The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 08, 1932, ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION, Page 2, Image 8
“THE CLEAN-UP” A \ oung tvangelist Uses Gangster Methods to Clean Up Harlem Cabarets Evangelist Fred Harris is Doomed, So the .Underworld Says. They Fix the Night to Kdinap Him when He Leaves His Meeting. Linda will be Taken Along too, According to the Plans. Will they Succeed? Read this Week’s Installment By NICK LEWIS WHAT HAS HAPPENED: Linda Allen, singer in Ace Hinds's caba ret, the Tom-Tom Club, falls in love with Pred Harris, a young evangelist from her home town, who is carrying on a cam paign from his gospel tent to rid Har'.em of its gangsters and racketeers. Visiting the Tom-Tom to see Linda, Fred Is shot at, but the wounds are not fatal. Linda quits the Ace to work with Fred and A1 Collins, her partner, goes with her. The movement gains such headway that Harlem's gangster chiefs hold a meeting and decide that Fred is due to be taken for a ride. Now go on with the story: CHAP’j’ER II The following evening Fred con ducted his Gospel Tent meeting as usual, Linda and A1 Collins adding attractiveness t < his program with their Southern t mgs. The c owd had grown enormously; the huge tent was packed to overflowing long before the sched " i time of the meeting. Every type of Harlem so-j r'ety was represented here, from the ultra-smart of £ucar Hill to the ragged unemployed of Tx ox Ave nue. There * 'ere grocers t ankers, musicians, ‘ists, office workers, bums. -_nd all joined in the long round of applaus> which greeted Fred's'words. "We’ll fight these gangsters to the last ditch,” he rried cut from his --- X . ; HAIR Thrills With Beauty £ To make your hair more beauti w ful than it has ever been, make ' it softer, more glossy and easier to comb, make this simple, inexpensive test: Use La-Em-Strait Hair Dressing for one week. 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Ho-Ro-Co Mfg.Co„Desk B, St. Louis,Mo. makeshift pulpit in he front of the tent. “Weil put them out of busi ness if it takes our lives!’’ Far back in the tent, hud "ed to gether in a sinister little group, four me sat listening Four men who represented the real power, the real .t of Har’un. Ace Hinds smiled blandly at his three companions. The program was drawi: . to a close. “Come on,’’ lu suggested, “let’s get O’t of here. It’s getting hot.” Th-1 four arose slowly and filed down the aisle to the exit. Outside, they climbed in to a high-powered black touring car. A man in c ixfeur’s cap and gloves came to the side of t: e car ar.d salut I briefly. The Ace leaned over -i gave him ’ !s orders. “You fellows go around to the side exit and park there until all this shouting’s over. About ten min utes -ft r this thing en ’ Fred comes out that do:r with Linda Allen, that sv.eet, browi.-skin girl that used i sing ever at my place. You hustle ’em both into your car and meet us just outside of Jersey City. ?' ju can do an: hing you want with the guy; he’s due for a rubbing ou, -nyway. But watch out for the moll; she belongs to me, see?” “O.K., chief.” The Ace settled bad: and the big car swirled away from the gospel tent, taking the elevated read down town. A second car pulled out of the long line of parked automobiles and threaded its way slowly to the side of the big tent, where it parked in the semi-darkness. Thre' men got out casually and lit cigarettes. “Remem'jer, he’ll be with the girl,” the one in uniform said. ‘‘Don’t give him a chance to make a squawk, and be sure you get the girl while you’re gettin’.” The meeting ended a few minutes later and the crowd drifted home ward. .Still three men hung about the side exit, waiting patiently, smoking. Then with appalling suddenness they sprang into action, sweeping down the man and the girl who ap peared ■ t th exit. Lin a Allen fought and clawed at her assail ant, but could r.ot free herself from the grip which he had upon her arm. Her co mpanion, she saw, was being forced swiftly !nto a sleek, black limousine by t 70 other men. She tried to scream, but a heavy hand cV ed over her mouth. Then with sudden fury she wrenched loose and ran toward the tent flap, screaming, but once again she was caught, ’ragged back toward the car. Then suddenly something hap pened. There was a sickening thud and the vise-like grip about her arm relaxed. She broke loose as her would-be captor dropped cow ering to the grour.i. There was a .hot from the sleek, black limousine, then another Both went wild. Someone grabbed Linda and pulled her inside the gos pel tent where she would be safer, Her assailant, she could see, was making for the bi„ car now. As DOUBLE STRENGTH Feature Penetrates to skin's fourth layer to regulate coloring. Lightens, brightens skin in half time; clears up bumps, mole discolorations like magic. For lest results use Black and White Skin Seep Alft) before applying this amazing bleach. S&nuihe. BLACKiSsWWTE i««. t.. BLEACHING CREAM Two men sat in a high-powered touring car waiting. soon as he was upon its running board - sped away. She turned in the darkness and murmured “Thanks, Fred. You saved my life.” The yc. -v, evangelist said, “But Linda, do you realize what hap pened? Those were gangsters. They were arter mo. "tiey figured I’d walk out of this exit with you just about this time like I always do. It was just lucky for me that A1 was with you tonight instead of myself. But what're they doing to Al? Are tl 7 taking him for a ride, think ing he’s me? Linda, we’ve got to do something ? • * * • CHAPTER VIII Just outside of Jersey City a black limousine drew up beside another and almost identical machine, one which 1 ad been parked there for r rrhaps ' If an hour. “Didja get the lousy bum?” the Ace’s voice rasped . -—ss the space between the two cars. "Yeah, we got him, all right,” came the reply. “But the moll got away. Screamed, and somebody started a fighv. Monkey here got clunked over the head trying to get her into the car, so we iad to leave her and beat it. ’ “I told you to get the girl, too, didn’t I?” the Ace’s voice grew strident. “Will you carry rut my orders or v on’t you?”... He started to get out of the car. Rod John son pulled him back. “Don't start no row,” he cautioned. “We got the guy; what more do you want?” “Oh, all right.” The Ace was not easily placated. “Dump the dirty bum in here; we’ll tak care of him ourselves.” The two men in the rear of the second limousine emerged, dragging a man, heavily tied and gagged, be-! twc i them. Th,y tossed him, struggling, 'nto the parked car. The Ace handeu one of them a bill and they 1oft quickly. “There’s some nice marshlands between hex- and Rahway,” Rod Johnson said sarcastically. “Maybe we could put our young hero to bed out there in the or • , un-'er the stars." “How is he, tied all right?” Big Joe Wilson wanted to lx ' w. Rod reached o . an.' turned on tve ligh.. The Ace gasp,. I breath lessly : s the man’s figure was re vealed to him. “What’s a matter?” ":d asked. "Why, it ain’t Fred .iairis at all! It’s A1 '”ollii.s! Oh, those punks! ...” He let loose a lo-’g st.-ing of oaths. The Rod anc' _Si_, Joe were plain ly disgruntle,’. “Now we got the whole thine to do over again,” Big Joe moaned. “Wei', you can leave me ou' it.” “Whats a matter, you turning yellow?” the Ace snapped. “I got some sense,” E g Joe growled. “I got sense enough to 1 now whsr things get too hot for comfort V/hat’s happened tonight didn’t do any good and it’s gon na get the whole of Harlem stirred up against us. And wha'.’re we gonna do with this punk?” He kicked A1 Collins contemptuously in the ribs. “I’ll tend to him myself,” the Ace said. “And tomorr .v/ night we’ll get that fool evangelist. We'll shoot J up his whole camp meeting if we have to, but well get him some way. And we’ll get that girl, too. [’ll see to ‘h myself.” The long limousine turned in a t- ceful a and sped back toward New York City, stopping only when it had the tie entrance of the Tom-Tom Club, the Ace’s headquarters far uptown. /I Col lins, still bound, carried into the Ace’s private c1 ce. As the three gangster chiefs tossed him onto the floor consciousness slowly L.gan to return to his benumbed brain. He writhed and twisted in the ropes that held him, but in vain. He groaned and relaxed. Perhaps he could outwit his captors in some way. Or perhap he could strike sc o sort of a bargain with the Ace. They had been pals for many years before their fight over Linda. And now that she was definitely lost to them both, so far as love was con cerned. ... The four gangster chiefs gazed down upon him contemptuously. "He’s still out,” Rod Johnson said. “Too bal we did — get the girl instead of him,” the Ace moaned. “This guy ain’t doin’ us a bit of good here.” “We’ll get ’em both tomorrow night,” Scar Short put in. “And there won't be no playing this time | Y e’ll all be there in person, and we'll all be ready for whatever de cides to happen.. There’ll be no hired bum this time to gum up the works.” r>ut tuiiiuxiv/v. iiigiiL... .Dig wavered. “Say, ain't that a little bit too soon, after what happened last night? Hadn’t we ought to let things cool off a bit first?” ”Say,” Rod growled, “you quit worrying s.bout what gonna hap pen. These —*- .rs are smart; they figure that we surely wouldn't try the same thing twice in succes sion like this. That's where we’ll' fool ’err ” "Maybe you right,” . B'; Joe growled. “What’ll we do with this guy?” the Ace wanted to know. "Let fcki go?” ‘Not ntil after we've grabbed off this evangelist. You take care of hit-, he’s your friend. Just don’t give him a chance to blab.” “I’ll take care of him all right,” the Ace said. “Now about tomorrow night—is that all settled?” “Yep,” Rod said.' “We’ll all meet h re at ten-thirty We’ll do : job ourselves. Scar, yoi bring along some quicklime; we want this guy to disappear completely—hear?” “O.K.,” muttered the numbers king. Five minutes later the party had broken up. * « * CHAPTER IX The following morning Linda AK len received u letter, a brief note scrawled on a torn crap of paper. She read it quickly “Honey: they got me locked up here in the Ace’s office, but don’t worry, the. ain’t killed me yet. Just tell Fred to look out sharp tonight. T'*-- re after him for sure this time. I’m slipping this out ly Nick, the waiter, wno’ still my pal. r fed me last night in spite of the Ace’e orders, so I’m feeling OJt. now.” It ./as signed simply “Al.” Enclosed was another torn hair sheet. "Nic’: got his,” this oryptie message read, “and so will your very good fricad 1 If you don’t come over to the Tom-Tom and pay me a little visit right away.” This was signed “Ace.” The envelope was postmarked at 7 a.m. Al had evidently /ritte his note in the middle of the night and r .jped it to Nick, one of the Ace’s chief lieutenants. Nick had evi dently been caught; had "gotten his.” Then the Ace had read the letter, added the postscript of his own to it, and mailed it to her. Linda kne./ the Ace’s cruel meth ods of torture. She knew his dia bolical schemes fore ensnaring those whom he desired into his trap. She knew that if she went to his office in the Tom-Tom she would place herself i_. his power. The chances that the Ace would double-cross her by refusing to release Al were great. Yet she could not stand the thought of anyone, even Al, being tortured for her sake. She decided to step directly intr the trap which she knew the Ace had set '*r her, and then ti trusf to H1'1' * * , Is the Ace planning to double cross Linda? What will happen to Fred? These and many other questions will be answered in nex', week’s act;ou-packed installment. OGOOHamplOi and sample case. Complete line toilet ar ticles. medicines, Ilavorings. Opportunity to earn $10 dally. Write DARBOUX LAB ORATORIES, DeSoto Sta., Dept. XX8, Memphis Tenn. How Cardui Helps Women “Malnutrition” means that your body is not getting enough to keep it up, so that what it has to do is not done well. You may not be eat ing enough to keep up the work of the body, or there may be something wrong that keeps you from getting full value from the food you eat. Because of mal-nutrltlon, some women have aches and pains every month. 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