k __ _ Omaha, Nebraska, September 24,1932_ ~ “" Paee Severn _SINCE 3Y MAN COMETH DEATH. BY MAN ALSO COME THE RESUP.HECTION OF THE DEAD."-1st Cor. 15-21-22 This Text was Given by Rev. O.J, Bnrckhardt, Pastor of Christ Temple Chnrch. Put h>*h -s Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street by TIIK OMAHA GUIDE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Incorporated Phone WEbster 1750 All Newt ( opy must be in our office not later than Monday at 5 p m and al! Advertising Coj.. or Paid Articles, not later than Wednesday at Noon. En red a* - al t 'lass mail matter, March 15, 1927, at the Post cffia- at 1»: i >raska. under the act of Congress of Mar. 3. 187'* SUBSCRIPTION RATES Strictly in Advance) One Year. $2.00 Ssx Months . 1.25 Three Months. 1.00 TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION—The Omaha Guide is issued weekly ai. ' to any fart of the United States for $2.00 per year in « S - Canadian subscriptions I including postage5 $2.50 in a ■ ’ * : r.s including postage $3.90 in ad \ii Tr -;x it: - subscriptions. $1.25. Trial Three months' subscription $1.00. Single eopy, 5 cents. RENEW AES I:, renewing, give the name just as it appears on the la1 ,r. -•« it be incorrect, in which case please call our attention to in- and a.ways give the full address to which your paper has been sent. CHANGE Or ADDRESS—In ordering a change of address, always giv- ■ h t■. : an < new addresses. If the paper does not reach you regularly please notify us at once. ADVERTISING KATES—Given upon application. REMITTANCES—Send payment by postal or express money order, rash in i> irisT'-r-id letter, bank cheek or stamps. OUR ADDRESS—Send ail communications to The Omaha Guide Pu - ing < ., my. Incorporated. 241>-20 Grant St.. Omaha, Nebr. s ♦ EDITORIALS!# TRUE LEADERSHIP As we glance through the mirrors of puolic press, w e find a universal plea for true leadership. V leadership of service for humanity. We yield to superiority of man kind when we find those who are willing to share privi leges and opportunities with others. Those who can lead u.- ut of our present difficulties without a selfish motive inv :vc*d. Those who are willing to sacrifice their time anur group, if we can unite ourselves in one common interest and support a Leader whom we can trust. The Negro will take his rightful place in the social and eco no: ic world when he has proven his competent leader ship. Community Spirit The advancement of community spirit is sincerely welcomed in this community. Its longfelt need has been show n among us for many years. A community cannot exist without united effort. To progress and advance, t i-re must be a bond of neighborly interest in the welfare of the community as w ell as the individual. A movement is underway to build this community by securing a closer relationship and understanding am ng trie independent neighborhood merchants and among the people of this district. It is a wonderful effort and a huge task. The fullfilment of this mission will bring a better, growing community. With the publication of the Community News, a weekly newspaper devoted to the interests and welfare o: t v is community, its editor and publisher Mr. Harry Finkenstein. one of our home products, has established the foundation for the renewal of community spirit. Mr. Finkenstein is aiding the independent mer chants in this area to organize in groups so as to come to a more mutual business relationship and a stronger un der>tanking of the community problems. Through or ganization it enables them to meet outside competition and is also a boon to the consumer because of the advantages of economy in buying and reduction in the cost of mer chandising to the trade. Our people know the value and need of organiza tion. It is the lever that controls the destinies of the in dividual and through proper handling can better leave us to the just pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Is there anything more glorified than the accomplishments of a gr n: r rganized body in aiding the welfare and growth of a community ? We therefore take our hats off to one who had the initiative and foresight to advance this wonderful work in this community and wish him well towards the success of his enterprise and splendid endeavors. * THE 14TH AMENDMENT AT WORK We ail rejoice in the victory achieved by our group in New Orleans, over a scheme to deprive them of the privilege to work on the public docks of that city, but this achievement would not have been possible had not large interests feared their business would be affected; thus again the 14th Amendment was made to play the role of protecting vested rights. The steamship companies got out an injunction on the plea that the ordinance would deprive steamship companies of their property without due process of law: that it would interfere with inter -' -aie commerce and that its purpose was political. Though our race benentted, let us not mistake the motive was not altruistic, and that selfishness and greed are placed above human rights. ONCE REPRESENTED RACE IN HALLS OF CONGRESS w** mm m\ ■ ■ The above picture shows our representatives in the House of Congress when we were first set free from Chattel ___Slavery. We were then classed as ignorant and uneducated—WHAT’S WRONG NOW! THE UTILITIES AS TAXPAYERS. A good many officeholders have had a pleasant time damning the utilities of the country. By rights, they should really feel somewhat obliged to them, inasmuch as the utility industry, as a taxpayer, is one of the largest and most stable contributors to the cost of running the government. In 1929. according to an article in Public Utilities Fortnightly, 2,772 utility companies submitting balance sheets to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue earned a net of $793,271,185. Out of this they paid an income tax of $85,064,517. Other taxxes amounted to $219,608,517, or a total of almost $305,000,000. Furthermore, 1,460 util ity companies which went in the red during the year were forced to pay taxes aggregating $15,434,218. As a con sequence, total taxes for the reporting companies were more than $320,000,000—close to half of the total income reported to the Revenue Bureau. What may such a tax policy as this do to the utilitv industry? Now, as in the past, it is one of the most pro gressive of industries. It has maintained its employment and wage standards at an extraordinarily high level dur ing depression. Even so, there can be no question that the i fear of more exorbitant taxation deters executives and stockholders from authorizing developments and expan sions that would otherwise be made. No industry can do its best when it is wondering how long it will be before it is taxed out of existence. The utility companies and their customers should pay a fair share of government i j expense. But when taxes begin to approximate 50 per cent of profit, it is time we did some serious thinking. There is a lot of Philosophy and good common i sense in the announcement of the Married Mens’ Unem ployment League. “We heartily endorse their platform.” We believe that we can have no stable prosperity unless industry makes a reasonable profit after paying to its employees a purchasing wage. There is a Law called by economists “The Law of Diminishing Returns.” This Rule tells us by ruthless logic that the more we cut wages, the less buying power remains in the country. Factories can not run without orders. Merchants cannot sell goods with customers. Farmers cannot move . crops unless the workers eat three full meals a day. Cannot we learn from past follies or must we al ways be spanked by good Mother Experience before we practice common sense. Labor runs from 10 to 12 per cent of the cost of the average manufactured article. Prosperity cannot be conjured back by words, it must be brought back by giving to our workers a wage that will satisfv their common wants. Let us give a cordial greeting to the represent ative of the Married Men’s Unemployment Council when he calls on us. Should we not have cash, we may be able to swap and get some much needed labor done around the place. We will help ourselves when we help our neighbor of the Unemployed Married Men’s Council. Should you have a job wanting a workman, Phone JA. 1548, or WE. 1750, and they will send you a compet ent man. The jobs they give out will mean more money or goods in circulation and less worry and anxiety in the Home. _ WHAT IS THE UNEMPLOYED MARRIED MEN’S COUNCIL . Briefly, the Unemployed Married Men’s Council is an organization to prevent suffering; to prevent strong men who want to work, and who through no fault of their own cannot find a job, from being humiliated by begging. Some men would rather die than to be call ed or considered a beggar. Many ambitious men com mit suicide before they will be considered such. The pre amble of the Unemployed Married Men’s Council was printed in the Omaha Guide last week. We hope you read it. If you did not, we are reprinting it in this is sue. Find the preamble, read it, and cut it out. There is more food for thought in these fewT paragraphs for the unemployed married men’s council preamble than anything we’ve read since the depression began. There is also a digestive thought for the so-called capitalist class and for the working man. Give us your written opinion about the preamble. The originator of this idea should be given great credit for the efforts to put this thought into a workable or ganization. The Unemployed Married Men’s Council’s purpose is to give work to citizens of Omaha to prevent suffering. If you have some work in your home, such as paperhanging, plumbing, house cleaning, yard clean ing or any odd jobs, and haven’t the cash to pay for the work, remember the Unemployed Married Men’s Coun cil will furnish you a man to do the work in exchange for such things as clothing, vegetables or fruits, or old furniture. Call headquarters or any branch of the Un employed Working Men‘s Council and a representative will be sent to you. The organization does not take in exchange, goods for work from anyone who is able to pay cash. In other words they do not wish to lower the scale of wages or stop people from paying cash for their work, if they wish to do so. How well do I remember f It was sometime last September As I slowly wobbled down the winding road. My heart was all a-flutter As I lay down in the gutter And a hog came up and laid down by my side. A lady passerby Looked down with a sigh And this is what she had to say: “You can tell a man who boozes By the company he chooses.” And the hog got up and slowly walked away. ANNUAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION SHOW “Invest In An Electric Refrigerator.” Omaha distributors of electric re frigerators decided today to hold their annual Electric Refrigeration. Show this year from October 1 to 8, in the Electric Building, 17th and Harney Streets. The entire first floor of the Electric Shop will be turned over to the show. Thirteen distributors will display their refrig erators. R. C. Geppert, chairman of the O maha Electric Refrigeration Bureau said today that the purpose of the show was to display all of the new refrigeration models. Some of the refrigerators will be shown for the first time in Omaha at the show, ac cording to Mr. Geppert. “This refrigeration mart will give the people an opportunity to see all of the diferent models and makes of electric refrigeration at one time. It will be much easier for them to decide which one they want in their home cid which on thy want in their home after they have seen them all,” Mr. Geppert said. “Our last year's show was a tremendous success and we an ticipate similar interest this year. People everywhere are becoming more and more electric refrigeration, minded and I believe that it will be only a matter of a short time that an electric refrigerator will mean as much to the American home as the electric light.” The Home Service Department of i the Nebraska Power Company, of j which Madeline Bo hi sen is director ' will be open to the public during the show. Mbs Bohisen will make frozen ( desserts and other dainties so that her visitors may see the advantage*, of electric refrigeration. The show b part of a national ac tivity which has a plan to sell “anoth er million electric refrigerators” dur ing 1932. J. E. Davidson, president., of the Nebraska Power Company is national chairman of the activity.. The slogan b “Invest in an EXeetrie. Refrigerator.” Plans are now being made to hold the show open during the evenings for those who cannot attend during the day. 15 Mixmasters will be giver? away during the show. It is planned j to award 2 Mixmasters every day of" ! the show and on the last night three ; will be awarded. Definite arrange ments have not been made as to bow the Mixmasters may be obtained, but it b thought by several distributors that it will be a contest of skill aimed to bring out the advantages of elec. ■ trie refrigeration.