PENNSYLV VM \ LEADS STATES l IN NUMBER OF NEGRO COPS Washington—(CNS) — Occupation statistics for the United States re leased recently by the Bureau of the Census here, give an interesting pic ture of the country’s law enforcement machinery. The gross statistics for the entire nation show that there are 131,687 persons in the United States serving as policemen. Of this number 84’J are women. These figures do not include detectives, marshals, sheriffs or constables, however. Of the total number of police in the country, slightly less than one percent or 1,264 are Negroes, 33 of whom are Negro policewomen Although the Negro population in States in the extreme South nearly equals that of whites, there are only 63 Negro police in Alabama, Arkan sas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mis sissippi. North Carolina. South Caro lina, Texas and Virginia. Mississippi, where the Negro population exceeds that of the white, has no Negro police, nor have Arkansas or South Carolina. Northern and Western States, where the Negro population is small and which have no Negro police are as follows; Connecticut, Idaho, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ne«w Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah. Vermont. Wis consin and Wyoming. Pennsylvania leads all other States in the number of Negro police with a total of 302 Philadelphia is the leading city, having 219 Negro “cop pers." Illinois is the second State with 188: New Jersey, third with 124; New York, fourth with 115; and Ohio, fifth with 80. Missouri has 51; Cali fornia, 49; Michigan. 46: Indiana, 42; and. the District of Columbia, 40. Marvland has only 14. with but one of these in Baltimore. Texas lead* the Southern States with 22 Negro police. Houston has five of these and San Antonia, four. The rest are scat tered. : ■Tz^jrjgzgr .yjgqgyacaPTa i (Judge I W. G. I ■3 Hastings I 3 £ 3, 1 ^Compliments You Upon^* rjthi*. Anniversary I for the S Progress You Are Making. 3 CANDIDATE 1 FOR P i| RE-ELECTION I (POLITICAL- ADV.) ' OMAHA’S OWN! *.. OMAHA’S OWN Engine Company Number 4 Firt Department. The Colored fire depart, ment of Omaha with a fine record oi two retirements. The first Colored Company was or ganized January 6, 1895 with a per. sonnel of five men including Samuel G. Ernest, captain, Joseph Henderson, lieutenant; Scott Jackson, driver, James D. Hardin, pipeman, ,Everett W. Watts, pipeman, the only surviv ing member of this company. At that time it was known as Num. ■impnrr-rr-jtr. rr. ■ J. mi ■ l ber 12 hose company, located at Twen ty-seventh and Jones, the men work ing continuously with one days leave. On April 29, 1900, the company was moved to 30th and Spaulding Street, and the name was changed to Num ber 11; remaining there until March 1, 1928 when it was moved to its present quarters, 16th and Izard, and renamed Engine Company No, 4. The Company now consists of a double shift with ten men, J. C. Greer, senior captain, 26 years service, Alon 7n .Tockeon. Jr captain, 21 years ser vice, Harry B. Lewis, ranking pipe man, 19 years; Jewel Rose, driver, 13 years; Melvin Freeman, driver, 13 years; Jasper Cole, pipeman, 10 years; Manuel Cook, pipeman. 9 years, and R. L. Green, pipeman, 4 years. Retired Mr. W. H. Jackson served 21 years on the fire department. His applica tion of thrift and cooperation of his wonderful wife now enables them to live comfortably on fche pension which he receives from the city as a reward for his services. Quoting Captain • m. w. James Greer, when asked for a state ment concerning him, he said, Bill, a they call him was easy to get alon; with, was never up for charges fo any offense. In fact a wonderful fel low who never said no when aske for a favor. Mr. Frank Stewart served 21 year on the fire department, leaving wit a fine record. Mr. Stewart has beautiful home and is reputed wea; thy, having invested wisely in severs business enterprises, and is also d: rector of Bey Scouts. WILL AID VIRGIN ISLANDS New York—(CNS)—A survey of 'he Virgin Islands in the Caribbean Sea is to be made this Fall by a social service expert to determine to what extent and in what direction the board of directors of the Internationa] Save and Children Fund of America, Inc., may help promote a program of self-sustenance there. At . luncheon held last week th« board voted to use some of its funds to aid conditions in the island terri tory as soon as the survey is com pleted. Governor Paul M. Pearson outlinec his twenty-year program of agricul tural and industrial development i which he devised soon after takinj I office in March, last year. Governor Pearson renewed an ap peal for donations of musical instru ments to public schools in the islands He also urged an enlarged program of social service to correct evils at 'endant upon cramped living quarter: ind to provide jobs at living wages r ~ .. Greetings from Sam K. !j Greenleaf j # ♦ x i County Tax I ASSESSOR ! i__ < POLITICAL ADV.) A TWENTY THREE BIL LION DOLLAR BUS’NESSi (By John Benjamin Horton, Jr.) j _ Food is a twenty three billion dollar business yearly in the United States. A f >urth of the national income is re quin d for food. As long as people eat, the food industry is assured of business. It is the policy of the Omaha Guide to boost our new advertisers when they give us our rightful share of adver ; tising and for this reason, I’m now ac quainting our readers, who do not know of this wonderful Company, witfh the General Foods Produce Co. General Foods has insured its own • stability in this great industry by as sembling a varied line of products. Consumers, dealers and stockholders have all gained through the General Foods policy of centralizing its ad ministration, sales and other func tions. Because of the completeness of its organization, General Foods is prepared to take advantage of every trend or change in marketing, i Today, there’s room for only a few ’ products of any one kind on a dealer’s | shelves. Therefore, those products ' which continue to be successful are ! those which are best known and in greatest demand by the public. Most of the inajor products of General Foods are leaders in their respective fields. They have been established through years of quality and contin uous advertising. As public knowl edge of quality and values continues to grow in the field of packaged foods, General Foods believes the position of its products will tend to grow strong er. A careful inspection of their pro ducts can be observed in this edition Reduced Prices this month only * HOOVER SPECIALS! * Previous models reconstructed at the Hoover factory m ONLY For a short time only, we are making & very special price on Hoover ’’Specials.” , These genuine Hoovers are in great de- j tnand—and our number is limited—so you'll have to hurry to get one. All these Hoovers have been completely reconstructed at the Hoover factory. Each one is equipped with a new ball-bearing beating-sweeping brush, a new bag, cord and belli Every one carries the same guarantee as a new Hoover-rONE FULL y yeah, / VALUES! Model 105 DUSTING* Buy Now! Only a Limited Number Nebraska tower 4 of our paper i nour advertising sec tion. o-o ..Read the..... Every Week 0-0 FIFTY NEWSBOYS TO DELIVER The OMAHA GUIDE TO YOUR DOOR 0-0 9 Vote For the Man ■ Who Will Help You! ■EDWARD R. I BURKE I For Congress ' (POLITICAL ADV.) YOUR BIGGEST 1 COFFEE BARGAIN j 3 Butter-Nut Coffee gives you marvelous flavor at amazingly low r ^ cost— only %c a cup. Being richer and fresher—it goes farther, t Each pound makes 60 delicious cups. Order a can today. You will p like Butter-Nut the best of them all. £ The Date Doesn't Make It Fresh ... but it’s one way of tell ing how old milk is when you sret it. Only FRE^fl milk has a fine, sweet flavor. Roberts Properly Pas teurized Milk is deliv ered FRESH each day. Every unsold bottle of Roberts Milk is turned over to our Manufacturing Plants and used in the manufacture of by products. In warm weather all Roberts Milk is iced on the delivery wagons and tri.rks. K aping it cold until it reaches your door helps niai: a'n its freshness. The unirerm!y good, fresh flavor of Roberts Mi:k and other products make them the choke of tLe majority of people in this city. ROBERTS DAIRY CO. m n «—■——■ wiu -^ KH SWEATERS ORp ^31 \[(I( Ladies’ or Men’s tub >\\l l\V> Cleaned & Prewed yjjl j^p; WITH OTHER WOKK^fll | I _______________ ! i —COMPLIMENTS OF— i LION COAL CO. j || GOOD COAL i II AT LOW PRICES I » ♦ ! Illinois Lump.. $7.00 f , I Kentucky Lump.7.50 * Phone WE. 2605 * 1—.1 Notice of Administration j In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Mallory Hazzard, deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased s died leaving no last will and pray r ing for administration upon his r estate, and that a hearing will be ‘ had on said petition before said 1 court on the 1st day of October 1932, and that if they fail to ap 5 pear at said Court on the said 1st 1 day of October 1932, at 9 o’clock 1 a. m. to contest said petition, the j Court may grant the same and grant administration of said es tate to Ray L. Williams or some other suitable person and proceed I to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford, County Judge. Atty. H. J. Pinektt. PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Eliza Mabry deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said es tate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said k County, on the 1st day of Novem ber 1932, and on the 3rd day of j" January 1933, at 9 o’clock A. M., | each day, for the purpose of pres j enting their claims for examin S ation, adjustment and allowance. I Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, ! from the 1st day of October 1932. Bryce Crawford, ! County Judge. \ James E. Bednar, Atty. at Law. j 824 First Nat’l. Bank Bldg., j Omaha, Nebr. Notice of hearing on application ; of Adolph Musil, executor of the last will and testament of Math ] ilde M. Peters, deceased, for Lic j ense to sell real estate. ITo the heirs-at-law, devisees, legatees, next of kin and all per sons interested in the estate of * Mathilde M. Peters, deceased. You are hereby notified that on | August 30, 1932 on the petition of r Adolph Musil, executor of the last j will and testament of Mathilde M. jj Peters, deceased, filed in the dis trict Court of Douglas County, j Nebraska, and being Doc. 287 and 2!)4 of the records of said Court, the following order was, duly made and entered. Order To Show Cause On reading the petition, duly verified, of Adolph Musil, execut or of the last will and testament 1 of Mathilde M. Peters, deceased for license to sell the East thirty (30) feet of Lot Five (5) Block | (5) Bowery Hill Addition to Om aha. Douglas County. Nebraska, and also to see the interest of said deceased in and to Lot Twelve (12) in J. E. Ryley’s sub division of Lots Fifty-four (54) and Fifty-five (55) of S. E. Rog ers plot of Oklahoma, an Addition in Douglas County, Nebraska, held under certain land contract, either or both of said above des j cribed tracts, for the purpose of paying claims due and owing by said estate and the costs of ad i ministration thereof. It appearing that there are not sufficient funds and personal property in said estate to pay such caliras and that it is neces sary that the real estate' belong ing to said estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be sold for the purpose of raising sufficient funds to pay claims and costs of administration of said estate. It is therefore ordered that, the heirs, devisees, legatees, next of kin and all persons interested in the above described real estate be and they hereby are required and ordered to appear before me in Court Room No. 8 in the Court House of Douglas County, Omaha Nebraska on the 13th day of Oct ober, 1932, at 9 o cloc,r a. m., to show cause, if any therebe, why license should not be granted to Adolph Musi.1, executor of the last will and testament of Math ilde M. Peters, deceased to sell at public sale, in the manner provid ed by law, the above described real estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the claims allowed against said es tate and the costs of administra tion thereof. It is further order ed that a copy of this order be published far four consecutive weeks in the Omaha Guide, a leg al Newspaper published and in circulation in said Douglas County next before the hearing on said application, Omaha, Nebraska, August 30, 1932. By the Court, W. G. Hastings, Judge. In the District Court of Douglas Couty, Nebraska, Lavida Butler, Plaintiff, vs. Clem W. Butler, defendant. Doc. 285, page No. 1. NOTICE TO NON-RESI DENT. TO CLEM W. BUTLER, non-resident Defendant: You are hereby notified that Lavida Butler filed a petition a gainst you in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, on the 2th Day of May? 1932, in the case of Lavida Butler, Plaintiff, vs. Clem W. Butler, Defendant, Docket 285, Page No. 1, the prayer of which requests the Court to annul the marraige be tween you and this Plaintiff on the grounds of desertion and non-support. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 28th day of Nov ember, 1932, or the allegations of the said petition will be taken as true. W. B. Bryant, Attorney. Gold Seal Creamery Co. ! 89th and Underwood Ave. HArney 5261 or Glendale 2929 ] WE EMPLOY COLORED HELP I Pasteurized Milk, Butter, Sweet and Sour Cream, Whipping ' Cream, Butter-Milk. J —EARLY DELIVERY— J. F. TAYLOR, Prop. IHHHHHHHilHHIlHHHHHiHHHHHflHHHHHflHHHHHHHflHHHHHHIHHi - l Mill .. ~ | RHEUMATISM? BACKACHE? NEURALGIA? Do you know what you are taking for these complaint*% I,_YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO TRY ClOVA'TABS A doctor’s prescription, scientifically prepared and founded on a nhvcician’g hospital research and experience in private practice. If vour dme-edpt cannot supply von SENT) FOR A BOY TODAY •—DO NOT DELAY—CT OVA-TABS D O. Box 12. College Stat. New York City Mail this coupon with 50 cents fSend no stamps) • •*5*» ••••••••••••••••••«•• #n»* «••••••••• #••• CLO’rA-TABS. P. O. Bo* 12. College Station. Kew York City Dept. Z Name .... Addp«s ...... R.F.D. Boi No....?** j __po*f Qfflce . State .,