Horton Speaks for Republicans (Itrincred llj John Jienjaroin Morton, Jr., at Republican Meeting. Dreamland Hall. Sent. 7th. 1932.) -YOU CANT LAY THE CAUSES OF THE PRESENT DEPRES SION TO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY” NO HONEST AND THINKING CITIZEN can truthfully accuse the Republican Party for this business panic which is wrecking the main springs of business and moral pro gress without proving the truth of that assertion backed by a preponder ance of evidence much stronger than the natural laws of life. I have talked with bankers, lawyers, merchants, editors, domestics, and friends representative of all walks of life, and the majority of these people have agreed with me that it is not the gold standard which has failed, not capitalism, nor Statesmanship, nor the facts of life having to do with the working of barter and trade. NO! The thing which has caused this tem porary panic is the inability of the hu man being to do common thinking when he has cramps in his purse. In the good days whew work is plentiful and salaries fat, and people literally throw their money to the winds just for the pleasure of a moment, men for get that good times never last forever W hen lean days come, these same peo ple complain, in sharp protest, that the Government is the cause of it all. The answer is as plain as day and night; they forget to put plain thinking into play by saving their money. I’m just an ordinary newspaper-man who knows nothing about the work ings of the financial scheme, a fallacy I share with too many men who pro fess to know much about the monetary system and. the administration of the business scheme. I read quite a lot (POLITICAL AUV.J Vote 0 A. W. Elsasser —FOR— Municipal Judge (POLITICAL ADV.) of books and some of the most inter esting of these are the Histories of the United States of America, which is more or less a history of panics. Any body can generalize or theorize or prophecy, and you can’t pin him down and say he is mistaken. Just let an individual state a thing as fact, and if it is not fact, you’ve got him in a trap. My countrymen who have lost faith in the United States and its future destiny and greatness, (I hope none of you have lost that faith), are labor ing under false impressions and are off on the wrong foot, dancing along with a blindfold over your eyes. In less time than you can fathom, pros perity will come again; it will creep in as inevitably as night follows day and as the moon shines at night and the stars illuminate the nocturnal heavens. It will come and it will lin ger for a long, long time, ten or twelve years. It is destined to be a better and sounder and more magnanimous prosperity than the minds of some mortals can encompass and that we have ever known, because after every previous depression of ours, the pros perous period has been better and sounder. I’m saying these things things not just as a full fledged per on who has hopeful views on life; nor shone all through these emergencies, as a man upon whom the sun has I’m saying these things as a young man who has had plenty of exper ience in taking it on the chin, because I didn’t profit by my own knowledge nor act as histo-y told me I should act. I’ve had many of the woes, with some extra trimmings. I’m in the same tub as every one else, and maybe a litle worse off; but I haven’t lost one thing that many folks have lost, and that ONE THING IS MY HEAD. I haven’t jumped into an ocean of ter ror; I haven’t been so foolish as to conceive that this chaos is more than a temporary state of affairs which will come to an end; and I haven’t grown so idiotic as to lay the cause of | this dilemma at the doorsteps of the present administration at Washington whose every effort is directed toward effecting human relief through well through the courageous leadership of organized governmental functions that grand and noble patriot whose name will always linger in my mind and whose efforts will be printed on i the sands of time; and my leader’s name is Herbert C. Hoover. My opin ion is that we’ll never, in our life-time be present at such an opportunity for moderate wisdom and common or backyard courage to lay the basis oi fortune. I intend to! I mean to emerge from this unfair state of af fairs with seeds planted that will grow me more of a competence than I ever had before. Anyone of us car do it if he or she only realizes the facts. 1 •_4.U, \\ e ve naa a Daiwers uu4.cn omw year 1800, and and at least three ol them were so much wrorse than this . ,ne that the present predicament looks like a gold rush or a buffalo stampede. The Napoleonic wars did their work of destruction and the aftermath was a world of suffering and some people will say that there never wras a world war before to help break down the economic machinery ,jf the whole earth. If Napoleon did t run a world war, and keep it going about four times as long as we kept ' this last war running, then somebody has been writing little white lies. No body was involved in the Napoleonic wars but France and England and Holland and Spain and Italy and Russia and a few others, including Uncle Sam. To make the matter worse we had just finished up a terrible war v th England. India was in revolt and China was in upheaval. If that wasn t a world war, go find me a bet ter one. The panic of 1837 came along later, about as many years after Napoleon was abated as this one came after the Kaiser was dethroned and sent into exile. The world was in a state that bordered on saying that this was the end of civilization, and that we never could emerge from it, and that money could never make money any more. Banks were pop ping all over the United States like ft ecrackers on the fourth of July. Nothing was worth anything; people :: A Republican President:: | Issued the EMANCIPATION 1 | PROCLAMATION. The Re- | publican Party, from its incep- S g tion, has carried out that pro- gj gram The Republican Party is gg § pledged to the program of Equal §f | Rights. Vote the Republican ^ > | Ticket | | Republican County Central | I Committee j 1 S JACKSON B. CHASE, Chairman ty§ _gkRBERT T. WHITE, Secretary Ip ‘Lest We Forget9 JOHN BROWN The Man That Broke the First Link of Slavery. After kissing a little black boy on the head, he remarked, “I willingly go to the gallows; that you may have a chance in life.”_ — , were starving; there was no work; j business was at a standstill. You can’t name a condition that obtains today that didn’t exist then, only a little more severe. Well, we stepped right into the steam age. We invented the cotton gin and the steam boat and weaving and spinning machinery and in a couple of years, a little longer than the present depression, has been going on, we went into a period of activity and prosperity the like of which the world (whole) had never seen. Now, some of you folks ask | the question in your minds; How did we come out of it? I’ll answer your question. Just what they are doing now, nothing, and they are doing that very poorly. The thing that brought us out of it was that the masses of people naturally have a foundation of intestional fortitude; and the creative and inventive brains of the world did their job, and the first thing every body knew, the world was at work and buying and selling. You can’t stop the operation of a natural law by imuwjiig tx udiih presiuem, at iu me pendulum had swung too far one way, and it had to swing back the other. The genuises of finance couldn’t stop what they called the Great Blizzard— it. Then came the panic of 1837 or more like this one than the panic of 1837. We went through twelve years of what the Historians called com mercial optimism. The States of Eu rope had been in a state of'revolution. The year 1848 saw tottering thrones; we had fought a war with Mexico. All the world had gone crazy just as it did in 1929, and there was a wild in flation of credit and the same cock eyed sinking of capital. The States, counties, railways, industrialists, cities, and promoters had incurred a debt which grew to a point where the general public could not absorb it. You had overproduced railroads and canals worse than we overproduced automobiles and radios and the rest in 1929. Industrialists expanded their plants because they thought it was al ways going to last. The blow-up came just as it came in 1929; railroads went broke; practically every bank in the United States with exception of one in New York, a few in Kentucky, and four in New Orleans suspended. Prices on commodities fell 33%; real estate values declined; and fourteen railroads failed. After the Crimean war. Russia began dumping grain. Then President Buchar.an in his an nual message said: “Our country in its monetary inter ests, is at the present moment in a deplorable condition. In the midst of unsurpassed plenty—in all the ele ments of national wealth—we find our manufacturers suspended, our public werka retarded, 0CT private enter prizes abandoned, and thousands of useful laborers thrown out of employ ment or reduced to want.” Mind you! that was President Buchanan’s idea and there never was a President given to over steting pitiful conditions. In less than three years—1860 the coun try started its recovery of confidence tion was IRON, and it advanced and ' surpassed any previous figures. Rail way stocks rose on an average of a third. By the end of 1860, the recov i ery wa^ complete and Uncle Sammy I found himself in the same prosperous condition as before panic occurred. Depression never lasted very long and | the longest one we have known was : for five years, after 1873. Many people are so pre-occupied with fear of the future that they make a mess of the present. There aren’t any prophets but there is a clock, and every hour that you waste is just so much capital thrown away. Some people are peculiar; they con ceived that if it rains they’ll never be able to go out again without an um brella. Noah’s rain lasted 40 days and 40 nights but it ended eventually. When a storm comes along, jump into a storm cellar, but don’t make prepa rations to stay there the rest of your living days, because there never was an endless storm and there never was an endless panic. In the past 132 years we have had one year of adversity for every four years of prosperity. We have proved that by passing through 13 panics, we can emerge from the 14th in a big way. We shall have unexcelled pros perity just as we have had after ev ery depression, in a very , very short while. If something happens one, two or three times, it makes you won der but, my fellow countrymen, if it happens 13 times in a row then the greatest scientist in the world will i tell you that you have discovered a law. This law is that there is an ebb . and flow in finance which is going to function just as the tides of the At lantic and Pacific Oceans ebbs and flows. We can’t do anything about it; nor stop it nor hasten it. It is going to flow in graciously for about 12 years and then it is going to exit and ebb for about three years, and it is going to keep on doing the same thing eternally. Don’t go sour on the fut ure of this country or the world; don’t condemn the Republican party for this panic for they just happened to be in power at the time and they are made to shoulder the burden and carry this gTeat load and they are doing the job wisely and best they know how. And after the stormy battles of party poli tics shall have ceased and the winds of « new day shall have blown the REPUBLICAN PARTY again to vic tory, I hope to hear the voices of Herbert C. Hoover. Howard Malcolm Baldrige, Rosenbloom, John Adams, Singleton, Counsman, Griswold and all the rest (all of those loyal Republi cans), in sweet accord chanting, “Glory, Glory, Hallelujiah. And just over the mountain top, I hope to see the messenger of prosperity, and the dawn of a new day which is the dream of all mankind. Read The... GulAg -I DELEGATES TO THE 12th ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE AMERICAN LEGION Held Aug. 21.24, 1932, Norflk, Nebr. The delegates were Mrs. John Fields, Pres. Mrs. J. C. Carey, and Mrs Purcell W. Baugh. Mr. J. C. Carey, Mr. Edward Turner. We were all extended a hearty and cordial wel cme to Norfolk arriving at Depart ment Headquarters at Hotel Norfolk. After getting our rooms we register ed at the ME. Church. All sessions were held here. Monday, August 22, opening of Convention ME. Church, Memorial Hour, Department Presi dent Mrs. Lottie Rosencrans. Music Pipe Organ. Report on Rules Com mittee. Address by Don Stewart, Dept. Commander, Kansas Caucas of District, on election of members of Nominations and Resolutions Com mittee. Tea complimentary to Dele gates Alternate and Registered guests 1 at Norfolk, Hotel. Quartete and Trio Contest 7:15. Tuesday 9:00 a. m. , Music by Mrs. Frank Warner. In- ! vocation—chaplain. Advancement of colors, Flag Salute and Pledge. • Report of Credentials Committee. Child Welfare Chairman, Rehabilit ation, Hospital and Poppy Chairman. • Music of Winning Quartette and Trio. Address of Mrs. Amelia Morris, NatT Vice-pres. Address of Watson B. Miller, Natl. Legion Rehabilitation ■ officer. Reading of Amendments to 1 Constitution. Presentation of Troph- 1 ies an dAwards. Leah Ball Cup, Mar- j caret Amundson. Trophy— Public ity Award,—Ireen Fleming. Trophy Citations of Merit—Gold Star A- 1 ward—District Awards— Fidac A- < wards—Report of Nominations Com- < mittee. *Music-Pipe organ,— Mrs. j Frank Warner. Processional Invoca- j tion Mrs. T. D. Schroeder—St. Chap. , lain—Flag Salute and Pledge—Uni- ^ son. Star Spangled Banner. Reading ( of preamble—Mrs. Olga Webb. ] Greetings Gov. Chas. Bryan and May- \ of Norfolk, Mr. Paul Nordwig.' Re- j sponse by Mrs. Elsie Diers, from Pa triotic organizations. Address Com- ‘ mander Robt. Flory. Our Legion by ( H. H. Dudley, Sam Reynolds and ( Gorden Beck. Greetings from 8 and 40 Miss Mary Bolton. Reading of j Convention Call Mrs. Irving Fleming.! j Welcome by Mrs. J. O. Olson, pres, j of Norfolk Unit. Introduction of J I Dept. Officers and Chairmen of Local j 5 Committees. 1st reading of amend- ] ments to dept. Constitution-Mrs. 1 Grace McCoy. Report of executive j board meeting and finance commit tee meeting. Memorial hour. ' Chicken Fry. Joint Session with j t Legion Parade—Delegates Banquet at ( Norfolk Hotel. Drum Corps and c Band Contest at Athletic Park under ^ flood lights. Concert by Comedy Bands. Commanders Ball at Kings Park Wednesday— Music. Opening ‘ Ceremony). Report Tuesday’s Ses- ( sion. Dept. Secretary Final Report J Credentials Committee. Election of j I of election. Reading of Courtesy— Resolutions. Introduction of Offic ers. Final adjournment Convention at Kearney, Nebraska, next year. All churches served meals. Mrs. Carey Fields and Baugh spent Monday af ternoon at Kings Park taking pictur est boating and playing on Merry go round. Through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carey we were sent sever al places while in Norfolk and enjoyed every minute. Returning home with Mr. J. C. Carey at the wheel until Old Man Sleep overtook him, at which time the wheel was relinquished to Mr. Ed. Turner who speeded down the highway as though he were driving the old Fire truck. However we ar rived home safely. Federal Home Loan Bill (continued from last week) Loan secured by it has more than fifteen years to run to maturity, or (2) the value of the real estate with OOtPor t3l"?iCh th® ho™« mortgage is given exceeds $20 presented Fn..attdUe (26) moTe,t.han six months when section fa'l pU1?Tu °f this subsec4ion and sub section (a) (27) value shall be as of the time the advance made and sh.a11 Reestablished by such certification by the borrowing institution, or such other evidence as the FederaT W Teqxllre- £or.the purposes of this section, each ederat Home Loan Bank shall have power to make or to 5 TCst?eatinnsmre>t0 be mj“de’SUch aPPraisals and other in I estl&at1(ms as it may deem necessary. No home mort 1 otgWthel a1Se eli?ible 40 be accepted'as collateral secur ! accent ;? anCaby ? FedeJ.al Home Loan Ba«k shall be “f tu ap^,director, officer, employee, attorney, or ^4h« Fe.deral Home Loan Bank or of the borrow ho!ed i1tltUtl0n-«PnrSOnaily liable thereon’ unless the board has specifically approved by formal resolution such acceptance. u.(c) advances shall be made upon the note or obligation of the member or nonmember borrower se cured as provided in this section, bearing such rate of in terest as the board may approve or determine, and the r ederal Home Loan Bank shall have a lien upon and shall hold the stock of such member as further collateral secur ity tor all indebtedness o fthe member to the Federal Home Loan Bank. At no time shall the aggregate out standing advances made by any Federal Home Loan Bank to any member exceed twelve times the amounts paid in by such member for outstanding capital stock held by it or made to a nonmember borrower exceed twelve times the value of the security required to be deposited under (28) section 6 (e). _(d) The institution applying for an advance shall enter mto a primary and unconditional obligation to pay oft all advances, together with interest and any unpaid costs and expenses yi connection therewith according to the terms under which they were made, in such form as shall meet the requirements of the bank and the approval of the boar^. The bank shall reserve the right to require at any time, when deemed necessary for its protection de posits of additional collateral security or substitutions of security by the borrowing institution, and each borrowing mstituiton shall assign additional or substituted security when and as so required. Subject to the approval of the board, any Federal Home Loan Bank shall have power to sell to any other Federal Home Loan Bank, with or with out recourse, any advance made under the provisions of this Act, or to allow to such bank a participation therein and any other Federal Home Loan Qank shall have power to purchase such advance or to accept a participation therein, together with an appropriate assignment of se curity therefor. GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF BANKS Sec. 11. (a) Each Federal Home Loan Bank shall have power, subject to the approval of the board, (1) to borrow money, to give security therefor, and to pay in terest thereon, and (2) to issue bonds and debentures hav ing such maturities as may be determined by the board secured by the transfer of eligible obligations of borrow ng institutions on advances made by the bank to borrow ng institutions and by the deposit of home mortgages. ((b) The board shall prescribe rules and regula rs governing the assignment, deposit, custody, substi tution, and release of the obligations of borrowing insti ;utions to the bank which are transferred and of the home nortgages securing such bonds and debentures, the forms md terms of such bonds and debentures, and the condi :ions under which they may be issued and retired, includ ng any option with respect to payment and retirement hereof in advance of maturity, and such regulations shall >rovide for the deposit in trust, under such terms and con litions as it may deem advisable, of the home mortgages securing such bonds and debentures. For the purposes of his section the board is .authorized to appoint, and fix he compensation and prescribe the duties of, a registrar n each district, who shall not be connected with or inter red in any Federal Home Loan Bank, any member, any lonmember borrower, or any institution of a class eligible o become a member or a nonmember borrower under his Act, and to require of such registrar a bond, in such imount and with such sureties as the board may fix, con litioned on the faithful performance of the duties requir ;d of him. (c) Such deposits in trust shall be so maintained hat the aggregate unpaid principal of the home mort gage loans secured by the home mortgages deposited as ;ecurity for (29) bonds or debentures shall, as nearly as )ossible, be at all times not less than an amount equal to .90 per centum of thetotal outstanding amount of such ssue. Cash deposited under authority of subsection (d) hall be security for an amount of bonds and debentures qual to the amount of cash deposited. Direct obligations >f the United SStates deposited under authority of sub action (d) shall be security for an amount of bonds and lebentures equal to the par value of such obligations. (d) The board may at any time require any Feder l1 Home Loan Bank to deposit additional home mortgages •r to make substitutions of home mortgages to secure iuch bonds and debentures, except that when in the opin Oj^^h^joar^iom^nortgages^ryio^vailjbl^o^^^^^