» Jean Calloway at Dreamland Mon., Oct. 24 -0 0 0 0 —0 0 0 0— —0 0 0 0 ~ 30.000 People Read ^fl Kind West of the Missouri River i VOL- VI- _Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, October 22, 1932_ Number Thirtv-Five. C. C. Galloway “Framed” Says Tom Crawford I Tune In —j "DIGESTING I | Tie NEWS"| BROADCASTED i Every Week from this Column } By CLIFFORD C. MITCHELL i SIBMITTING THE PROOF:— • • * In my release that appeared last week concerning the advisability of waging a campaign to place a Negro paper in every home in America, I mentioned, indirectly, the benefits that I had personally secured by sending, with my compliments, Negro publications to influential members of th* white race who. otherwise, were not in the habit of following our press each week. • • • I wrote and mailed Ae re k-ase referred to 1 have receded a letter from one of the many persons whom I had in mind, on paragraph of which 1 shall quote: ~***A man who has been confined in prison for the number of years you have and who takes advantage of the Situation in the spirit you have ac cepted your confinement, and in that time keeps clean and devotes th« time to regaining one’s own self-res. peel and the respect of others, des erves recognition from those outside and only a kinder feeling.***” • • • Many years ago the man whom I have quoted was the business manag er of a department that employed thousands of men, of whom I was one. Unfortunately, I did not make the best of my opportunities and I rapidly slid down hill. Eventually, I peas at the bottom of the social scale, in prison, and the man, Frank D. Fitzgerald, became secretary of state in Michigan, the office he now holds and for which he is seeking re-elect ion (November 8th) on the republic an ticket. • • • I felt too ashamed to contact those who personally knew my many weak, nesses but when I attempted my “come-back” through the Negro press I did want my former acquaintances to follow me and to realize that I was sincere and conscientious in my ef forts. Therefore, I had Negro publi cations. to which I contributed, sent to these influential persons, at my own expense, with the result that the very persona who had the most rea. son to despise me are among my greatest boosters and the good-will value of this contact is priceless. • • • The circumstances in this particu lar case of Mr. Fitzgerald are cited purely as a clincher to my argument °f last week, coming as it does with in just s few days after the release was written, and convincingly proving the persona] benefits that I have gamed merely by having our papers read by responsible members of the other race. • • • This should leave no doubt then of the unlimited gain that can be achiev ed by the entire race if the right sort of campaign is waged to place a Ne gro paper in every home in America. And if I were free to accept it, I would want no better job, on a com mission basis, than the one of con tacting and interesting white readers in our own race publications. The op portunity is there for others, how over, and should be wisely acted upon. • • • Again, I repeat; “A Negro Paper in Every Home in America.” i W V w GOVERNMENT STAR WITNESS IN LIQUOR CONSPIRACY Judge Ben Baker and Tom Crawford under the instruction of my political enemies may have started the act of framing me, pitiful to say but true, a number of my own people were the largest actors on the scenes of perse cuting me, for the stand I have taken in Omaha sinc£~the Court House Riot. Purposely this warrant was instructed to be procured,Saturday morning at \) o’clock, but no attempt was made by the officers for my arrest until all the judges were off the bench, and the City Hall and Court House closed. Strange but true, the two Negro po. lice officers that had the warrant, searched every Church and every horns Saturday, Sunday and Sunday night, i for the sole purpose of humiliating me by putting me in jail on a charge these police officers knew were false. But true to Mr. Dennison’s old saying these police officers were picked for persecuting people who desired to live right in the community; and not ap prehend criminals and they couldn’t track an elephant in 2 feet of snow. Without hiding or dodging, I was in Omaha from Saturday until Monday day morning at 10 o’clock and saw the officers several times in their search for me. Many of my friends said to me “Galloway the truth will never be known, and you will always be con demned.” God moves in a mysterious, way His wonders to perform. On Monday morning following the issue of the warrant, Mr. Wead and I, walked into the County Attorney’s office. On entering the office, Mr. Wead said “Galloway, I’ll go your bond if it’s $50,000.” He then said to County Attorney Beal, “What’s Gal loway’s bond?” Beal said “His bond is $2,000.” Mr. Wead said “Why don’t you cut that bond?” You know Gal loway won’t run away.” Mr. Beal re (Continued on jage Six) Shake.up On The Staff of the Kansas City Call Causes the Dismissal of LaCour; With Newspaper 10 Years. Joe LaCour, Omaha boy left Omaha ten years and helped put the Kansas City Call on the map. The business circles of Kansas City and Omaha were shocked to hear of LaCour’s break with the Call last week. At the time of his dismissal he was vice president and advertising manager. It is reported that Earl W. Wilkens of the News Department will take his place. The exact cause of LaCour’s dismissal is not yet known. IN AUTO SMASHUP Mrs. Edna Smith, 2424 North 27th avenue, was in a car accident at 26th and Seward Sts., Saturday. Mrs. Smith and a friend of the same ad dress were riding in a car driven by Policeman Rose. The driver of the other car, a Mr. Stewart, was arrest ed and booked for careless driving. .. j UMMC. GETS CALL FOR CORN HUSKERS — The president of the Unemployed Married Men’s Council Local B, Mr. | C. C. Galloway received a long dis tance call from Elkhorn, Nebraska, for a Good Comhusker, German pre ferred. However, Mr. Matscuk will consider any other nationality, if they are an A No. 1 good cornhusker. CHARLES B. TRAVIS OF CHI.) iCAGO KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Mrs. Minnie Dixon and daughter, Miss Christine Dixon, 2829 Ohio St., has returned from a trip to Chicago, where they attended the funeral of their uncle the late Charles B. Travis who was struck by an automobile and died later. Mr. Travis was a pol itical leader in Chicago. Mrs. Alice Robbins also a neice of Mr. Travis, made the trip. WINS HONORABLE MENTION In the recent Poster Contest spon sored by the Omaha Community Chest, D. Eugene Murray won hon orable mei -ion. Mr. Murray is a coming young artist. Hel ilso won third prize in the letter conest spon sored by the OMAHA GUIDE. ! Bishop John A. Gregg Features Earthquake At Kans.-Nebr. Conference in Wichita. Kansas Omaha Guide Starts Route Delivery Nov. 5th ! CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT ENLARGED 10 Newsboys Employed Are you a subscriber to the Omaha Guide? If not you may become by subscribing to our 5c week plan, de livered to your door every Saturday morning. This change is being made in order to give more employment to our own group, increase circulation, prompt delivery and to give many a chance, who are desirous, to read the paper, subscribe under the present plan. We have now four young wo men in the district to take your sub scription on 5c week basis. Miss Cuma Watson, Alice Jones, Inez Bat tles and Vera Chandler. These young women are all High School and College graduates who have been unable to find employment. The Om aha Guide hopes to enlarge the cir culation department so these young women and others may be given stea dy and dignified employment. Begin ning Nov. 5, we have employed 10 newsboys who will deliver your paper every Saturday morning. These boys will be given a district and you will have the same boy each week. Your newsboy wlil be glad to take your news item for the paper. We want all the news of the community. We want to put the Omaha Guide in the home of every Negro in Omaha. We want to make jobs for our boys and girls. You can help by giving your subscription on the 5c week plan to these young lauies as they call to youi home. Ladies Auxiliary of U. M. M. C. Gives Halloween Party One of the most brilliant parties of the fall season will be given Hallo ween night, Oct. 31, at 2213 Lake St, headquarters of the Unemployed Mar ried Men’s Qouncil by the Ladies Auxiliary of which Mrs. Evelyn Handy is Chairman. Great preparations are being made for your entertainment all for 10c. This party is given under the auspices of the Ladies Sewing de partment. The best Halloween “Eats” will be cooked and served from their own kitchen. Come out and help the Unemployed Married Men’s Council, Local B. take care of their needy this winter and have a “Spooky” time. L. J. Coleman was held in jail 4 days on an investigation charge. Coleman was found not guilty. by ft. A. Adams Wichita, Kansas, (LSB)—“A migh ty shaking; almost an earthquake” would not be too strong an expression to use in describing the culmination of the work of the Kansas-Nebraska Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, which conference just closed its 57th ses sion, at Wichita, Kansas. Reading the result of the assign ment of ministers, a superstitious person might see indications of jug gling; one might be inclined to think there had been a process of tossing pennies and saying “heads or tails;” another might see in the results some thing like “grab bag” operation. But the whole thing is a part of a well de signed plan on the part of Bishop John A. Gregg to follow the line of ministerial itineracy one of the most helpful processes of Methodism. In this shakeup, Carl F. Flipper, for five years pastor First Church, (Continued on page Five) OMAHA TO HEAR SPEAKERS OF NATIONAL REPUTE Mr. H. L. Anderson, Chairman of the Northside Republican Headquar ters, states that the National Speak ers Bureau of Chicago, is sending to Omaha, four nationally known orators who will speak at Dreamland Hall, on the following dates: Sat. Oct 22nd; Mrs. Blanche Beatty, Chicago; Wed. Oct. 26th, Dr. L. K. Williams, Pres ident National Baptist Convention, Chicago; Sat. Nov. 5th, Miss Nannie Burroughs, Pres. National Training School for Girls, Washington, D. C.; Mon. Nov. 7: Perry Howard, Wash ington, D. C. “ Where We Stand Politically” .... .....; Acting as an official organ in the community, The OMAHA GUIDE newspaper stands politically INDE PENDENT. It is the purpose of this paper to publish the news for the community interest, showing no favorit ism, regardless of party affiliations. We will not per mit any political organization to dictate methods to use, when we publish facts presented to us from an author itive source. It has been the policy of this paper since the history of its beginning, to furnish the voting group of this community the absolute facts concerning the men who they select to make their laws, and run their govern ment. This paper tends to show every citizen of this community, the Heart of the Man to whom he shall cast his vote, and not the party, whether he be Republican, Democrat, Socialist or Communist. The OMAHA GUIDE is anxiously waiting to support a program that will bring about an economic readjustment, restore the confi dence once instilled into hearts of the American people j and when the Nominee, whoever he may be and whatever party he represents, answers the questionnaire submitted by the National Association for the Advancement of Col ored People, Watch the OMAHA GUIDE. VIRGINIA RACE FINANCIAL IN STITUTION MAKES REMARK’BLE SHOWING IN SPITE OF “DEPRESSION” Richmond, Va., (CNS) According to the condensed statement of the fin ancial condition of the Consolidated Bank and Trust Company of this city one of the several Negro financial in stitutions in the State, the institution has made a remarkable showing in spite of the “depression.” The state ment was released as of close of busi ness on September 30, 1932, and at that time the institution had cash on hand and due from other banks am ounting to more than $42,000. The total deposits figured at that time a bove the $500,000 mark. The state ment also showed that there was on reserve for taxes, accrued interest on deposits, and contingencies more than $5,000. The total resources of the institution are over $700,000. Mr. Emmett C. Burke, cashier of the Consolidated Institution, has been managing the affairs of the bank ever since the three banks, the Second Street Savings Bank, St Luke’s Sav ings and th Farmers’ and Merchants Bank, consolidated several years ago. Dorcas Jones Gets Week At Local Theatre Miss Dorcas Jones, local radio art ist who recently won first place in the RKO. Voice Contest, will have a week’s engagement with W. 0. W. at a local theatre, salary $50 for thi week. JEAN CALLOWAY BENEFIT Additional Reservations for Jean Calloway U. M. M. C. Local B Benefit Cabaret Ball. Tuchman Brothers, 2; R. C. Gaskin, 4; Mrs. McCord, 4; Hornstein Grocery, 2; Mrs. E. Washington, Emmett Gard ner, Edward J. Smith 4, and many others which we have not received a report on as the paper goes to press. Herman Friedlander and family will have as their guests, Congressman Malcolm Baldrige and family. Ruth Lewis will have as her guest W. L. Doty of the W. L. Doty Transfer Company. Additional Reservations for Cabaret Ball Tuchman Bros. Groc. 2, R. C. Gas kin 4, Mrs. McCord 4, Hornstein Groc. 2, Mrs. E. Washington, Emmett Gar dner. Herman Friedlander and fam ily will have Congressman Baldrige and family as their guests. Te the Colored People of Omaha (by John Benjamin Horton) We call attention to the fact that Judge W. G. Hastings, having shown impartiality in his dealings with cas es affecting the colored people, as well as all people, is now up for re election and we all should give our undivided support to him. I call at tention to his record herewith from WTio’s Who in America: Graduate of University of Chicago, LL.D. Admtied to bar, served in Ne braska Senate, prosecuting attorney in Saline County, Nebraska, District Judge 7th Judicial District, Supreme Court Commissioner, Dean of Uni versity of Nebraska Law School (Re signed in 1920); Acting Chancellor of University of Nebraska in 1918; Judge 4th Judicial District, Omaha, re-elected in 1924; Member from Ne braska on Uniform State Laws; member American Bar Association, Nebraska State Bar Association. Au thor of the Development of Law as Illustrated by the Decisions upon Po lice Power; was awarded American Philosophical Society prize of $2,000. for a prize essay; translator from the Russian of Korkunov’s General The ory of Law; resides at 1116 North 41st St., Omaha. Judging from Judge Hastings’ most wonderful record of achievement in these various lines of civic and legal accomplishments he should be given your whole-hearted support. LET’S RE-ELECT JUDGE HASTINGS! Washington—(CNS)—The Scotts boro case which was up for oral ar gument in the United States Supreme Court Monday October 10th attracted wide attention, and the police pre pared for a possible Communist dem onstration, which however, did not materialize. The case involves a plan of seven colored boys convicted of assaulting two white girls near Scottsboro, Ala., for the court to set aside their death sentence. Long before the doors of the Court room were opened a number of per sons assembled for admission, most of them colored. Included in the crowd was Mrs. Mary Mooney, mother of the California labor leader, now in jail there in connection with the San Fran (continued on p. 2) ORCHESTRA LEADER KILLED IN CRASH Omahans are shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mr. L. L. Gaines, 272(j Blondo St., well known and highly respected orchestra man was killed Thursday rfight near Chariton. Ia.. in an automobile acident. Ac- . cording to a witness of the accident a. bakery truck started to pass another car on the road and swerved in front j of Mr. Gaines car with the other mem- /' ! bers of the orchestra. Both cars were wrecked. Two of the other men were hurt. Mr. Gaines died an hour later in a Chariton hospital. The other members of the orchestra were slightly bruised. Mr. Gaines is lead er of the Nite Owl Orchestra, and has been prominently identified in the music world for years, having been a member of the famous Desdunes band. ELECTION COMMISSIONER McHUGH COMMENDS WORKERS The three young ladies appointed by Election Commissioner W. D. Mc Hugh, Jr., to work in the Election Commissioners Office, are proving 100 per cent. As each one is working in a different branch, a daily, com plete checkup, can be made of their work, and each one is performing her duties efficiently. So says the Hon W. D. McHugh, Jr., Election Commis sioner, while on a tour of Inspection of the Registration place, located for two days in the offices of the OMAHA GUIDE, and under the management of Mrs. McKnight, who also compli mented the personnel of the OMAHA GUIDE on their modern up-to-date plant. Nearly 500 rigestrations were rec orded at the Omaha Guide office, Oct. 13th and 14th. r * “Greatest Negro Political Revolt” Predicted by N. A. A. C. P. ^— Anderson, Ind., Oct. 17.—“The greatest political re volt among Negroes that has ever been known in a na tional election” was predicted for November by Walter White, Secretary of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People who Sunday afternoon ad dressed the Association’s Indiana State Conference here Making it clear that the “intelligent Negro voter has but little hope in the Democratic party,” Mr. White assailed the Hoover Administration’s indifference and hostility to Negroes in America as evidenced by the nomi nation of Parker to the U. S. Supreme Court; the jim crowing of Negro Gold Star mothers on the pilgrimage to European battlefields; the catering to lily-white elements in the South; the peonage and slavery conditions prevail ing under government contracts on the Mississippi Flood control project and the apparent determination of the War Department to “whitewash” the charges made; and the “apparent unwillingness” of the government to pre vent color discrimination on federal relief projects . “The Negro as a minority group,” said Mr. White, feels that his only hope under the present form of gov ernment is in the prevention of a monopoly upon elections by any one party—Republican, Democratic or any other. (Continued on page Five) ■J VjaXri^Mpn^ IbemraHnllowoVn Partv Orf 3Ut^.