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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1932)
’CL Pa Tolan Jobless, Ma Washes, Irons to Keep Ed in School MRS. THOMAS TOLAN 65-year-old mother of Eddie, the world’s fastest human, who set a new Olympic record at Los Angeles, recently. These tireless hands which controlled wash tub and the ironing board are responsible for Eddie—"Baby Boy,” as she calls him—being in college. It was this sacrifice that inspired Eddie to win the 100-metre event or bust. The Tolans live in Detroit. Bright Sayings of thje Children W^at Do Yours Say? Recently little Dickie, age 2%, was watching his daddy paint some Wicker porch furniture a bright red. His daddy explained that he ■lust not touch the chairs. But Dickie was curious about the red f Tr* E. PwMipm'a VogtUfeto Compound | Felt Terribly Nervous t Fagged out... always melancholy aad blue. She should take Lydia E. Piak • ham’s Vegetable Compound. Its ton in action builds up the systcai. Try it. t paint, and the next day, being left alone for a few minutes, had the opportunity of satisfying his curi osity. Much to his disappointment,! however, he made what to him seemed like a remarkable discovery, for he ran to his daddy exclaiming, “Daddy, daddy, the chairs are all [healed!” J. B. * • * One morning last spring, I told my 3-year-old daughter Nancy that in summer she would be able to dress and undress herself, for all she would wear were socks, slippers, dress, and B.V.D.S. That afternoon, I overheard her discussing the topic with a little playmate, and she said, “When the summertime comes my mamma says I can dress my own self ’cause all I have to put on is my slipper: ’n’ socks ’n’ dress ’n’ my A.P.C.s. A. E. A. I Little John, age 4 years, went over, to the neighbor's to look at the fish in the pond. A few minutes later his brother cam: running home and said that John had killed one of the fish. Upon being questioned, he opened his innocent blue eyes very wide and said: "1 don't kill the fish, mother; I just put it to sleep.** H. r. C. Look and Learn How many feet are there! n a mile? ANSWER 3.260 MEN—A Gland Tonic-FREE Science has now found a way of supplying the body with gland secretions which cer tain glands often fall to produce suffi ciently and whicn are absolutely neces sary for building health, strength and vi tality. You can have free proof. Send for our wonderful GLAND TONIC—GOLD GLAND—and Try it 20 Days ABSOLUTE LY FREE—NO OBLIGATION. This suc cessful treatment has brought pep and strength to thousands of run-down, weak men and women. Should quickly do the same for yea! NO LETTER NECESSARY. Just send this ad with your name and ad dress and l6e for postage and packing. Complete treatment sent at once. Medical Aid Bureau. 529 S. La Salle St., Chicago., Dept. GA-104. AGENTS WANTED GO INTO BUSINESS—Sell new and used clothing. 100% to 306% prom. Satisfac tion guaranteed. We start you. IDEAL RUMMAGE SALE CO.. L-4804 State. Chicago. Why worry about delayed periods from unnatural causes. Get Quick Results using FEMlfdSO Liquid-Tablet Relief. Used by doctors. Moves Cam ‘ long overdue. Pleasant, sale, bo interference BUT duties. Satisfaction guaranteed treatment *t«. Pottage if C O D. SpeouBy Compounded for Van 0*iinfest! Casei *J CO. Uluitrattd Folder Free *tflt order. PETONE CO„ Dept |g_r St Loafs M* THE HUMAN THING TO DO At the movies, don’t read cap tions out loud. II you have seen the picture before, don't explain it to your friends — to the an noyance of those seated near you * * • If there is an information desk in the railroad station, inquire about trains and connections there before purchasing your tickets. Do not inconvenience others by asking questions at the ticket office. m * m In the dining car one writes out the order after looking at the menu. The order is not given to the waiter verbally, but he may be consulted about special dishes. * * * When a gentleman and lady have to pass strangers to get into their seats, the gentleman makes the ex cuses for both himself and his companion. WEEK S POEM WHY IS IT SO? Some find work where seme find rest. And so the weary world moves on: I sometimes wonder what is best, The answer comes when life is gone. Some eyes sleep when some eyes wake. And so thedreary night-hours go; Some hearts beat where some hearts break; I often wonder why ’tis so. Some wills faint where some wills fight— Some love the tent—and some the field, I often wonder who are right— The ones who strive or those who yield. Some feet halt where some feet tread, In tireless march, a thorny wray. Some struggle on where some have fled: Some seek, while others shun the fray. Some swords rust where others clash. Some fall back while some move on. Some flags furl where others flash Until the battle has been won. Some sleep on, w’hile others keep The vigils of the true and brave; They will not rest till roses creep Around their name, above a grave. —FATHER RYAN. Household Hints Cup cakes baked with hall a can ned peach or other canned or pre served fruit in the center makes de licious puddings. * • * When several eggs are to be cooked in the shell, it is convenient to lower them into the boiling water in a sieve or wire basket, and lift them out in the same way when they are done. * • * Save all the egg shells and use them with a pinch of salt to clear your coffee. They are better than the whole egg. as the egg curdles, and it is the skin in the shell that does the work, not the egg. ♦ • • My pet economy is putting cm silk gloves when putting on silk ho6e thereby preventing snags and tears from rough hands, rings and nails. I keep a pair of inexpensive gloves in my hose box and it takes no time at all to slip them on and off, * * * Treat the oil spots on the floor with ammonia, then wash them up with soap and warm water. * • * If you want to keep onions a long time, dry them thoroughly in the sun. then tie in bunches and sus pend by strings from the attic ceil ing. -o Enamel Ware Cooking Utensils By GEORGE S. SCHUYLER Enamel ware cooking utensils are to be preferred over bare metal, provided they are free from anti mony, are heavy enameled, and acid-resisting. They are easier to keep clean than bare metal, but should be discarded when defective, cracked or chipped. Many poisonous materials, such as zinc, manganese, nickel and an timony are utilized in the manu facture of enamel ware cooking utensils. Poisonous lead salts have been known to be used to give ex ceedingly glossy surfaces. They are net believed to be used any longer, but the use of antimony is general, as it is opaque and prevents dark surfaces underneath from showing. 1 Commercial grades also sometimes contain arsenic in sufficient quan tities to be poisoning. 1 Consumers should avoid the very cheap enamel ware sold in 5 and Heat Teaches Lesson in Care of Home Lawns Whoever in the family has as sumed responsibility for care of the lawn this season undoubtedly lias learned some lessons from experi ence in recent weeks Perhaps one more lesson is yet to be mastered before the family’s of ficial lawn keeper can consider him self in the senior class. This is that there are two good seasons in the year when grass grows most, and two periods of the year when it is practically dormant. The second growing season of this year will be encountered in another four or five weeks. The best stand of lawn sod is ob tained whe the grass has been amply fed during the spring, and watered artificially only when the ground became obviously dry or started to crack. Those who apply the sprinkler lightly and frequent ly learn that a shallow root system develops which will not carry the grass through the dry July and August semi-dormant period. mxewise. me mwn mower wmcn clipped the luxuriant grass during the growing season, unless it was adjusted of late, has clipped the grass so close this month that the roots are exposed needlessly to bak ing sunlight. If the stand of grass is rather light, one might better omit mowing altogether in hot weather. At least, to keep the lawn even, the mower should be set to clip as high as possible. The best period for sowing a lawn is n the fall, when rain starts abundant growth again and weeds are more easily controlled In lawns heavily in ested with weeds, or where grass has died bac in spots, these areas may be spaded up, raked into a fine soil and re seeded. An applicatir of plant food during \v.gust is advisable. Consumers should avoid the very cheap enamel ware sold in 5 and 10 cent stores and other low-price outlets. They invariably have low acid-resistance. Also avoid enamel ware with visible dark spots or un dercoating. The undercoat is less resistant to acid than the cover coat, and if exposed permits metalic substances to enter the food. Do not store or cook acid food in enamel containe.Vinegar, to matoes, fruit juices, especially lem ons, oranges, grapefruit, rhubarb, sour apples and gelatin have acid reaction. How To Have Lighter Skin The great beauty secret of famous actresses and other women who attract men is their light, clear, soft skin. Of all known methods of clear ing the complexion of ruinous un natural impurities, blackheads, pim ples, freckles and other blotches, Nadinola Cream is the simplest, quickest and most satisfactory—just apply this white fragrant cream at bedtime—no massaging, no rubbing. Nadinola quickly brings fresh, youth ful beauty to your skin; restoiing a soft textured, smooth, radiant, flawless -complexion; closing up large, ugly pores and leaving the skin ivory-white, lovely. Don't risk your face, neck, arms and hands to cheap bleaching creams, ointments or lotions, but be sure to use real Nadinola Bleaching Cream with its DOUBLE ACTING qualities found in no other product. Get a big aSe jar of Nadinola Bleaching Cream at any toilet counter; begin using it tonight, and tomorrow you wrtl sea a hint of the wonderful results to expect. Money-back guarantee in every package. cNadinola BLEACHING CREAM Manufarlmrrd by Nati**ai T**U< Ca., Paris, Ten*.