The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 22, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 _ _Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, October 22, 1932_
I can assure you out of my own full Life
That ail of Life is good,
That Friends are travelling toward us.
Even as we toward them.
That deprivation and witheld desires.
All serve their purpose,
Leaving one who is not weak, but resolute to
Fight. Stronger for the Fray. ,
That though our human hearts. Aye, and Bodies too,
May err. may stumble, even fall,
Forgiven*- * may be ours, and we go on.
Wearing the scars, be sura. „
But climbing higher than we otherwise had done.
Mrs. Fred McDaniels 2620 Bristol,
returned last week from an extended
vacation at the home of her father in
Kansas. Mr. McDaniel joined Mrs.
McDaniel at Kansas City where they
were extended many social courtesies.
On October 13, 1932, Mr. Jack Far
mer and Miss Pearl Wright were
united in Holy Wedlock at the home
of the bride's mother, Mrs. Wright,
2406 N. 21st St. A large number of
friends present. Rev. A. Wagner,
pastor J. D. Peoples Church, joined
them in marriage. A shower by 100
people on Saturday night, brought
them useful presents.
A Birthday Party was given in hon
or of Miss Lillian Westbrook, Satur
day. Oct. 18. 1932 at the residence of
her parents, Mrs. Mattie Westbrook,
2315 N. 28th Ave. Covers were laid
for 16 and Halloween decorations were
used. The evening was spent playing
cards and dancing. M. Evans Lamp
kin was at the piano. She received
many beautiful presents. The guests
present were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Brook
cr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Leonard, Mr. O,
Johnson. Mrs. A. Clayter, Mrs. L.
Wilson, Mrs. D. Cage, Mrs. J. Sims,
Mr. E. Oliver, Miss Alice Crum, Miss
Theresa Liverpool, Miss Gladys Bor
ders, Mr. E. Lampkin.
Hot Recording Orchestra in town TO
DAY. A big Private TheateY Party is
being arranged for JEAN’S Enter
tainment. EVERY BODY is going.
WHERE???? To the Dreamland
Hall. Monday, October 24th, 1932.
SAM BROWN and His 8 Tap Dancing
Girl's Revue, will put on a dance that
won’t let you behave. The Committee
on Reservation*, has reported 600
reservations made. You’ll have to
hurry. Just a few left, for the City
Ordinance will not permit an over
crowded Dance Hall. Call We. 5020.
After 5 P. M. call We. 0790.
Mr. and Mrs. Bates 2752 Lake St.
had Mrs. Anna Burkhardt of Lincoln,
as their dinner guest on Sunday and
entertained at a luncheon for Elder
Washington at Kansas City.
Mr. Ratph Metcalfe of Marquette
University, world champion sprinter,
was entertained by Miss June Artison
at a dinner party. Saturday at 5:00
II l
Hu an Excellent Record and
Should Be Re-Elected.
o'clock. The guests included Mr.
Louis Artison, Jr., Miss Albertine
Johnson, Mr. Gerald Phillips, Miss
Lorraine Fletcher, and little Miss
Ruby Artison. In the evening a re
ception was given in honor of Mr.
Metcalfe at the Artison home, at
which about 125 of the college and
high school groups were present. Mr.
Metcalfe reported a very enjoyable
time during his stop'in our city.
Mrs. M. E. Clark of Ft. Huachucha
Arizona and Sgt. M. E. Clark, Hdqts.
Det. Troop 7th Corps Area, Fort
Omaha, were the guess of Ruth H.
Lewis, Sunday. Sgt. Clark is in
charge of the Detachment of 20,
Tenth Cavalrymen, stationed at Fort
Omaha. Sgt. and Mrs. Clark are
making their home at the Walker
Apts. 1627 North 22nd.
Sgt. Kelley 9th Cavalry Band of
Cpl. Cullen, Hdqts. Det. Trp. 7th
Corps Area Ft. Omaha, were visitors
at the home of Ruth H. Lewis, 2511
Lake St., Sunday.
Mrs. Addie Black of Oklahoma City
Okla., was a caller at the Omaha
Guide offices, 2418-20 Grant Streets,
Mrs. Eva Lawson 2509 North 26th
St., was a visitor in Lincoln, Sunday.
The American Legion Auxiliary
Roosevelt Post No. 1, met at the
home of Mrs. Venus Starnes, 2415
Caldwell. Mrs. John Fields, Presi
dent presided. It was decided to have
the election of officers the first Tues
day in October. After the regular
business a social hour followed.
Mrs P. W. White 2115 Grant St.,
who has been ill at her home for over
a year was a visitor at the GUIDE
OFFICE Friday morning. Mrs. White
has been a subscriber of the Omaha
Guide for years, but did not know the
plant was so complete. Mrs. White,
also wondered why to the Managing
Editor “With all this machinery he
has he can't get the paper out on
time.” The many friends of Mrs.
White are happy to see her out again.
Mrs. Anna Burkhardt of Lincoln,
Nebraska, and Nationally known ar
tist was selected by the Historical De
partment of the State of Nebraska
University to retouch the picture of
General Gillispie, a painting that
hangs on the 8th floor in the new State
Capitol. Prof. Sheldon is the super
visor of this department and State
Historian. Mrs. Burkhardt has re
ceived many such recognitions, but it
may be of interest to the lovers of
Art and her many friends, such a dis
tinctive piece of work given to one of
our group by her own state. Mrs.
Burkhardt is the wife of Rev. 0. J.
Burkhardt pastor of Christ Temple
Church of Omaha.
“Colored Old Folks Home”
The House Committee, Entertain
ment Committee and the Investiga
j ting Committee, together with mem
bers of the old folks home, are giving
an autumn tea at the home of Mrs.
Martha Smith, 22nd and Ohio Sts.,
Oct. 27. Mrs. Alice Smith is Chair
man of this Tea, which is being given
for the purpose of raising money to
purchase a new furnace for the “Old
Folks Home” which is very badly in
'need of a furnace.
A bag of flour is to be given the
person holding the lucky number.
Don’t forget the date, October 27th,
at the home of Mrs. Martha Smith.
Mrs Martha Smith, President
Mrs. Marie Stuart, Reporter
Miss Doris Novel concert pianist
was guest of Mr. and Mrs. William
Perkins, 2909 N. 25th St.
Mr. Henry Spann, Church Worker
of Lincoln, spent Sunday in Omaha
and worshipped at Christ Temple
i Church.
Mrs. Anna Burkhardt of Lincoln,
wife of Rev. 0. J. Burkhardt, was a
week-end guest of her husband and
\ friends.
New Age of Simplicity Makes Living
Easier and Finer Than Ever Before
*£> _ /mu
V, , ... ' ■ .. —." .
Carole Lombard (left) and Sari Maritza. Paramount Featured Players.
We are in a new age of simplicity
anj it maites living easier ana more
pleasant for everyone who learns n •*
to let the most out of it It is a period
that means most of all to the women
Not in many years have fahrics ana
garments oeen so attractive so simple
ana oest of all so easily cared for
The dress in which Sari Marilza
Paramount featured player poses nere
typifies this new era of dress sim
plicity And note how simply and yet
how effectively. Carole Lombard Para
mount star in "Sinners in the Sun ." is
corU'med See the high collar ol white
fai”e the epaulets the black cord ocn
and the tine pleats ot the skirt in ner
sht.3r wool costume Striking, isn't she'
Costumes such as these worn wirh
I such grace Dv the two film lavoritei.
are not beyond the reach of any taste
; ful dresser and better yet. they pre
I sent no problems of care for the aver
age housewife
'Owning a variety of pretty clothes
and keeping them spic-and-span is no
problem to her." says the American
Washing Machine Manufacturers as
j soclatlon 'She can swish dresses clean
economically ana almost instantly in
her washing machine and have them
ready for wear again with a brief easy
pressing rhanks to the convenience
of the electrical washer which 8.800.000
women already are using, and to the
example of fashions as pretty as these.
American women enjoy the most at
tractive styles in the world “
Mr H. L. Anderson and family,
2914 Lake St., motored to Sioux City,
Iowa, Saturday, to be the week-end
guests of the C. E. Stubblefield fam
ily. Mr. Anderson addressed the Re
publican Political Club of that city,
on Saturday night.
Mrs. Alma Sessions Bridge Hostess
Mrs. Alma Sessions 2529 Binney St.
entertained at Bridge Tuesday after
noon. The guest list included Mrs.
Zerma Freeman, Mrs. Doris Shobe,
Mrs. Metra Williams, and Mrs. Bea
trice Ellington. A delightful lunch
eon was served by the hostess.
Mr. C. C. Galloway, managing edi-:
tor of the OMAHA GUIDE, was given
a surprise by the office employees on
his -th birthday, Saturday, Octo
ber 15. A huge basket of fruit was
presented and cards wishing him many
more happy birthdays.
The “Carter Charity Club”
I stood beside a lake of crystal water
And saw the clouds reflected from
the sky;
I could not tell the real from the re.
So perfect was the image to the eye.
And may we thus reflect God’s gra
cious goodness;
So live, and move with him, in being
s one,
That every man who walks in this
Shall fully image forth the perfect
The “Carter Charity Club” met at
tke YWCA, October 13, with Mrs.
Lizzie Buford, Hazel Waldron, Marie
Lecoq and Miss Jennie Heironymous
as hostesses. This meeting was large
ly attended by members, with the fol
lowing visitors present, Mr. and Mrs.
Turner and sister in law Mrs. Turner
of Council Bluffs. After the business
session, plans were laid to fill the
Thanksgiving baskets, a get together
meeting will be held Thursday night,
Oct. 20th at the home of Mrs. Ardenia
Watson to complete plans for baskets.
A splendid report of her visit east,
was given the club members by our
president, Mrs. Ardenia Watson,
2718 N. 28th ave. While in Chicago
she stopped at the “Woman’s Rest”
4509 Prairie Ave., which is owned
and operated by Mrs. Ezella Mathes
Carter, who is president of the Co
operative Industrial and Benevolent
Association” of which the Carter Club
of this City is a branch. The Wo
man’s Rest, s a center where women
may stop at very reasonable rates,
and find comfort and good cheer, to
gether wth all the protection needed
in a large city. Mrs. Watson, returned
to the City this week after spending
part of her vacation in Danville, 111.,
visiting with her two sisters, Mrs.
May McN'eal and Miss Elizabeth Sam
ple, missionary field workers. Dan
ville also has a charity club, known as
the “Colored Woman’s Club” which
was founded by Mrs. Anna Carter.
Mrs. Annie Robinson is president of
this club, with Mrs. Minnie Lee, sec
retary. After the hostesses served
and a social hour, the club adjourned
to meet the first Thursday in Novem
ber with Mrs. Bailey, Stevenson, Clark
and Livingston as hostesses. Mrs.
Ardenia Watson, president. Mrs.
Marie Stuart, reporter.
Miss Viviane Johnson entertained
the Happy Moment Club on the night
of Oct. 6 at 2010 Lake Street. Many
visitors were present and final ar
rangements were made for the Kid
Party. A lovely repast was served.
The Happy Moment Club Kid Party |
was a grand success, given at the
residence of Mrs. Ida Johnson and
Mrs. Mattie Bates. Over 50 guests
were present and all the Kids were
loveable and sweet.
Mrs. Lola Richardson entertained
the Happy Moment Club Thursday
evening, Oct. 13. A good time was
had by all. In the absence of the
President Viviane Johnson, Loraine G.
Shoemaker presided.
One of the most unique and largely
attended affairs of the season was
the first annual reception of the newly
organized Just Wee Club, at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vann,
2403 N. 22 St., on last Thursday,
Oct. 13. The Vann residence made a
perfect setting for such an occasion
with its soft lights and gorgeous
furnishings. Fully two hundred per
sons attended this brilliant affair
which was enjoyed by all. The ladies
were very chic in their simple yet
beautiful gowns. Madames Viola
Turner, Allie Jones and Ida Artison.
the president, were in the receiving
line; Mesdames Jessie Vann and Bes.
■ie Kirby presided over the punch
bowl; Mrs. Dora Alexander was reg
istrar; the Social Committee consist
ed of Mesdames Amy Anderson, Hat- j
0 -O.
Our friend Judge Herbert Rhoades
is making a whirl wind campaign n
the last days of the election. People
from all corners of his judicial district
are rallying to his cause and rightly
so for Judge Rhoades knows no race,
color, or creed to him every one Is
equal and entitled to justice and re
ceives it. Miss Gertrude Lucas who
is now serving as the first colored
juvenile worker,in the state of Ne
braska ((thanks to Judge Rhoades)
says: “It is a privilege and a pleasure |
to work for a man like Judge Rhoades
and I am certainly happy with my |
work”. Miss Lucas continued, “When
I first went to work in the juvenile
department I was amazed at the per.
sonal attention that Judge Rhoades
gave every case that the workers in
the department investigated, he seems
to be a man that never tires many
times working straight through and
not even stopping for lunch with pa
tience and qualifications befitting a
judge.” I know that election day we
will all stand shoulder to shoulder
with Judge Rhoades.
tie Brown, Corrine Jones, Vassie
Herrald and Edith Todd. Introduc
tions were made by Mrs. Susie Lillard.
Long Life to the Just Wee Club.
The Rainbow Circle Club was enter
tained Friday at 1421% N. 24th St.
by Harrison Brown. Prizes in Pro
gressive Whist were won by Ada Bur
ton, Margarette Brown , Harrison
Brown and Elridge Cooper. Visitors
are always welcome. Joe Williams,
president. Ruby Redmond, secretary.
Ada Burton, reporter.
The Green Pastures Club met at
the home of Mr. C. William, 2514
Hamilton, Oct. 13. Election of offic
ere as follows: Mrs. Bessie Davis,
Pres. Mrs. 0. Maepain, Vice Pres.
Sec. Mrs. Juanita Polk, Treas.—Mrs.
Lula Washington. Chaplain, C. Wil
liams. Supervisor, J. Austin. The
next meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. Davidson, 2514 Hamilton St.,
October 27th.
Met at the home of Miss Cathrine
Wheat, 1844 N. 22nd St. and have de
cided on having a Pre-Halloween
Party, Oct. 29. Presentation of invi
tations will start Monday. The next
meeting of the club will be at the
home of Miss Mildred Higdon, 2425
Patrick, Tuesday, Oct. 25th, at four
o’clock. Miss Elizabeth Hunter, pres.
Miss Cathrine Wheat, sec. Mrs.
Beatrice Gray, sup. Miss Mildrgd
Higdon, rep.
Met with Mrs. Brownlow, 2810
Ohio St., Oct. 7. The Club laid plans
to start their annual charity work,
and all were anxious to do their bit.
Mrs. Henry Hobson is back with the
club after an extended tour South.
She will tell of her travel at the next
meeting. Mrs. Brownlow’s home is
always a scene of real jollification.
After a real feast the club surveyed
the really beautiful yard. There is
no mistaking this is THE JOLLY
l'WELVE. Mrs. Geo. Harris, rep.
Mrs. Chas. Morris, pres.
Three very interesting talks were
made at the Women’s Political Forum
ruesday evening at the Y. W. C. A. by
Mr. Olga Webster, Republican, Mary
Ellen, Socialist, and Att’y. Edith
Beckman, Democrat. Miss Dorcas
rones, contralto was the soloist. Mrs.
Iohn Albert Williams presided and
Etae Lee Jones led the group singing. |
If wanting a nice place to stop in
Lincoln, call or write, Mrs. W. R.
Colley, 1035 Rose phone, F 2046.
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All these troubles can be removed with Titus-Pearls. Numerous
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L. S. (State Official; 60 years old, married) complained of
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Start regaining your youthfulness now! To-day' In 2 weeks
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