The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 05, 1932, Image 1

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November Sth
30.000 People Read The Only Paper of Its
The Omaha Guide Kind West of the
Every Week _ Missouri River
VOL. VI. Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, November 5, 1932. Number Thirty-Seven.—_
I Tune In • j
[be NEWS'
Every Week from tkls Column )
• • •
Next Tuesday (November 8th) the
Cirrus will be in town. It will be a
free for-all and the last day of the
races A1 those who have registered
for tickets will be able to attend the
Circus and speak their little piece.
Even transportation will be supplied,
if wanted.
• • •
The Circus will be good. It • is
bound to be. With so much advance
publicity everyone is familiar with
the trained animal acts. Elephants
that can roar like lions; purr like cats
jump, twist, bend and bow like season
ed acrobats. And Donkeys of every
description- With and without their
bray Some of them are gifted in
the art of pantomime and make-up,
until those wj.h poor eye-sight can
hardly distinguish the Elephant from
the Donkey, without their being lab.
eled. j *•!$]
• • •
And the Negro! Oh yes, he will
take a mighty important part at the
Circus. Vehicles, pushed by the strong
Elephants, or drawn by Donkeys in
tandem, will be at the Negro’s door
and he will ride to the Circus ring in
style. So much courtesy will be
shown him that to be diplomatic the
Negro will be seen kissing the Don
key while he is hugging the elephant.
Surely, as an actor, the Negro is un
• • •
Of course, there will be some sec
tions in the country, particularly in
tha south, where the climate is a little
torrid, where the Negro will pay but
little attention to the great Circus
Day, But. then, you can’t blame the
Negro if he thinks more of enjoying
life and the pursuit of happiness ra
ther than to attempt to attend the
Circus just for one performance and
run the chance of having some of the
wild animals, and some that are not
wild, just stubborn, jump their traces
and proceed to claw, beat, bruise and
perhaps kill a number of Negroes
just because they persisted in coming
to the Circu*.
• • •
But what of tho aftermath ? Al
ready I can see the Negro press blas
eaed with pictures and confessions,
“Why I Stuck By the Ship”, or "Why
I Deserted the Ship in a Storm”, all
depending upon whether the Ship ii
•seed—or sunk. And whether the
Elephant or the Donkey reign sup
reme we will learn, by reading th«
Nqgro press, that the Negroes mad*
it possible.
• • •
Whether the Elephant or the Don
key occupies the gilded stable and
the green pastures I’m afraid that ii
will make but little difference to th*
Negro, during the next four years,
for drought and famine are upon us
and blood >s thicker than water
eren in Elephants and Donkeys. May.
be on the fringe of the pastures w*
might be able to get a nibble her*
and there, but not enough to have ii
• • •
At any rate the Circus will be it
town Tuesday. By all means attend
it. Speak your piece; take your bow
and then exit for four years.
Vote School Board Candidates
Who Answered Letters
My Dear Candidate for the Board of Education:
We, the Omaha Guide’s Working Men’s Commis
sioners, are interested in securing our full pro-rata of em
ployment for our boys and girls, whom we send through
the schools. We are desirous of knowing your position on
our pro-rata of employment, from the school district of
We are 5*4% of the Omaha population. We pay
5l/2% of the taxes directly or indirectly, which goes to
pay the salaries of the Omaha Board of education, em
ployees. We feel that we are entitled to that 5%% which
will be entrusted to your stewardship, in th event that
you are elected on November 8th, as a member of the
Omaha Board of Education.
Since we have been refused our pro-rata of em
ployment for the past 30 years thereby losing in wages the
following sum to our group, $4,702,500. It would be no
more than fair, for the Board of Education to give our
group 11% of the employment for the next 30 years to
come. This would go a long ways in making our group a
better economical risk to the business world and the com
munity in which we live.
For your information we have carefully figured out
a tabulated sketch of the actual conditions, in regards,
to the present employment of the Board of Education.
We comprise 51/2% of the population. We pay
5*4 C of the taxes, directly or indirectly; cast 5^4% of
the ballots in the last annual election, therefore our full
pro-rata of employment should be 5^% 0 fthe employ
ment of the Board of Education, which would be 77 em
ployees. Our payroll annually should be $156,750. Doubl
ing this amount would make 154 employees, and the pay
roll would be $313,500. < -
Please let us hate your early reply on your position
in this matter, for publication in the Omaha Guide Paper
which goes to press, Tuesday, Nov. 1, 1932.
Very truly yours,
Working Men’s Commissioners
G. B. Lennox, President
The following are the figures according to record.
$4,702,500 $4,702,500 $4,702,500
Four million, seven hundred-two thousand, five
hundred dollars, wrongfully taken away from a group of
people, who can least afford to suffer such an injustice.
1,863 Hig School and College Graduates from our group
who are driven away from their native homes, because of
the failure of the Board of Education to give them a
chance to earn a part, as salaries, of the taxes paid into
our treasury by their parents.
Total 214,175 79,489 1400 $2,850,000 0rr 0%
Negro 11,847 4,520 0000 $0,000,000 0% 0%
Percent Sy2 5 y2 0 0 0 0
Pro-rata 5y2% 5y2% 77 $ 156,750 5y>% 514%
November 2, 1932 Omaha, Nebraska.
Ur. Ueorge tJ. Uennox,
1604 North 24th St.,
Omaha, Nebraska,
Dear Dr. Lennox:
I want to congratulate you on the
splendid work which you are doing for
the colored people of Omaha I trust
that your people really appreciate
what you are doing for them.
I was surprised to find out that the
colored people of Omaha paid nearly
6% of the taxes of the city and do
not have a single employee on the
payroll of the Omaha Public school
; system.
This in my opinion is very unfair
to this tax paying group. While I
would only be one member of a board
I of twelve, I want you to know that I
' am strongly in favor of having color
■ ed tax payers being represented on
our payroll.
After all Omaha is supported by its
tax payers and these tax payers are
made up of all races and creeds. I
favor giving work to these tax paying
groups in proportion to the percent
age of taxes they pay—and this
should apply to the school board pay
roll the same as it should apply to
any other department of our city gov
ernment supported by taxes.
I want to know that I am making
this statement because I believe in
fair play to everyone
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Bessie R. Saxton.
.NOV. 1932.
Omaha Guides’ Working
Men’s Commisioners,
Permit me to acknowledge receipt
of your letter, Oct. 27, setting forth
in detail the percentage of the color,
ed population in Omaha as compared
with the total population, likewise the
amount of wagas paid by the school
board and the taxes, both real per.
sonal paid by the colored people. I
will say to you these figures have
made a deep impression upon me and
if I am re-elected a member of the
Board of Education and can obtain
the coperation of a sufficient num
ber of associates on the board, I will
guarantee to you, that you receive the
recognition you are entitled to
Sincerely yours,
Alice A. Holtman.
October 29, 1932
Omaha Guide’s Working Men’s
2418-20 Grant St.,
In reply to your enquiry of the 27th
in regard to my policies if elected to
the Board of Education on Nov. 8th.
I am heartily in favor of the Col.
ored people of Omaha having their
full pro-rata of employment in the
Public Schools
I am well aware that quite a per
cent of the Colored People of Omaha
are tax payers, therefore they should
have their pro-rata.
As I stated at your meetings, if I ant
elected a member of the School Board
I assure you that I will be your friend
for the pro-rata of the Colored People.
I am an independent Candidate for
the Board of Education and am not
connected with any slate.
Respectfully yours,
James M. Hanley
November 1, 1932
To the Omaha Guide’s Working
Men’s Commissioners,
Dr. G. B Lennox, President,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
Your letter of October 27 received
inquiring as to my position on colored
teachers in the Omaha schools. I
wish to state I feel somewhat insulted,
for I thought every Negro in Omaha
knew my position in matters of this
kind. I have fought on the foreign
line with many of your people for thi*
very thing for twenty years. How
ever, you may inform those colored
cititens who do not know me, if there
be any, that if I am elected to the
Board of Education they can depend
on me being one who will be found
ighting for justice and right to all
nationalities, regardless of religion,
creed or color
Yours truly,
Sam E. Klaver
October 31, 1932
Hon. Dr. G BTLennox,
President Omaha Guide’s Working
Men’s Commissioners,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
Your letter received and I assure
you I appreciate the consideration and
attention you have given my candidacy
for a member of the School Board of
the City of Omaha.
In answer to all questions contained
in your letter, I beg to advise you that
if I am elected a member to the School
Board, I shall vote to give your peo
ple equitable and fair recognition and
Very truly yours,
Walter L Cropper
Omaha, Nebr., Oct. 29th, 1932
Dr. G. B. Lennox, Pres.
Omaha Guide’s Working Men’s
2418.20 Grant St.,
Omaha, Nebraska.
My Dear Sir:
Your letter addressed to me as a
candidate for the Board of Education
has been received, and concerning its
subject matter I can say this: You
know as well as I how difficult a
problem it would be to put your plan
in effect, however I have always been
very sympathetic toward your people,
and I am sure that certain ways and
means can be figured out to give you
at least a part of the plan you have
I wish to say that my family has
given employment for the past seven
years to two of your people, Mrs,
Morris Green was with us continuously
for five years, and her sister Mrs. Mol
lie Smith is in our household now and
has been continuously employed for
the past two years at good wages.
(You may call her any time in cor
roboration Wal. 2283 If elected, I
would favor any plan that could be
worked out satisfactorily, giving your
people as much employment as possi
Sincerely yours,
Joseph P. Cleland
October 31st, 1932
Dr. G. B. Lennox, Pies.,
Omaha Guide’s Working Men’s
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
Your communication relative to my
candidacy to the School Board( re
ceived. Wish to state that I feel your
race should have recognition by the
School Board and I promise, if elected,
that you will have a friend in me.
During my three years in the City
Hall, when Ed Smith was Mayor and
Dean Ringesr, Police Commissioner,
out of an average of thirty people
that I employed, the majority was of
your race. These people can attest
as to my treatment and I would say
that I have some very staunch friend*
and supporters among them.
Very respectfully,
Alfred E. Lindell
November 1, 1932
Dr. G. B. Lennox, Pres.,
Omaha Guide’s Working Men’s
2418 Grant Street,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
In reply to your letter of October
27th, wherein you outlined a table
showing the pro rata recognition that
you people have received in return
for your pro rata support as far aa
the board of education is concerned,
I note that the pro rata consideration
amounts to zero in comporison to your
representating as citizens and taxpay
Not being familiar with the meth
ods or policies used by the past mem
bers of the board of education, also
the present, which created the particu
lar existing condition, I know that if
election to the board of education
will be my good fortune I will do all
in my power to rectify the misdeeds
promulgated by the present members
as I am absolutely opposed to any
racial or religious discrimination.
I want you to know that I appre
ciate your writing me regarding this
situation and regardless of the out
come of this election I will be pleased
if you will be kind enough to supply
me with data pertaining to similar
conditions in other cities
Trusting ^ that the above will give
you the desired information, I remain
Yours very truly,
J. M. Roncka
October 30, 1932
Dr. G. B. Lennox,
Care of Omaha Guide,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Doctor:
Replying to your letter of the 27th
ins.t wish to advise that I am a can
didate for the Board of Education.
Provided I am elected to this Board,
will vote at their meetings for colored
people to be placed upon the Pay Roll.
Why shouldn’t a colored man or
woman be eligible? We have them as
teachers in other cities and they are
members of the postal service, Police
men, Firemen and et cetera in the
public service.
I was born and raised in Omaha
and served in the late war as a
“Trooper and Cannoneer”. I went to
school with Captain Edward Turner
and John Pollard. I know Mr. C.
Singleton Sr. for 25 years. Clarence
Mercer and Lieutenant Connie Wilson
and his highly respected father and
Provided you look over past elec
tions you will find that the Colored
people of Omaha, endorsed me for
County Treasurer at the Primaries in
I would sugigest you fight the pres
ent Kluxers on this board at the com
ing Election and get rid of at least
some of them anyway
This position as a member pays no
■alary but if you truly believe in the
advancment of the Colored people in
this city, kindly inform your interested
through your paper about my plat
form and record.
Thanking you for your letter of in
quiry, I remain,
Respectfully yours,
Thos. J. Cronin
2407 No. 45th Ave.
A group of Omaha college and High
School graduates met at Omaha
Guide’s W. M. Commissioners office,
Tuesday, Nov. 1, 7 P. M , for the pur
pose of calling out the entire popula
tion in defense of their rights on
Tuesday, November 8. There will be
meetings held each evening at 7 P. M.
at 2418-20 Grant St. the Omaha
Guide’s W M. C. office. All interest
ed parties are cordially invited to at
tend these meetings. Negroes must
fight as they never fought before on
Tuesday, Nov. 8, to elect the chosen
candidates on bur slate.
Charles W. Brvan
The Hon. Chas. W. Bryan, who is
candidate for re-election for Gov. of
this state, needs no introduction to
the Negroes of Douglas County. Not
one of your rights have been infring
ed upon while he was Chief Executive
of this great state. To the contrary
he has corrected to our knowledge
two errors made by Republican Gov
ernors in our behalf. One of his late
acts to our group was the endorse
ment of 3 of our own girls as clerks
in the Election Commissioner’s Of
fice. This is the fourth place he haa
broken the ice for our group. Take
no chances. You know what you have.
Gov. Bryan was the first man
in the United States to start the pro
gram of cutting the burden of tax
ation. His record stands like the pyr
amids of Egypt.
Prop, floss Drug Store.
Letter Questionnaire Submitted
to Presidential Candidates and
Their Answers
The following letter was sent to. Hoover, Curtis,
Roosevelt and Garner, Presidential and Vice Presidential
candidates of the United States, the letter and their an
swers are listed below:
Hon. Sir:
Just two questions, I would be pleased to have some
information, in regards thereto, by return mail.
What is your position as to adding a Secretary of
Education, to The Cabinet; with instructions to see that
evehy child, born in America, shall have a High School
Will You, if elected enforce the late decision of the
United States Supreme Court, in the Democratic Primary
Election, in the Southern State, in regards to the Negroes'
Right to participate in the same ?
Respectfully submitted by
OMAHA GUIDE Publishing Company, Inc.
--Acting Editor
October 29, 1932
C. C. Galloway, Acting Editor,
The Omaha Guide Publishing Company,
Omaha, Nebraska.
My dear Dr. Lennox:
Your letter of October 22nd, has been received and
I shall lay it before the President. He will appreciate
having your views and will, I know, wish me to thank you
for sending them to him.
Sincerely yours,
Theodore G. Joslin,
Secretary to the President.
October 24, 1932
C. C. Gallaway, Acting Editor,
The Omaha Guide Publishing Company,
Omaha, Nebraska.
My dear Mr. Gallaway:
Your wire addressed to Vice President Curtis has
been received during his absence from the city.
He is not expected back for several weeks but I as
sure you at that time the same will be brought to his at
Very truly yours,
L. M. Williams,
No Answer
No Answer
Miss Nannie H. Burroughs of
Washington, D. C., Nationally known
educator will be the principal speak
er at the Republican Rally at Dream
land Hall, Saturday, November 15th.
Unless we receive a written notice
from you when you make a change
of address, your paper will be discon
tinued until we receive 26c (twenty
five cents) which is the fee charged
us by the Postal Dept.
Votelfor Sak.rrv Klaver for School Board