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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1932)
The Farmer ^^- ‘ ----- By W. H. CRAIGHEAD , REASONS FOR EATING FRUIT . There are many good reasons for eating fruit. It should have a con spicuous place in our diet. All fruits contain certain salts or organic acids, which ha.e a more or less stimulating action on the kidneys, and some such as pears, fic» and prunes, have a laxative effect. Fruit also furnishes a certain roughage which tends to retain water in the intestines and thus helps to regu late conditions. Fruits have been recognized in creasingly in recent years as ex cellent sources of vitamins. Many fruits have been found to supply vitamin C. Lemons, oranges and tomatoes are considered especially rich in it, and some of the vege tables, notably cabbage. Fruits have other important con stituents, notably the acids. Citric acid and malic acid, usually both in the same fruit, have been found to be the principal fruit acids. The acidity of oranges, lemons, grape fruits, limes, and most of the ber ries is due almost entirely to citric acid, apples and quinces owe their si or tang almost entirely to malic acid, while peaches, apricots and pears have a mixture of the? two. In the body most of the acids are oxidized readily. The sodium, po tassium. or calcium with which they combine remaining to counteract acid condi ons in the body and help to preevnt excess of acidity. * * * THE PEACH TREE BORER—V. <. One < the most destructive p^-acti pests is the peach tree borer, which works upon the trees instead of the fruit. A valuable orchard may be destroyed in a few years if care is not taken. The adult is a beauti ful little - 10th, resembling some of the wasps in appearance. The eggs are laid by the ) irent moths during July and August upon the bark npar the surface of the ground. 'After hatching the larva, which is very small and wormlike, begins to bore into the bark, working down ward a little below the surface where it continues to live. Its pres ence is marked by an abundant formation of gum. The usual rem edy is to di around the base of the tree early in the fall or winter, and if any gum is found, take a nail or piece of wire and pick out the larvae or worms. This method of extract ing the borers may be done in the spring also if the worker is care ful not to injure the tree. There is a better method of kill ing these borers by using what is known as “p-c-benzine.” It is a white powdere' substance (gotten from 1'ie dry store) which units a poison gas. This may be used on all trees more than three years-old. you7 BEAUTIFUL A Cl FNT^ Are you ashamed to take fr 1 J off your hat? Is your hair M'*ke Big Money short, coarso and wiry? »ad earn beautiful Would you liko beautiful premiums. Wnte hair? Start using Herolin today for details. today; This grower, with its delightful new per fume. will make your hair grow long, soft and silky. It frees your scalp of dandruff, setter, itch. etc. Herolin Pomade Hair Dressing is sold for 25c by all leading drug stores or direct from HEROLIN CO. First the gum on the tree is scraped off and the soil around the tree made smooth ard level. Next, the poison (about one ounce) is so placed as to make a ring of white powder about two inches from the trunk of the tree. This powder is carefully covered up several inches deep wit" i a fine soil made firm or packed to confine the gass that escapes. After a few weeks, the soil containing the chemical or powder is removed ar.d replaced by untreat ed soil. The proper time for this treatment is September. -0 FRIEND IN NEED By GLADYCE SMITH If you are in need, perhaps I can help you. If you have household articles or clothing you can no longer use, please inform me. I can place such things with needy families. Do not inclose letters or other written matter when you send the packages through mail un-. less the proper postage has been paid. Packages in which letters are inclosed, must bs sent first class mail. Names and ad dresses of applicants for aid provided if requested. Send full name and address to Gladyce Smith, Friend in Need, the AFRO-AMERICAN, 628 N. Eu taw Street, Baltimore, Md. Letters thanking us for the pack ages sent sometime ago, have been reived from three of our friends. We were very happy to help you and §orry ve haven't more things at this time to send other members of your family as your letters state. * * * Packages are being mailed this week to J. D. and Mrs. Beatrice; we hope they’ll help you. • * • Again we wish to thank our do nors; we are also glad to hear from you at any time. Thank you. v THE HUMAN THING TO DO Introducing a young man to your father, you may say, “Father, this is Jack Smith.” Your lather and the young man then shake hands. * * * When talking on the telephone, always speak -n a clear voice. Talk directly into the instrument with the lips not r.:cre than an inch from the mouthpiece. • • * Len.on which is served with fish at lunch or dinner is squeezed be tween the forefinger and thumb. In serving lemon for this purpose, a quarter of a lemon is better than a slice. On the train, dress as much as possible in your berth, then go to the dressing room to finish your toilet. • * • A lady precedes a gentleman go ing up or down stairs unless the stairs are slippery or very steep,1 thus making it necessary for him to assist her. * » * butter” letter as soon as possible after your week-end visit. _r\__ How Can I? How can I test eggs for freshness? ANSWER Place the egg ;n a pan of water. If fresh, it wil.lie on its side. If a few days old it will tilt upwards. If stale, it will stand on end. If very old, it will float. An egg that is fresh always sinlis rapidly when put into water. D ON ’ T LET POOR HEALTH Ruin Happiness AND BREAK UP YOUR HOME Don't sacrifice the happiness and pleasures of life by failing to rid your body of petty ailments. Don't take chances of breaking up your home by being a weak, ailing, complaining wife. Build up your energy and strength. Banish those wretched ills that are causing you to feel weak, tired-out, “blue” and despondent. It’s easy with the use of St. Joseph’s G.F.P. What This Tonic Does for You This rich, vegetable tonic which is made from nature’s own roots and herbs aids in building up abundant energy and strength. It helps to banish nervousness, to improve the appetite, to increase your weight if you are thin and undernourished; and to give you lots of pep and physical charm which men and women simply can’t resist. Your druggist sells the big dollar bottle of St.Joseph’s G.F.P. on an ab solute money-back guarantee. For the sake of your own happiness and health get a bottle and start taking it today. Bright Sayings of the Children What Do Yours Say? Send them to us and they will be published. Little 3- ar-old Bobby, whose mother has tried to impress upon him the impoi Lance of not having his toys out in the rain so that they would not get rust one day sur prised her with the following re mark. He had asked to play in the rain and when told he could not he said: “Why can’t I, mother? Will I get rusty?” J. N. C. I It was i mday n.-ruing, and the living room had been arranged for the day when Maryellen, age 2'A, began to carrying her playthings in from the playroom. “Don’t bring them in here, Mary ellen,” admonished her mother. “It’s Sunday.” “It’s Sunday out here, too, moth er,” responded Maryellen, solemnly. M. B. * * * Little Grace, in ..riting a letter, had noticed on the envelop the words, “Place a 2 cent stamp here.” She asked for a 2 cent stamp, and seemed puzzled when her mother gave h a 3 cent one. Explanations were in vain. She was asked why she objected to ^-ie 3 cent stamp and tearfully replied: “It says a 2 cent stamp. A 3 cent one mig .t take it too far!” A. E. C. * * * Little Eleanor, 3 years old, had done something which her father considered naughty, and he said to her, "Eleanor, what do we give lit tle girls when they are naughty?” “Give them orange juice,” she replied, which was not at all what her daddy had expected her to say. K. C. S. -0 BEAUTY HINTS Choose such green vegetables for your diet as lettuce, onions, spinach asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, celery, tomatoes, and string beans. • • • A good exercise for lumpy shoulders is to lie flat on the back and bring yourself up to a sitting position, then bend forward until the hands touch the toes. * *. » If you are in good health, you can subsist on a vegetable-fruit diet without any difficulty and possibly lose a few pounds. * * * Don't put oil on an already oil charged surface. It is better to use soap and water for oily skin cleans ing. -o PUZZLING PROBLEMS How many miles an hour is 85 kilometers an hour? ANSWER 52.819 miles an hour. Explana tion: Divide 1 mile by 1.6093 (a mile equals 1.6093 kilometers), "his gives the number of miles to one kilo meter. Multiply .6214 by 85. Advice to Lovelorn “Dear Suzanne: I am in love with a boy and my parents object to my having dates with him. Should I meet him secretly or try to forget him?” WORRIED.” No. Don’t meet any boy secretly. Your stock goes down with him when you do that. If he is the right kind of fellow, try and win your parents over. ♦ * * “Dear Suzanne: My boy friend knows I love him, and when I am out with him he tells me so, and he goes out with other girls. What shall I do? CRY BABY.” Girl friend, you will have to learn not to wear your heart on your sleeve; it is not always best. Hide your sleeve with your heart on it. Act as though you mean it. He will come back. * * • "Dear Suzanne: Is it a sign of more than respect when a boy apologizes to a girl for using some rather abrupt language in her presence ? HOPE. ” It's a sign of good breeding. * • • "Dear Suzanne: A girl and I ar gued over her boy friend. We split. It was her fault. Should I apolo gize? ALLIE.” You'd have to admit that it was partly your fault if you'd repair Look and Learn What occupation d i ■ George Washington follow when a young man? ANSWER Surveying. FASHIONS VI r) 223—This is the curren ttype of tailored frock, which almost invariably features touches of softness. The mannish mode is passe and while pleats and trim lines are favored, they are never severe. The narrow double belts have little bows to offset the trim lines of the jacket closing and pockets. A very modified cowl-neck line peeps like a blouse from the deep lapelled collar. Side pleats on the skirt are very swagger. Designed in sizes 14, 16, 36. 38. 46. 42 and 44. Size 36 requires 4% yards Of 36-inch material, 4‘« yards of 39-inch material and 3!i yards of 54-ineh material. One-half yard of 36 or 39-inch fabric for contract. 53—It's an adjustable model, and takes no time to slip into, on a busy morning. It has short sleeves for comfort, a pocket for convenience, and a flared skirt chict Make it of one of those gay novelty prints, with solid color trimmings to match one of the designs. Smart for beach, bungalow cear. or all the work-a-day hours. 53 is designed for sizes 16, 36, 38, 40. 42, 44, 46, 48, and 50. Size 36 requires 3% yards of 36-inch material. Please write very plainly your NAME AND ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each pattern ordered. UP-TO-DATE FASHION BOOK, 15 CENTS Address all orders to 628 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. ; i YOUR SKIN with these 3 Beauty Creams j You buy ALL THREE for the price you are often asked to pay for just one of some other cream Soft, smooth, youthful skin—that's tchat you want . . . and what you can have! Just use Genuine Black and While Beauty Creams—three creams that are scientifically made for your OWN type of skin. Their cost is little but their results are BIG! Genuine BLACK and WHITE COLD CREAM —smooths away the awful signs of age. This fragrant cream contains rich oils that nourish the skin, smooth away wrinkles and keep it soft, firm and always young. Large jar of Genuine Black and White Cold Cream only 2?c at your druggist. Genuine BLACK and WHITE CLEANSING CREAM —^sinks deep down into the pores and re moves every bit of dirt and impurities which cause bumps, blackheads and en larged pores. Brings clear, radiant beauty to your skin almost before you know it. Large can of Genuine Black and White Cleansing Cream only 25c at your druggist. Genuine BLACK and WHITE PEROXIDE CREAM -—protects your skin against the darken ing, coarsening effects of sun and weather; and contains just enough peroxide to lighten your skin . . . keep it smooth and creamy fair. Makes face powder stay on longer, too. Large jar of Genuine Black and White Peroxide Cream only 25c. SftnuiML BLACKtEWHITE BEAUTY CREAMS