The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 22, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, October 22, 1932 page s _
28th and Hamilton Sts.
Ret. Ja*. H DoUea. Pastor
Service! were well attended at Pil
grim last Sunday as usual a good
number «u present for Sunday
School, aad on time Booker T. Got.
don. Supt. In the mcrr-.r.g tne pastor
preached from the subject “The Lovt
Son** this Luke 18:17, this passage as
shown by the pastor was to those who
claim son-ship with the father, and
not to the unconverted
At three o’clock the house was full
for the Calendar Pew Rally. Twelve
pews represented the months with
their respective leaders. Mrs. V.
Jones spoke on “Inter Church Coop
eration “ Mr Web G, Haynes spoke
on “Financing the Kingdom." Rev.
F. S. Goodlet pastor of Salem made
the closing remarks and his choir ren
dered good musk, they were present
in large numbers with Mrs Geraldine
Steward as organist. Mr. Shackel
ford sang a solo and several selections
were rendered by the Ladies trio and
the Harm meets respectively, of Pil
grim The ram of 882.00 was realized
with Apnl pew leading. Leaders Mrs.
Dotson and M ss Dora Williams. 2nd.
May pew. leaders Mrs. C. Dacus and
V. Jowers. Sept pew, Mendames Pearl
aad E Goode. Oct. pew, C. Robinson
and L. Wynn, Nov. pew. Mrs. Pharr.
Dec pew, Mesdsmes Norreli and Mat
tie Smith. Jan. pew, Mrs Nicobon
and J. Kerns. Mrs. and James
H. Dotson was :a charge, and is due
much credit for this unique affair.
Ja B Y. P. L\ Group No 3 had
-charge of the program. This was an
all beys program and it was worth
while. Mr J Harvey Kerns, leader.
In the evening the pastor again
filled the pulpit using as a subject
•"Get your oil at the right station."
We appreciate the visitors and
friends who worshipped with us yes
terday There is always a message
awaiting you at Pilgrim, and you will
find a cordial welcome.
2lth and Ohio Su.
Rev. F. P. I«ms. Pastor
Tbo». Baltimore, Clerk
Sunday marked another step in the
progress a! the church, each service
■ras attended by a large and enthus
iastic and-cnee Sunday School at
9:30. Supt. and teachers were on the
with a message for the pupils. In
terest in this department is increas
ing weekly. B. Y P, U, at 6:30, This
.department is crowded each Sunday. |
The Willing Workers led the Union
to victory, also they and Old Reliable
sjircap were responsible for two suc
casafnl entertainment* last week. Pas
tor Jones preached two inspiring ser
mon*. at 11:00 A M„ subject "The
Necessity Means, and Test of Con
version. 8:00 P. M , “The Sad Ending
of a Promising Life". Visitors from
cut of town, and in the city worshiped
■nth as throughout the day. The
members are looking forward to the
Annual Homecoming Jubilee Festival
and Weight drive, which is to be held
on the 5th Sunday. Oct. 30. Don’t fail
to see the pageant “Who is Who to the
Wedding Feast" Thursday. Oct. 27th.
Omaha All Nations Pentecostal
Char eh. 2302 Grace St.
J. H Greenfield. Pastor
The Church has bought an 8 room
house and lot at 23rd and Grace Sts
and has moved from 24th and Parker
into their own property. The lower
floor will be used for Church servic
es. The upper floor for Saints home
and the work for the needy The
Church has been organized but one
year, and the Lord has blessed in s
mighty way. This property was
bought icr 31.000. Mr Hiram R.
Greenfield voluntarily loaned the
Church the down payment of 350
Several of the Pastors’ white friends
jiave donated helpfulness Money, j
coal and moved ail church furniture
fne The Saints are loyally getting
jthe build r.g in order. Services start
ed last Thursday in our New home.
All service* are now being held reg
ular: Sunday 11 a. m. Sunday school
1:30 p. m. 3 o’clock meeing. 8 p. m.
preaching. Tuesday ngihts prayer
meeting. Thursday 2 o'clock tarry
ing meetings. 8 p. ra. Mission Band,
2 o’clock started Revival Services for
savmg souls on Sunday. Any friend
who wishes to make any contribution
money, clothing, food or household
furniture, will be gladly received. At
tend our meetings. Preaching every
night except Saturday, during the Re
vival the next 2 weeks until Nov. 1.
Salem Baptist Church,
22nd and Seward Sts.
Rev. F. S. Goodlett. Acting Pastor
Mr. W*. Cooper, Reporter.
Omaha was blessed with ideal
summer weather Sunday and in turn
the Church attendance was increased
to some extent, especially at Salem—
All departments were well represent
ed. the 11 a. m. service was good
Rev. Goodlett is a powerful minister
and besides a clean and honest mar.
Subject “Christ Jesus the Great
Teacher”—St. John 7:46. 8 p. m. sub
ject “Seeing Jesus”—St. John 12-21.
Ali present rejc^ed. You are al
ways welcome at Salem. Good music
by the choir and lively services by
the departments. The BYPU. being
the feature attraction. Don’t forget
the Prayer Services every Wednesday,
- 9, 22nd and Seward.
Zion Baptist Church.
2215 Grant St.,
Rev. C. C. Harper, Pastor,
Rev, J. R. Young, Ass’t.,
Irving Greene, Reporter.
Sunday Shool 9:30 a. m., H. L.
Anderson. Supt.
Rev. C. C. Harper opened the 10
iay Revival Services at the morning
service* with the powerful subject,
“Have you forgotten Your Coven
ant?' Hymnals were rendered hy
the Imperial Choir, A. L. Scott, Pres.
A. Preacher. Sec. BYPU. will be con
icted by Group Number 4. Mrs.
Mathews, captain in charge. M. Lan
i rum. Pres. Mrs. Cora Brown. Sec’y.
Rev. C. C. Harper brought added m
-t.ration to the meeting at the night
service which will continue every
r.ght until November 6. everybody is
welcome to this grand Revival. Vis
ors for the day were Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Breckenridge of White Cloud,
Kansas. Mrs. J. D. Crawford of O
maha. Nebraska. Style Review and
Musical under the auspices of the Im
perial Choir and the Usher Board.
N vember 24, 1932 at Zion Baptist
First Sunday. October 23, at 3 p.
m. Service for Men only. Subject,
The Men who Missed the Trail.”
Christ Temple,
26th and Burdette Sts.,
O. J. Burckhardt. Pastor.
Verda Gordon, Reporter.
Sunday was one of those record
breakers with us. we had three serv
ices and all three were well attended.
Elder Washington brought us a
great message at both the morning
and evening service, all who heard
him was highly elated over the great
truths he unfolded. Our hearts were
truly made to rejoice. EldeT Washi
ngton is truly a great preacher. El
der Goodwin brought us a message
at three p. m. that was rich in
thought and sound in reasoning. We
are expecting a great day Sunday.
Hear our choir. You are always wel
come at Christ Temple.
Elder T. W. Stevenson. Pastor
Sunday School was opened at 9:30
by Supt. Vealand. Teacher Hughes
reviewed the classes 15 minutes. 11
A. M. Devotional by Deacon Scoiley.
Scripture Reading. Preacher Whitlow.
16th chapter St. John, 12 verses.
Pastor Stevenson preached at 11:30.
He belongs to the Congress Econ
omy Block. He is against ‘ govern
ment in business'. He voted for
the Reconstruction Finance Corpor
ation to protect the jobs of thous
ands of Omaha Railroad employes.
Ba hinge represents this district
better than any other candidate
could represent it
Plan Festival
o - o
Hillside Presbyterian Plans Harvest
The Annual Harvest Festival Ser
vice held at Hillside Presbyterian
Church for the past 3 years, since the
coming of the present Pastor, Rev. J.
S. Williams, is to be held on Sunday,
Oct. 30th. at 11 o’clock A. M. 3 o’clock
in the afternoon and 8 o’clock P. M.
The Church will be decorated with
cornstalks, birds, autumn leaves,
palms and flowers. Mrs. Hattie Holmes
and Mrs. Helen Hicks are in charge
of the decoration, cooperating with
Eider N. Jenkins. At 11 o’clock A. M.
the Pastor will preach the Harvest
Sermon and the Vested Choir will sing
the anthem “The Earth Is The Lord’s”
an anthem brought from the West
Indies by the Pastor on his trip this
summer. In the afternoon at 3 o’clock
there will be one of the Grandest
Musical Programs of the Season.
Mrs. George Vodica Dramatic So
prano, from the New York School of
Music, will be the feature soloist. At
that same hour Rev. Dr. Charles Her
ron, D. D„ LLD., Ph D. will speak on
his trip to Europe this summer. In
the evening at 8 o'clock, the Pastor
will speak again, and the choir will
sing “Savor When Night Involves the
Sky” by Shelley. Do not miss these
services, they are for YOU. Do not
forget the monthly musicals at Hill
side. In November the guest Artists
will be the Choir from the First Pres
byterian Church, Wahoo. Nebr., And
in December the Community Chorus”
will sing the “Messiah” by Handel.
There will be no admission at these
Subject: “Be not deceived” Gal. 6:7.
Choir sang some beautiful selections.
Pres. Mrs. McGuire. Preacher and
Deacon institutions was very success
fully organized last Sunday. For all
ministers of the City. B. Y. P.
U. at 6 P. M. Tuesday night Deacon
Board met. Wednesday, Prayer Ser
vice. 19c Dinner Sunday tinder the
auspices of Church very successful.
Pastor filled pulpit Sunday evening,
subject “Speaking to Jesus”, Mark
15:14. Our Pastor delivered such won
derful services Sunday. Rev. Steven
son will leave Wednesday for South.
The members hope Pastor will have a
nice trip. Preachers Union, Whitlow
will fill pulpit while Pastor is away.
T. W. Stevenson. Pastor; Mrs. King.
Clerk; Mrs. L. Keys, Reporter.
The St, John’s Booster Club met
with Mrs. Rachel Woods, the vice
president as hostessi at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. Houston. About 10
members were present and the meet
ing was very interesting. This being
the end of the Conference year, the
club is planning many activities in
order that it may start the new Con
ference year with a hum. Our Myst
ery Ride on the 26th is the 1st of a
*eries of affairs. Others will be
mentioned later. Our hostess served
a very appetizing lunch and the club
adjourned to meet with Miss Cum a
Watson at its next regular meeting.
M. E. Webb, reporter.
About 300 persons crowded in the
Pilgrim Baptist Church, Monday even
ing Oct. 17, to see “Scraps”, presented
by the L rban League Players. A 3
act drama depicting the hardships en
countered by Negro Students when
they leave High School and search for
work. Each player was carefully se
lected and performed their parts well
The leading roles were played by Jess
Hutten, Oscar Washington. Susie
Whiteside. Roy Gustin. John Horton.
Jr. and Forrester Scott. The musical
selections were given by the Harmony
Four Girls Quartette, and a vocal se
lection by Mrs. Earl Wheeler. Both
numbers were very good and well
received. Mrs. WheeleT possesses a
sweet, clear voice and will be quite
addition to the music world of Omaha.
She was accompanied by Mrs. Alyce
Everybody’s going Where? To the
Calloway Cabaret Benefit Dance for
the Unemployed Married Men’s Conn.
The Omaha church world and peo
pie. generally regret that Rev. Bell
was moved from our midst, for he was
truly an asset to the church and civic
organizations of the city. He had
the combined respect of the citizens
of both races, for he lived what he
preached to others. At the time of
his transfer he was the President of
the Interdenominational Ministerial
Alliance of Omaha and Council
Bluffs, Iowa. He was the vice’ Presi-i
dent of the Working Men's Commis
sioners and was advisory member of
the Unemployed Married Men's Coun
cil, also a member of the con
tact committee on employment for his
race group, he was also closely allied
with the sec’y of the Urban League
and its work. Rev Bell was loved by
the Ministry of Omaha and your gain
is our lossi but Omaha wishes him
much success in his new field of la
“Unemployment as it Affects Wo
men and Girls Today” was the sub
ject for discussion at the Fall Opening
Meeting of Board and Committee
members of the North Side Branch
Y. W. C. A. The discussion, led by
Miss Lillian C. McGrew, Industrial
Secretary of the Central Y. W. C. A.,
pointed to the fact that increased leis
ure time with decreased earnings, lim
ited vocational opportunities, nsecur
ity of jobs and wages were pertinent
problems that the Y. W. C. A. must
face today in its work with women
and girls.
AJbertine Johnson, Area Represen
tative, Business Girls’ Council, gave a
vivid report on the high ponts of the
Business and Industrial Girls’ Confer,
ence at Lake Okoboji this summer.
The climax of the meeting was the
discussion led by Rev. J. S. Williams,
pastor. Hillside Presbyterian Church,
on “My Religious Responsibilty as a
Leader.” “We must first discover
God in our soul. We must have faith
in the eternal goodness of god, and
in His power to do that which we feel
we cannot do. A leader will not for
get to fear God for that is the whole
duty of man.”
It was an interesting meeting with
every Committee with two exceptions,
represented. Miss Dorothy Beck.
Acting Chairman of the Industrial
Committee was present and was in
The Blue Triangle Club of Girl Re.
serves and Troop 79 of the Boy Scouts
will have a joint party Thursday af
ternoon from five to seven. A special
feature of the party will be a Folk
Dance by members of the club from
Long School. Miss Madeline Shipman
is the sponsor for this Girl Reserve
On Thursday evening Louise Scott,
Mary Ann Elliott, Doreene Holliday,
Albertine Johnson and Rachel Taylor
were guests of the Y. M. T. M. Club
of the Industrial Department of the
Central Y. M. C. A. The four girls,
with Ann Lang, the T. M. T. M.’s rep
resentative to Okoboji, gave their re
ports from the Business and Indus
trial Girls’ Conference this summer.
One corner of the room was arranged
to look like a camp and the five girls
wore camp togs. The reports were
very interesting and well received by
the club group. After the meeting,
the group took a trip through the
World Herald Building and had the
pleasure of seeing the Friday Morning
World Herald printed.
On Friday evening the members of
the Quack CClub are taking a speciaL
ly conducted trip through the Tele
phone Building. The girls are meet
ing at the Douglas Street entrance of
the building at 8:00 P. M.
Table-setting, serving, new recipe*,
cooking, preparing and cleaning trp
after meals with other practical in
struction, is being given Thursday
afternoons at two o’clock for any wo
man or girl interested in becoming
skilled and efficient in home manage
ment. Mrs. Rienert, provided through
the Board of Education, is the in
structor. Phone Webster 1539 for
further information.
..Read the..... I
Every Week
“She’ll be here Oct. 24th--Yowsah!J”
At Dreamland Hall, Monday, Oct. 24th.
^ .”‘1*1
Conference To Be Held
On Juvenile Delinquency
The first All Day Conference on the
Social Determinants of Juvenile De
linquency in the Negro Community
will be sponsored by the Social Re
search Committee of the Omaha Ur
ban League on Tuesday, November
1st, at the Northside Y. W. C. A. The
Conference has as its purpose, focus
ing attention on some of the factors
contributing to Juvenile Delinquency
among Negro youth and outlining
plans and measures whereby these
conditions may be remedied or im
proved. The League has secured as
speakers on this program persons who
are authorities on matters of social
relations. Miss Elizabeth Perrine.
Social Service Nurse, University of ;
Nebraska Hospital, will speak at the
morning session on the Subject, Health
as a Determinant of Juvenile Delin
tjurncy. J. Harvey Kerns, will speak
on Social and Occupational Factors
Among Omaha Negroes as Determi
nants of Juvenile Delinquency. At
the luncheon meeting, which will be
presided over by Dr. J. A. Singleton,
the Honorable Herbert Rhoades. Judge
of the Juvenile Court will speak from
the subject: Knowledge, the Light
and Guide in Juvenile Delinquency.
At the evening session three promi
nent persons have been selected by the
Committee as speakers. Mrs. Char
lotte Crawford will preside at this
session. Dr. T. Earl Sullenger will
speak from the subject, Social Determ
inants of Juvenile Delinquency, Dr.
William Thompson on the Psychologi
cal Factors in Juvenile Delinquency,
and Rev. J. H. Jackson, pastor of
Bethel Baptist Church on What the
Church Can Do to Decrease Juvenile
Delinquency. The meeting should be
pf particular interest to parents,
ministers, heads of young peoples’
groups, and leaders of social and re
ligious organizations. The meetings
are open to the public.
A regional Conference of Urban
League Exxecutives of the Middle
West will be held in St. Louis, Mo. Oc
tober 29th and 30th. The Conference
is being called by T. Arnold Hill, Di
rector Department Industrial Rela
tions, National Urban League, and ac
cording to the plans, will be devoted
to the unemployment problems of Ne
groes and to the part that the Urban
League is to take in remedying these
problems. Two similar conferences
have recently been held—one in New
York which was attended by secre
taries of the East and another in
Cleveland, attended by secretaries of
the Middle Atlantic states. At the
St. Louis Conference, J. Harvey Kerns
Executive Secretary of the Omaha
Urban League, has been selected as
discussion leader at the Afternoon
session, speaking from the subject:
Better Ways of Securing Authenticat
ed Data and Appropriate Ways of
Utilizing the Facts Gathered.
(By John L. Spivak)
(Brewer, Warren & Putnam. New
York City)
This book ha3 recently been highly
publicised in both the white and the
colored press. Having a natural an
tipathy toward the word, “Nigger” in ’
any form, I felt that the book would
be very indifferently received by me.
especially after reading.
• • •
To my surprise, “Georgia Nigger”,
is the best book I have yet read, writ
ten by a white author, that serves as
an expose of the almost unbelievable
renditions under which a large pro
portion of our race manage to exist,
not only in Georgia, bet the entire v
• * *
The story itself is written in the
form of a novel but for its accurate
portrayal of true conditions it might
just as well have been written in a
matter of fact form, giving names,
dates and places, because the condi- ‘
Cions, especially concerning the share
croppers, petty law-violators and
chain gangs, are minutely described
and in just such a manner as I have
observed with my own eyes while in
the southland, especially in the rural
• • •
To add authoriativeness to the
author’s work and to anticipate any
claims of exaggeration, Mr. Spivak.
has profusely illustrated his book with
actual photographic scenes clearly de
scribing the many inhuman methods
of torture and cruelty that are yet in
existence in the southland. Despite its
name. “Georgia Nigger." will react
favorably for humanity, and the race.
Clifford C. Mitchell. |
Everybody’s going Where? To the
Calloway Cabaret Benefit Dance, for
the Unemployed Married Men’s Coun
by Mr. “X”
Discouraging the Children
(Next Week—“These Husbands of
Ours” by Madame “X”)
(The Literary Service Borea)
A husband charged that his wife
discouraged the children by saying, in
anger, “There’s nothing to you; you
never will make anything; there’s
nothing in you; and no use to try to
make anything out of you; you are
just like your good-for-nothing dad
No doubt such talk will have a
psychological effect; it will discour
age and destroy the stimulant needed
to make the big Tight for a higher
place in life. If they believe in her.
i edity. and tf they believe the mother’s
appraisment of their own father, that
fact will discourage them, and it will
make them weak in confidence in
themselves and in their ability to win
in the struggles of life. Better tell
the children they can, and encourage
them to utilize their opportunities for
Berlin. Germany — (CNS) — Mrs.
Ada Wright, mother of Roy and Andy
Wright, two of the Scottsboro boys
was taken to the hospital last week
for an operation. The seriousness of
the operation is not known. Arrange
meets for the operation were made
by J. Louis Engdahi, secretary of the
American section of the International
Red Aid, who has accompanied her
on her tour of Europe in an effort to
arouse public sentiment in favor of
the seven Scottsboro boys.
Read The Guide
District Judge
17 Years Active Law Practice
9 years Chief Deputy
County Attorney
Non-Political Ballot
One of the Nine Endorsed by the
Bar of Douglas. Washington
and Burt Counties
212 N. 16th St.
4903 So. 24th St.
2408 Cuming St.
24th and Lake Sts.
Specials lor Saturday
Pot Boast* 8c
EGi&. 2uO
Polite and Courteous
Forced to Sell 100 Pianos
Regardless of Profit
In order to make room for
our fall stock, we will place
on sale these high grade used
upright, grand and player
pianos at a fraction of their
original cost. Including
Steinway, Chickering & Sons,
Weber, Steck, Emerson, Ste
ger & Sons and others.
Grands Uprights Players
$125 $18 $38
and Up and Up and Up
All Reconditioned—Terms, $1 Week