The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 08, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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    This Text was given by Rev. O. J. Burckhardt, Pastor
of Christ Temple. “I will Pray to the Father and He shall
give you another, that he May abide with you forever”.
—Jno. 14-16.
_ __ __ _ _ _ I
HIM HIM. Jl. t.- Ull Kill
Rev. J. C. Bell. Pastor
Service* were largely attended Sun
day. It was the Pastor’* closing Sun
day, before leaving for the Annual
Conference. At 8:45 A. M. Sunday
School. Mr*. Maggie Smith, Supt. 11
A- M. Morning Worship. 3 P. M. the
Sunday school gave an interesting pro
gram. Select speakers Miss Taylor
jf the Y. W. C. A. and Mrs. Slater,
pastor's wife of Council Bluffs. They
both brought an instructive address.
At 8 P. M. services. Rev, A. Clay,
choir and congregation of Clair ME.
Church, worshipped with us. The
Pastor preached at 8 P. M , subject
“Be Faithful to the End.” Rev. and
Mrs. Bell leave Tuesday morning for
Conference at Wichita, Kan. Rev.
McDonald will fill the pulpit and take
charge of the Church during the ab
sence of the Pastor. Service* next
Sunday as usual. Don’t fail to do
your best. The Trustees are asking
every member to come out and help
them raise some money for urgent
debts, that must be met. Can we
count on you doing your best. God
Bless Us All, that we may find time
and some money to help our Church.
2215 Grant Street
Rev. C. C. Harper. Pastor
Rev. J. R. Young, Asst. Pastor
Irving Green, Reporter
Sunday School at 8:30 A. M. H. L.
Anderson. Supt. Rev. J. R. Young
delivered a wonderful sermon at the
morning service. Hymnals were ren
dered by the Imperial Choir. A. L.
Scott, president. A. Preacher, sec
retary. B. \\ P. U. will be conduct
ed by Group No. 2, M. Landrum,
president. Mrs. Cora Brown, asst, sec
"etary* Rev, J. R, Young brought a
very soothing message Sunday night,
followed by the Lord’s Supper. Visi
tors for the day were Mrs. Carrie
Newby of Moberly, Mo., Mr. Grey
Reed of Lincoln, Mrs. Hightower of
by Rev. O. J. Burckhardt
The work of the Comforter is made
plain and simple, as to the purposes
for which he was sent into the world,
fits first work was to organize the
church 2nd He was t teach Christ
ianity as a vital force in the believers
soul. 3rd, He was to link the Church
as an organized union with the risen
<• "Wrist. 4th, He was to form within
(hem that constituted the church.
■Wrist as their hope of glory. 5th
He was to bring back to our memory
’he things Jesus taught while here on
earth. 6th, He was to guide us into
• II truth. 7th He vfa* to enable us
to subordinate ourselves to all the
will of Christ, so much so, that He
* ccomee just as real to us, as He was
‘o the disciples when He walks thru
he plains of Jericho and a round the
ca»st of Gallilee. Ye* He come to
■sit a new nature into our souls, so
‘h*t we would not be bent toward the
h:n«s of this world. Yes when He
on**» into abide all uncleanliness
“iust vanish. He can’t live in a
• ‘m pie clogged up with tobacco,
' hiskey and filthy conversations. In
•her words the Comforter will not
’well in an unclean temple. So my
'-ieud if you are looking for Him
you must clean house.
« hrurt Temple.
-“th mad Burdette Streets
J. Burekhardt. Pastor,
-'Irs. Yerda Gordon, reporter.
Sunday morning services were good
i.nd well attended with visitors. The
Sunday school as usual was full of
i.Merest, and things moved on in a
r neral way for the day. Elder
Goodwin brought us a splendid mes
sage in the evening.
Elder Daniel J. Washington is now
k re egaged in a meeting which has
rtarted off with great success. Bro.
. aaitl ts a great preacher and you
r ust hear him. Come and be part of
the meeting. You will find yourself
trade welcome. If you are truly a
Christian you belong to the same
church we do, so come and worship
v th os and help put this program
e er for the glory of God and help of
h manity. Come singing, come pray
i: if. come in that attitude that Goo
rsy use you.
Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. we
w ’1 have a feast in the wilderness.
■*’I Christians are cordially invited to
e -ne and feast with us. Please re
n mber our weeks meeting.
P;,7rim Baptist Church,
K«dk 25th and Hamilton Sts.,
Per. J. H. Dotson, Pastor.
5 - rrirej were good all day last
fr.nday. In the morning the pastor
f ”*d the pulpit using as a subject,
pa'tor was at his best.
The Lord’s Supper was served in
th * afternoon. We would like to see
iTK re of the members of the Church
p*-ent at these services.
BYPU. was at the regular hour
«i h a good attendance. Group No. 11
renaereo a very goo a program, j.
W. D&cus, president.
The Sunday School Alliance will
meet at Bethel South Omaha next
Sunday afternoon.
In the evening an unusual large
crowd gathered at the Church and on
time to hear the pastor preach. His
subject for the evening was ‘Does For
tune Telling Belong to God or to the
Devil?” found 1st Samuel 28:15.
Many visitors were present at each
service*. Pilgrim welcomes visitors.
Don’t forget the quartette and solo
program which will be given at the
Church Friday evening Oct. 7th un
der auspices of the Choir. Admis
sion is only 15 cents and you will
never regret having come out. Hear
the leading quartettes of the city.
J. W. Jowers, president.
The pastor and family were very
much surprised Thursday evening
when a good crowd of the members
of Pilgrim which make up the Pas
tor’s Aid club stood at the door sing
ing with arms full of food stuff to
be left at the parsonage. This show
er was very much appreciated and
surprises like these are always wel
come. This club has done some
mighty fine things since they organi
sed a few weeks ago. Mrs. Fronie
Green is President and Mrs. Alice
N'icolson is secretary.
A Calendar Pew Rally will be had
at Pilgrim the third "Sunday after
noon at three o’clock with Mrs. J. H.
Dotson in charge. The months will
make up the pews, the members are
requested to sit in the pew that bares
the month in which they were born.
Visitors are invited to sit where they
prefer or by invitation. We invite
members and friends of the churches
of the city to come out and enjoy a
' real good service. Salem choir will
render the music along with other
musical numbers and two inspiring
addresses by able speakers. Come
early that you may get a seat and
bring an offering to help the cause.
The sick—Mrs. Irene Jackson in St.
Joseph hospital, Dorothy Pruitt in
County hospital, Mrs. Eliza Robbins
confined to her home 2226 Seward
Street. Mrs. G. Dowing, reporter.
Fiskites all over the country plan
ned programs in observance of Jub
ilee Day, October 6. Jubilee Day is
a holiday at Fisk. Every graduate
and former Fiskite-sent messages to
be read in Fisk Memorial Chapel Ser
vices. President Jones asked if pos
sible at noon Oct. 6, for every Fiskite
to bow for two minutes in a silent
prayer of Thanksgiving.
Salem Baptist Church
22nd and Seward St.
Rev. F. S. Goodlett, Acting Pastor
Mr. Wm. Cooper, Reporter.
Services were unusually good Sun
day. S. S. opened at 9 with a nice
attendance. BYPU. rendered a De
votional Program. The 6 o’clock
Prayer Meeting will end Sunday
Morning 10-9, ’32, with a free break
fast and feast. Everybody welcome.
11 a. m. services consisted of Coven
ant meeting and Lord’s Supper. 8
p. m. subject “In the Sombre Shad
ows” Matt. 13-30. You miss a treat
by not hearing Salem’s Choir sing j
and see the processional march, un
der the leadership of Mrs. Geraldine
Stewart of this city.
Herbert Hoover—Slave Trader, Negro
Hater and Jim Crow Expert
(Continued from page 1)
the British company which he repre
With such a brilliant record of ex
ploitation—which means money-mak
ing for the capitalists at the expense
o<f the workers Hoover went to China.
There he cruelly exploited Chinese
coolies in the mines, forcing them to
work for 10 or 15 cents a day under
the most dangerous conditions. So
heedless was he of human life, that he
persistently refused to install in his
mines even the meagre safeguards
required by law.
t alued W ood Above Lives
“The disregard of human life,” he
once stated, “permitted mining by
economy in timber, and the aggrieved
relations are amply compensated by
the payment of $30 (in American
money $15) per man lost.”
H(*rver, the mine manager, “found
it cheaper to pay $15 whenever Chi
nese laborers were killed, than to
properly timber the mine,” says Wal
ter Liggett in his book, “The Rise of
Herbert Hoover.”
The authors of the book, “Wash
ington Merry-Go-Round” speak of1
Hoover’s remark that in China, he
found chaining a coolie to a stake in
the hot sun all day long, an effective :
method of discipline, which would also
insure a minimum of strikes.
Pieces of wood were more precious ’
to Hoover than human life! This
savagery recommended Hoover as ]
sufficiently hard-boiled for any cruel i
enterprise in South Africa.
Hoover—Slave-Trader <
Contemptible as the Chinese venture s
BOVE are pictured leading
representatives of the col
ored race in the United States,
the Planning Board of the Re
publican National Committee
for Colored Voters, meeting
in Chicago with Chairman
Everett Sanders and his aids
to confer on the campaign to
re-elect President Hoover.
Seated left to right: Dr. L. K.
Williams, Chicago; Attorney
L Amassa Knox, Kansas City,
Mo.; Special A«st. U.
General David E. Henderson,
Kansas City, Kas.; Clarence R.
Vena, Toledo, O.; John M.
Wright, Topeka, Kas.; Chair
man Everett Sanders of Re
publican National Committee;
George W. Lee, Memphis,
Tenn.; Mrs. Irene M.,
Chicago; Dr. Emmett J. Scott,
Washington, D. C.; Cornelius
R. Richardson, Richmond,Ind.;
standing, left to right, Attor
ney Wilbur H. Grant, Indian
Tnd.; National Corn
mitteeman Perry W. Howard,
Washington, D. C.; Finley J.
Wilson, Washington, D. C.;
Ray Benjamin, San Francisco,
Assistant to Chairman San
ders; Congressman Oscar De
Priest, Chicago; Roscoe Conk
ling Simmons, Chicago; Wil
liam Booker, Little Rock, Ark.
Representative W. E. King,
Chicago; Fred Morris, Chi
cago, and Alderman Claiborne
George, Cleveland, O. (Photo
by Republican Natl. Com.)
was, it remains insignificant besides
his slave-trading activities in South
In 1904, after the Boer War, the
white mine-owners told the African
natives that their wages in the mines,
with food and huts, must be cut from
$9.40 to $6.60 per month, about 26
cents a day. The robust Kaffirs re
fusedThey were unwilling to submit
to the imperialists, American or
With this “labor problem” on his
hands, Hoover conceived the idea of
enslaving Chinese coolies and making
them work for the mere pittance
which the Kaffirs had refused.
Whereupon a slave-trading deal was
concluded, which is so monstrous as
to seem incredible. The record, how
ever, stands in print in numerous of
ficial publications of the English gov
ernment, in reprints of speeches made
in Parliament, and n the London pa
pers of that time.
Hoover was then in charge of the
Chinese Engineering and Mining
Company, a British firm which he had
helpd to organize in one of the most
shameless steals.
“On April 18, 1904, the Chinese En
gineering and Mining Company, Ltd.,
sold into slavery 200,000 fellow hu
man beings. These were Chinamen,”
says the writer John Hammill. Al
though 200,000 were contracted for
60,000 were shipped before this nefar
ious practice was uncovered.
Profits from Slave-Ships
Not only did Hoover profit through
exploiting the labor of these coolies,
but he was also interested in the ship
ping company which conducted the
slave-traffic between China and South
me cnarge ior transporting coolies
was $35 a head. Under the contract,
Hoover’s company was to get $10 for
each coolie rounded up, and $25 more
per head for transportation. (At 25
cents a day, they would have to work
220 days to earn this $55.)
The Chinese were shanghaied. They
weer told of a veritable paradise with
ideal working conditions and “garden
Many of them were thus fooled into
signing ap for three years of slavery.
Even the reactionary ex-premier of
England, Lloyd George, in a speech
before Parliament, denounced these
advertisements for coolies as fraud
ulent. flj«i .! |
In the course of 18 months, over
60,000, mostly agricultural workers,
had thus been duped about the nature
of their work.
These were carried overseas to be
brutally beaten at work which the
Kaffirs had rejected.
Coolies Crowded on Ships
Though the law allowed only 1,000
on a ship, Hoover crowded almost
twice that number on. Many died on
the voyage, and many others goaded
into desperation at the intolerable con
ditions, are known to have jumped
overboard. They preferred death to
Hoover’s slave-ships.
These horrors recall the nightmares
of the Negro slaves transported in
the 17th century to America. Indeed
a British statesman said in Parlia
ment that the mine owners must have
sought their model from the southern
landlords before the Civil War.
The survivors of this awful trip
were rushed to the mines, where they
slaved hundreds of feet underground,
in knee-deep water and constant rain,
rhe “garden cities” proved to be filthy
prison stockades, closely guarded by
armed men. The coolies were packed
into abominable quarters where free
movement was denied them. The fate
jf those caught wandering from the
estricted area or of those attempting
.o escape, may easily be imagined.
Not only were those men forced to
slave 10 hours a day for 25 cents, but
heir pay was further reduced by
‘fines” placed against them at the
dightest pretext.
"By Order of H. C. Hoover”
All of the orders of the company
vere personally signed: “H. C.
loover.” The company paid 20 to 30
>er cent dividends on its more than a
nillion dollar capitalisation.
So inhuman and cruel was this slav
try, that it became an international
candal and was prohibited. Not how- j
ever, before more than 60,000 coolies
had been shipped to Hoover’s mines
at a tremendous profit to this twen
tieth century slave-driver.
Between the years when Hoover
left South Africa, and the time of the
world war, there is no record of any
outstanding JimCrow or anti-Negro
action on his part. The reason is
simple; Hoover was not at any time
during these years in contact with
Negro or colonial toilers. His chief
activity during this period consisted
of selling, in England and in Europe,
worthless stocks, and piling up im
mense profits for himself and the
companies he represented.
But almost immediately upon his
return to the United States, Hoover
was responsible for two actions which
endeared him to the Negro-hating
bosses of Amecira, and had not a
little to do with his elevation to the
presidential chair. These activities
were his work as Chairman of the
Special Commission on Mississippi
Flood Relief ,and his thefts in Liberia
for the benefit of Harvey Firestone,
(to be continued next week)
(Continued from Page 1)
room and went into the bath room,
there she heard 4 shots (fired in suc
cession. Marie Fellows was ther
called, she stated that she lived at
2513 M St., and came home Thursday
Sept. 25, about 6 p. m. At that time
Ballard Hawkins was sitting down
stairs talking to Oscar Muffet, the
man's home where they lived. She
went in and asked Hawkins for money
to buy food for supper. He gave
her the money and she and a friend
Ethel Booker went and bought gro
ceries, and she then cooked supper.
She called Hawkins to his supper,
and at this time a telephone call came
for Mrs. Booker next door. She
went with Mrs. Booker to answer the
call. When she returned to her
house, she sat down to eat and an
argument started. Marie Fellows
states that she got up and said, “Well
you didn’t want me to eat with you
anyway.” Then we started fighting.
Mr. Moffet came in and tried to part
us. She stopped in the hall to pick
up her beads where he had broken
them, and fix her dress that was
torn. She then said to Hawkins
“Come upstairs I want to talk to
you." She and Hawkins went up
stairs followed by Ethel Booker.
They all went into their bed room and
the argument started again (the na
ture of the argument was not dis
closed) but she further stated that
Hawkins was drunk and she was so
bert. She said Hawkins was seated
on the bed and she said “Ain’t you a
shamed of your self?” and he said
“No your-needs a beating.”
And in the heat of the argument, he
started after a vase and she pushed
him back, then he started toward the
dresser and she made for the dresser,
opened the drawer took out the gun
and started firing. Then she states
when she starts shooting he was still
seated on the bed and did not move
until she fired the fifth shot, the one
which killed him. He attorney Dorn
pleaded for dismissal of the case or
change the case to manslaughter.
Judge Wheeler bound Marie Fellows
cr\er to District Court, charged with
first degree murder. No bond.
Atlanta,Ga. (CNA) Otto Hall, Ne
gro organizer here for the Unem
ployed Council, returned to his home
after being kidnapped on the outskirts
of Birmingham by armed men, and
threatened with death.
Hall was arrested in Atlanta and
held incommunicado for 48 hours.
Immediately upon his release, he was
seized and beaten by Atlanta police
He left at once for Birmingham,
and as he approached the city, he
was forced into a curtained automo
bile by several armed men who drove
Jim to the city limits and told him
to “keep going.” They said they
would kill him if he dared to return
to Birmingham.
The International Labor Defense
is demanding that Commissioner of
Safety John Taylor investigate the
kidnapping, and is urging all work
ers’ organizations to send telegrams
and resolutions of protest.
Atlanta has recently been the scene
of many struggles of jobless Negro
and white workers, who have in sev
eral cases obtained relief from the
city authorities. These struggles
were under the leadership of the Un
employed Council, and the arrest of
Hall is an attempt to smash the
growing organization of the unem
ployed. It is also, part of the wide
spread effort to smash the all
Southern Scottsboro Defense Confer
After nursing an idea for years
that all business places especially
where my race contribute largely to
their support, should employ some
members of the race. < Talking to
several race leaders and Buehler Bros
who operates a chain of markets in
the city, with one in the Race district,
at 24th and Lake Sts., I first opened
an account with them and watched the
Race people go and come. Finally I
asked the manager, at that time, Mr.
Poindexter, about what per cent of
his business was colored. He told
me about 60 per cent. He being the
local manager, I took it up with him
about colord help, which he didn’t take
kindly to, so I didn’t get very far.
In a short while the present manag
er, Mr. Frank Rogers was named in
his place. I went over the matter
with him. He readily agreed that he
in turn would take the matter up with
the district manager, Mr. Harry In
gram. After a few days, he report
ed to me that he could not do any
immediately I closed my account and
told my friend Mr. Rogers that I did
not blame him as I thought he was
0 K, to to remind Mr. Ingram that I
was going to knife him, as we needed
places where we could make some
money rather than spend it. A few
months ago Mr. Fred Kleiber was
named district manager, succeeding
Mr. Ingram. Mr. Rogers, a wonder
ful little man, placed the matter be
fore him. Whereupon, they called
me in and told me that they were
ready to consider my proposition, and
asked for suggestions I gave my o.
pinion that we should have a butcher
employed, but as at present only 2
are employed, they gave my second
request, a job for a school boy, Satur
day and afternoons, with the promise
of more consideration in the future,
including regular employment for 2
race people. Too much credit cannot
be given Mr. Rogers and Mr. Kleiber
fer their fair minded stand for the
—Mr. Jasper Cole.
$125 FINE
30 gallons of wine was found in
Edward Ector’s home at 2737 Cald
well St., Ector claimed that the wine
was for his own use and bought grap
es to make the wine because they
were cheap. Judge Perry M. Wheel
er fined Ector $100 for illegal poss
ession of liquor and $25 for running
a disorderly house.
^It was my pleasure to go with the
Nebraska Hoover Caravan to Des
Moines and to enjoy what I consid
ered the most eloquent, logical and
convincing speech ever made by our
Nation’s President, Mr Herbert Hoo
ver. He spared no pains in discuss
ing the several issues that claim the
attention of the American People in
the coming election and in stating his
position as to his future policies in
handling the affairs of our govern
ment, after Nov. 8th, as President of
She United States. ]
Read What Others Say II
What others says
John Owens Turns Plato
(by Homer C. Burdette)
John Owens, fielder of the Dave’s
Market Baseball team, has turned his
shoulders against sports, and like
Plato one of those wise Greeks, who
was once an athlete, later turned his
thoughts to more intellectual things
and doings. It seems to me that
• I
Owens is more or less a man of the
same pattern. Through constructive
thinking, analyzing conditions and de
sirous to help humanity, Owens has
placed his name on the ballot, asking
for a chance to represent the people
in the ninth district. Owens has a
good platform and a wonderful fol
lowing, and may be able to give us a
| lot of help.
Republican Campaign Swings Into
High Gear-Planning Committee
Named to Handle Offensive
- Illinois.
Chicago, Sept.—Well, the Republi
can campaign if off with a bang. The
Hoover-Curtis forces among the vot
ers of darker hue, sprang into the
fray with full force and vigor Mon
day, when plans for conducting the
campaign among Negroes were re
vealed together with the names of
some of those who are to head the
more important committees in charge
of the work.
A “Planning Committee” composed
of a coteria of outstanding men and
women will be in charge of the cam
paign strategy and they will have the
close counsel and co-operation of a
formidable group of outstanding po
litical figures in each of the voting
states. Members of the Planning
Committee met at Republican Nation
al Committee Headquarters in the
Palmer House here Tuesday.
Those whom Chairman Sanders has
announced as constituting the person
nel of the Planning Board thus far
The Honorary members—Planning
Board, for Colored Voters, Republi
can National Committee are:
Hon. Oscar DePriest, Congressman,
Hon. David E. Henderson, Special
Assistant Attorney General of the
U. S.
Hon. Wm. C. Hueston, Assistant So
licitor, Postoffice Department.
Mrs. Henry Lincoln Johnson, Com
missioner of Conciliation.
Mrs. Eugene P. Booze, Republican
National Committee, Mississippi.
Mrs. Mamie Williams, Savannah,
Mrs. Hallie Q. Brown, Xenia, Ohio.
Miss Nannie Hurroughs, National
Training School for Girls, Deanewood,
Washington, D. C.
Hon. Perry W. Howard. Republican
National Committee, Mississippi.
Hon. Frod Roberts, Assemblyman,
Hon. J. Finley Wilson, Grand Ex
alted Ruler, IBPO Elks.
Bishop R. E. Jones, New Orleans,
Dr. J. R. A. Crossland, St. Louis,
Hon. Roscoe Conkling Simmons,
Hon. Emmett Scott, Howard Uni
versity, Washington, L). C.
Major Walter A. Loving, Oakland,
The planning board for colored vot
ers of the Republican National Com
mittee consists of the following lead
Illinois: Hon. Wm. E. King, Rev.
Dr. L. K. Williams, Mrs. Irene M.
Ohio: Clarence Vena, Toledo;
George Claybourne, Cleveland.
Indiana: C. R. Richardson, Rich
mond; Wilber H. Grant, Indianapolis.
Kansas: John M. Wright, Topeka.
Missouri: L. Amassa Knox, Kan
sas City.
Tennessee: George Lee, Memphis.
Kentucky: Dr. E. E. Underwood,
District of Columbia: John R.
Hawkins, Washington, D. C., and
Michigan: Dr. J. L. Leach, Flint,
Colonel Roscoe Conkling Simmons
is assistant director of the Speakers
j Robert Pelham of Washington, D. C.
and I. Roland of Chicago are assistant
publicity directors.
The planning committee is expected
to carry a goodly share of the oratori
cal offensive of the campaign and in
addition numerous speakers are ready
to be assigned, while the volunteer
list of those desiring to serve the
grand old party this year, is said to
be larger than ever before.
There will be no separate bureau
this year. Chairman Sanders made
it clear that there would be an entire
absence of anything which might be
construed as “Jim Crow”. The color
ed political workers will be a defiinite
and integral part of the general cam
paign forces. The planning commit
tee will be in charge of Negro activ
ities, just as the labor group, the for
eign language group or the women’s
goup will be in charge oif activities in
their especial fields. There will, how
ever, be no separation or segregation
and all groups will be under the im
mediate supervision of Chairman San
ders or his two assistants, Ray Benja
min and Robert H. Lucas.
New York, (CNA)) William L. Pat- j
terson, Negro leader and Communist
candidate for Mayor of New York
City, last week charged the Socialist
Party with betraying the struggles
of the Negro workers and with having
J a consistent policy of Jim-Crowism.
Patterson's statement was called
forth by a recent incident at the Ho
tel Claridge, where the Socialist pa
per, The Jewish Daily Forward, owns
a radio station, W. E—V—D. Negro
entertainers trying to reach this sta
tion were refused the use of the pas
senger elevator. The Forward tri
ed to explain that “the Negroes car
ried very bulky instruments.''
“This explanation is a patent lie”
said Patterson. “Mr. George May
nard director of the station, was also
ordered to cancel Several Negro pro
“The Socialist Party as yet has of
fered no satisfactory explanation of
its withdrawal of Frank Crosswaithe,
Negro, as its candidate for Lieuten
ant Governor of New York state. In
its city election platform, not a word
is mentioned.
To Employ Colored Help
According to Fred E. Kleiber, new
district manager, The Buehler Bros,
stores which have always been noted
for their quality meats at bargain
prices are to launch a drive for new
customers. Mr. Klever said that it
was his belief that every man was
entitled to equal consideration and to
prove his point he has placed Jasper
Cole, son of Jasper Cole, city fireman
in the grocery department of the 24th
and Lake St., Store and promises to
employe a colored butcher in the near
future. Mr. Klever is well known
on the southside where he worked for
many years as store manager for one
«f the Buehler Mkts., He has the
acquaintances of some of the best
known colored business men and wo
men all of whom seem to be of the
opinion that he will make a splendid
and fair minded district manager.
The new manager said it was the
policy of the store to treat all cus
tomers with the greatest amount of
courtesy whether they made purch
ases of a dime or a dollars’ worth,
and that all new as well as old cus
tomers would find that their dimes
would go as far or further at the
Buehler Bros. Mkt., as any other store
in the city,
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to many '
You may
wear many ^
You may
have a blg^
But you
need a ^
to dig up our
—See otber side
We. 1750