The Congressman’s F a mily By EDWARD LAWSON WHAT HAS HAPPENED: Sent out to Interview Representative Paul Lucas. Con gressman from Mississippi, I discover two persorgj working frantically over his dead body, removing It from an easy ehatr and placing it on a bed. One Is a man named Hutchinson, the dead man's butler, and the other a middle-aged, white-haired, fairly beautiful woman who described herself as the housekeeper. I call the police to handle the case and give the amazing story to my paper. Hutchinson tries to escape by leaping through the window while the police are on the way, but I hold him until they arrive. The two servants ascribe the Congress man's death to gn attack of heart disease, but the poliee doctor, after examination, declares that Lueas has been murdered by poisoning. NOW OO ON WITH THE STORY: CHAPTER II The doctor’s amazing declaration astounded u» all. Was i' true that Representati. e Paul Lucas, the tall, gaunt and handsome old Southern er, had not died from a heart at tack at all, but had been murdered A Laxative that costs only I $ or less a dose NEXT TIME you need medicine to act on the bowels, try Thed ford’s Black-Draught. It bringB quick relief and is priced within reach of all. Black-Draught is one of the least expensive laxa ,tives that you can find. A 25-cent package contains 25 or more doses. Black-Draught is made of ap proved laxative plants,' finely ground so you take the medicine ^nto your system just as naturally ns you get nourishment from the < food you eat. t Refreshing relief from constipa tion troubles for only a cent or less a dose—that's why thousands of men and women prefer Theft ford’s Black-Draught. in cold blood? We could hardly bring ourselves to be’ -'V.- it Who would have the slightest reason for harming this genial oW fellow who now rested peacefully upon his death bed? What motive could lay behind the dastardly perform ar ce? For several seconds no one moved and not a word was spokeh. We all stood there transfixed, watching the doctor as he concluded his brief examination. Finally ho looked up. “I am positive now,” he said, "that it was poison which caused the death «? this .in. However, I’d like to make other tests before signing the certifiaate of death. The congressman's stomach will have to be pumped and the contents tested If my diagnosis of poisoning is cor rect, we will find unmistakable cor roboration there.” I suddenly thought or my paper and the sensation that this story would cause. A congressman, a man who had risen to such promi n nee in the affairs of this country in so shor* a time, a man so hon ored and respected as Paul Lucas, murdered! I turned and rushed from the room into the hall. As fast as the r -write me u could take it, I poured out the ston- of Paul Lucas's death. This story, certainly, would make front pages all over the country! "I’m sending two men and a sob sist?r over to help you out,” Jimmie Stewart, my city editor, told me. “One’s bringing a camera and the other’s an expert on homicide cases. The woman is to get an inside story from this so-called housekeep er you’ve been yapping about. You stick with the dicks and call Li every fifteen minutes with the latest developments.” “O.K.,” I said, and hung up. I hurried back to the room in which the d • tectives had cor .re gated. There were half a dozen other reporters cluttering up the ^ J| F 0 R *** food IRK tf BLACK AND WHITE COLD CREAM is the richest, most nourishing food you can give your skin. This fine cream carries pre cious oils into the pores, banishes wrinkles and brings soft, smooth, youthful beauty to your complexion. Attractive women every where use Black and White Cold Cream every day and their reward is skin beauty that laughs at the passing years. Large jar Black and White Cold Cream 25c at your druggist. YOUR SKIN and Remove the Cause of ' Bumps, Blackheads, Bif Pores Black and White Cleansing Cream penetrates deep down into the pores to remove all dirt and impurities that cause bumps and other skin blemishes. It keeps the skin radiantly clear and beautiful. Large can Black and White Cleans ing Cream 2?c at your druggist. Black and White Peroxide Cream * protects your skin from darkening and coarsening from Wind and Weather. It contains just the right amount of peroxide to keep it light I and fair. Also an ideal powder base. Large jar Black and White Per* oxide Cream 25c at your druggist. * i *r^__ I discovered he was having a love affair with another woman, a widow scene now, but not one oT them had as much straight dope on the story as I >hd, I knew. ; ome only had a moment to take in the scene at a glance before hr trying out to telephone their papers. Others were bothering Inspector Paine for some comment on the sensational! case. I left the inspector : ion. and fol lowed another plainclothes man who was engaged in making a sys tematic search of the apartment for fingerprints or other tangible clues. The apartment was a large one, I discovered, taking up half of the tenth floor of the hotel. Toward the front were the Repre sentative's reception rooms, all nice ly tapestried and decorated with taste. In the rear were the servants’ quarters, Hutchinson occupying one room and the housekeeper another. Just ahead of these rooms was the congressman’s bedroom in which he now lay dead. A door led off from the bedroom into a tiny kitchenette, in which the housekeeper prepared the morn ing meal before serving it in the bedroom. Between the bedroom and the front reception rooms was the congressman's private office. It was here that the plainclothes man made his most intensive search. And his efforts did not go with out reward. For among the numer ous bills and memoranda on Paul Lucas’s desk he discovered a cryptic note, buried deep in a motley pile of miscellaneous papers. The note was undated and unsigned; it was typewritten very poorly, as though by someone unfamiliar with the machine. Handling the scrap of paper carefully, we read the note and puzzled over its meaning. It said: “Better stick to your high society ladies or you'll regret it.” “It looks like a threat of some kind,” I offered. “It might be,” the detective agreed. “This little note might prove of utmost significance in this case. And then again it may mean nothing at all.” “Are there an more like it?” "I haven’t found any. We'll look through these papers cm the desk, though.” I assisted him in wading through the stacked-up mess of paper on the congressman’s desk. “Isn’t it queer,” I observed, “how a man can be so neat and so clean person TRY THIS NEW, MODERN WAY OF RAZORLESS ' SHAVING Magic Shaving Powder simply mixed with water* spread on the face-—end washed off. Your beard is of quicker and closer than yen can shave with a razor. Magic Shaving Powder retards growth of hair; it Is antiseptic; clears skin of bumps and pimples; prevents ingrowing hair. Used By women for removing superfluous hair. 33c at drug stereo. Or, send 35c In stamps TODAY for big, fulI-.Ue can. Write Magic Shaving Powder Co., Dept. E, Savannah, Ca. . ally, and yet keep such a junky looking desk.” "It’s just a habit,” the detective said. “Everybody gets into bad habits of some sort, This seems! to be about the worst that Lucas had. He was a pretty decent sort of fellow.” All our searching failed to reveal another note of the type wi were searching for. We did not even know whether the one we had found was of any significance or not. We showed it to Inspector Paine, how ever, and he examined it care fully. “There's something behind that note,” he said thoughtfully. “Some body thought Representative Lucas was cheating on them. Either a man or a woman could have written that note, but whoever it was was pretty jealous of old Lucas. Find m: the person who wrote that and I’ll show you the person respons ible for the poisoning.” “Couldn’t the typewriter be traced?” I suggested. “We could try,” the inspector agreed. “But there’re about a mil lion typewriters in this city; it might be a tough job finding the one this was written on. And even i* we succeeded, what would that prove?” The plainclothes man suddenly snapped his fingers. “Wait n min ute,” he said He went into the congresman’s private office again. Two minutes later he emerged tri umphantly carrying another slip of paper. "Look!” he said. "The type’s the same. Whoever wrote that note to Lucas, wrote it on his own typewriter. And he must have been here, in this apartment, to have done it.” “That makes things a little easier,” the inspector sighed. “With that clue you’ve got there, we can go on with the investigation.” He turned to a police sergeant who had been in his attendance since he had entered the building. “Smith,” he said, “g' that woman—the housekeeper, and send her in here to me. She’s back '.i her own room, resting. There’re two privates guarding the door; tell ’em I sent you tot her.” “Yes, sir.” Sergeant Smith s heels clicked together and his hand touched the brim of his cap in salute. A moment later he returned with the middle-agjd,-white-haired lady in black on his arm. He helped her into a chair and stood L^hind her while the inspector paced the floor in deep thought. Finally he stopped r d faced the woman. “I want you to tell us just exactly what you know about this man’s death,” he said. “I want you to begin at the beginning—the time when you first met him—and come Try Lydia E. Ptnkbam’s Vegetable Compound She’s Up in the Air Again Those she ioves ... are first to suf fer when monthly pains shatter her nerves. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound would case that awful agony. OVER 80 YEARS OF EFFECTIVENESS In the yellow box. Atall drugstores. H. PLANTEN & SON, Inc. 93 Henry Street Brooklyn, N. y. AUTWrranHt /A \ for Ckl-ekea-tera DluMif/i\ || Brand Fill* in Bed and U.ld< O) jKoetallic bores, sealed with Blue \ *#, BaRibbon. Take DO ether. Bay V I Vf?n\VcUM A pi AMOJTIk s BBAM 11 FILLM, for 40 yearn knowa r as Best, Safst, Reliable. Bay Now I 1 SOLO ST 0RUGC1STS EYE&YWIIXI Make yours black, lustrous in 15 minutes this quick French way Of course men fall for the good looking women with lustrous black hair. 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