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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1932)
• _ -.r. •: , _ ___=^_ Omaha^Jebrasj^Katuraav. September 10, 1932 SINCE BY MAN COMETH DEATH, BY MAN ALSO COME THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD. "-1st Cor. 15-21-22. This Text was Civet, by Rev. O.J. Burckhardt, Pastor ofChrist Temple Church. Published Every Saturday at 2418-^t Grant Street by TIIK OMAHA GUIDE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Incorporated Phone WHhster 1750 A. New - Copv must he in our office not. later than Monday •t p m and ad Advertising Copy or Paid Articles, not later than Wednesday at Noon. fci • m! S- i.<; Ula»s mail matter. March 15, 1927, at the Post *" * .it D.:..i a '<>• t raska. under the act of Congress of Mar. 3, 1879 SUBSJ KIPTION KATES (Strictly in Advance) One Year. $2.00 Six Months. 1.25 Three Months. 1.00 TEl.’ls <0 si f.St KIPTION The Omaha Guide is issued weekly at. to any part of the United States for $2.00 per year it • l at..i subscriptions (including postage) $2.50 in a«: Kor.ti'u subscript ions (including postage) $3.00 in ad mriths’ subscriptions, $1.25. Trial Three months' subvf ri|iiiou *1 00. Single copy, 5 cents. RENEW Al,s I: r M.-uing. {rbt the name just as it appears on the - f meet! re t. in which ease please call our attention to ■ i.'. a 1 v ..s> {rive the full address to which vour paper has been lent. CHANGE OF AGGRESS.-In ordering, a eHinge of address, always jm i and new addresses. If the paper does not reach you regularly, please notify us at once. VI»\ EKTlslXG RATES—Given upon application. REM iTTANt ES — ■ i. 1 payment by postal or express money order, '•ash r Cist-red letter, hank check or stamps. <*l 1. AGGRESS s. rid all communications to The Omaha Guide I * ' * ; Incorporated, 2418-20 Grant St., Omaha, Nebr. JUDICIAL LYNCHINGS life and property are safe only when the courts put lust ice above all else. The mob rules w henever judg es lecome weather vanes of public opinion. The Supreme Court of the United States had this in mi: d v hen it intervened in the Scottsboro case, wherein Alabama sentenced seven Negro boys to death. Unequal justice in the courts toward Negroes is n • . e new*. In states like Alabama it is the custom. Bid n r t. iiion’s highest court realizes that if the local vo ■ > -■ ayed by the mob in the matter of life, in time they will not protect either property or authority. In the past investments have been safe from l- m • •; hands only because capital could appeal and re the final decision out of local communities. But a nt attack ha> come to plague it—racketeering. Be in. ; \ ioiation of the criminal laws, the local courts can givt- ;• immunity. Once acquited by a complacent judge eteer can thumb his nose at higher courts. The Supreme Court knows this, and sets out to rescue the community courts from mob control. Judicial lynchings,— that is what the trial of a Negro charged w ith crime usually amounts to—are of a piece with immunity for criminals. The only differ ence is that one is an overt act against innocence, and the other is deliberate submission to wrrong-doing. This machinery of injustice learned its power when it put the Negro on the rack. Now modern criminals take refuge in the system which race prejudice created. In time the courts will be brought back to their proper use. -judicial lynchings for Negroes, and judic ial pardons for criminals will both be swept away by an lie righteousness. Systems of oppression, now as ever, breed in themselves the seeds of their own destruction. Federal Home Loan Bill (CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK) (Continued frdn Last Week) Paid s. ■>(•! Sj.*:-,ns f«>r the capital stock surrendered, except that if at ain time the hoard finds that the paid-in capital of a Federal Hot . I. an Hank is or is likely to he impaired as a resvdt of loss es .j, or depreciation of the assets held, the Federal Horae Loan Hank - ail on tb • order of the hoard withhold from the amount to In* paid ii retirement of the stock a pro rata share of the amount of meh impairment as determined by the hoard. j A Federal Home Loan Hank may. with the approval of ai'd permit the disposal of stock to another member, or to an >1 ti a: iigible to become a member, but only to enable such an institution to become a member. All stock of any Federal Home Loan Hank shall share 11 ; - -it ntions without preference, except that stock ' fur by the United States shall be entitled to dividends at a rati- of 2 per centum per annum cumulative from the date of ir:ve> .o .it i* . and additional dividends to equal any dividends paid on other stock. MANAGEMENT OF BANKS ''Kt . i ;i The Management of each Federal Home Loan Bar k shall he vested in a hoard of eleven directors, all of whom shall be citizens of the United States and bona fide residents of the district in which such bank is located. b Two of such directors shall be appointed by the hoard. The terms of such directors shall expire one year and two years, T- sp* ctiv-ly, from the end of the calendar year 1932, and their suc *- rs slm 1 be appointed by the board for terms of three years. fc) Nine of such directors, three of whom shall be known . ' <■ -s A directors, three of whom shall be known as class B dir ectors. and three of whom shall be known as class C directors.-, shall he first, appointed by the hoard, and shall serve until the end of the calendar year 1932. Their successors shall he elected as pro vided in subsection (d) and of such successors first elected one of each such class shall serve for one, two, and three years, respective ly. Thereafter all such directors shall serve for three years. Dir ectors of classes A, B. and C, whether appointed or elected, shall be chosen from among persons connected with the home-financing business. (d) The hoard shall divide all the members of each Fed eral Home Loan Bank into three groups which shall be designated as groups A, B. and C, which groups shall represent, respectively, and as fairly as may be, group A, the large, group B, the n&edium sized, and group C, the small members, the size of such members to be determined according to the aggregate unpaid principal of the member's home mortgage loans. The board may revise the mem bership of such groups from time to time. Of the directors elected as hereinafter iprovided, each class A director shall be an officer. (CONTINUED UNTIL NEXT WEEK) Leisen Answers Lennox. ! METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT Omaha, Nebraska Theodore A. Leisen, General Manager. Omaha, Nebr., July 7th, 1932. G. B. Lennox,M. 1). 1602V2 North 24th St., Omaha, Nebr. Dear Sir: L wish to acknowledge receipt of your letters of May 18th and June 27th. I did not answer your first letter immediately as I wished to take some time to look into the situation, and then as 1 was compelled to be away on two occasions for business of the District, the attention to this matter was further delayed. The question to which you call attention has been before us for some time and in conjunction with the Urban League, we have endeavored to place some additional members of the colored race on our pay roll. We have very little turn-over here and few opportunities present themselves, but in connection with the general laboring work, 1 am endeavoring to give, employment to a fair proportion of the colored population, and hope we can increase the number as work progresses. Yours Very truly, T. A. LEISEN, General Manager. ‘ LAKE STREET LOOKING NORTH’’ by Andrew Stuart It is with a deal of misgiving that I attempt to express myself. It may seem to you. that I along with other Big shots, seem to be raving in vain with very little, if any constructive methods to offer for present conditions. Let that be as it may, and .you pay as little attention to what 1 say as you wish, for you can at least say that it did not cost you anything, nor do I ask you to regard me as your leader. I am simply disgust ed with conditions just as you are and this is the only way I have of telling you. There are those who tell me I am a fool. T agree with them and hope that they will ex pect only fool things. But I want to tell you that T did not go to school with Congressman Bald rige, nor am I on speaking terms with Senator Howell, like^soine of our representative cititens. I do not think that tW'se gentlemen are free from prejudice, and I do think that they could tell you wnv the colored soldiers were not sent to Fort Omaha. Everyone knows that this coun try is facing one of the most im portant elections since the Civil war. It is one that should have the attention of all groups of cit izens, the Black brother in partic ular. There is no group of citiz ; ens placed in the same position as ! the Negro. His like of leadership 1 among his own group, places him at the mercy of unscrupulous pol iticians and grafters from within his own group. For this reason we are the first to suffer from any condition which mav arise in the community in which we live. It is nonsense for anyone to say, that they do not care about polit ics. or who is elected to adminis ter the affairs of the State and country. Negroes have blindly supported the Republican party up to the time of “Hoover’s elect ion when the Lily-white Repub licans, set about eliminating the Negroes from the Republican party. The colored voters must get together; Congressman De Priest has mapped out the only logical plan for the Negro voters. Whatever your politics are. or ganize so that your vote will be effective. If you are not regis tered so that you can vote, regis ter NOW! I know what a hard time you will have in convincing anyone that you are not a Republican, but you can fool them this one time. There should be a strong Democratic Club among our wo men. who have their children to think of. The men’s idea about politics is a petty job and lots of false pride, that they use when lookine for votes, for their “Boss’ rhen these leaders come in con- r tact with the Nordic politicians after he is elected to office, they are just “George” or “Boy” and most of the time just “Big Boy”. 1 know that you have to listen to someone ; but after you have heard us big shots tell you about the great love that our Boss has for the Negro, go home and think the matter over and call up this great friend and tell him you have been kicked out of a jim crow theatre or that you have called at one of the leading hotels to see some great politician and the hotel clerk directs you to the freight elevator. Do this then call your Nordic political friend and see what they will say. Then go down and register as a Democrat so you can be prepared to vote for a real friend. We have a lot of good friends among the Demo crats who are prepared to help ns solve our problems. When any one talks to you about the “K K-K's” ask them how the white “Masons” and “K. of C”s” are any other white fraternal organ ization treats the Negro, You have as many friends among the K-K-K’s as in any other organiz ation. Of course T would like to have you register as a Democrat, if for no other reason than to show your political oppressors, that they do not know your polit ies. because your skin is black. Whatever you do register. A. Phillip Randolph His honor, Mayor R. L. Met calfe, in his welcome address at ion Baptist Church, Sunday, Aug ust 1th, at which time A. Phillip Randolph, President of the Bro therhood of Sleeping Oar Porters was the principal speaker, paid tribute to the integrity of the Pullman Porter. Fire Commis sioner Roy N. Towl also spoke. Mr. Randolph spoke of the grav ity of the economic and industrial situation, but offered nothing new for its solution. He stated that -tl5.000 was needed to win the case for the Brotherhood now before the courts, which comes up in October. Mr. Randolph declar ed if the Pullman Company would grant an eight hour day and a five day week, with an increase in wages, there would he no cause for furloughing the porters and that the increase would give a liv ing wage without the acceptance of tips. It is not my aim to dis pute the theory advanced hv Mr. Randolph, but as a Pullman por ter for many years. I am at lost to see just how the Pullman Com pany could do more to maintain their full crew of employees at an advanced rate of wages during this industrial slump, when other c-ooperations have failed. Every :ar that is operated by the Pull lan Company, whether in service or deadheading, is in charge of a porter. 1 cannot see where more could be expected; $15,000 is a large sum with approaching win ter with thousands of our group out of employment, entirely de pendent upon charity. It would go a long ways, if properly handl ed to help supply the necessities of life and bring renown to the already famous Mr. Randolph. The Admiralty it is indeed a long step from the obscurity of a Pullman Por ter to the Admirality of the Navy of the great State of Nebraska, with command over the Tadpol es, Gold Fish, and other sea mon sters that might happen into my dominion, but this is just what has happened to me by a stroke from the pen of his excellency the Governor Theodore Metcalfe of the State of Nebraska. The silver braid that adorns the sleeves of my uniform coat, from long years of faithful serv ice with the Pullman Company, where 1 served such notables as the late Mayor Jim Dalhman, Mr. Sandy Griswold, sports writer of the World Herald; William Jenn ings Bryan, the present State Sheriff, Michael Entires; Inspect or Dan F. Danbaum, Senator and Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchoek; Mr. j and Mrs. Matthews and daughter of the Matthews Book store and numerous others, which lies idle on account of illness, will now answer to show the distinction of my Admiralty, Officialship. It is at this moment that I thank the Lieutenant Governor. Theodore Metcalfe for his kindness and confidence imposed in me and I hope that he will be able to con tinue in the official capacity in which he has served the people of this State so faithfully. The first of our group appoint ed to a position in the State of Nebraska, was appointed by Mr, Michael Endres, present State Sheriff. The anti-marriage bill and the boxing bill was passed urtder a Republican Governor. The laws of this State like the laws of the nation, most of the time have been administered by the Republican party. They have not seen fit to make it possible for any of our group to secure positions in the schools or other public institutions. Unemployed Married Men’s Council Today our business and profes sional men with the assistance of white friends are using every means at their disposal to bring about a new social trend that will forever enrich the life of this exploited people. Thus such men as Dr. J. B. Lennox, Father John Albert Williams, M. E. John son and T. C. Ross, druggists, C. C. Galloway, managing editor of the Omaha Guide, the Rev. O. J. Burckhardt. J. 0. Bell. J. R. Jack son, and J. IT. Young. These gentlemen are of the very high est character. Their leadership and views upon questions of im portance to our group should be consulted. No longer will we al low ourselves to be represented by irresponsihles. Our social ec onomic, industrial and political life can be safely left in the hands of these gentlemen. Andrew Stuart, Republican Party and the Negro One of the most difficult prob lems that confronts the Negroes of this country in the coming elect ion is that they have no intelli gent reason for supporting the Republican party. While to be a Democrat reflects intelligence. The Hoover administration has all but eliminated the Negro pol itics. The Communist and Soc ialist parties are bidding for the ■Negro vote. Their platform ap peals to some of our people just as it does to members of other groups. But the intelligent Ne gro knows that he cannot support either party. Thus they have turned in large numbers to the Democratic party. They will pay no attention to the possibility of Mr. Garner becoming President of this country by the possible disability of Mr. Roosevelt. He knows that John N. Garner could do no worse than Hoover. One has only to look at the progress of Negroes in Jack Garner’s home State, where they are en gaged in every known business and profession and work at al most every trade. This cannot be said of Iowa or California, the home states of Mr. Hoover. Where ever Mr. Hoover and Mr. Curtis go, they seem to hang out a sign ‘No Negroes wanted.” At the Boulder dam, one excuse after mother has been made to keep from giving our group wrork. .\ttv. Ray L. Williams, Notice of Administration fn the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Mallory Hazzard, deceased. Atl persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and pray ing for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 1st day of October 1932, and that if they fail to ap pear at said Court on the said 1st day of October 1932, at 9 o’clock a. in. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said es tate to Kay L. Williams or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford, County Judge. Any. II. J. Pinektt. PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Eliza Mabry deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said es tate. before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the ( ountv Court Room, in said County, on the 1st day of Novem ber 1932, and on the 3rd day of January 1933, at 9 o’clock A. M.. each day, for the purpose of pres enting their claims for examin ation. adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 1st day of October 1932. Bryce Crawford, County Judge. James E. Bodnar, Attv. at Law. 824 First Nat l. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. Notice of bearing on application of Adolph Musil, executor of the last will and testament of Math ilde M. Peters, deceased, for Lic ense to sell real estate. To the heirs-at-law, devisees, legatees, next of kin and all per sons interested in the estate of Mathilde M. Peters, deceased. You are hereby notified that on August 30, 1932 on the petition of Adolph Musil, executor of the last will and testament of Mathilde AT. Peters, deceased, filed in the dis trict Court of Douglas County. Nebraska, and being Doc. 287 and 294 of the records of said Court, the following order was duly made and entered. Order To Show Cause On reading the petition, duly verified, of Adolph Musil, execut or of the last will and testament of Mathilde M. Peters, deceased for license to sell the East thirty (30) feet of Lot Five (5) Block (5) Bowery Hill Addition to Om aha. Douglas County, Nebraska, and also to see the interest of said deceased in and to Lot Twelve (12) in J. E. Rvley’s sub division of lx»ts Fifty-four (54) and Fifty-five (55) of S. E. Rog ers plot of Oklahoma, an Addition j in Douglas County, Nebraska, j held under certain land contract, j either or both of said above des i crihed tracts, for the purpose of ! paying claims due and owing by i said estate and the costs of ad j ministration thereof. It appearing that there are not ! sufficient funds and personal property in said estate to pay such calims and that it is neces sary that the real estate belong ing to said (“state, or so much thereof as may he necessary, lie, sold for the purpose of raising sufficient funds to pay claims and costs of administration of said estate. it is raererore ordered that, the heirs, devisees, legatees, next of kin and all persons interested in the above described real estate he and they hereby are required and ordered to appear before me in Court Room No. M in the Court House of Douglas County, Omaha Nebraska on the Kith day of Oct ober, 1932, at 9 o'clock a. in., to show cause, if any therebe, why license should not be granted to Adolph Musil, executor of the last will and testament of Math ilde M. Peters, deceased to sell art public sale, in the manner provid ed by law, the -above described real estate, or so much thereof aN may be necessary to pay the claims allowed against sai'/l es tate arm the costs of administra tion thereof. It is further order ed that a copy of this order be published for four consecutive weeks in the Omaha Guide, a leg al Newspaper published and in circulation in said Douglas Countv next before the hearing on said application, Omaha, Nebraska, August 30, 1932. Hy the Court, W. O, I last ings, Judge, John G. Fogg, Attorney. Notice of Administration In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Thomas IT. Lewis, deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will he had on said petition before said Court on the IOth day of September, 1932, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 10th day of September 1932, at 9 o’clock A. M.. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Willis W. Gray or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford, County Judge. Gold Seal Creamery Co. 80th and Underwood Ave. HArney 5261 or Glendale 2929 WE EMPLOY COLORED HELP Pasteurized Milk, Butter, Sweet and Sour Cream, Whipping Cream, Butter-Milk. —EARLY DELIVERY— J. F. TAYLOR, Prop. ""RHEUMATISM? BACKACHE? NEURALGIA? Do you know what you are takinjr for the'e complaint*! L. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO TRY * ClOVA'TARS A doctor’s Prescription, scientifically prepared and founded on a hospital research and experience in private practice. If "nm rappot «unply pop '-END FOR A BOY TODAY —DO NOT DEL A Y-O ova-TABS p 0. Box 12. College Stat. New Tork City f Mail thiff ro’-non with so rents fSend no stamps! CTOVA-TAPS. P O. R-w 1J. CoP.rre Station. New TorV Cite Cyt* Name ...... Address ... R.FJ). Ben No...*..* LLA!_!_L****-f*y.**r*. Stott ^ l -- —<« I Jensen-Emerson 1 I Laundries 1 I “LAUNDRY AS YOU LIKE IT DONE” I I ThriF-T-Service I I MINIMUM 60c I | SHlIlTS 12c, when finished out of bundle 9