HEL FO MURDER WITHOUT BONO —o-0-0-0— —0-0-0-0— —0-0-0-0— -0-0-O-0_o_0_0_0_ 30,000 People ReadThe Only Paper of Hs The Omaha Guide fay West of ^ -/wpms mim - V( >L- VI- Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, October 8, 1932 Number Thirty-Three.— I cr I I 5® I PER COPY S ■ I< f ITune In ''DIGESTING | < The NEWS" | | J BROADCASTED | J Every Week from this Column ]) f By CLIFFORD C. MITCHELL t USEFUL INFORMATION • • • My release oi three weeks ago, "Some Negroes in Office," has brought me more direct commend ation, more editorial notes, more fea tured positions in the Negro press and more letters of inquiries than any release since I started this column two and a half years ago. • • • In most instances a genuine sur prise was manifested in my being afcie to secure and keep such up-to date information under my present circumstances. Others inquired about additional information that I might have, and three research organiz ations wanted to know why I hadn't let them know that I kept such use ful information on hand. • • • Thu release, therefore, is for the purpose of acquainting any individ ual. firm or organization that may require information oi any sort con cerning Negroes in America that I am able to supply same at a moment’s notice, simply by referring to my fil es which I have built up through years of spare time efforts and which covers over one hundred and twenty five thousand subjects. • • • In my files, for instances, can be found the data on every Negro in A merica who at one time or another has accomplished something that dis tinguished him from the crowd. Each subject is classified and indexed according to his or her present sta tion m life. The activities of every racial enterprise iq the country are constantly being watched and appro priate notes made in my files. • • • The complete data on every individ ual or firm who has used any adver tising space in the Negro press is to be found in my files and classified according to their requirements. Every editor, writer, columnist and correspondent who has had anything printed in any of the hundred papers that come to me weekly is listed in my files, first according to their journalistic position and then cross indexed geographically, with the re sult that on a moment’s notice I could contact with an appropriate prospect in any city, town or village in the country. • e e And while my private library con sists of approximately one hundred and fifty volume* on the Negro, both current and ancient, I try to keep in ray files only such information, com piled from day to day and week to week, that would be of use for cur rent up to the minute reference. • • • All of this information has been studied and compiled purely to keep myself informed in order to enhance the valce of my journalistic releases, bat. if (as the many recent inquiries imply) this same information can be useful to others then I shall be most happy in cooperating with all individ uals or concerns who may be in need of such information as I have spent years in compiling. At any rate this release will serve to inform those who wrote concerning the extent of my compiled data on the Negroes in America. —1 Coining to Omaha — Jean Calloway and Her Victor Recording Orches tra of Newr York City, who are just finishing a 6 weeks engagement at one of Chicago’s Leading Theatres, and who is furnishing the music for the Big Cabaret Danc% given under the Auspices of the UNEMPLOYED MAR RIED MEN’S COUNCIL, at the Beautiful Dreamland Hall, Oct. 24,1932. Not only are each of the members of this orchestra outstanding, but each plays an important role in making this orchestra the GREATEST HIT OF THE SEASON. STATEMENT BY DR. JOHN A. SINGLETON FOR REPRESENTA TIVE FOR 9th DISTRICT I believe that Pres. Hoover’s pro gram for Relief in depression, was logical constructive and not political bunk. I was deeply impressed by his sincerity. I cannot see how anyone who listened to him could do other, wise than vote the Republican ticket. REAL ESTATE MAN AND MAIL CARRIER STAGE BATTLE Mr. A. J. Davis, real estate man, and Mr. Charles Burnett, mail car rier, appeared in Police court, before Judge Wheeler, Thursday A.M. Oct. 6, to explain a fj3t fight, which took place in front of the Burnett home near 25th and Corby Sts. The fight was the result of a $50 real estate deal, which Mr. Davis stated that Mr. Burnett owed him for some time. Mr Burnett stated that he met Mr. Davis at 24th and Corby Sts., and they walked down to 25th and Corby, discussing the $50. When they reach ed his home near 25th and Corby, Mr. Davis struck at him and he threw up his arm to avoid the blow. He then knocked Mr. Davis down 3 tim es. Mr. Davis’ face wa3 quite swol len. Mr. Davis stated that Mr.. Burnett hid in the hedge around his home and landed the blows from unseen sources. The case was dis mssed by Judge Wheeler until more evidence was produced. G. O. P. MEETING Harry Monsky, Main Speaker The G. 0. P. held a big political Meeting Monday evening Oct. 3, at the North Side Headquarters. H. L. Anderson, chairman presiding. About 200 persons listened to Mr. Dwight Griswold, candidate for Governor. Attorney John Adams candidate for representative, 10th District, Dr. John A. Singleton, candidate for represen tative in 9th District and Attorney W. B. Bryant on Republicanism. Mr. Herman Friedlander introduced Mr. Monsky, musical selections by the Harmony four. c Herbert Hoover—Slave Trader, Negro Hater and Jim Crow Expert To the editor: We begin this week a series of aritcles o nthe Jim-Crow, anti-Negro policies of Herbert Hoover. These articles will be followed with a similar expose of Franklin D. Roose velt. Introduction We begin this week a series of arti cles on the Jim Crow, anti-Negro pol icies of Herbert Hoover, from his early slave-trading days in Africa and China to the present time. The whole is a shameful record of betrayal of the Negro people. The material for these articles was prepared jointly by the staff of the Crusader News Agency and the Labor Research Association. In the beginning, a slave-driver in China and a slave-trader in Africa. Today, the President of the United States. Between these two periods, a long, consistent record of Jim-Crow, anti-Negro policies. That is the story f Herbert Hoover, candidate of the Republican Party for re-election to the presidency. Hoover—Slave-Driver Hoover is himself a capitalist—a millionaire many times over. The basis of this fortune was laid in the early days of the century, in Aus tralia, China and South Africa. There, at the expense of the toiling masses, he endeared himself to the capitalists by putting over fake stock-promotion schemes, by his union-smashing, strike breaking and slave-driving activities. As a mine manager in Australia, he earned the undying hatred of the workers by installing a speed-up system which forced them to do twice the work they had done before. When they struck in protest, after a sweep ing wage-cut, he imported boat-loads of Italian laborers to break the strike. By swindling small investors in his wild-cat and fraudulent stock-selling schemes, Hoover enriched himself and (Continued on Page 3) “BRIGHTER DAYS AHEAD” SAYS CURTIS Vice-President Curtis arrived in Omaha Thursday afternoon, Oct. 6, escorted by Jackson B. Chase Repub lican County Chairman, and Mayor Metcalf, with a caravan of cars fill ed with Republican Officials. He addressed about 1500 persons at the Brandeis Theatre Thursday night, on “Hard Times”. He said depression was over an things would continue to get better and prosperity restored. The worst has come and gone. NEBR. HOOVER CARAVAN TO DES MOINES, IOWA Among the prominent Omahans who motored to Des Moines to hear President Herbert Hoover speak at the Coliseum, Monday evening, Oct. ',3rd, were: Mrs. J. W. Scott, Mrs. Viola Turner, Dr. John Andrew Sing leton, Mr. H. W. Williams, Rev, Klt cen and Mr, H. L. Anderson, Chair man of the Northside Republican Headquarters. WOMEN’S POLITICAL FORUM The Women’s Political Forum North Side Branch, will meet Tuesday even ing 8 p. m. at the YWCA. For all Women interested in knowing Party Platform. Watch for further news next week. UNEMPLOYED MARRIED MEN’S BENFIT CABARET DANCE UNEMPLOYED MARRIED MEN’S BENEFIT CABARET DANCE will be given at the BEAUTIFUL DREAM LAND HALL, Oct. 24th, 1932. The following tables were reserved before the tickets were printed. Mr. Her man Friedlander, owner of Herman’s Grocery Store, reserved a table of eight seats at $1 each. Mid-City merchants reserved a table of eight seats at $1 each. Western Union Telegraph Co., re served a table for 20 at $1 each. Nebraska Power Co., makes reser vation with no limit on number. And as we go to press, the telephone is still ringing. Our capacity is limited, so if you wish to hear the Great Mus ical artist, the inimitable Jean Cal loway, put on her high class enter tainment, it behooves you to get busy and phone in your reservations to Webster 1750. BALDRIGE PRAISED FOR ECONOMY STAND Congressman for This District Has Been Leader of Economy Bloc Against Government Expenditures Congressman Baldrige’s strong fight against Government expenditures and his successful efforts in preventing raids on the Treasury of the nation were explained Saturday night by persons familiar with his record in Congress at a meeting of the Baldrige 'for Congress club held in the Rome hotel. A. V. Shotwell read from the Con gressional Record giving the dates and pages and reading portions at various speeches that Baldrige made on the floor of Congress, while working to reduce Government operation costs. “The greatest need today in nation al affairs is economy in Government,” Shotwell said. “Congressman Bald ! rige, from the very first has stood out as a champion of the fight against ex travagance. His,first speech in Con gress was a protest against large ap propriations and called for an econ omy group of strong courageous men, who would take a definite stand against any and all excessive expen ditures.” Shotwell also explained how Con gressman Baldrige time and again demanded that certain Government activities be postponed for at least four years, until the country was back to normal. Parts of Baldrige’s var ious speeches were given showing how time and again he objected and fought against raids on the Treasury. Marie Fellows, who shot and killed her common-in law husband, Ballard Hawkins, Thursday, Sept. 29, 1932 at their home 2513 M St., Given a pre liminary hearing in Police Court, Monday morning, Oct. 3, before the Hon. Judge Wheeler. After the testi mony of 7 witnesses as to how Bal lard Hawkins was shot, Miss Fellow’s attorney asked for the case to be car ried over for more evidence. The case was set for Thursday A. M. Oct. 6th Mrs. Ethel Booker was the first witness cialled, testifying that she was at the home of Oscar Muffett at 2513 M St., where Marie Fellows and Ballard Hawkins lived on Thursday evening Sept. 29. She stated that Ballard Hawkins came home about 5:15 and Marie Fellows came in short ly afterwards and asked Hawkins for i money to buy groceries for supper, which he did Mrs. Booker then stat ed that she and Miss Fellows went to the store and purchased the groc eries, returned and Miss Fellows pre pared supper and called Hawkins to eat, at which time a telephone call came for Mrs. Booker next door. Miss Fellows followed Mrs. Booker to answer the call When they return ed Marie Fellows sat down to eat, and an argument took place (but the nature of the argument was not ex plained), and Mrs. Booker says she saw Ballard Hawkins attempting to strike Marie Fellows.- She then went upstairs to their room. Also Marie Fellows and Ballard Hawkins came up, another argument followed. Just as Hawkins made an attempt or j plunge at Marie Fellows, she saw Marie open a dresser drawer at that ■ time. Then Ethel Booker left the (Continued on Page 2) “THE FREE NEGRO FAMILY” by Franklin Frazier ' (Fisk University Press, Nashville, Tennessee.) * . M As the name indicates this volume is a treatise on the Free Negroes prior I to the Civil War and very thoroughly describes, by name and reference, the more important free Negro families from their earliest American antece dents and tracing their descendants i down to the present generation. * * * The subject is exhaustively supple mented by maps and charts and a very generous and complete biblio graph reference. The author discus ses his subject by districts, gener ations and decades. * * * Unlike a great many volumes on sociological and racial statistics “The Free Negro Family” is replete with many human-interest sketches on the lives, struggles, failures and accom plishments of many racial characters and thus humanizes an otherwise dry statistical study. • • • uite a few of Ifce individual char acters are yet living and well-known to Negro readers and interesting in deed is the knowledge gained from reading th history of their ancestors and the obstacles they overcame in establishing themselves as successful free Negroes. • • * Incidentally, “The Free Negro Family” is the first and only book I have yet received wrapped wholly in cellophane. —Clifford C. Mitchell. DR. G. B. LENNOX ALLOWED $3,044.77 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Honorable Bryce Crawford, County Judge entered an order September 28th, awarding Dr. G. B. Lennox, i $3,044.77 in the estate of Myrtle Crutchfield, deceased. The claim cov ered medical services renderd the de ceased over a period of two years. Attorney Ray Lawrence Williams, and Cornelius Connlly, represented Dr. G. B. Lennox, and Attorney Dan Gross and Bernie Boyle, City Attorney rep resented the Myrtle Crutchfield es tate. LUVIM^C. Benefit Dance, Dreamland Hall, October 24th Jean Calloway and Her Famous Recording ;*L-jl£$$L*_+s«" •£‘ —^———— « ■— — — ...