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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1932)
1... = tmnst lenipie 26th and Burdette Sts., 0 J Burckhardt, Pastor. The Sunday school under the Supermteudeuey of Mr. Goodwin was full of interest. At 11 a. in. 1 tic pastor brought us a helpful message and at J p. in. Kev. J. C. Hell and his people were with us and we had a great time. We could well say with the New Test ament Saints. '‘That never a man apokr like this man. Bro. Bell is a gospel preacher. At h p. m. Elder J. W. Goodwin brought us h telluijjr message. El der Goodwin is a gospel preacher that hews a* all times to the line of Biblical truths. The BYPU. under the Superintendeuey of Mr. llogati ami Mr.s Edna Mitch ell. is heginning to take on life again. VV e need to pray much for th.s melting. Mrs. Hogan gave i.s some splendid thoughts that gave inspiration to the young people. don't fail to he with us next Sunday. We are going to have a great day. The pastor will fill his own pulpit Sunday evening. Sunday morning we have a good speaker who belongs to the rank of the voting ministry. If you fail to h *ar him. you will miss a treat. Bible class ever Tuesday evening. If you want to learn the truth of the Bible, come and listen to Mr. J. Parker, teach er. We appreciated the large num ber of strangers who were with us last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Starks. Mr William. Father Michens, Miss Leona Kelly, Mrs. MePorkle, ami her friends. Miss Watson, Miss Jennie flieronyinous and others worshipped with us during the day. Cleaves Temple CME Church 25th and Decatur Sts. Rev J. C. Clay, Pastor. !>r. Reed, nationally known Evangelist, will be in our city from September 20th through the 2Mh, in a great revival cam paign at Cleaves Temple CME. Church, 2-»th ami Decatur Sts., Rev. *1. C. Clay. Pastor. Dr. Reed just recenth ended a revival tour on the Pacific coast, includ ing la»s Angeles. San Francisco, 1-otig Beach ami other cities of he far West, where hundreds of souls were brought to Christ. He is now engaged in Kansas City and word comes to ms that he is preaching to capacity houses every night. It is from there that he comes to us. May we be »roud. Many of the people of Omaha already have hailed with joy the news of his coining since they very well remember those soul saving sermons he delivered when he was in this city a few years a go. The public is invited to attend all of these services which will be gin promptly at 7:30 each even ing. St. John AME. Church 22nd and Willis, Rev. I. S. Wilson, Pastor, W. 8 Metcalfe, Assoc., Rachel Woods, Reporter. Sun.iav M-hool 9:30 a. m. Mr. M. E. \\ ebb. Siipt. The Sunday school Missionary program was very good under the supervision of Mrs. Aiuia Mary Kennedy. The morning sendee was well at tended. Air. John Alaun of Ben son Presbyterian Church was the soloist. Rev. Wilson preached at both services. The visiting min isters Were, Rev. Cooley of Des Moines. Kev. McDonald of Omaha and Mr. Jesse Glover of Omaha. The alter flowers were given fay Air. and Airs. Kennedy in re raemberanee of their mother. St. John will hold the Emancipation Celebration at the City Auditor ium. Sept. 21. The principal speaker will be Bishop W T. Ver non. Aleinbers please pay your dollar money. Zion Baptist Church 2215 Garnt St., Rev. C. C. Harper, Pastor, Rev. J R Young, Ass t., Irving W Greene, reporter. Sunday school 9:30 a. in., H. I. Anderson. Supt. Covenant meeting at the morning service. The Lord's supper was conduct ed by R*»\ J R. Young The - BYPU. will be conducted by Group No. 2, Mr. L. Crawford, ( apt. Mrs. Landrum, Pres., Mrs. Cora Brown, Sec. Rev. T. E. Wil liams preached at the night serv ice. Rev. Johnson former assist ant pastor was present and will preach Wednesday night. Visit ors of the day were, Mr. Doris Young of St. Joseph, Mo., Grace Young of Toyieka, Kansas. Her bert Bradford, Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Mary Wilson of Chicago, M iss Beaulah Poster of Cincinnati, j Ohio. Mrs. Dovie Smith of Kan sas City and many others. Salem Baptist Church 22nd Seward Sts., Rev. J. S. Williams, Pastor, Rev. F. S. Goodlett, Assoc., Mr. Wm. Cooper, reporter. All services were good during the past week. The men laymen gave a program last Monday and served refreshments also the | BYPU. gave a lawn social on the j JUtli. Rev. Goodlett is a power ! ful minister. Sunday he talked j from John 20-29. The Sincere Sceptic. Other services were the | Lord's Supper and Covenant meeting. Come out to the 6 a. rn. j prayer meetings conducted by the Mission circle. Mrs. A. Turner, j ' Pres. Bethel AME. Church 2426 Franklin St., Rev. J. C. Bell, Pastor. Sunday school was well at t ended. Mrs. Maggie Smith. Supt. The pastor preached a very interesting sermon. “Thou Ai t not far from the Kingdom of God.” St. Mark 12-34. The pas tor and choir rendered services I for Rev. 0. J. Bnrckhardt at 3 p. I m. The A. (’. E. League gave a splendid program under the dir ection of Mrs. Frances Holloway. The guest speakers were Con gressman Baldrige, Mr. Ritchie, Ralph Holloway and .John Horton ■Ir. Many visitors were present Don't forget the concert Friday 1 night given by the Imperial Choir of Zion Church. Admission l.'>c. Few rally Sunday afternoon, Sept. 1. 3 p. in. Bethel members are working to send the pastor to con ference in good shape. Let every member pay his dollar money. Don’t forget the Flower Play at Bethel. Sept. 12th. i Christ Temple Standard Bearers Wiennie Roast Monday evening, a large num ber of young people met at Christ Temple, where the president, Mrs. Catherine Gipson had arranged through Mr. Jessie Gordon to have a truck, the bottom of which was to be filled with straw to! meet the party at the church, j This arrangement was carried oi* j *»ud a large number piled into the : hay rack and were off for Elm- > wood park, and at once their | business picked up. 1 he officer who has charge of the park, turned us loose with the | ! right to do anything that was I right, that we were big enough to j do. He did everything he could do. to make us comfortable and to feel at home in the park, and then the big doings took place. Foot races, walking matches, hurdle races and many other things added mirth to the occas ion. Im-n the big wiennie roast in which many wieners were roasted and massacred. Jessie (Jordon was the champion weiner eater. Mrs. Pettigrew and Elder Hunley| being close seconds. Tommie Gipson was the director of athlet ics assisted by Elder Burckhardt. In the hurdle race, Tommie Gipson, Jessie Gordon and Abner Irving were the champions. Elder Hunley and Bennie Love brought up a lame rear. But in the women’s race, Verda Gordon carried off the laurels, but she was crowded by Marion Butler and Helen Tourman. Those who championed in roasting1 weinnies were little Francis Belf. and Oneda Watts, but when it came to the eating, all were cham pions. Those who made up the party were Mrs. Catherine Gipson 1 res., Miss Henrien McClodden, Helen Turmaine, June Smith! Mrs. Martha Goodwin, Mrs. EI nora Martin. Tommie Gipson, El der Goodwin. Jessie Gordon, Mar ion Butler. The visitors who were not directly connected with the Standard Bearer’s were Ben nie and Ollie Love, John Ander son, Elder Hnnley. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Baldwin and Mrs. Porter who was the guest of Mrs. Petti grews. This was one of the most delightful parties we have ever had for all, from the least to the greatest, enjoyed themselves to the highest. o The OMAHA GUIDE -Is Your PAPER O ----- o KRUG PARK’S Closing CELEBRATION For The Benefit of Unemployed Married Men's Council—Local B and the Old Folks Home. Monday, September 19th Everybody Welcome Spend the entire day at this beautiful Park. Fun for all. PRIZES will be given and FREE RIDES for school Children, who will be admitted FREE from 3 to 7 P. M. (Park Open at 2 p. m.) ADMISSION TO PARK-10 cents ADMISSION TO BALL ROOM-65 cents DANCING BEGINS AT 8:30 P. M. Randolph's Speech (Continued from last week) The Pullman Porters organized in 1925, they were receiving $67. 50 a mouth and tips were uncer tain. A grown up should not be allowed to beg other grown up people for a living. This organ ization will say today and the por ters will agree that they are not making any tips because travel ing is light. It was said before the 1. L. of C., a “Good porter will make good tips' . That is not true. You have the same por ters and they are not making any tips, therefore we went out for a definite wage. We were suc cessful in getting two wage in creases for the Pullman porters. Cp to the first of the year we re ceived an increase of over $5,000 this is something definite that the organization has done for the porters. The Company has cut the wages $5.00 when the plan was on for cutting wages. The officials of the organization sent a letter to the office of the Pull man Company against the cutting of wages of the Pullman Porters. A letter was sent back that the Pullman Porter would receive on ly $5.()0 cut and other workers re ceived a 10 per cent cut, you can see the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters saved the Porters $2.50. In addition to this tin porter is working nearly 400 hours a month. Since 1929 some three hundred porters have been furloughed, if they had 240 hours basis not one would have been furlough, that is the reason we are making this visit. There is no doubt that our organization will win this case. We also want some definite sleeping hours for the Pullman Porters. They are supposed to have three hours, are supposed to watch the cars to prevent losses, they are only wor kers who are supposed to he a sleep and awake at the same time. Tn addition to this, the organiz ation is seeking to protect senior ity, for instance if one porter has worked 5 years and another 4j years, he has a righ‘ to bump tin 4 year man, but if the Supt. does not like the color of the eyes of the 5 year man. he cannot bump | the other, the matter is entirely in the hands of the Supt. We are trying to take same out of the hands of the Supt. so that the or ganization can h indie and settle this question. Another step is the Company has an organization known as the Company's formed by the Company composed of the employees hut for the benefit of the Company. It has three committees, known as the Local Grievance Commit tee. Zone-and Industrial re lations Board. When you have a grievance it goes before this committee. When there has been a loss the porter has a slip he re ports to the Supt. giving the full details of the case. The Supt. in turn does not take the Porters re port. the porter has a grievance. Perhaps he is given time off. He receives a slip reports it to this local Grievance Committee, the same Supt.. who has just fired him is on the board, it is under stood that this Supt. is not going i to take this man back. He is go-j ing to stick to his statement. If j he should reconsider he would not have a job very long. The Coai pany has employees who are por ters working in its behalf, when these conventions are held, they are given cigars, send them to s theatre, and a big dinner. They do this to make them feel that the Pullman Company, is their when they get them in this sSft* of mind give them something sign ou the dotted line. Here they sign, not knowing what it is. in most instances, it is against them. This organization will not die, hut if all porters pass, then the organization will pass. L be lieve in honesty, we are not re ceiving pay from this work, the organizers over the country are doing this for the betterment of i the conditions among the porters. We have an injunction which will ! come up in October, as before set forth and we are sure the Bro therhood of Sleeping Car Porters will not lose. WE must stand by our organization, he honest and courageous unless you have the courage to do so we cannot win. Now this organization is engaged in a struggle, needing $15,000.00 to finance this case. We are going to the front and we are going to the porters for this money. They have to pay it themselves. T can’t want Rockefeller to pay for it. If i they want freedom they must pay ' for it themselves. , ' Out of the night that covers me, hlaek as a pit from pole to pole, I think whatever gods may be have conquered soul in fell clutch. 1 forestand I hold my wits nor carried around on the bludgeonings of chance, My head is bloody but unbowed bidding This place of wrafts and tears looms bttt the great flower of the shade and yet. In spite of the menace of the years, I stand. I still stand unafraid. It matters not how stout the gate, IIow charged with punishments I am the master of my fleet, T am the captain of my soul. That is the spirit of the Broth erhood of Sleeping Car Porters. WHAT’S IN A NAME? New York, (CNS) Does the name “Massie” bring luck to ac cused lynchers? «Does tragedy stalk the footsteps of actors nam ed “Samuel Davis?” Is luck, lawlessness, tragedy determined bv name? The freeing of the fourth “Massie” after trial for lynching and the sudden death of the third actor named “Samuel Davis” leads to such speculation. What's in a name? m nawan two months ago, a sailor named Massie admitted murdering a brown man whose guilt of any crime had not been established in court. The self confessed lyncher was convicted, served one hour and after a few weeks vacation in which he made a triumphant tour of the United States, returned to duty in the United States Navy. The world thought sailor Massie of Kentucky was lucky. A few days ago, just across the river from Lieut. Massie's home state, three more of the Massie clan gained their freedom after standing trial for lynching a Ne gro. They admitted participation in the jail-breaking and abduction of the young ehauffeur, who was found dead in the Ohio river, with his neck broken, but denied kill ing him. The dead brown man. Luke Murray had not been found guilty of any misdemeanor by any court. Three other white men were tried with the Massies by a white jury. Their luck in gaining their free dom after participation in lawless activities will be further tried, however, as these Massies along with their three co-defendants, face new charges of jail-breaking and abduction in the same c&se. I [hiring their recent trial t.heir at torney admitted that they batter ed down the door of the jail and abduct kJ the colored youth, claiming that they intended tak ing him across into Kentucky. They denied that they were res ponsible for his resulting death. And so one speculates. “Is there anything in a name?'' Does fate intend for persons named Massie to be lawless, participate in activities which result in death to brown men, and regain their freedom after trial? Similarly theatrical circles won der if the name “Samuel Davis“ hasn't some sort of a jinx on it for colored actors, the third per former by that name having been the victim of tragedy and sudden death recently. The first Samuel Davis died last fall in an automobile accident in Indianapolis, where he was play ing the role of Gabriel in “Green Pastures'’. The second leaped from the roof of the apartment house at 409 Edgecombe Avenue, where he made his home, leaving a note stating there is nothing more in life. This Samuel Davis, a well known actor had played in “Shuffle Along” and the Keith Orpheum Circuit. A few days later the third Sam uel Davis, died suddenly in Sara toga Springs where he operated a popular night club. He was well known in the theatrical world and was one of New York’s most popular showmen. Around the “Tree of Hope” performers gather and discuss the fates of their three “Samuel Dav is” friends, and the Davises and the Samuels aren’t looking any too bright as they wonder if there j is anything in a name. Book fTO IRevtew “UNTO THEE I GRANT” Revised by Sri. Ramatherio (Published and distributed by the Rosierucian Brotherhood. Rosicrucian Park, San Joe, Calif. * * # “Cnto Thee 1 Grant” is a tran slation of a most remarkable book of philosophy on the laws of life. In the prefaee we learn that the orginal document was discovered nearly two hundred years ago in an ancient temple in the interior of China and through the cooperation of English and Chinese scholars. Scientists and Translators, we are given in mod ern language a philosophy of life written many centuries ago by an unknown writer of great wisdom. * * # This little book, so full of phb osonhic teachings, is divided-inf two parts. Part one consists of IRE-ELECT OUR FRIEND I I CONGRESSMAN ■ ‘Mac’ Baldrige REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE , !' « I - - No Bunk—No Hokum . WE HAVE THE MERCHANDISE AND CAN DELIVER THE GOODS. Our Entire 4th Floor HAS BEEN COMPLETELY REMODELED AND REDECORATED. Here You Will Find Over 65 THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED CARS ON DISPLAY FOR YOUR APPROVAL. Drive In One of oar service men will be glad to park your car while you— Investigate These Wonderful Buys '32 Chevrolet roadster, like new. '32 Chevrolet coach. 3,000 miles. $495 ! ’31 Ford Tudor, very late . 295 ’31 Plymouth coupe, snap . 295 ’31 Chevrolet roadster, excellent .. 295 ’31 Chevrolet de luxe sedan .... 450 '31 Chevrolet de luxe coach .... 366 '31 Ford coupe, very good .275 '31 Ford sedan, delivery.325 '31 Plymouth coach, only .325 ’31 Ford sport roadster . 295 ’30 Chevrolet sedan.325 ’30 Chevrolet coach, excellent.285 ’30 Chevrolet roadster, only.225 ’30 Ford de luxe roadster .195 ’30 Ford Tudor, sell quick . 225 ’30 Chevrolet coupe, reconditioned. 275 ’30 Chevrolet sedan delivery, only 275 ’30 Chevrolet comb, grain-stock .. 395 ’29 Chevrolet coach, reconditioned. 225 *29 Ford standard Tudor ... 165 ’29 Chevrolet cabriolet .216 ’29 Whippet coupe, bargain .125 ’29 Oakland coa#i. make us offer. ’29 Whippet sedan .145 ’29 Ford panel truck . 165 ’29 Plymouth coupe, excellent ... 195 ’29 Chevrolet sedan, wonderful . • 245 ’29 Ford sport roadster.150 We Have Many Other Makes and Models Too Numerous to Mention. Liberal Trades—Easy GMAC Terms. Miller-Knuth Chev. Co. 18 & Howard Sts, AT 9884 I " ~~ 'ft- * seven books, a very graphic pre-1 face and a few preliminary in structions that serve as a guide for the reader to follow. Part two conists of five books includ ing a liberal translation of the book's content with the principles of the Rosierucians. • * * Book one treats on the subject of, “The Obligations that relate to Man considered as an Individ ual,” divided into eight chapters. Book two, “The Passions", in five chapter. Book three, “Wo man.” Book four, “Consanguin ity: Or Natural Relations”, in four chapters. Book five, “Pro vidence; Or the acidentaf differ ences of men”, in four chapters. Book six, “The Social Duties”, in five chapters. Book seven, treats on the subject of “Relig ion.” • • * The remaining five books cover thoroughly the following sub jects: “Man considered in gener al”; “Man considered in regard to his Infirmities, and their ef fects"; “Of the affections of Man, which are hurtful to him self and others”; “Of the advan tages man may acquire over his fellow ereatures”, and “The Man ifestations of Karma.” * . . —Clifford. C. Mitchell. The Omaha Guide for Job Printing -CLASSIFIED ADS Mrs. Larr’s Sewing Shop, 1004 N. 24th St., is ready to repair your fall clothes reasonable. 5 Office Phone: WE 0213 ( 1 Res. Phone: WE. 4409 j j Ray Lawrence Williams \ j ATTORNEY AT LAW * Room 200 24th & Lake Sts. ! J Tuchmen Bldg. Omaha, Neb. ‘ gBgiiyujByiyiiyiiyyynfiraf v t ^ | j ROSS.| | DRUG Store j f? ; |j Prescriptions Carefully Filled | I WE. 2770 [ agBMMMB———i tammu JS 1 PRESCRIPTIONS . jjj | JOHNSON ! Drugstore 1: :• Our New Number, WE-0998 § j 7 1904 No. 24th St Omaha || Reid-Duffy j Pharmacy 24th & Lake St. j Webster 0609 ' 24th & Cuming St. Atlantic 0609 THRIFTY SERVICE 6C Per lb. —Shirts Finished 12c— EVANS LAUNDRY Phone - JA. 0243 j ARE YOU CR1 ! YOUR LAUN of Course TRY OUR SEMI FLA1 with SHIRTS FINIJ j Edholm & j —LAUNDRY & D j 2401 North 24th St. Don’t forget Walker’s Little Apts.,—They are the best in town.—It will be cold tomorrow, and you had better get in while you can. L. W. WALKER Office Phone WEbster 2113 2- Room Furnished Apt., 2216 Willis Avenue, WE. 4612. FOR RENT—Modern 2 room a partment. Use of kitchen and bath Can WE. 4162. Large furnished and unfurnished rooms for rent,—We. 2954. For rent, -5 rooms, modern but heat, $12.50; 6 rooms, modern ex cept heat $12.50,1806-8 N. 17th st. Nicely furnished room or apart ments Web. 3812 or Web. 6015. Neatly furnished or unfurnished, room in a modern home, 1805 N. 28th Street. 2 Room furnished Apt. 2875 Wirt St., WEb. 4285. 1 furnished room, $1.50 4week, 2124'1 North 26th St. Apartment in modern home, near two car lines, WE. 2420. For Rent- Five room furnished House, Call Web. 5633. Furnished Room, Webster 4759. Furnished room in private fam ily-very reasonable to right party WE. 6060. For Rent—All modern home at 2638 Hamilton Street. Newly dec orated. Inauire at Gross Wrecking Co.. 2102 Nicholas St., or call We. 2234. Live or Fresh Dressed Poultry Delivered to your door anytime Call WE. 3394 J. Sheppard, Prop. 3310 Bedford Ave. Omaha, Neb. T—B—M— Protect Your Income with Accident & Health Insurance f5.0C0.00 Death Benefit $100.00 Monthly for Disability DIVIDEND PAYING —Written on All Occupations— A2c PER WEEK For information Mail your na:m . and address t©-_ State Health and Accident Insurance Co.. Grand Island. Nebr. Name --14_ _ Address .1.._ _ DO YOU NEED MONEY TO PAY YOUR BILLS? Thousands are getting results, Why Not You? Try our Mysterious Nov elties, Write Dr. French, 3518 S State St., Chicago, III. Agents wantetf Everywhere. } “MARK EVERY GRAVE" {American Memorial Company J MONUMENTS i Cuming at Twentieth Omaha, Neh. J Res. Phone WA. 8156- AT.4927 DRINK; { CRYSTAL PURE i { MINERAL WATER f f FOR YOUR HEALTH # —10 Gallons 75c— i $ ROBINSON DRUG CO. . 24th and Decatur St. « WE. 5000 ^ 0 Tires and Tubes AT TAX FREE PRICES —See— MILTON WILSON Redick Tower Garage 15th and Harney [TICAL ABOUT : DRY WORK? \ You Are. I r at 6cts. Per POUND !HED at 12cts. each . Sherman RY CLEANING— | WEbster 6055 I —.