T/t eSU sC- National Baptist Convention A viOOO People Read -- JP- Jol fS£ The Only Paper of Ms W The Omaha Guide Kind West of the Every Week lf! Missouri River - 0maha- N*bra*k*, Saturday, September 3, 1932. Number 'Twentv-Eight ITunetln.| DIGESTING1 rile NEWS" f BROADCASTED | Every Week from this Column } by CLIFFORD C. MITCHELL \ Suggesting a Solution. * • • Recently. I journeyed a few » from the ’village” in which 1 have lived for a number of weirs. and thoroughly inspected a mammoth institution. The iin pre saion given, and the subsequent thoughts, no doubt, would have been equally as productive by au inspect mu of a similar institution in any state in the union. The ouly difference being that the in stitution 1 visited happened to be the largest of its kind in the world. • • • The institution is new, costing millions of dollars, the buildings and inside yard cover an acreage of fifty-five acres; it is thorough ly model u; at the prcscut tune it will house five thousand men, with ample room for expausion. All of its r- udeiit occupauts aro prisoners, and with a small ex ception, practically all of them are idle, resorting to artificial methods of producing physical exercise in order to maintain nor mal health. ... I la the iii»tmition, or prison, a'-e enougn idle no n, if the laws, unions and propagandists permit ted them to d<> so) to raise and prepare enough food to feed ev ery hungry man, woman and child in the entire state; enough idle men to manufacture foot wear for every poorly shod mau, I woman and child in the state; enough idle men to manufacture textiles to clothe every raggedy man, woman and child in the state, and enough willing inmate labor who would rejoice at the opportunity of producing some thing constructive instead of lol ling in idleness • • • Stretching the thought a little further it seeuis ouly reasonable that the men and women who would be directly bcuefitted by such inmate productiveness, and who are otherwise unemployed, could give sufficient of their lab or to the governmental units, in lieu of taxes, and thus help to re duce, and to solve, the problem of an ever-growing tax expense. • * m Industry and politics might well put a practical premium ou mdustriousiieso aud honesty; re warding only those who have earned the right through years of service and faithfulness. There should be a law to compel each worker to first acquire and own a home and these homes should be forever exempted. Thus when industry is slark each worker will have a home and if he needs further itrovi&ious he can draw them from the surplus created bv the now idle prisoners, and pay for them by giving his labor, or part of it, for constructive com munity purjxMtes. • • • This thought, aud impressions of my visit, may be entirely im practical . and there may be reas ons why it is better to build more and bigvrer prisons to support men in idleness; why it is better to in crease taxes in order to support the unemployed: why it is better for men. women, and children to starve and go raggedy merely to maintain artificial market prices f Nevertheless. I am presenting my suggestion for a solution. “VIRTUAL SLAVERY” Says M.A.A.C.P. Expect ight At National Baptist Convention U N E M P L 0 YED MARRIED MEN'S COUNCIL STARTS PLANS The meeting of the Unemployed Married Men’s Council was held at their new home (formerly the Telephone building) at 22and and Lake Streets, Monday noon. A very large attendance. President Redding of the Central headquar ters was present and spoke. Pres. Redding stated that he had con tartrd the Farmer’s Holiday as sociation and they promised to • ass the trucks through the block ade belonging to the Unemployed Married Men’s Council. Rev. •Jones of the Mt. Moriah Baptist t’hurch assured the council his support in any way needed. Rev. Burckahrdt and Rev. Jiell of the board of advisors also spoke. Mr. Gerald LaViolette, legal ad visor of the U. M. M. C. stated that any member of the council in need of legal advice, to call upon him and he would take care of them. Several women were present and expressed themselves. Plans are now under way to move into the new home and the canning of fruits and vegetables are to begin very soon. Watch the Guide for the opening. BURKE INVITES COLORED i VOTERS TO HEAR GOVERNOR ROOSEVELT AT SIOUX CITY Ed. li. Burke, candidate for Congress from the Omaha district told a gathering of ex-servicemen at he Castle hotel, Wednesday ■ hat he was for payment of the soldiers' bonus to needy ex-ser vice men and that if elected to Congress, he would vote accord ingly. "When I make you this prom ise I'll keep it’ said Mr. Burke. "I 11 not tell you one thing to get your votes and. then when elected vote the opposite way just be cause some big corporations try to change me”. Burke said that nothing is worse than being hungry or hav ing a hungry family and that he would vote to allow the needy ex -obliers to collect their bonus. However he did say that those not needing their bonus at this ie should not be allowed to have it. Speakers especially berated the Republican administration for us ing tear gas and machine guns on the ex-soldiers in Washington. The speakers said that they have positive proof that the Republic an administration was unusually brutal iu driving the soldiers from Washington. Hurke sain that was forming a caravan of 100 cars to go to Sioux City to hear Governor Roosevelt on September 29, and that already he has six cars of < olored Roosevelt boosters who will make the trip. He would like tn get at least twenty cars of col ored voters. Reservations should be made at the Burke headquar ters in the Fontenelle Hotel. Ed Lane Tennis Champion A smiling, colored youngster, formerly of the Technical High tennis team, ceded Xo. 1. Satur day, August 27th, defeated Wil liam Karos, one of the leading South Omaha players. 8-10. 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 in the finals of the south Omaha Tennis tournament. The victory climaxed a sensational campaign Lane began earlier in the summer, when he won the colored city championship spon sored by the Racquet club at 24th and Maple Sts. RUMORED BOYD FORCES SEEK TO RETIRE PRESIDENT HURSE New York, Aug. (ANP) The organization of a new state Bap tist Association here by Henry Allen Boyd, secretary of the Na tional Baptist Convention unin corporated, is a harbinger of live ly doings when the convention meets at Houston, Texas, next month, it is reported in Baptist circles here. The New York Baptist State as sociation of which Rev. Bowles is president is said to be openly in dignant at the invasion of the state by Mr. Boyd and his spon so ship of the new organization which is known as the Progress ive Baptists State Association. Its chief purpose, according to rumor, is to promote the fight be ing made upon I)r. J. W. Hurse of Kansas City, present president of the National Baptist Convention (Boyd Faction). Opponents of Dr. Hurse are said to have worked very quietly spreading the report that he was incompetent, and lacking iry vision ami ability to lead the Baptist hosts. Tn order to line up opposition in New York it was necessary to start a new state association. “VIRTUAL SLAVERY” SAYS NAACP. —‘‘NEGRO LABOR ERS” GET 10c AN HOX7R New York, Sept. 1,—Negro workers in the flood control camps ^ong the Miasissippi river are being paid an average wage of ten cents an hour for a twelve lmur day and a seven-day week, it was revealed in a sensational expose made public here today by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, i 69 Fifth Avenue. The Associa tion sent an investigator on a personal tour of the camps from New Orleans to Memphis. The flood control work is be ing done under U. S. Government contracts by private companies. The report declares conditions of “virtual slavery” exists in the camps. Physical violence in the handiling of workmen, unsanitary camp sites, irregular pay days, overhanging by means of the , camp eommissionary system, as well as the long hours and low wages were cited as abuses found to be general. One Fourteen Hour Day “Colored labor is hired at $1.50 to $2.00 a day. The contractor Negro labor, but said he made up admitted this was high pay for for it by working them hard and long > hours. They work -two shifts from 6 to 6. Pay days are irregular. At the time of this visit there had been no pay day for five weeks.” “Is the Educated Negro A Liability?” (The Assoc, for the Study of Negro Life and History, Inc.) I found some ‘‘highly educat ed Negroes denouncing me the other day on the charge that I am advocating for the Negro a sort of education different in many respects from that now given the white man. I plead guilty. I am fearlessly advocating this very thing. Such Negroes are afraid of any thing that sounds like discrimin ation ; and, in a sense, you can not hlame them. They are anx ious to have everything the w'hite man has. even if it is a razor to cut his throat. A sort of nomin al equality can thereby be main tained. If the whites decide to take up Mormon ism, then the Negroes must follow their lead. The possibility of originality in the Negro therefore, is discounted one hundred per cent. T must confess, however, that I do not have such insanity. I con sider the educational system as it has developed both in Europe and America an antiquated process which does not hit the mark even in supplying needs of the white man. If the white man wrants to hold on to it, let him do so; but the Negro should develop and i ,arr.v out a program of his own. r uthermore. I do not consider imparting information as educa | tion. Tn real education we must leal with the person to be taught. We must consider his past and ap proach him through his environ ment. If these happen to he dif ferent from those of others, the method of attack must be differ ent. The facts presented mar be of one sort or of another. ' but these facts must deal with life as it is. and the training must result in making a man think and do. The element of race does not en ter here. It is merely a matter of exercising common sense in deal ing with conditions as you would in the case of others similarly cir cumstanced. The soealled modern education with all its defects, however, does others so much more good than it does the Negro, because it has been worked out in conformity to the needs those who have en slaved and oppressed weaker peoples. It will he a fatal error then, for the Negro to continue t to hold on to what has worked his undoing. For example, the philosophy and ethics resulting from our ed ucational system justified the re cent lynching in Hawaii. The oppressor has the right to kill the oppressed. The god of the op pressor heartily approves this; an therefore, he will be praised for evermore. Negroes daily educat (Continued on Page 3) WEIGH WELL THE END by R. A. Adams (The Literary Service Bureau) Whatever you may have in mind, Whatever you may have designed, Of deeds you’d do or words you’d say, Without cavil, without delay, Tis my advice to you, my friend, Ere you begin, “weigh 'well the end.” i t * Whatever others may advise, If foolish it may seem, or wise, It will be found, in every test— Under all circumstances, best— This vital truth to comprehend— lin all things, first “weigh well the end.” So I advise you, friends of mine, Whatever may be your design. W hatever may your purpose be, If you’d escape calamity, Unto this warning grave attend: In all you do, “weigh well the end.” COLORED BOY SERIOUSLY WOUNDED AFTER EATING BREAKFAST IN LINCOLN CITY MISSION An article taken from a Lin coln, Xebr., daily states that, a colored boy. Hezekiah Smith, 24 years old of Columbus, Ohio and a white boy, Dewey Ross, 17 years old. of Springfield, Mo., ate breakfast in the Lincoln Mission an argument started while thev were leaving the mission, which resulted in a street fight, the white boy stabbing the colored boy in the left side, half an inch below the heart with a four inch blade knife. The doctor report ed that the colored boy has less than an even chance to recover. An Omaha reporter promises the story in full details and to state the nature of the argux»ent. Big Food Carnival Delights Housewives PRIZES AWARDED 300 people attended the 1st night of North Omaha’s most lav ish Food Demonstration being given under the auspices of the State Ladies’ Clubs and The Omaha Guide. Mr. Ollie A. Wil liams 2407 Grant St., won the first prize which consisted of a package of assorted Haskin Soap Products. Miss Jean Terrell, daughter of Price Terrell, 2502 N. 24th St., won second prize, a box of assorted chocolates, awarded through the courtesy of the Wood ward Candy Co., Council Bluffs, Iowa. Many other prizes includ ing flour, hams, soap products, cookies, and candies will be given away during the remaining three days of the exhibition. A variety of sandwiches are being supplied by the Cudahy Packing Co., and Roberts Dairy. The booths which are said to be the most beautiful ever contracted in this commun ity, are in charge of schooled demonstrators, explaining the merits of the different products. The first nighters seemed to be unusually pleased with the flavor of the AD VO coffee being served by McCord Brady & Co., Other demonstrating are Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Co., Urego Min eral products Co., Nebraska Pow er Co., Harding Cream Co., Mod ern Priscilla Cook Book and Art and Study Club. Survey Depicts Industrial and Business Conditions of Omaha A study of the industrial and business conditions of Negroes in Omaha has recently been made by J. Harvey Kerns, Executive Sec retary of the Omaha Urban League and released for the pub lic. The study was made as a thesis for a partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Arts of the Municipal University of Om aha. Mr. Kerns tells the causes of Negro migration to Omaha and the early emphasis placed on his work and his relation to industry. He shows the comparative move ment of Negroes to industrial cit ies North and West depicts the various sections which have at tracted Negroes from certain Southern communities to North ern and Western Cities. The study shows how the change of environment and occu pations contributed to many of the problems of the earlier mig rant. He states the first impetus Negroes received to migrate to Omaha was the development of the Union Pacific. The second impetus for Mass Movement was the industrial opportunities af forded by the World War. The process of change in industrial opportunities from 1910 to 1920 and from 1920 to 1930 are des cribed and analyzed. “The early migrant,” said Mr. Kerns, “Were employed largely as domestics and in personal ser vice, the latter ten years finds Negroes engaged more largely in industrial work as may be indic ated in the packing houses and smelters.” ine stuuy combines a wealth ot documentary materials, extracts from letters, interviews, to show how the city in which the Negro lives and acquires status looks at him. Mr. Kerns points out in the study obstacles which prevent Negroes securing employment. (1) Lack of reliability and dependab ility, (2) Lack of specialization on the part of Negro workers. (3) Clannishness of foremen and straw bosses. (4) prejudice, (5) attitudes of labor unions tow-ard Negroes. The study devotes considerable space to the Negro and trades un ions and attempts to analyze lab or attitude toward the Negro and the Negroes’ attitude to the lab or union. Mr. Kerns states in the thesis that three queries were raised by persons interview-ed w-hich have a definite bearing on the Negroes relation to local industrial condi tions. He lists these queries as follows: 1. Why did the Negro come to Omaha. 2. Is it becoming less difficult or more difficult for him to secure work. 3. Will he be able to survive the competition. L What is the Negro’s future in Industry. Answers to these questions are j oil owed in detail by the writer, as one of the most interesting chapters of the thesis. He states the chief changes in Omaha since the World War fav orable to the Negro as (a) Accumulated experience of the Negro in Industry. (b) Expansion of Negro business. (c) Entrance of Negroes in new occupations. (d) A growing feeling of race consciousness. (e) Chances in attitudes of em ployers. (f) Increasing political influence. The second part, of the study is devoted to Negro business. Those business establishments are studied in which there is a keen competition with establishments operated by other racial groups. A discussion follows of the prob lems of the Negro business man, and an attempt on the part of the writer to analyze criticisms of Negro business men and their merits. In spite of the obstacles of the Omaha Negro Business Man, Mr. Kerns states that they have a great opportunity for success. Though he faces a number of problems which seem unsurmount able. He possesses also a num ber of highly important advant ages. The study points out, first, as contrasted with the units of larger organizations he enjoys a greater freedom of action. He is at liberty to adjust his methods and his stock to the particular tastes and moods of his patrons. The close personal contact he has with the trading public, most of which are members of his race, makes it quite possible for him to render a pleasing individual service, which is one of the great est assets of the independent mer chant. The fact that he has start ed business with limited capital may be a handicap, on the othrr hand the local Negro business men who have achieved under similar handicaps seems to prove that willingness to work and util ize new methods, and take advan tage of new conditions partially overcomes this handicap. as an am to the Negro business man the writer makes the follow ing suggestions : 1. Acquaintance with Domestic Commerce literature dealing with small business units. 2. A system of joint advertise ments as practiced by some of the local chain stores. 3. More careful study of business methods and an application of these methods to the various busi ; ness enterprises. 4. Cooperative purchasing. The study does not attempt to completely cover all phases of industrial relations nor all busi ness enterprises. It attempts, ac cording to Mr. Kerns, from the synthesis of data revealed and an alyzed based on methods of social research to serve as intelligent guidance in two of the major WHITE MEN fONFESS BEING PAID FROM $25 to $125 FOR KILLINGS Jackson, Miss, Sept. 1—One of the most dastardly murder plots in the bloody record of a guilty South was revealed here in the arrest and confessions of five white men, who allegedly admit ted their participation in a plot by discharged white employes to murder Negro firemen of the Il linois Central railroad in order to that white men might get their jobs. Cold-bloodied attempts to mur der Negro firemen resulted in a “reign of terror” on the Louis iana system of the railroad for the past six months, during which five Negro firemen were killed— shot from am'bush—and several others were wounded. The shoot ings for which the arrested men are held did not result fatally to any of their victims, although all of the men were seriously injured. The would be murders were paid for their attacks from a pool made up by persons yet unreveal ed, on a basis of $25 to $125 de pending on the accuracy of the intended “killer” and the result of his shot, they stated. One man admitted that he was to re ceive $25 for his part in one of the attempted murders, but lie actually got only $5 which was to pay for the gasoline to drive to the scene of the shooting and to buy his supper. (jeorge Koyan or New Orleans, a special agent of the Illinois Cen tral railroad, who has been in charge of the investigation, said the confessions dove-tail in almost every particular. Royan said the confessions revealed that Varnado was the “trigger man” in all of the shootings in which four of the Negro firemen were wounded, three at MeComb and o ne at Brookhaveri, and that Lee’s auto mobile was used in connection with each affair. problems confronting the Omaha Negro. The published study may be seen in the reference room of the Public Library and in the Library of Omaha Municipal University. HARRY BRADLEY SERVES 30 YRS. IN NEBR. LEGISLATURE Mr. Harry Bradley, colored is one of the few men of the race to have held such honor as was given him in the Senate Journal. Mr. Bradley has been assisting in the legislature for thirty years, having started under Goveruor Dietrick, as custodian, being then employed in the House of Repre sentatives. He witnessed the election of two United States Senators by the Legislature in joint session that year, as the eul imination of a deadlock which lasted more than ten weeks. Mr. Bradley has never missed a session of the Legislature since then, and makes himself so useful that many solons have come to regard him as an indispensable adjunct of the business of law making. His home is in Seward, Nebr. He has worked at both the Seattle and Portland expositions, serving as special guard to Susan B. Anthony, the famous suffrage leader, now 'dead. Bradley’s mother come to Ne braska about 64 years ago with the family of Senator Hitchock, father of Gilbert M. Hitchock. OMAHA GUIDE WORKING MEN S COMMISSIONERS The regular meeting of the 0. G. W. M. C. was held at the Guide office, Tuesday noon, Dr. G. B. Lennox, President, presided. Rev. Alfred day was the newly elected member. Rev. day expressed his willingness to campaign in inter est of the organization. Interest ed members are asked to be pres ent next Tuesday, Sept. 6 at the Omaha Guide, 2418-20 Grant St.