and Rev J. H. Jackson. The purpose
of this conference was the study of
the Juvenile delinquency in the Negro
I _
Mrs. Blanche Beatty Washington,
National Republican Speaker of Wash
ington, D. C., was the house guest
while in the City of Mr. and Mrs Jas.
Kirby, 220S Grant St.
The “Depression Tea” given at the
attractive home of Mrs. Martha Tay
lor Smith, Oct. 27th, to assist in the
purchase of a new furnace for the Old
Folks Home. The Tea was a success
both socially and financially. Autumn
Flowers and Pumpkins were used in
abundance throughout the rooms. We
wish to thank the public and those
who so kindly contributed to the pro
gram Miss Mary Heddy Wiggins;
Miss Maxine Blair and Mr. Joe
Thomas, better known as Ukulule Joe,
entertained. Mrs. John Albert Wil
liams and Mrs. Herbert Wiggins, fur
nished the attractive decorations. At
the close of a very enjoyable evening
Mrs. Martha Smith, President of the
old folks home, made a splendid talk,
followed by Dr Hutten. The commit
tee is very grateful to Mrs. Smith, for
the use of her home, also to Mrs.
Tillie Simpson, Elvira Lewis; Nettie
Fredricks; Florence Johnson, Jennie
Williams and Mrs. Henry Moore, for
their assistance. Mary Ellen Britt,
drew the winning number, for the
sack of flour which was won by Mrs.
Flora Rhoades.
Mrs. Alice Smith, Chairman
Mrs Freddie Porter, Secretary
Mrs. Marie Stuart, Reporter
Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Jackson enter
tained for Mrs. Mabel Harris, house
guest of Mrs. G. Scott of 919 N 26th
St. The guests were Carl M. Heidel
IP Felt Hat p
3C Cleaned & 3C
WW Blocked VV
Whent Sent with Either
12 or 3 piece
Silk or Wool
We Call and Deliver
2515-17-19 Cuming St.
10% Disc, for Cash and Carry
berg, Matitie Clark, Ida Dailey, Odessa
Rose, Mattie Bates, Adam Lee, Ernest
Ryan, Barber Smith, H. E. Walton,
Miss Gladys Robinson, Mrs J. Scott,
Mrs. Mabel Harris, host; and Mr. and
Mrs. Bennie Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Sparks, of 2116 Wirt
also entertained the visitors at a 12
o’clock breakfast Saturday morning.
Mrs. Harris left Saturday night for
her home in St. Paul, Minn.
Popular Society Girl Visits Parents
Mrs. Gladys Brown Thompson,
popular young matron of Dallas, Tex
as, is the house guest at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. “Jap”
Brown, 2885 ;M^ami. Mts. Thomp
son is returning to her home after an
extended visit in Washington, D. Cv
Chicago and points east.
Prominent Business Men Visit City
Mr. Nate Thatcher, wealthy busi
ness man of Kansas, Mr. Crocker,
special investigator of the Atty, Gen
eral’s office of Kansas, and their sec
retary, Mr. Charles Henry of Kansas
City, Kansas, motored up to hear J.
Finley Wilson, National Republican
speaker, Thursday evening.
Mrs, S. Joe Brown, Omaha Guest
Mrs. S. Joe Brown of DesMoines
Iowa, a prominent club woman
was a visitor at the Social Workers
Conference, Saturday, at the Font
enelle Hotel. She spoke in Council
Bluffs, Saturday night at the Hotel
Chieftan She was graciously re
ceived and presented with a huge bou
quet of flowers by the committee.
Miss Rachel Taylor and Mrs. D. W.
Gooden accompanied her.
Mr J. R. Lillard, senior at the Uni
versity of Nebraska, was one of the
leads in the play “Road To Rome,"
which ended a successful week’s run
Saturday night Oct. 29.
Mr. Lillard was also formally ini
tiated into the University Players an
honor bestowed only upon the very
best of the department. He is the
only colored in (the fine arts de
partment. Mr. Lillard is also a read
er for Mr H. A. Yenne’s freshman
fine arts classes. Mr. Lillard is Vice
Pres, of the Alpha Phi Alpha fra
ternity and the son of Mr. and Mrs.
R. B Lillard of Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha Guide Slogan Week, Nov. 5th,
“Tear the Mask from the Face—know
the TRUTH!”
T. Arnold Hill, director of the
Dept, of Industrial Relation of the
National Urban League of New York
City, will be Omaha’s guest, Novem
ber 3, 4, 5
Mr. J. Harvey Kerns returned Tues
day from St. Louis where he attend
ed the Regional Conference of the
Urban League secretaries of the
Mrs. Lida Wilson Honored
Mrs. L. S. Davis of 2530 Grant en
tertained her friend, Mrs. Lida Wil
son with a birthday surprise party,
0. E. S. and friends attending. Mrs.
Wilson is A. G. M, of Nebraska Jur
isdiction. She received presents and
a nice little sum of money.
Mrs. Christina Ward, 3217 Em
mett St., age 63 years. Born in
Tenn. A member of Clair M. E.
Church for a number of years. Fun
eral was held at 4:30 p. m., October
24th. from Lewis Mortuary. Rev.
Albert Clay officiated. She is surv
ived by her daughter, Mrs. Kazelia
Reynolds. Mother Mrs. Alice Jar
athe, who is 100 years old is still liv
ing and resided at 3217 Emmett. Al
so six grandchildren.
Mrs. Eva Phillips, 2118 North 29th
St., entertained with a pretty break
fast Thursday morning. The table
was beautifully decorated with win
ter flowers. The party included: Mes
dames Lula Evans, Frank Coilee, Jo
sephine Davis, Sarah Bogais, and
Christine Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson accom
panied their sister, Mrs. S. Joe Brown,
all of Des Moines, here to Omaha, on
her recent political tour. Mrs.
Brown a very eloquent speaker, spoke
in Hoover’s behalf to a large and ap
preciative audience over in Council
Bluffs at Rev. J. H. Reynold’s church.
While in Omaha the party stopped at
the Frank Stewart home 3015 Man.
derson St. Mr. Stewart. Mrs. M. E.
Bradford and Mrs. Loraine Shoemaker
accompanied the party part way to
Des Moines.
Read the Omaha Guide, 5c Weekly
PI,an--Newsboy delivery, call We. 1750
Mrs, Lillian Woolfskill Visitor
Mrs. Jessie Ervin entertained her
sister Mrs. Lillian Woofskill from
Fresno, Calif., with a trip to Lincoln.
Others of the party were Mrs. Estelle
Craig and Mrs. Nan Kinner, Mrs.
j Maude Johnson, graciously gave up
her day to be hostess and guide to
| the party, showing them the places of
interest. They visited <;he capitol,
The penitentiary, Insane asylum, vets
hospital and many other places.
A pretty little surprise party was
given last Saturday everting at 3015
I Manderson Ave. by Mrs. Margaret
Bradford honoring Mr. Frank Stewart
on his birthday anniversary. Guests
included: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vann,
Mrs. E. J. Todd, Mrs. Wm. Rose, Mr.
William Robinson, Mr. Leonard Mc
Gowan, Mr_ Basil Vann and Mrs.
Loraine G. Shoemaker. A number of
practical gifts were received by Mr.
Stewart and at a late hour Mrs. Brad
ford served a tasty repast, after
which they all departed wishing Mr.
Stewart many more happy birthdays.
Mr. Guy Martin of Gf-Iesburg, 111.,
and Mr. and Mrs. A. Olsen of Sioux
City, Iowa, recently spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Phillips,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Alston and relativ.
I es.
for Congress
The records show that Ed. Burke has always [
been fair to all classes of people. j
Vote for Ed Burke |
.... For Congress, and you will never regret it. j
Look forward to the Bridge and
Whist Tournament, Nov. 16, 17, 18, at
the Unemployed Married Men’s Bldg.,
2213 Lake St., given by the Imperial
League Charity Committee. Mrs.
Robbie Turner Davis, chairman. Tick
ets on sale soon.
The Empire Social and Charity
Club gave their initial card party,
Wednesday, Oct. 26th, at Masonic Hall
26th and Blondo St. The party was a
gTeat success, six prizes were given.
Watch for the date of the next affair.
Mrs Minnie Burns and Mrs. Frances
Read at Masonic Hall, Friday evening
from 8 to 1. Mrs. Sarah Bradley won
1st prize. Miss Bremer 2nd prize.
Mrs. Watkins, booby.
A Halloween party was given by
Mrs Ed. Blueford at 2864 Binney St.
in honor of her sons, Floyd and Lloyd
Blueford. There were 88 guests.
Rofsv Tavlor won 1st prize, Harlem
Webb 2nd prize.
The Jolly Bridge ties gave a pre.
Rallowe’en nartv for the husbands
Saturday night, October 29th at the
home of Mrs. Smith Pres. Twentv.
two were present. Visiting rue'*®
were Mrs. Edith .Tohn«on. Mr. H.
Fehikin« and Mr. E Skinner. The
evening was spent, nlaving bridge end
dancing. Mr. Skinner furnished the
music Lunch was served at 12
o’clock when the witch and spooks be
gan to creep. Menu: Jack O’Lant
erns. Broomsticks. Harvest Cron.
Golden Balls, Blackcats, Spookv
Wands, and witch’s Brew Tn the
masked march: Clown, Myra Kincaid:
| Kate Smith Mary Callows v, Gvnsv.
Dorothy Abney. Mechanic. Edith
Johnson. Hawaiian. Stell Sullivan.
Indian Squaw, Cassia Jackson, A
pachie, Alice Jones, Southern mam
my, Clara Smith, Topsy, Kathryn
Manley, Queen Anne, Bernice Henry,
j Gypsy, Edna Taylor, Cradle of Sin,
Mr. James Jones, Captain Kidd, Mrs.
j Ruth Johnson. The club will meet
mt Mrs. Ruth Johnson, Nov. 9th, 2608
Hamilton St. Ruth Johnson, report
Mrs. Cora M. Taylor left Sunday
night for points in the East. After
spending six grand an glorious weeks
with her son and daughter-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Arbuckle. She
said one of the real enjoyments was
reading The Omaha Guide while here.
She was a guest of Mrs. Holloway at
2716 Franklin St.
| Miss Lillian Boles will leave Tuesday
November 1st for Newark, N. J.,
where she will make her future home
Miss Boles is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. M. Boles, 6671 Railroad
j Avenue. Mrs. Boles is a city mission
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Edwards and
Mr. and Mrs. A. H Ward motored to
Lincoln, Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Page and Mr. and Mrs. Saunders.
! T «
Re-elect .
• |
j •—.—.—
| ((Political Adv.)
November Special Purchase Sale 2,000 Prs.
Women’s Up to $3 Shoes
Harden’! Halo Floor
Back To Original Prices
Beginning Now
1st Treatment, including 1 box of
Tubbs Syx-Wks Hair Grower SI.25
Every 2 weeks. .. .75
Every 3 weeks .. .. .75
Every 4 weeks ... —^. 1.00
Marceling done in Shoppe. .50
Elsewhere ... ... .65
For Appointments Call WE. 2243
1712 N. 25th Street.
by Dr. A. G. Bearer
Enoch, Father of the Oldest Man
( The Literary Service Bureau)
Text: And Enoch lived sixty and five
years, and begat Methuselah.—Gen.
Enoch was a father and he had a
son who perhaps always will hold the
world’s record for longevity. It is
recorded “And all the days of Methus
elah were nine hundred sixty and
nine years; and he died.”
It is reasonable to suppose that
for District Judge
C( Political Adv.) ==
Methuselah’s long tenure on the earth
was due to his inherited goodness and
his careful living, both of which would
naturally be creditable to his father,
the outstanding example and illustra
tion of a life of virtue and righteous
The righteous life of Enoch and the
wonderful longevity of Methuselah
suggest the value of good living and
its beneficient hereditary effects.
Omaha Guide Slogan Week, Nov. 5th.
"Tear the Mask from the Face—know
*he TRUTH!"
For Municipal Judge
If you want someore that is Honest,
Fair and Reliable.
If wanting a nice place to stop in
Lincoln, ca.l! or write, Mrs. W. R.
Colley, 1035 Rose phone, F 2046.
Gold Seal Creamery Co.
80th and Underwood Ave. HArney 5261 or Glendale 2929
Pasteurized Milk, Bntter, Sweet and Sour Cream, Whipping
Cream, Butter-Milk.
J. F. TAYLOR, Prop.
Jensen-EmersGn j WE.
Laundries (1029
' ' ? • •!*»:» • V ' '■ - •’ . HJ J-: •
ThriF-T- Service
SHIRTS 12c, when finished out of bundle
Do you know what you are taking for these complaint#!
A doctor’s prescription, scientifically prepared and founded ori a
phvsioian’e hospital research and pxpprienee in privatp practice.
If mu. cannot snrnlv von FOR A BOY TODAY
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New York City
Mail thic co"iwi with 5ft cents fSend no stamps!
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Addrew ... B.f.D. Bo* Ha...»«
Youthful Strength
Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, the world-known authority on Sexology
created"**101' °f thC Institute for 86X1121 Science of Berlin, Germany,
to help the millions of men and women who have lost or are losing
their vital physical power. In his 35 years of practice and research,
however, he realized that the weakening of man’s glands was also
responsible for other troubles: High blood pressure, hardening of
the arteries, physical exhaust.on after work or exercise, dizziness,
depression, neurasthenia, etc.
All these troubles can be removed with Titus-Pearls. Numerous
cases were treated by Dr. Hirschfeld in his Berlin Institute.
L. S. (State Official; €0 years old, married) complained of
physical exhaustion, dizziness and tremors. Was easily tired Mental
power dull and slow moving. Physical powers had been incomplete
for previous 5 years. Blood pressure too high. Given 2 Titus Pearls
3 times a day. 2 weeks later the medical report on this man was-_
general health better, more vigor; dizziness much less and returning
of power. Treatment continued and 2 weeks later L. S. reported
again, this time to say that all weariness and exhaustion had gone
he felt fresh and buoyant. His blood pressure had fallen and at 60
years of age fee had regained the physical power and virility that
he had known in the prime of his life.
Start regaining your youthfulness new! To-day! In 2 weeks
time you will be aware of the new, virile force within you. Send
$5.00 (cash registered or money-order) for 2 weeks treatment. C O. D
Orders accepted. Write for Booklet.
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