The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 01, 1932, ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION, Page 4, Image 10
CLEAN-UP Contf ed from T »ge One tant young evangelist, who has been conducting his meetings in the heart of the theatrical district every evening for the past few months, the people seem at last to have found that leader for which they have searched so long. Harlem cer tainly needs and is ready for the clean up which he has been so bold as to propose.’* CHAPTER VI Ace Hinds pressed a tiny ivory button cn his desk with his good hand and the heavily-re-enforced door ol his office slowly swung open. Three men. striding heavily, enter ed. The Ace offered them cigars from an open box on the desk and waved them to chairs. These three men. together with the Aoe, might have been said to represent the real government of Harlem. Certainly they had proved themselves of greater strength than the indifferent municipal govern ment of the city of New York. There was, first of all, Scar Short, numbers king, and perhaps the most powerful of them all because of the vast territory which he covered and the thoroughness of his control over the vast organization which he had built up. A dark, heavy-set man of. perhaps, fifty years or more, he took his pseudonym from the fact that a jagged, livid scar, relic of some unforgettable battle of his earlier days, ran all the way from his elbow down the back of his hand, marking him for life, it was this scar which he hated more than anything else, for it rendered absolutely useless any disguise which he might attempt to assume. No Man Can * Resist Such Loveliuess Charm is the secret of feminine ap peal . . . and a soft, light skin is the secret of charm. Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment softens and lightens the darkest skin, clears up pimples, blotches and tan marks, and does away with that “oily, shiny" look. Use this preparation and make your skin soft, delicate and charm ing. This amazing Ointment is made in the famous Dr. Fred Palmer’s Laboratories where are also made those other beauty aids you know so well: Dr. Palmer’s Skin Whitener Soap, Skin Whitener Face Powder, Hair Dresser and Hid Deodorant which may be had at all drug stores for 25 cents each or will be sent post paid upon receipt of price. Dr. Fred Pajmer's Laboratories, Dept. A, At lanta, Ga. Send 4c in stampt for trial »am/de of Skin Whitener, Soap and Face Powder. DR..FRED PALMER'S SfiirfWfiitener 'KEEPS YOUR COMPLEXION YOUTHFUL* There was Rod Johnson, Harlem’s mcst famous beer baron, the young man who, at twenty-three, had made three million from the liquor traffic alone. Young, handsome, debonaire, he was just a playful bad boy who had gctten a break and taken full advantage of it. No one ever knew how many men had fallen before his smoking guns; when it came to proif, nobody, It seemed, had anything on him. There was j I ways some ironclad alibi to pull him through. Long ago the police had given up the task of trying to convict him. Crooked lawyers, hung juries, fixed judges, all combined to pull him through the many crises of his life. There was Big Joe Wilson, czar of Harlems racketeering faction who, as head of the Harlem Pro tective and Bonevolent Association, exacted a heavy toll each month from more than five thousand places of business in the metropoli tan area. Those businesses which failed to pay off to Big Joe’s or ganization usually didn’t last very long. The organization maintained a small army of experienced wreckers to see that its mandates were carried out. Then there was the Ace himself, whose control over theatrical book ings out of New York City made him a practical boss in the show business. Scarcely an act was booked in any part of the country that the Ace didn't have some hand in it. And from each he -collected a commission, a very sizeable com mission. You either paid it or you didn’t, and if you didn\ you sud denly found yourself unable to ob tain work on any circuit in the country. The Ace also had a con trolling interest in nearly every night club and cabaret in Harlem, and the bad turn Business had taken in the past few weeks had turned him sour. “All of you guys know what’s happening,” he said now, bitterly. “If we let this evangelist guy go on with what he’s started, every body's going in the hole. Why, busi ness in the Tom-Tom has dropped forty per cent in the last two weeks because the folks prefer to hang out in that ‘Gospel Tent’ and listen to that mug preach to 'em about their sins. He's even got Linda Allen and A1 Collins, who used to be my star come-ons at the Tom Tom, over there drawing ’em in for him. And that radio is spread ing his stuff like wildfire. People are actually staying home and re penting these days instead of going out to the theatre. That can’t go on!" "It’s the same with the numbers game,” Scar Short put in. “I drop ped five grand week before last and ten last week because the folks ain’t playing like they used to. I sort of though it'd pass over, but it’s taking a mighty long time.” Rod Johnson and Big Joe Wil son added their testimony. They, too, had been noticing a fall-off in their pickings. “I give ’em beer at ten cents a glass,” Rod stated, “and still they don’t appreciate it. Can vou beat that?” “Well,” said the Ace, “What’re we gonna do?” Big Joe Wilson laughed gruffly. The others looked at him. “I thought you guys were men,” he said. “Here I find you letting some little southern black boy get you all het up over nothing at all. I admit he’s got a pretty powerful line of talk there, and I admit he’s got a crowd of Harlem Negroes backing him up. But are you gonna let little things like that worry you? All you got to do is to get him outa the way; then you’re all set. With out a leader these people are just like a flock of sheep; they’ll all drift right back to you without no trouble. So get rid of him now! Rub him out! That’s all you got to do.” To this his three listeners nodded agreement. “Then it’s settled,” Big Joe con cluded, “Mr. Fred Harris is slated to take a nice long ride some time very soon — say tomorrow night, rather late. Won’t all of you gen tlemen come along? I’ll donate my car for the job . . * * ♦ What will be Fred’s fate when these hoodlums of gangland de scend upon him? Don’t fail to read next week's thrilling in stallment. Embarrassing Moments - OVERHEARD My friend and I decided to go for a walk. Passing the home of my relatives. I realized that I hadn't been there for a mo:,th and sug gested that we go in. As we walk ed around a path bordered by high bushes and trees, I stopped short, for I remembered the inquisitive ness of my aunt and said to my friend.-* “Help me to make up some stories about what I’ve been doing during the past month." We planned to say that I had been working and sewing most of the time, and swimming once in awhile. “That,’’ my friend said, "will make a good impression on her.” Imagine our embarrassment when from the partly hidden porch be hind the bushes appeared the amus ed face of my aunt who said, half jokingly: “We tried to catch what you were saying,” but from the tone of her voice we knew she had heard every word. You can picture the uncomfortable predicament we were in for the remainder of our visit. J. p. -o Salads Topic of Food Expert Just what to serve with salad de pends on when and how you are serving it. If salad is to be the main course at luncheon or supper, something light and tasty in the bread and butter line is the proper gesture. If it is to be a fruit salad served in place of dessert', crisp buttered crackers, wee sandwiches spread with a savory butter, minced nuts or a peppy cheese, buttered fingers of toast dusted with ground pecans, or toasted crackers served with cheese—any of these will make a pleasant contras, with the fruit. When a vegetable salad is chosen as the ..lain course at luncheon or informal supper, huskier sandwich es may accor-pany it. Toasted cheese or chopped salad meat make excellent fillers and add the need ed protein to the meal. Small rolls or one-bite baking powder biscuits give still more variety. For the formal meal, cheese straws pr very small, crusty cheese c oquettes dress up the salad. The straws require simply one-half cup of ground cheese blended with one cup of flaky pie dough. Roll out, cut in narrow strips, twist, and bake in a hot oven un til golden brown. Or prepare one half a recipe of baking powder bis cuit dough. Work in one-half cup of ground cheese and cut in small diamond shaped biscuits. Bake and serve hot. - * * More suggestions ior saiaa com plements run as follows: Cut red Edam cheese In small squares and serve it with lettuce and cucumber salad. For a luncheon fruit salad, serve toast roll Cut slices of white bread very thin, remove the crusts, spread with creamed butter, and sprinkle with shaved maple sugar and cinnamon. Roll and secure with a toothpick. Toast to a delicate brown on all sides. Remove tooth picks to serve. Grind American cheese and moisten it with cream. Form into balls the size of cherries and dip in red fruit coloring. Add a small cherry stei.i or other stem to each and chill. Serve three “cherries” on each salad plate. But the quintessence of delicacy comes in dainty cucumber rings for a chees and fruit salad. Cut slices of white bread very thin, and then cut them in rounds the size of cucumber slices. Spread each bread round with thousand island dressing, and put the two together with a thin slice of cucumber between. Roll the edges in finely minced parsley and serve. That leftover of cottage cheese comes in most effectively, too. when moistened with cream, flavored with chopped sweet pickle and minced cfoives and rolled into smc balls. Serve on a sprig of watercress on the edge of the salad plate. _n WHAT TO WEAK By VALERIA HAIR ORNAMENTS BACK IN VOGUE FOR EVENING Hair ornaments are back in vogue for evening wear. Little jeweled clips are worn on one side of the coiffure, which is now being more closely molded to the head than 1 act cpocfin Tiaras, fitted closely to the head are also being worn at the most formal functions. * • # GOWN OF BROCADED SATIN FROM CHANEL The French fabric manufacturers have turned their backs on homely and rustic fabrics. Rich velvets and lustrous satins that are brocaded in beautiful oatterns of flowers, dots. and even stripes, are the kind that are being offered for next fall. They are the new fabrics that will fashion many of next season's smartest evening gowns, late afternoon frocks, and even blouses to go with velvet suits. Many have been the discussions in the fabric world as to whether dull fabrics would continue to be more important than shiny, but the nfew brocades remain neutral. They combine b*th shiny and dull, whether the brocade be in satin, or velvet. ' A midnight gown Is made of thin, supple satin, in ivory white, it is brocaded in black, in a small pattern that alternates shiny with dull velvet. A gown, which is from Chanel, has an ankle length skirt. Sun ray bands trim the skirt below the waistline in front, these bands becoming gores below the hips. The bodice is draped into a knot at the center front. The sleeves have two deep flounces, starting from the elbows. A scarf of the brocaded satin passes through a hole in the center front of the square neckline, twists around the neck, and hangs to the \ aistline, in f’-on* The back of the frock has tiny, ivory, satin colored buttons which are placed down the center to the waistline. -Q Household Hints Rub shiny spots that are on cloth thoroughly with slices of raw potatoes and the shine will disap pear. * • • A good way to make gasoline soap is to cut three bars of white laun dry soap into a ten-pound pail filled with cold water. Set pail on the range until soap is dissolved. Remove, and when cool add one large cupful of gasoline and stir well. ENGLISH Words Often Misused Do not say, “I was very angry at Charles.” Say, “angry with Charles.” Words Oft- i Misspelled Pulverize; observe the er and the ize. Words Often Mispronounced Guardian Pronounce gar-di-an, first a as in “arm,” accent first syl lable, and not gar-deen. Synonyms Truth, genuineness, correctness, veracity, verity. Word Study INDECOROUS; violat ng good manners; unbecoming; improper. "He was so indecorous as to talk during the sermon.” PRETERNATURAL; beyond, or different from, what is natural; ex traordinary. “His face showed a preternatural paleness.” WEEK’S POEM IP If any little word of mine May make a life the brighter If any little song of mine May make a heart the lighter, God help me speak the little word, And take my bit of singing, And drop it in some lonely vale To set the echoes ringing. If any little love of mine May make a life the sweeter, If any little care of mine May make a friend’s the- fleeter, If any little lift of mine may ease The burden of another, God give me love and care and strength To help my toiling brother. Modern Etiquette When callers arrive in succession, which should leave first? ANSWER -ne first to arrive. - • '1 IN 7 DAYS OR NO COST A very one knows how nn happy folks are that j have stubby, abort, kin ky, stiff, ugly, dull, lifeless hair. That’s why you should know dandruff. Itching scalp. « falling hair, and many other hair and scalp troubles disappear when the right treatment la found. Hera is a sen sational new discovery that makes ths hail loncer, at rail? titer, aoftei and more beautiful in only 7 daya or you use It free. Mail coupon below to test at our rialr BEFORE If yo« hare short kinky, dull and life* less hair mail <*oupoo below today. Teat at our risk. —FREE IF IT FAILS-—* AFTER Know the Joy of lone straight, thick, and glossy hail in 7 days. Mail coupon bo I o w today. Mrs. Distich Darla al Trenton, New Jersey, writes that she measured her hair before and af ter using and that ICr. Johnson’s Rrillianttna Hair Grower made her hair grow four inches the flrst box. Send n« money. Just pay post man ft plus few cents charges on arriral. Teat for 7 days and If yon, too. art not positlrely amar.ed at how long, how- straight, how soft and how beautiful your hair has become, return the unused grower and we will pay back youa deposit without question. Mfti! rnnnnn rli'ht now. Send No Money-Mail Coupon Today Mr. Johnson Company, Dept. T-16 400 W. Erin St.. Chicago. 111. Send me at once one package Mr. John* aon’s Brilliantlne Hair Grower. 1 will givp postman upon arrival only $1. plus postage nnd C.O.D. charges with the understanding that 1 can return the unused flair Grower for any reason. In seven days, and you will ?ive back my deposit, without question. Name - r Addeaa (or P. O. BotI r City __ Blwte TRY THIS NEW, MODERN WAY OF RAZORLESS SHAVING Magic Shaving Powder simply mixed with water—spread on the face—and washed off. Your beard is off quicker and closer than you can shave with a razor. Magic Shaving Powder retards growth of hair; It is antiseptic; clears skin of bumps and pimples; prevents ingrowing hair. Used by women for removing superfluous bair. 35c at drug stores. Or, send 35o in stamps TODAY for big, full-size can. Write Magic Shaving Powder Co., Dept. E, Savannah, Ca. HOORAY! I COT A BETTER JOB *bvKRM If SO AFTER1 (SATURDAY YOUR SERVICE WILL NO LONGER BE REQUIRED^ f NO! SORRY^v ^ BUT WE HAVE \ NO OPENINfr) irr fNOW,LISTEN TO ME BESS. I GET YOURSELF A BOTTLE OF I LARICUSC AND MAKE YOUR ' HAIR A LUSTROUS JET BLACK YOU LOOK TOO OLO NOW ij 4 ( NOW- YOUR GOING TO J I BE SUPRIZED TO $EE m WHAT LARIEUSE WILL] OO FOR YOUR HAlRj rOH SAY GERT, HEAR THEp* GOODNEWS-YEM.IVE \ GOT A JOB.YEH. THANHS ) TO YOU AND LARIEUSEj' a Don’t let grey, faded hair make you un popular . . . . ♦ Wbjfiil aroundat borne wisbirut you were popular? ItoH youraetf up. make your hair beautiful and you'll be pop ular afam. If hot iron* or hair *tra»fbt*ner* have made your hair turn red, grev or atrcaked, now you can make any hair a beautiful, lustrous jet black again! Just use the famous Lerictwe French Hair Coloring. Apply the one liquid and in IS minutes your hair will be the most beautiful, soft, fluffy jet Mack you have ever seen. No stickiness or odor to LtrieMt and it will not rubor wash off. Try it once and you’H abraya um »t to make yourself beautiful and popular. Get a fulUise bottle at your drug store today— $1.25 (Ux paid). Lk your druggiit about Lar teuse. lie has sold it and recommended i t f oryeara. COi»>HOY MFC.CO. ST. LOUIS UUUtl-KUY b LARIEUSE HAIR COLORING