Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, September 17, l&sz Page 3_ SINCE BY MAN COMETH DEATH, BY MAN ALSO COME THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD.”—1st Cor. 15-21-22. This Text was Given by Rev. O.J. Burckhardt, Pastor of Christ Temple Church. Published Every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant Street by THE OMAHA GUIDE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Incorporated Phone WEbster 1750 All News Copy must be in our office not later than Monday at 5 p m , and all Advertising Copy or Paid Articles, not later than Wednesday at Noon. Entered as Second Class mail matter, March 15, 1927, at the Post cffite at Omaha, Nebraska, under the act of Congress of Mar. 3, 1879 SUBSCRJI'TION RATES (Strictly in Advance) One Year . $2.00 Six Months . 1.25 Three Months. 1.00 TERMS OF' SUBSCRIPTION—The Omaha Guide is issued weekly and vi li be scat, to any part of the United State* for $2.00 per year in advance. Canadian subscriptions (including postage! $2.50 in e Foreign subscriptions (including postage) $3.00 in ad • am Trial six months’ subscriptions, $1.25. Trial Three months' subscription $1.00. Single copy, 5 cents. RENEWALS In renewing, give the name just as it appears on the ia! . i .ui - t be incorrect, in which case please call our attention to i ;i and always give the full address to which your paper has been sent. ( 11A \' i E UI ADDRESS In ordering a change of address, always gj\. .,i,i and new addresses. If the paper does not reach you r» guiarly. please notify us at once. ADVERTISING RATES—Given upon application. REM ITT A's' R8 Bad pay incut by postal or express money order, cash III registered letter, hank check or stamps. OUR ADDRESS Send all cotnmunieatieas to The Omaha Guide Pu sl g ' .0 any. Incorporated, 2418-20 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr. ONE LEGGED POLITICIANS We will admit that self preservation is the first law of nature, but the thinking Black man is tired of this worn out political machinery fostered by some of the pol itic; ; leader.- of our group who betray and misrepresent thei iVid. a worker in order to build up their own political background. Recently it has been strikingly noticeable, the -called political leaders staging the old role of de mar ding representation and constitutional rights, and turn out to be "purchasable leaders”. The politician and office seeker should use a little common sense in finding out how main followers these self-styled breadline politic ian have. They should demand them to do the same as all races and gro ips do,—secure their pro-rata of employ ment and preserve their constitutional rights. Demand ih i;. -