The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 08, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    Curtis and Sorensen Chat at Lincoln $
v P: : r.t Cur* an Ar.crrey General Sorensen pause for a chat during the for
L; rC a YV !rt Mr. Sorecs'a ashed the Vice President to say somethin*
r * *cr c: tr.e r be: . t~- in h - r.ddre” Wednesday ni*fat.
I L. D. Will Continue Fight_
Tow* vm, Md.—(CNA >—After a trial
in which every constitutional and ha
man right was denied the defendent,
an all-white jury here pronounced
Eae! Lee tOrphan Jones ■ gasky on a
frame..: charge of rr.urder. The ver
d.-t wa# brought in at 1:30 on the
wi« raiTiir of September 26.
David Levinson and Bernard Ades,
attorn*}. f< r Lee' hired by the Inter
national LabAr Defense, immediately
aaeounced that they would file a pe
tit? e with 'tilt cwurt for a new trial, on
the ground that the panel from which
Lee - jury was drawn was improperly
drawn up, and on the further ground
that the existence of Jim-Crow laws
and regulation* in Baltimore County
mad? •: impossible for a Negro to
obta - a fair trial. They say it was
imp 'Ssi'ble for the jury not to be in
flam ed by the prevalence of these
Should the new trial be denied. Lav
iason said, the LLD. will once male
tas* the case to the Circuit Court of
Lee wa* framed last October for
the murder of Green K. Davis, white
farmer of 1 ayloi svilie, Md™ and his
family of four. He uareiy escaped
lyuer ng, rushed in the jail
house by a boss- iac iced lynch mob.
The Interna:,;.;, na! Labor Defense
went to hts aid. and demanded a
change of venue from the iynch-ridder.
East em Shore Levin* *n and Ades
fought for the inclusion of Negroes
cm the jury that tried Lee. After an
all-white jury here, in January, had
returned a verdict of guilty, the I. L.
D. lawyers fought for and obtained
a reversal of the decision on the
ground if the exclusion of Negroes
from June* in Maryland over a per
iod of more than 20 yean.
F - -, i... * >f the Toweon court wa*
heavily guarded on the opening day
of the trial The judges warned the
worker* gathered in the court against
any demonstration of sympathy for
Judges aad attorneys for the state
united in a tooth-and-nail fight during
the trial to prevent the inclusion of
Negroes on the jury.
The warning of the I. L- D. that
Maryland coarts would try to evade
the inclusion of Negroes on juries was
shown to be justified. In spite of the
derision of the Court of Appeals, the
coon raaneauvered matters to obtain
•aether all-white jury.
Three Negroes—George Evans. Roy
Nolan and John Pinkney,—whose
names were proposed for jury service,
were accepted without question by the
defense, be. removed by peremptory
challenges of the state's attorneys
Levinson c* standee that the murder
hill against Lee be quashed on the
ground that no Negroes had been in
cluded in the grand jury that found
the indictment. The motion was. de
Lev user next oemanded a change
of wen ue, cm the ground that prejudice
is wrong against Negroes here. He
pointed out the existence of separate
sections in the court-room, separate
wash-rooms, etc. The motion was de
^ 3rfr T Scott Offutt stating that
“ segregation cere is voluntary."
Levinson demanded x copy of th*
liansoiip, o. the first trial, which the
defense has never received- The re
quest was denied.
Levinson challenged the legality of
the jury panel*, on the ground of the
exclusion of Negroes from the grand
jury that found the indictment- The
judges went into executive chambers
for ar. hour: then returned to deny
the morion The court also refused to
permit Judge L. Bailey, of Worces
ter County, where Lee was indicted,
to testify concerning the method of
•electing grand juries in that county,
although Judge Bailey had been sub
; * naed by the defense and was pres
ent in the court-room.
J,ige Offutt refused to allow the de
fense attorneys to question jurors as
to their possible racial prejudices.
Levinson raised the questions: “Do
you consider Negroes your social
equal?” and "Are you aware of the
existence of Jim Crow practices in this
in this country?” This line question
ing was stopped by the court.
The testimony of the state was
ha ed chiefly upon the followin; con
tention; that Lee had resented being
called a "nigger” and a “coon” and
. ad demanded payment of the wages
due c;m as a laborer on Davis’ farm
. r, * implication of the state was th^t
a Negro who would resent insults
: would demand payment of his
wages would also commit murder.
tv-'veral white men. including Kuhn
Cooper, Peter Davis and Everett Jones
*estitied that Lee had remarked: “Mrs.
Davis calls me a nigger and a coon.
I'm not a nigger and there’s no such
word as coon.” Lee’s resentment
against insult became known in the
district, so much so that Chief of Po
ll e William Allen, testifying for the
state, said that as soon as he that a
murder had been committed in the
Davis family, he did not even stop to
examine the bodies, but at once went
to aDavi ’ farm-worker. Lee.
Write arvi Negro workers in many
otrs of the country have held mass
meetings and demonstrations, demand
ing Lee’s release and the right of
Negroes to serve on juries.
Americanism Not
To stand by Hoover so that his
safe and practical reconstruction plan
can be carried through is an act of
To stand by Hoover and thus pro
tect the American people against the
destruction erf American business by
foreign nations is an act of patriot
To stand by Hoover and refuse to
stop the work of recovery and to in
vite four more years of disorder and
confusion and possible panic is an act
of patriotism.
To refuse to give control to unwise
and inexpereienced political adven
tures is an act of patriotism.
Working Out of
The Depression:
The leading economists of the
country are in almost complete ac
cord in the proposition that the Hoo
ver plan which has already been
started is the only safe and sane way
to work out of the depression. If
his plan is scrapped and the des
tructive program proposed by
VELT is put into effect these Am
erican economists predict that the
American people will suffer several
years of worse times than they have
yet experienced. It is up to the Am
erican people as to whether they will
gamble or play safe. The Hearst
Garner, and Roosevelt plan offers
confusions, insecurity, and economic
chaos. The Hoover plan guarantee?
stability, confidence, complete pro
tection of American institutions and
gradual recovery. No American cit
izen who is vitally interested in the
future welfare of this country will
recklessly gamble his whole future
in experimenting with inexperienced
and internationally inclined leader
Don't Take A Chance
The speeches of the Democratic
candidates are convincing the Amer
ican people, particularly the wage
earners, the taxpayers, the farmers
and small business men that it would
be foolhardy to change leaders at
this time. The Democrats offer
nothing but generalities. They have
no constructive plan. Roosevelt's
speeches strongly indicate this. But
they do threaten to tear down the re
construction machinery which Hoover
has set up and which is already
bringing about noticeable improve
ment. The Democrats propose to
scrap the Hoover plan. The Amer
ican people will not take a chance on
turning the leadership of America
into the hands of inexperienced pol
Th *arTr,o.r is entitled to protect
ion. The Republican tariff policy
which the Democrats would scrap
?ives protection to the American
farmer against the creap livestock
and grains raised in South America
and Europe. If the Democrats are
permitted to destroy this protection
to the American farmer the Amer
ican farmer will find himself reduced
to the low level of European peas
ants. The farmer will not take a
The Wage Earner:
The Democrats have joined hands
with foreign nations who are seek
ing to destroy American industry
and American pay-rolls. If the for
eign countries can put over their plan
and destroy our tariffs so they can
dominate American markets, thous
ands of industrial plants throughout
the United States will shut down and
seve—?’ (million wa<w earners who
a-e now working will be forced into
the bread lires. This plan of des
troying American industry and Am
erican pay-rolls is unamerican. Any
hungry office seeker who would win
office by selling out his own country
to please foreign nations is unworthy
of consideration. The wage earner
will not take a chance by supporting
candidates who are playing into the
hands of foreign countries Americ
an business men and American wage
earners are entitled to the full pro
tection of the American government.
Congressman Malcolm Baldrige will
speak on “Experiences in Congress”,
and tell of plans for governmental
economy, in an address before an open
open meeting of the Brown Park Wo
men’s Club_ Friday evening, October
14, at 6:30 o’clock, at Brown Park
Pavilion. Fifteenth and W Streets.
Mrs. Louis V. Korisko, president of
the dob, will introduce Mr. Baldrige.
Plans for the meeting are in charge
of a committee including Mrs. Frank
Radii, vice president; Mrs. Frank
Mertz, secretary; Mrs. Frank Bocek,
treasurer, and Mrs. Henry Teckmeyer,
financial secretary.
“Everyone living in the Brown Park
district is cordially invited to attend
the meeting.” said Mrs. Korisko, “We
hope to have a big crowd of women
and men on hand to meet Congress
man Baldrige and hear him tell of the
workings of Congress in Washington.”
Congressman Baldrige told a large
group of Sarpy County voters at
Bellevue Wednesday night of the gov
ernment economy program, which he
supported so strongly during the re
cent session of Congress.
On Saturday night Congressman
Baldrige will speak from the same
platform with Assistant Secretary of
the Navy Leo J. Jahncke. at Papillion
in the town square, on the issues of
the campaign. If the weather is bad
the meeting will be held in a hall.
On Wednesday. October 12, Con
gressman Baidnge debates has oppo
nent at a public dinner meeting of the
Quota Club at the FonteneUe Hotel.
Anyone wishing to attend should
phone reservations to Miss Doris
Goethe, at Aquila Court
Q— " 0
Read The...
Rae Lee Jones Chairman
The Publicity Committee held a very
interesting meeting at the Urban
League Club Rooms. Monday evening,
Oct. 3. and outlined a definite pro
gram to acquaint the public with ac
tivities and opportunities offered by
the Urban League. The first Public
ity layout will be centered around the
play “Scraps”, to be given by the
Urban League Players, at the Pilgrim
Baptist Church. Monday evening Oct.
17. Don’t miss seeing “Scraps”, dra
——,n- featured by Messrs. Oscar
Wasfcirg^on, Jess Hutten, Ray Gustin.
I 'h'’ F—ton. Jr., Roy Gordon, Thom
as Jones. Scott, Misses Susie White
side. Larida Scott, and Mabel Long
~even The other members and of
ficers of this committee are Mr. R. S.
reporter for the Chicago
Defender, vice chairman. Miss Mae
Gustin. secretary, and Mrs. Marie Ste
wart. assistant secretary. L. L. Mo
Vac, Eugene Murray, Carrie Jewell,
and John Horton. Jr. The monthly
bulletin “The Voice” will again be
-ublished starting Oct. 29, by the
Publicity committee.
“So—eb'.'y said that it couldn’t be
But he with a chuckle replied.
That maybe it couldn’t, but he would
be one
Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried,
oo he buckled right in with a trace of
a grin
uis iaee.
xi he worried, he hid it—he started
to sing
As he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done—and he did it!”
The above verse I feel is quite ap
propriate in describing the attitude of
many who were pessimistic about the
Citizens' Cooperative League which
began their activities less than a year
ago. Among the many commendable
Lhings Mr. C. C. Galloway has done
in the Community, may be added that
of giving Omaha Citizens an opportun
ity of seeing and hearing George
Schuyler, author of Black No More,
who may be credited with introducing
the idea in Omaha. After Mr. Schuy
ler's philosophical address, many re
marked, “Good'ideals, but it can’t be
done in Omaha”. Others remarked,
“Omaha was not ready for the move
ment,” and still others, with a luke
warm expression remarked, “I hope
they start and do well, but I’ll wait a
while before joining.”
As ail great movements have be
gun with a determined few so has the
history of the Omaha Cooperative So
ciety; but that few have been loyal,
determined and confident. A few
weeks ago through the efforts of this
organization, the first car load of
semi-anthracite coal was ordered. The
twelve persons ordering from one to
five tons each, paid $363.00, saving
each person $3.50 to $4.50 on each
ton or a total of $150.00 to the pur
chasers was saved.
Another group of the Cooperatives
have been purchasing food, fruits, etc.
Five to nine cents have been saved on
a number of articles. One woman re
ported a saving of $9 on food products
alone. “Somebody said it couldn’t be
done”, but the Omaha Cooperative So
ciety has proven definitely that it
can be done.
Tuesday the second car load of coal
was ordered—more proof it can be
done. The false prophets of Omaha
should take heed lest they be found
out. Whatever the future of the Co
operative League may be, the names
c»f the President, Mr. J. H. Holmes,
Ollie Lewis, Y. W Logan, and J. W.
Dacus. will be indelibly linked with it.
Thus far the organization has handled
more than $900 of members money
and every cent has been accounted for.
Honesty, fair play, open mindedness,
and an application of business prin
ciples. has been observed by this or
ganization. With such attributes, “It
can be done!”
—By J. Harvey Kerns.
2237 Dryades Street
New Orleans, Louisiana
October 2, 1932
To the Editor of the Omaha Guide,
The Omaha Guide Publishing Co.,
2418 Grant Street,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
In an editorial of the Omaha Guide
under date of September 10, 1932, ap
pears an article by Andrew
Stuart, under the caption, “The Re
publican Party and the Negro.” In
this article, among other things, the
writer makes the following asser
tions: “The Negroes have no intelli
gent reason for supporting the Re
publican party. While to be a Demo
crat reflects intelligence. The Hoover
administration has all but eliminated
the Negro politics. The Negro will
pay no attention to the possibility of
Mr. Gamer becoming President of
this country by the possible disability
of Mr. Roosevelt.”
We agree with the writer as to the
many abuses under the Hoover ad
ministration mentioned in bis article,
out we differ with him as to remedy.
We hold that “two wrongs do not
make one right.” I have never been
able to understand why jumping out
of the frying pan into the fire would
keep one from burning. For our
group to plunge precipitantly from
the Republican party into the Demo
cra^e party might be a dangerous
The Negro was born in the Repub
lican party and as such, he is parcel
and part of it and is joint heir to its
benefits. Every amcle in the Consti
tution that was written for the sole
protection of the Negro was written,
fer the most part, during the reign ox
the Republican party; still there are
some members in that party who are
unfriendly to the progress of our
group. On the other hand, the Demo
cratic party bound our group political
ly in fetters and shackles and enacted
•very Civil law under the sun to hold
us down, to humiliate, disfranchise,
segregate, and in a measure to block
the path of the Negroes’ progress; yet
there are some good Democrats. It is
just as erroneous to say that all Re
publicans are bad as it is to say that
all Democrats are good, or vice versa.
The whole of the number is equal to
the sum of its parts. Then this is
true of the National Government. The
Hoover administration reflects the
opinion of the majority of the repre
sentatives that make up his party.
Then to change the attitude and con
duct of the leader of the Republican
party, there must be affected a change
in the characters that make up that
party. Since the Negro can exercise
a free ballot in every section of the
country where the Republican party
has control, and can use it only in
certain sections where the Democrats
have full power, why leave the Re
publican party in a precipitant man
ner and join the Democrats, where his
interests are less secure and who tell
you in certain sections (Tennessee,
for example) that they do not want
the Negroes’ vote.
*/u ■“=/ *«»i, rtv-ae to let the Negro
vote in the Democratic primaries j*
Aiaoama, Mississippi, Lounana, lexaa
ana other states? lea. Does not tne
votes in tne primaries virtually, con
stitute an election? Did not repre
sentatives trom lexas, Mr. Garners
state, recently carry a case to the Su
preme Court of tne United states to
prohibit the Negro from voting in the
primaries? And after an adverse de
cision of that court does not Texas
still evade the mandates of the Su
preme Court in further prohibiting
the Negroes from exercising their
franchise in their primaries? nas
Garner ever used his influence to get
the Negro a free ballot in Texas or
anywhere else? Would not Garner be
expected to execute and promulgate
the wisnes of the solid South whieh
attempts in every possible way to
keep the Negro in political slavery?
Has Hoover ever assisted in prohibit
ing the Negro from using the ballot
in Iowa and California or anywhere
else (his home States)? When the
Negro supports the Democratic party,
he endorses the policy of Nordic su
periority, segregat’n, peonage, disfran
chisement, injustices in the courts,
inferior schools, economic slavery and
Ku-Klux Klan.
Considering the great potential pow
er that the Negro has, it appears that
his greatest weakness is in himself
After nearly seventy years of free
dom, education, and phenominal pro
gress in many other lines, he does not
yet use sufficient sagacity and strat
egy to organize and successfully pro
tect his own political interests. The
records show that in many states
where Negroes are allowed to vote un
molested, he has the balance of power
in about twenty of such states. If he
would use his ballot effectively he
could send, probably, a senator and
one or more representatives of his
own group from each of the said
states. In other states and sections
where his vote is not quite so strong,
he might assist in a large measure in
dictating the policy of both his local
state and municipal government. If
only half of the Negroes' potential
voting strength was used to advan
the sentiment of both Hoover
and the United States Congress would
be ehanged almost over night, and
instead of crying about neglect at the
Hoover dam and other places the Ne
gro would have a voice in its manage
ment and operation.
•nm xv
xuc pays Heavy taxes m
many large cities of the West, where
his vote helps to elect every national,
state and political officer on the pro
gram and helps to levy bonds to build
fine schools which his children attend,
^hen his sons and daughters grad
uate, they are sent to their Southern
brothers, who have no vote, to get po
sitions; a3 custom does not permit the
use of Negro teachers in certain West
ern centers. The effective use of the
Negro bailot in said sections would
make rapid changes in these policies.
Let the Negro organize politically
and vote for himself and his friends
regardless of party, and his land of’
political famine will be converted in
to one of plenty. We would urge in
conclusion, that since in practice and
principle the Republican party does
uot^ deny the Negro the ballot and the
ballot is his only weapon, and on the
contrary, the Democratic party in
practice and principle has in a large
measure in various sections been the
role party that attempts to prohibit
the Negro the free use of the ballot,
:: would seem a course of wisdom to
stay in the party and support the ad
ministration that allows our group
| the free use of the ballot. Let the
Negro change the attitude of the ad
I ministration and the Republican party
with his only weapon, the ballot, by
, putting in men of his own group, vot
.ng in his friends and voting out his
enemies, whether they be Republicans
or Democrats.
^ ery truly yours,
E- T. M. Devore, D. D. S.
L ocal
Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God
and the Brotherhood of Man must prevail. These are
the only principles which will stand the acid test of good
citizenship in time of peace, war and death.
(1) We must have our pro-rata of employment in
businesses to which we give our patronage, such as groc
ery stores, laundries, furniture stores, department stores
and coal companies, in fact- every concern which we sup
port. W e must give our citizens the chance to live res
pectably. W e are tired of educating otar children and
permitting them to remain economic slaves and enter in
to lives of shame.
(2) Our pro-rata of employment for the patronage
to our public corporations such as railroad companies,
the street car company, the Nebraska Power Company,
the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company and other
establishments which we are forced to support by right
of franchise. Also our pro-rata of employment in re
turn for the taxes we paj- in our city, county state and
federal government.
(3) To encourage the establishment of a first class
hospital that we may get the best that there is in medical
science from our doctors whom we know to be nearest us,
also to encourage a high respect of them and encourage
more of our girls to take nurse training.
(4) A one hundred per cent deportment of our cit
izens in our public or private places of business, especial
ly on street cars. If we are to be respected we must act
respectably, especially in public places where we are con
stantly before the public’s eye.
(5) A one hundred per cent membership in the Om
aha branch of the NAACP. should be had to encourage
the efforts put forth by the founders of the organization
and to assist the general office to establish a five million
dollar endowment fund to maintain operating expenses
and to further the principles of the NAACP. All peo
ple of aH races must be educated up to a higher principle
and a more thorough understanding of interracial rela
tionship that our country* may in reality be a gov ernment
of the people, for the people and by the people in whole
and not in part.
(b) Ihe re-establishment of the Christian Religion
as Christ taught it, for the uplifting of mankind, elimin
ating financial and personal gain. A practical Christian
Religion, week day as well as Sunday. An attitude to
ward our fellowman as a brother in order to establish a
principle which will guide the destiny of each other’s
children; our neighbor's children today are our children
(7) Courteous treatment in all places of business
and the enforcement of the State Civil Right Law.
(8) To encourage and assist in the establishment of
the following financial institutions near 24th and Lake
Streets: A building and loan association, a state bank,
and. also, a first-class trust company for the purpose of
administering aid and assistance to our widows and
(9) To encourage the erection of a one hundred
thousand dollar Young Men’s Christian Association
Building near 24th and Lake Streets.
(10) To enlarge the Young Women’s Christian As
sociation that it may supply sufficient dormitory accom
(11) To teach our citizens to live economically with
in their earning capacity by printing in each issue a bud
get system for various salaries.
(12) To make Omaha a better city in which to live
by inaugurating a more cosmopolitan spirit among our
American citizens.
(13 To put a stop to the Divorce Evil by passing a
State law making the mistreatment of a wife or a hus
band by either of them, a criminal offense to be decided
by a jury, first offense, jail sentence of a short duration;
second offense, one of longer duration; third offense,
from one to five years in the penitentiary. This, we be
lieve will make men and women think before marrying.
(14) We must become owners of the city govern
ment by paying a seemingly higher salary to those whom
we employ to administer its affairs, a salary that will at
tract men of high calibre.
IN ational
(1) Fight for a passage of the Dyer Anti-Lynch Bill
and thus stop the shamful lynching of American citizens.
(2) One of our citizens in the president’s cabinet.
(3) Federal control of the educational system that
every child must have a high school education.
(4) Assist in the furtherance of research by our
scientists and historians to prove that civilization waa
first founded in Africa.
(5) Establish a political influence which will bring
about our pro-rata of higher appointments made by our
chief executives.
(6) Stop graft in politics by passing a Federal Lajr
making election day a legal holiday and compelling every
American citizen of voting age to vote.
(7) Prevent further wars by teaching the so-called
white race that it is high time for them to quit fooling
themselves about white supremacy with only three-tenths
of the world’s population. They must be taught that
color is due to climatic conditions. They must be taught
that seven-tenths of the world’s population is made up of
darker races. They must be taught that the ravs of sun
that blaze upon the equator and turn the skin brown do
not affect the power of the brain anv more than the cold
ness of icy glaciers affect the brain of the white race*
and that the darker races will not continue to be crushed
by a money mad few. If the Fatherhood of God and the
Brotherhood of Man are not welded into the hearts of this
world s family now, by teaching the principles laid down
by our feaviour it will be welded into the hearts ofow
children some day soon, on the bloodiest battlefields this
world has ever known.
H^i8).uCutcd.°^.COngressionaI representation from
the^outhern States in proportion to the number of votes
tn hrTn6 GJIDE wiD Put forth its best efforts
to bring about the above 22 points with the assistance of
1 11 * f°r ‘he of g<wd Amer