v — — Read WhatOtheis Say TOM DENNISON The caae pending in Federal Court against Mr. Tom Dennison and nine others including Lieutenant Harry Buford, has been put off on account of the health of Mr. Dennison, who re cently returned from Los Angeles, where he went in hopes or regaining his health. He was accompanied by Harry Buford. According to the statement of three prominent physic ians. Mr. Dennison is not sufficiently strong to face the ordeals of a court at this time. Lieutenant Harry Bu ford and Mr. Tom Dennison have a host of friends who have full confi dence, that they will be vindicated of any complicity in the pending charg es and who believe that this vindic ation will contribute to the complete recovery of the grand old man. Mayor WALKER of NEW YORK— The resignation of Mayor Jimmie Walker of New York City, the dandy the best dressed Mayor and the most talked about of any man in his official capacity in the world, is indeed a blow to the plain people, who he has be friended in the City of New York; including 370,000 Negroes of Harlem, j Once while Mayor Walker was visit ing in Paris rumors reached this coun try that he had made some unfavor able remarks about the Negroes. When asked about this on his return it was flatly denied. The actions of the Mayor toward his black subjects in Harlem, speaks for itself, and if Mayor Walker should ask to be vindicated at the polls in November, whether as Mayor of New York or the Governor to suc ceed Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, who is assured of the election to the Presidency. Mayor Walker will re ceive the support of 270,000 black vot ers of Harlem. The fairness he has shown this gToup of citizens has en deared him to them. When Mayor Walker was first e lectcd the black citizens of New York there were 2 million dollars per year on the pay roll, this pay roll has been increased to 4 million per year. There arc 550 teachers in the Public schools, nine of who are teachers in the high . . . . . ■ . . ' I _ » 1 '1 COMPLIMENTS OF Judge James Fitzgerald CANDIDATE ' FOR RE-ELECTION | I DISTRICT JUDGE , " " '(KJLITicAL' aW.) * " ’ ‘ schools. There are 500 labors, with Ferenand Q. Morton as civil service corrfftiissioner; James S. Watson, Asst Asst. Cooperation Council; Corneluis A. Hughes, Clerk, Board of Elections. Thomas H. Church, District Court Clerk. MA FERGUSON OF TEXAS— With the nomination and election of Mrs. Hiram Ferguson for Governor of Texas and his Honor John N. Gamer, for Vice President, Texas should may well be proud of its place in the sun. The Negroes of Texas will rejoice at the success of Mrs. Fer guson. It was she who enacted the term “The Forgotten Man” long be fore the words were expressed by Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, dur ing the administration as Governor of Texas. When she visited the pennal institutions of Texas and found men in prison for long terms for next to no offense at all. Mrs. Ferguson who is affectionally referred to as “Ma” Ferguson, liberated a large number of these forgotten men and restored them to their rightful place among the citizens of Texas. Eight hundred of whom were Negroes. Without any objection from Mr. Gar ner who is running for Vice President on the Democratic ticket. by ANDREW STUART. Governor Chas. W. Bryan In discussing national politics, the people seem to loose sight of the fact that the States are ruled by the “State Rights Bill” that is so inacted into the destitution that it controls the civic and economic structure of our nation. It is for this reason that the people should pay more attention to the elec tion of the candidates who are to ad minister local and State laws. Gov ernor Charles W. Bryan, candidate for relelection on the democratic ticket, has served this State faithfully and honestly. He has not failed to cur tail overhead expenses, reduce taxes, without jeopardizing the business of the State. The colored people have been protected in their civil rights, far beyond that in any other states. The election of Gov. Bryan and C. F. Beus hausen, Lieut. Governor will assure a continuation of the good relation of the people. The appointing of the Misses Mat .. Vote for j | I Falconer! I j REPUBLICAN | | CANDIDATE 1 FOR I ! ! Re-election i ? i i AS I f ! COUNTY 1 t \ COMMISSIONER j ’ ' 1 1 1 ’(POLITiCAL ’ ADV*)T ' " ’ * ^Youthful Strength Jfl- Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, the world-known authority on Sexology 91 and Director of the Institute for Sexual Science of Berlin. Germany, ■ created I TITUS-PEARLS i|l to help the millions of men and women who have lost or are losing SI their vital physical power. In his 35 years of practice and research, Jf|J however, he realized that the weakening of man’s glands was also IfO responsible for other troubles: High blood pressure, hardening of vfll the arteries, physical exhaustion after work or exercise, dizziness, H depression, neurasthenia, etc. All these troubles can be remove^, with Titus-Pearls. Numerous Hi cases were treated by Dr. Hirschfeld in his Berlin Institute. . L. S. (State Official; 60 years old, married) complained of H physical exhaustion, dizziness and tremors. Was easily tired. Mental fjjH power dull and slow moving. Physical powers had been incomplete Ka for previous 5 years. Blood pressure too high. Given 2 Titus-Pearls ■ 3 times a day. 2 weeks later the medical report on this man was:— flSI general health better, more vigor; dizziness much less and returning |ig| of power. Treatment continued and 2 weeks later L. S. reported jQfll again, this time to say that all weariness and exhaustion had gone; M ho feh fresh and buoyant. His blood pressure had fallen, and at 60 Igi years of age he had regained the physical power and virility that H he had known in the prime of his life. H Start regaining your youthfulness now! To-day! In 2 weeks H time you will be aware of the new, virile force within you. Send H 15.00 (cash registered or money-order) for 2 weeks treatment. C. 0. D. H Orders accepted. Write for Booklet. To avoid mistakes please fill out the following coupon: TEUTONIA IMPORT &. EXPORT SERVICE CO., DPT. 13084 211 Fourth Avenue, New York City, N. Y. Gentlemen: Please forward to the following address.Boxes Titus-Pearls, for which I enclose $. My bum If . City.. tie Childs, Edrose W!llis, and Mrs. Florence Terrell, in the office of the election commissioner, broke down another bearer for the colored people in this State, recently suggestions were made to the Governor to make a change in this office, because Mr. McHugh is a Republican, but owing to the efficiency of Mr. McHugh, the Governor refused, because there was no other charges other than party af filiations. By the retaining of Mr. McHugh, these positions were mad 2 possible to members of our group. Respectively, Andrew Stuart, 2512 N. 24th St FRANCIS MATTHEWS DEM. COUNTY CHAIRMAN makes an appeal to the colored voters Omaha could get favors from a Demo et straight this year regardless of the voters previous political affiliation. Matthews said he asked this because •it was a foregone conclusion that Ne braska was going to give Franklin D. Roosevelt and Governor Charles Bryan overwhelming majorities in the No vember election and that the only way Omaha could get favors from a Demo cratic President and a Democratic Governor is to elect Democratic rep resentatives who will be the only ones to get favors from democratic admin istration. “Everybody admits” says Matthews “that Roosevelt and Bryan are going to be elected, therefore, it is foolish to try to send a Republican Congressman to Washington or republican represen tatives to Lincoln. A Republican request for favors for Omaha will be ignored by President Roosevelt said Matthews, but if we elect Ed Burke our Democratic Candi date to Congress, he will be able to represent Omaha as it should be rep resented.” “Ed Burke,” said Mat thews “is one of the outstanding men in Omaha. As President of the Om aha School Board he established an excellent record and was particularly interested in seeing that the colored people got their rights. The way to thank him for this service is to vote for him in November. Matthews says, that every colored voter in Omaha ought to vote for the Democratic Candidates for the Senate and House to give Governor Bryan a lriendly group of law makers and that if we do this Governor Bryan will give the State the best administration we have ever had. The County Chairman said that Gov ernor Bryan has been particularly friendly to the colored voters and he is the first Governor to ever see to it that the colored people had their prop er share of public offices. Now the only way to show the Governor that this work is appreciated is to vote for him and for the Legislative candi dates. Matthews also pleaded for the elec Deeds, W. M. and ((Ike Mahoney for tion of Tom O'Connor for Register of County Commissioner, Joe Lovely fcr Public Defender, and for the entire State Democratic Ticket. NEGRO SCHOOL GIVEN 848,000 IN NORTH CAROLINA Edenton, N. C —(CNS)—The Chow, an County Board of Education last week received a $48,000 donation from the Rosenwald Fund to be used for the purpose of building a new colored school here. According to estimates, the new building will be ready for oc cupancy at the beginning of the com ing school term. Compliments of DAVE’S MARKET At. 6606 24th and Seward ^m COMPLIMENTS OF Charles Leslie DISTRICT JUDGE Has an excellent rec ord, and should be re elected. - COURTS OKAY “SHORTS” If Chicago girli want to play tennis In the new "shorts.” polo shirt, shoes and a smile. It's okay with Chicago courts, they have declared in a de cision restraining park officials from interfering with players in such a cos tume. The court ruling coincides with Informal opinions expressed by phy sicians and tennis champions. Left: Jolita Macready of Chicago wearing the costume which started the latest battle around what is this and that in the matter of women's apparei or lack of apparel. Upper right: Mrs Dorothy Welsel Hack. Western Wom ens Tennis Champion end wife of the Cubs' third baseman, who thinks the new costume “sensible" and predicta that If some ranking player would adopt it, it would sweep the country quickly becoming a recognised insti tution frowned upon no more than tho present day abbreviated bathing suit. Low’er right: Dr. William Muhlberg, vice-president and medical director of Onion Central Life Insurance Com pany, who sees In the costume fa op portunity for girls to acquire more of| the valuable Vitamin D from the add ed skin surface exposed to the tun a health giving rays. He declares girls need the benefits of summer sun even more than men because, up to 35, they L resist disease jess easily. :: STATE and RATIONAL AFFAIRS :; Senator Tyaings suggests that Mr. Hoover and Mr. Curtis are “riding the same horse, but in two directions.” In a nation-wide poll being taken by the Hearst papers Roosevelt is run ning about two to one over Hoover. The Western Leader says: “We of us are just about out of everything ought to be out of th depression. Lots else.” What a blessing is Hoover prosperity! Cotton is going up in price because everybody now wears cotton. The silk wearing crowd met their Waterloo in 1929. And wool—well, the woolen in dustry went with the disappearance of i the silk worm. The democratic organization of this state will be happy for any man or woman’s assistance in precinct organ ization work. Just write the demo crat state central committee, Lincoln Hotel, Lincoln. “Nebraska’s greatest business gov ernor,” so declared Mayor Will Madg ett, of Hastings, in his introduction of Governor Bryan to the Hastings fair visitors. Mr. Madgett is a republican, but he appreciates public officials who possess business ability. A moritorium for sixty days, is the edict from Washington. SSixty days ' from now will be election day. Many of us have enjoyed a moriorium for the past three years, because from what we have now, nothing more can I be taken. If Governor Bryan has accomplished nothing- else, all intelligent and un biased citizens will frankly give him . credit for reducing by three million dollars the amount of money raised by a state tax on property for the years , 1931 and 1932. If the Hoover administration can in. crease prices now on the eve of a presidential election, could they no1 have increased them any time during the past three years and saved tens ol thousands of farms and homes tha1 have been closed out on mortgages? Republican newspapers make much ado about A1 Smith not warming up t< the democratic campaign. They hav< overlooked another personage of note who is also troubled with “hay fever’ and can fill no speaking engagements —not even in Vermont. Calvin Cool idge is his name. The republican legislative candidate is now found making his rounds. He is a mighty fine fellow before elec tion, but after he is elected and gets down here at Lincoln, he is a differ, ent kind of an animal. Better leave him at home to continue being a good fellow. The new program emanating from M ashington to the end of providing jobs for the unemployed, calls upon the employed to share their jobs with the unemployed. That suits this para grapher fine. We’ve got our applica tion already in for the sharing of the postmastership job in our home town. It is surprising that some European COMPLIMENTS OF— RICHARD W. J E P S E W I nation has not made application for a loan from the Reconstruction Finance | CCorporation. Maybe such application ! has been made but the commission is too modest to report it. President Hoover seems anxious to help every people on the earth but those of us who live in the U. S. A. In discussing the Columbus speech the World-Herald says: “Governor Roosevelt is a leader, and he leads def initely forward. President Hoover may be a leader too, but he leads in no direction. He stands pat, flatly op posed to a single fundamental princi ple or policy. The policies that have brought us where we are are good enough for him.” Blockading highways seems to have become a favorite sport over in Iowa. The trouble with this method of con trolling price levels is, that it arrays farmers against farmers. When one farmer seeks to force another farmer to think as he thinks and do as he does, he has a bigger job in such mat ters than the fellow who tried to drag a wild cat out of its den bare handed. It makes the heads of the various departments under Governor Bryan mighty sore to see the attorney gen eral squandering the money they have saved the state in getting his police patrol iniative petition on the ballot. Sorenson’s initiative petition will cost the state more than his salary | amounts to for five years. Frank Marsh says it will amount to at least $27,000 for legal printing and the cost of the ballots * You were told eighteen months ago that state government could not be conducted on the appropriations Gov ernor Bryan requested. Thus for no department have closed shop for a lack of money to operate them. They are, on the other hand, showing a handsome saving of the amount allot ted them by the governor. They have felt the need of saving and not spend ing. The taxpayers have profited ac j cordingly, many thousands of dollars. It is conceded in every quarter that George Hall will be the next state treasurer. He was elected state treas urer in 1912 and became noted for the manner in which he conducted the affairs of that office. He is a con servative in money matters, rigidly economic, a tireless worker and fur thermore knows the duties of the of. fice to which he aspires as no othsr man. Nation’s Business says: “Any man whose assets inventory 25 percent of what they were three years ago has shown extraordinary financial acumen. Any man whese assets inventory 35 percent of two years ago is a worker of financial miracles. Any man whose assets inventory 50 percent is a darned liar.” This is the result of Hoover policies and the president says he is proud of his record and will con tinue his present policies if re-elected. Will you vote for him ? # Republican speakers face an embar rassing situation in the present cam paign. Their party has been in abso lute control of the nation and most of the state for the past 14 years. It was during this period the present econo mic condition develoj^d. The depres sion came about under republican policies and President Hoover empha sizes the fact that if he is elected there will be no change in the present national policies. In other words, if you like the present conditions, vote for Hoover. If you do not like pres ent low prices and unemployment, vote for Roosevelt and a change in the 4arms and grass will grow in the streets of the cities.” This is a literal and exact truth. Agriculture is the basic industry upon which the com fort, prosperity and life of every citi zen depends. Under the administra ton and policies of Herbert Hoover the price of farm products has fallen lower and lower until now the prices are far below the cost of production. What is the result? Not only is the farm industry prostrated but eleven million men walk the highways beg ging for food and shelter. There can be no recovery until the farmer is paid a living price for his products. A striking example of the wasteful methods of republican bureaucracy is found in the United States Depart mentof Commerce, which made its most rapid expansion when Mr. Hoov er was secretary. From an appropria tion of $10,329,608.44 in 1914, the de partment grew to receive $54,959, 586.67 in 1932. Its activity is large ly to collect dull data and print it im unread circulars so that in 1931, 11, 319,540 copies were printed and circu lated at public expense. Is it any wonder the Hoover administration created such a staggering deficit as to cause the now annoying federal taxes ? A prominent judge in discussing the proposed Sorenson state police patrol plan said: “I have talked to many about this bill and have found but one voter who was favorable to it. Many voters who have been strong support ers of Sorenson heretofore, say that he will get no further support frm him. Should the act become a law, it easily could become one of the most dangerous and costly rackets, not on ly because the criminal racketeer with a badge stuck on his coat could stop and hold up travelers but with a large body of men selected by the Superin tendent some of them could and would pull some fool stunt.” Most of the road acicidents happen in the cities where policemen are thick. The people of Kansas are pointing with pride to the fact that through the efforts of taxpayers leagues and kindred organizations they havd se cured a reduction of a million dollars in the amount of money raised by the state tax on property for the year of 1932. Kansas is late in getting into the tax-reduction business. In Ne braska, due to the determined and successful fight made by Governor Bryan with a republican legislature in i 1931, state appropriations were cut1 down and the state tax on property was reduced three million dollars for the binennium or a million and a half for each of the years 1931 and 1932. Counties, cities and school districts i are following the good example set by our state government. The Hamiltonian theory of govern ment is that the rich should be made richer so they could take care of the poor. The Jeffersonian theory of government is “Equal rights to all and special privileges to none.” Pres ident Hoover is a splendid exponent of the Hamiltonian theory. He has loaned huge sums of plblic funds to great corporations, railroads, insur ance companies, banks, etc., and hop es that some of their inflated prosper ity will flitter* down to the farmer and home owner. The total failure of the Presidents theory is clearly demon strated by the present depression. ; The republican party with its Hamil | tonian theory of government has had i complete control of national affairs for fourteen years and present condi tions are the direct result of that theory put into full force and effect. ALLEGED WHITE FATHER SUED FOR PATERNITY BY COLORED HUSBAND Washington—(CNS) — Charging that Arthur Markell, white newspaper man, former employer of his wife, Lucille Poindexter Edwards, was the father'of his wife’s child, and through various fraudulent means persuaded her to induce him into marriage to shield himself from the consequences of his illicit relations with her Wi 9 liam Edwards, colored, of 1717 Nine teenth street, northwest, filed suit | through his attorneys W. L. Houston of Houston and Houston, asking for $20,000 damages from Markell. Edwards claims that he has been ar.d still is an honest, respectable citi zen and has always enjoyed the re spect of the people in his community, and that he had always carried himself in such a way as to one day marry some good and worthy woman of his own race and rear a family. He charge in his bill that his wife through the machinations of Markell >.as made this impossible, for that on February 28, 1930 he began friendly relations with Lucille Poindexter but that she at the same time was engaging in clandestine illicit relations with Mar kell and did continue same up until March 1930. As a result of this he claims she became impregnated by Markell and delivered a child about December 13, 1930. He states that when Markell became aware of her condition, in order to evade responsi bility for his illicit actions and to es cape the disgrace and ostracism that would follow, he fraudulently forced her to represent to Edwards that he was the sole recipient of her affections and that he was responsible for her condition. un account or these false represen tations Edwards claims that he mar. jried her and lost his health, peace of mind and personal fortune in excess of $904.00 for expenditures, incurred during her confinement, which rightly should have been Markell’s. Edwards asks the court to award him damages of $20,000 and court costs. Edwards a month ago filed papers asking for annulment of his marriage charging fraud. He based his claims at that time on the fact that his wife and he are both dark-skinned and cf'uld not be the parents of a fair skinned child. Later. Edwards claims, his wife ad mitted to him that the child was not his. His suit for annulment followed. MarVell is married and resides at 1740 K street, northwest, and is em ployed by a local daily newspaper. fPOLITICAL ADV.) I ... FOR RE-ELECTION I* i' (Born in Nebraska; age 46. \ Resident of Omaha 43 years. | | Aviation section, 1917-18. Nine- | T teen years practice. Five years f f instructor in law, University of I | Omaha. Now Dean of Law | , t school. Present Presiding Judge f ? of District Court. Inquire of any Omaha lawyer » f regarding Judge Thomsen’s » i temperament and reputation for J i fair dealing. j t t j t T T-1 . . . . t r t - t r - -— He Has Kept The Faith Charles W. Bryan -(lai)p.rnnr nf Nebraska _