The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 29, 1932, Image 1

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    - W v v-— — yj - yj - yj _____ yj --- . —
30.000 People Read The Only Paper of fe
The Omaha Guide Kind West of the
Every Week Missouri Rives B
\ OL. VI. Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, October 29,1932 Number Thirty-six
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j Tune In ■—1
\ Every Week from this Column (
Young Negro Writers
• • •
For the past year or two a great
deal of the mail that reaches me comee
from our embryo writers who are de
sirous of having their thoughts ap
pear in printed form—and on a com
mercial basis.
• • •
Unfortunately, a great many of
them are in the predicament and un
der the delusion that all they have to
do is to dash off some bit of verse or
prose, send it to a publisher one week
and the following week receive a
check that will pay their current room
rent or board bill.
• » *
All such correspondents, in writing
to me, are unanimous in the belief that
they possess a God-given gift that
some day will cause their name to be
heralded far and wide as one of the
literary geniuses of the Negro race.
• • •
I do not wish to be classed as a
pessimist nor do I desire to discourage
our young literary’ intellectuals but in
this release I do with to analyse, for
them, the obstacles that they must
surmount and the course they must
persue if they desire to attain suc
• * t
In the first place there are very few
NegTo publications that are financially
able to pay cash, at space rates, for
tha many manuscripts that reach
them, even from recognized race writ
ers. And in the second place those
that are financially able very seldom
purchase for cash the literary offer
ings of unknown writers. With one
blow then this statement crushes the
hopes of the many unknown writers
who expect to successfully commer
cialise their initial offerings.
• • •
If the young writer possesses the
required qualifications to prepare
original acceptable manuscripts for
the white publishers then their op
portunity for commercializing their
*<fort» can be attained but in so doing
taWv must entirely divorce themselves
from al racial ties, as far as their
manuscripts are concerned, for the
element of a young Negro writer car
ries no sentiment with white pub
• • •
Ob the other hand if the young Ne
gro writer is sincere in developing a
God-given literary gift his forte lies
In establishing himself as a contribu
tor to the N-^ro press and as these
contributor ire published an<^ be
come wide! ead the value of such
effort* will h come recognised b> the
• readers and discerning editors which
then will Create opportunities to a
chieve success on a commercial basis.
And to all these aspiring writers I
would suggest a continuance of their
studies, develop their writing ability
by frequently contributing to the Ne
gro prt.-s and bend their energies to
wards establishing a name for them
selves as a writer first and after this !
is done the commercial opportunities :
will follow automatically.
Democratic County Central Committee!
To Publish Speech by Harry Leland |
Mr. Harry Leland, president of the j
Nebraska Negro Democratic Head-;
quarters, addressed the Jeffersonian- I
Democratic Club in Council Bluffs,
Iowa, Monday night. The Chairman
of the County Central Committee was i
so impressed with Mr. Leland’s speech!
that he asked for a copy of same, and
promised to see that one would be
put into the hands of every Negro in
Judge Herbert Rhoades (or District Judge
The Omaha Guide is happy the way
our folks are responding and rallying
to the cause of Judge Herbert Rhoades
the man who made history for our
people by appointing the first colored
employe in the Juvenile Department
in his court, “I wish I could tell our
people in words the excellent and fair
treatment, I am receiving from Judge
Rhoades and if our people could only
see like I do the patience, kindness and
forebearing that J udge Rhoades shows
to us, I am sure that every colored
man and woman in Omaha, would
leave no stones unturned so that Judge
Rhoades would be re-elected by larg
est majority, he ever received,” states
Gertrude Lucas. “Their is a man that
is true blue, a man that every colored
person should know, his spirit, his
honesty, his ability, pervafls in his
court room at all times and I am cer
tainly happy to work with such a
man as Judge Rhoades,” continued
Miss Lucas when approaches by the
Guide Reporter. Judge Rhoades,
must be re-elected all the eyes of
Omaha are on us they want to see
how much we appreciate a man who
does big things for us.
“No Negro is A
True Democrat” says
Blancke Beatty
Behind Every Dark Cloud There’s a
Silver Lining; DePriest Is Credit
To Race.
Blanche Beatty, of Washington,
D. C., was the guest speaker at the
Big Republican Meeting at Dream
land Hall, Saturday night, Oct. 22.
Mrs. Lucille Edwards presided. Mrs.
Beatty a national Republican speaker
and an authority on the political situa
tion today says, “No Negro is really
& truly a Democrat.” With the rights
and privileges of the Negroes denied
by the Democratic party, no Negro
can be a Democrat. The welfare of
the World is at stake by the election
of a Democrat, the world would slip
back a hundred years. No man living
today has the experience of the World
problems as Herbert Hoover, says
Mrs. Beatty. Hoover was not the
cause of Depression. Depression be
gan across the seas and any president
would have found at the same situa
tion. But Hoover will bring us out of
this darkness. For there’s a Silver
lining behind every dark cloud. Con
gressman DePriest is a credit to the
12 million Negroes throughout the
United States. He sits quietly and
watches every move in the House and
when he takes the floor he commands
the highest respect from every mem
ber in the house. Many short talks
were given by Joe Resebloom, Att’y.
John Adams Jr., Dr. Andrew Single
ton, Mrs. Ida Levin and Mrs. David
O -- o
To all the newsboys who have sent j
in their applications for the Route De-!
livery please meet at the Guide office
“Group Meeting” Tuesday aftmoon
Nov. 1, at 4 P. M. Please bring one
of your parents or your guardian.
In the case of the State vs. Erskine
Speck Lillard who was sentenced to
10 years in penitentiary by Judge
Wright, was lowered 5 years on ap
peal to Supreme Court. It was in
correctly stated that the appeal was
from Judge Thomsen in Criminal
WalhaUa, S. C—(CNS)—“An hon
est confession is good for the soul’*,
says Landy Harris, white, of this city,
who with his pastor went to Sheriff
John Thomas of the Oconee County
jail last Sunday, and confessed to the
part which he played in the I/nehiag
of Allen Green in April, 1930.
Harris returned to the sheriff the
officer’s pistol whieh was snatched
from his hand on the night of the
lynching. He was one of a score of
persons who were tried and acquitted
in connection with the lynching of
Green, who had been arrested on a
charge of assaulting a white woman.
Harris will not be tried again, as
the constitution provides that no per
son will have to answer twice for the
same crime.
A very important meeting for both
the negro and the white youth of
Omaha will be held on Tuesday, No
vember the fourth at 1314 No. 20th
Street at 8 o’clock.
Everyone should hear Mary Himoff,
an excellent speaker of high standing
and a membr of th National Commit
tee of the Young Communist League,
explain why the youth should endorse
the Communist program in the coming
Approximately 50,000 young unem
ployed workers have had to leave
their homes because neither they nor
Women Capture
Miss Annie Bell Blair and Miss
Mary E. Sanders of 3230 Lawton
Blvd. and the gun with which they
caught a prowler who tried to enter
their home.
Miss Mary B. Sanders and Miss
Annie Belle Blair, both of 3230 Law
ton Blvd., captured a prowler in the
back yard of their home with a gun,
last Sunday morning.
At 2:50 A. M. Sunday, Miss San
ders told the police, she was awakened
from her sleep by a noise in the back
room of her home that sounded like
someone trying to break into the
house through the window. Her first
thought she said, was to get her gun
and protect herself. In the mean
time Miss Blair, who was in bed in
the adjoining room and through who’s
window the midnight Caller sought
to gain entrance to the house, had al
so awakened and had whispered
through the opened door to Miss San
ders, the approaching danger.
The men by this time had opened
the window and were just about to
enter the room when Miss Sanders
snapped the gun at the intruders.
The gun snapped three times, where
upon the robbers, sensing danger and
annoyed by the snapping of the pistol,
climbed back through the window. The
next pull at the trigger was a sure
fire and sent a bullet through the
opened window just missing one of
the men.
On going to the back window, Miss
Blair saw pne of the men scramble
over the fence. The other man was
found trembling under the back steps
of the house next door by Miss San
ders who ordered him out at the point
of a smoking gun. She then held the
gun on her frightened prisoner while
Miss Blair called for the police. Three
minutes later, the police, much to the
burglar’s delight, arrived and carried
him to the station.
On being searched at the police sta
tion, police found a one-fourth pound
stick of butter, a can of condensed
milk and some nails in the prisoner’s
pockets. He gave the name, John
Thomas and was charged with ma
licious tresspassing.
their parents could find work, as their
is no work to be had. They are now
roaming all over the country, aimless
ly—wondering why the terrible situa
tion exists. They are becoming com
pletely demoralizd, and are rapidly
drifting into crime and gangsterism.
Why do these conditions exist? Hear
this grave problem answered by Mary
With Mary Himoff will be Henry
Winston, a Young Communist League
member from Kansas City. He is a
negro, also a speaker, and he will
speak on behalf of the negro youth,
covering a phase otf the same topic as
Miss Himoff.
The meeting is open to the public,
free of charge, and adults as well as
youths are urged to attend. The
meeting is being held under the aus
pices of the Young Communist League
of Omaha.
Jury Supreme
Public Defender’s Office Proves Its
Danzy Porter, colored, 1215%
Pierce Street, was tried in the Dis
trict Court last week, being charged
with a criminal attack on a fourteen
year old white girl. Porter denied the
attack and with great odds against;
him, his attorneys were able to con
vince the jury, composed of twelve
white men, of his innocence. Danzy
Porter was represented by W. B. Bry
ant who felt it necessary to call on
the Public Defender’s office for assist
ance because of the fact that the com
plaining witness was white. Robert!
R. Troyer, Public Defender, immed
iately took hold of the case and as
signed his deputy, George C. Pardee,
to the actual trial of the case with
Mr. Bryant. Mr. Pardee who under
the personal direction of the Public
Slogan of the Omaha Guide
“Tear the Mask from Your Eyes
—Know the TRUTH!”
Defender, Robert R. Troyer, did an
excellent job in presenting Porter’s
case. The Omaha Guide is not a bit
sorry for the support it gave Mr.
Troyer before he was elected Public
The girl who claimed that she had
been attacked by Porter testified that
she was a friend of Porter’s children
and played with them; and that Por
ter inticed her into a room and then
attacked her. The story was shown
to be very questionable when it was
brought out that the girl’s sister and
Porter's wife and three children were
in the house at the same time.
Porter’s attorneys were able to show
and argue that undoubtedly the girl
had been attacked by someone else
and she blamed Porter and protected
the other party.
The acquittal of Porter should make
us love our government. It is proof
that when the Constitution says
“Equality Before the Law” that it
means what it says. We cannot help
but commend the jurors for their
fairness and care, and we also take
our hats off to the attorneys. The
Public Defender’s office under the
management of Robert R. Troyer has
surely justified itself.
The names of the jurors were:
Albert E. Dowling, Willard R. Spence,
Basil Turk, Gustav H. Hofmann, Peter
C. Mogensen, Ankur N. McGee,
George A. Voss, Gustaf H. Peterson,
Hyram C. Magnusson, Clarence G.
Carter, Joeph A. Rogers> and Sam
6*30 E. 28th Street,
Portland, Ore.
October 11, 1932.
Editor and Staff, Omaha Guide,
24th and Grant Sts.,
Omaha, Neb.
Friends and Co-workers:
Accept my grateful thanks for your
courtesies and promptness in sending
me publications of The Guide, as they
are surely missed by anyone who is
accustomed to reading them.
Have a very newsy publication here,
The Advocate, it isn’t in a class with
The Guide of course.
My best wishes to you for a contin
ued success is as follows:—-I have
watched you move to more accessible
locations as you progressed, but to me
you have only two addresses, one al
most in the heart of the City, the other
In the heart of the people. You have
grown, not away from the people, but
with them. May your big aspirations
serve to preserve and promote that
priceless public confidence which Oma
ha has in you and that the principles
and policies used to build your first
little plant, serve as vital factors and
stepping stones in the elevation of a
“Greater Omaha.”
Mary Duncan.
Brookhaven, Miss. — (CNS)—The
failure of so many banks alarmed Liz
zie Stewart and her husband so they
decided not to keep their savings in
the bank. As a result their savings,
$500, are gone, and Lizzie is in the
hospital, perhaps fatally injured with
a bullet wound.
Two colored men who had learned
that the woman’s husband was re
ceiving a pension and hoarding the
funds about his house demanded the
money from her. She refused to tell
tell them where the money was hidden
until they inflicted the bullet wound.
The money was kept on her husband’s
person, and the men proceeded to re
lieve him of it. Both of the robbers
were captured by the police.
Nov. 5, will be OMAHA GUIDE
Slogan week. Join us by adding
your name to the subscribers list on
our 5c week plan. You can become a
subscriber to the OMAHA GUIDE by
calling We. 1750 and giving your
name and address or give to the rep
resentatives who call to your home.
We will deliver your paper to your
home every Saturday morning, start
ing Nov. 5th on the 6c week plan.
Get your name in before that time.
Send in all your news, we want news
while it is news. When you become
a subscriber to the OMAHA GUIDE
you give another girl and boy a job.
Over 300 people attended the gay
est event of the season. A bit inter
racial, in other words it gave Oma
hans a conception of what Harlem
Night life was like. Boys, Girls they
all seemed to like it. The Spirit of
Baccus spreaded her cheerful hand
over some tables and made the feast
like promenade. Gayer still Samson
Brown’s Show earned the cheers of a
few, but when the Old Kid took the
floor himself, every body applauded
him. Brown is a hard man to beat
when it comes to foot slapping.
Miss Calloway is a little lady very
'attractive that takes a great interest
in her work, smiles as she waves her
baton about the invisible scale. She
tells me that she is not a sister of the
famous Cab Calloway. The remainder
of the organization as seated are:
Pucket Owsley Morris in the saxo
phone section, Clark Lewis and Burns
play the trumpets, and Dozier pushes
the trombone into different notes. Mr.
Craddock strums the banjo, Williams
toots the big Oom-pah horn. John
son the drums, Allen the piano,
Daughty the big base cio. On the
entertainment committee Drew Har
rold and H. O. Sulley acted as Master
of Ceremonies. Bob Fulton played
the piano and Honorable Samson
Brown the drums. Eight girls formed
the Revue. The Rooney Sisters, Mil
dred Harrington, Tyler Sisters and
Muriel Rafferty. Thelma Watts, Cab
aret entertainer did her bit also in
making merry the occasion.
Jackson, Miss. — (CNS)—There itf
in the Mississippi State penitentiary
today a 90 year old colored man who
though offered pardons continually
has steadfastly refused to accept. Tho
man gives as his reason for refusing
a pardon, that the prison is his home.
This incident recalls to mind the case
of Jesse Pomeroy, white, who died in
the Massachusetts penitentiary after
56 years of life behind the bars.
Pomeroy was sentenced for a vicioea
murder while still a youth and though
to all appearances he had reformed
officials were afraid to loose upon so
ciety a man whom they knew had a
cruel streak in his being. So to Pome
roy the became a home as it has for
the 90 year-old colored man who sits
behind the cold gray walls of the
Mississippi penal institution.
J. Finley Wilsonj Nationally known
Exalted Ruler of the Elks Lodge was
the guest Republican Speaker at
Dreamland Hall, Wednesday evening,
Oct. 26. The next speaker will be
Nannie Burroughs, Nov. 6.
-Is Your PAPER
»» Judge Rhoades Deserves Our Support««