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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1932)
\ v w----vww-vj— ---u-u-u-0_0_0_0_ 30.000 People Read The Only Paper of “* The Omaha Guide Kind West of the EvervWeek RK-pt Z^CE/EQUALITT ~HEW TO THE L1NE\ V'" VOI- v< OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6. 1932 Number Twenty-Four— A Bad Dog” Last Words As Man Falls Dead ndlPl i . r\ r\ n n r\ n. a a a a ^ ~ ~ i My o!i fli■ •ringing o m» uxiolph go- m ^ ns I j;|; PER COPY || 1 ? Tune In .-»■ | \ ? "DIGESTING J ij i nt news" I J vy | f J BKOADCASTED | 4 E.ery Week Iron this Column ) } By CUFFTRD C. MITCHELL ? <K*»»i.C>^y«yVvC. CV<VCVC> t . WONDEKFI L COOPERATION Recently it was my privilege, and . a very rare one for me, to peep be. 1 hind the scene* in the preparation 1 of t gigantic undertaking, (which Swill have become an event by the Stime this release is printed) for the ■eoelil of the colored rkiirthes and SitzrR. of the city of Jark.ion, Mich. _™l».trmg th nearly two and a half mV »ar* that I have conducted this ■ column which is now simultaneously Mused in over fifty colored paper* in ^U1 parts of the country' each week, I M»v. cooperated with and have se ^kred the cooperation of the leading * Mlored citizen* and enterprises, • r. ugh correspondence, from prac Valiy every state in the union. recent humble efforts on U br“lf °f the Michigan Emancipation program however, provided the P (r*t opportunity to cooperate with y leading citizen* of both races, where f*I contact was required. And the necessary inferences I ed the most beautiful spirit of at ton that it ha* ever been my ge to observe. many vearal had known of the id cooperation that the citizens / of Jackson have extended to the nearly six thousand prisoners confin ed jn the Michigan state prison, lo. I* cated at that point, and now I know \ °f the good feeling that exists be* '.tween the races in Jackson. f I’nder the general chairmanship of W. W. Wright, a leading real estate broker, insurance executive and banker, the leading citizens of tho city formed themselves into a dozen dif erent committees and free ly gave of their time in the forming of a gigantic Emancipation Day pro. gram, commons from every morning aatil well after midnight. A*d it was in the carrying out of tfci» program that the wonderful spirit of cooperation manifested is elf. Literally, thousands of dollar! in service* were provided gratis. The entire Fair Ground* plant was do nated for the day; railroads gave red"-**! rates: the bus lines provided «n< re round trip rates, and in the citj wing certain hours the bus lines 4 street car* provided free transpe? ytion; the local newspapers provided ample publicity; Warder Harry 1 . Jackson provided trustee! to perform the labor necessary; all the printing, including posters, hand bills, program* and tickets, were donated, and the entertainment ser vices of bands, orchestras, dancers, artists, ball players, participants in the hose racing, exhibits, and speak ers were procured in the same spirit of cooperation. Even to the appear ance of the governor of the state. The net results of this cooperation means that the entire proceeds, with out any deductions, from the gate and concession receipts of their Emancipation Day program, can bo utilised m freeing the colored churches in Jackson from debt and providing a surplus which can be used in the furtherance of their re 9 lief and welfare work. I drubt whe ther thia spirit of cooperation can be equalled, and certainly not .'xcelled, any place in the country. ANNOUNCEMENT!! TV Letter Contest will be extend ed to September 1, as the contest did not set started until the middle of July Join now and win some of the prises to be published in nert week's edition. E. B. Gray Writes on ! Negro and Politics E. B. GRAY WRITES ON TIIF COMING CAMPAIGN WHAT IS IN STORE FOR THE COLORED MAN IN THE COMING CAMPAIGN Never in the history of this coun try has he thought so seriously about tividing his votes between the twc National parties. Seventy years is a long look into the past, but in an. other way the time is short. In that day the Colored man looked to the Republican party for every good he ; <-d to attain, but today the Demo -iatic party is making a bid for the Colored man’s vote, and in some measure is getting it. This is a so ber thought of great moment in the iiv s of our people. Never has this : challenging of votes reached the im. ' portance that it has today. Eael party is being questioned and jusi now when we are in the very centei of a national and local campaign, we find ourselves trying to sum up some of the important issues. The eiuestion we have never beeT able to solve is Why one/set of citi. (Continued on Page 2) GOLD SEAL DAIRY COMPANY KEEPS PROMISE Puts on Colored delivery man. 1,105 new customers needed foi ' three new jobs. New customers prev i usly reported in the Omaha Guide, 1 4186). This weeks new customers as follows; Mr. B. Ray, 2865 Miami St.; Mrs Kirby, 2203 Grant St.; Mrs, Jr Wash ington. 284j3 Miami St.; Mrs. T. Halloway, 2716 Franklin St.; Mrs. Sands, 2224 North 25th St.; Mrs. J. Sims, 2622 North 26th St.; Mrs. Borders, 2622 North 25th St.; Mr H. Kerns, 2920 North 25th St.; Dr. G. B. Lennox, 2427 Patrick Avenue; Mrs. G. Watson, 2716 North 28th i avenue. TENN. LILY WHITES WITHDRAW Memphis, (CNS) The lily white contestants for places upon the Re publican State Committee withdrew the names of their four candidates Friday leaving the way clear for the members of the regular organization to complete the naming of the State executive committee from its mem bership. No reason was given for this with drawal by the lily whites headed by Mrs. C. Arthur Bruce, save that they felt they uould not get a square deal under the present conditions. It was intimated that they would try other methods of breaking the hold on the "black and tan” organization in Tenn ' essee. While the candidates for the exe. . cntive committee representing the i Church faction have not been named , it is generally understood that R. R. 1 Church. Memphis leader, and Mrs. Arthur Brodie, national committee woman will be members of the com mittee, with other posts alloted to t llher C. H. King, present State com mitteeman, or Joe Marks, chairman of the Shelby County executive com raittee. WOODSON CENTER VACATION “Play School” CLOSES Friday evening. July the 29th ' at 8:30 o’clock, a large and apprecia i tive audience numbering almost four . hundred, assembled in front of the ■ Center’s building, 5301 S. 30th Street. The occasion being the closing of 1 its seventh annual vacation school. The program included drills, ^ongs by the pre-school group; Miss Ca therine Williams, Miss Alberta Frank ! lin, and Miss Mildred Alston in j charge. Cinderella was dramatized in pret ty costumes by some of the Junior I Girls under the direction of Miss Susie Whiteside. The leads were taken by Helen Bloch, Donald Stew art, Thelma Jean Talley, Mary Alice Morgan. Vivian Morgan and Maxine Alston. Other children joined in the Minuet dance in the ball room scene. A few of the girls of the sewing (Continued on Page 3) FRANK CARTER DROPS DEAD Mr. Frank Carter, 2422 Burdette Street, married, died sudden ly Tuesday, August 2, about 1:15 p, m. at 2420 Lake street, in the lobby of the Elks’ Hall, while talking to friends. Mr. Maylor Austin, custo dian of the Elks Hall states, that he and Mr. Carter were sitting talking when a man walked up with a dog. 1 he man with the dog began telling them of how vicious the dog was, when, Mr. Carter spoke up and said, “That’s a bad dog”, fell out of the chair and died instantly. It is reported that Mr. Carter has been suffering with such spells for a long time and it is believed his death was caused by a stroke. Rev. WHson’s , Car Wrecked Rev. I S. Wilson, pastor of St. John A ME. Church, enroute to Atch inson, Kansas, to attend the Mis sionary Conference was slightly hurt as his car ran into loose gravel and turned over. Mrs. Gertrude Kinney, guest of Rev. and Mrs. Wilson, was also hurt. Mrs. Wilson was not hurt. LOCAL MINISTERS ON JOB i Contacts and Developments by Rev. O. J. Burckhardt, and Rev. J. C. Bell McClellan 5 and 10c store. One colored employee, part time. The manager promised to put him on regular, September 1. Mr. Joe Jefferson an employee at Swifts’ Packing Co., for 11 years, was laid off and even though they were hiring others. Mr. Jefferson could not be replaced. After the ministers had an interview with the Supt. Mr. Redmon last week, Mr. Jef ferson was back at work the next morning. Mr. Calvin Spriggs was made In-, spector for the Omaha Bee-News. The water dept, of the city, of which Mr. Barber is in charge, prom ises his support during this economic crisis, where there are now eight col ored enifcloyees. Mr. Hillegrass, sec’y. of the YMCA. and sec’y. of the Building Association is in sympathy with the labor condi tions among Negroes and promises his support. (WATCH NEXT WEEK’S ISSUE , FDR STORY AND OTHER CON i TACTS.) . POSTAL ORGANIZATIONS EXE CUTIVE OFFICIALS MEET St. Louis, Mo. July 27—(ANP)— The executive committee of the Na. I tional Postal Alliance held their mid in St, Lqpis, last week with attend eonvention meeting at Poro building,1 Sng officials from various sections! . its regularly convention bi.ennially i j of the country. The alliance holds j and during that time the business j of the organization is transacted by i tlie elected executive committee. President Wilhoit was particularly' 1 gratified, he told the delegates, to be ! able to report the consumation of their group insurance plan upon I terms extremely favorable. The Paci- j lie Mutual Life Insurance company, j or>e of the strong organizations of i the country, and which recently ab sorbed the Chicago National, which had underwritten the Postal Alliance contracts, without the slightest im. i . pairment. The Postal Alliance mem bership gets the benefit, Mr. Wilhoit pointed out, of accepting voluntarily, a group rate which runs about one. i third of the average cost. These benefits are, of course, limit i ed to postal employes and members | of the organization. Among those in attendance at the j meeting were President Roy Wilhoit of St. Louis, General Counsel R. L. j Bailey of Indianapolis, H. A. Aternan: and Mack D. Anderson of Memphis. I W. J. Arnold of Atlanta, president I of the 3rd District of the organiza tion. Editor Joseph B. Brown and L. F. Ford of St. Louis. WOMAN SLAYS HUSBAN OMAHA GIRL ELECTED TO Y. W. C. A. COUNCIL Four girls from the north side branch Y. W. C. A. attended the Business and Industrial Girls’ Con ference held at the Y. W. C. A. camp on Lake Okoboji July 20 to 30. Mis. Dorene Holliday and Miss Louise Scott were delegates from the Quack club, Mrs. Mary Ann Elliott was delegate from the Trojan Girls club, and Miss Albertine Johnson spent her vacation at the camp during the conference period. Miss Albertine Johnson was one (Continued on Page 2) COMPLIMENTS GUIDE To the Editor: I wish to compliment you and your staff upon the wonder, ful improvements in your paper. It has gotten to be as large as any I daily and I want you to know I en joy it very much. LORETTA R. SWANIGAN, 2410 Holdredge, Lincoln, Nebraska. TWO HI IN AUTO CO JION Mr. Charles Wheatley, 2519 Hamil ton Street, was injured Monday af ternoon, when his car collided with another car driven by Mr. Charles Fox of 1018 NoriSl' 29th street, at fifty-eighth and Hickory streets. Mr. William Renner and his brother Ralph Renner of the same address were riding in Mr. Fox’s car, but .they were not hurt. Mr. Wheatley and Mr. Fox were taken to Lord Lis. te hospital where they were treated. They were slightly injured and re leased from the hosptial the same day. It is reported that Mrs. Wheat ley’s car was completely wrecked. PHILDELPHIA HOUSE WIVES SUPPORT CO OPERATIVE STORE Philadelphia, Pa.— The Willing Workers Club, a group of women in the vicinity of 1200 South 46th St., is busying itself with directing the community’s buying power, to the support of the little co-operative store that is being promoted by the Philadelphia council of the Young Negroes’ Co-operative League. On Sunday, July 17th, the club sponsored a tea. The success of which, both from the standpoint of attendance and finance has inspired the Willing Workers to plan a series of block parties. HOUSEWIVES L’GE STARTS DRIVE The Omaha Housewives’ League is on a relentless drive for one thousand women to assist in the campaign they are waging for economic recog nition of Negroes. During the past week, three enthusiastic meetings have been held in various sections of the city at which time additional members have enrolled in the move ment. Unit No. 4, un^er the direction of Mrs. Minnie Dixon, held a verv in teresting meeting which was large ly attended. Purposes and objectives of the organization were stated by Mr. C. Adams, general president, and the place of the housewives in help ing solve the unemployment problem of Negroes was given by J. Harvey Kerns, general advisor. On Friday, July 29th, at the Prrni itive Baptist church, about fifty wo men heard Mrs. Herbert Wiggir.s. Rev. Dan Williams, and C. Adams on objectives and accomplishments of Housewives’ Leagues. The most enthusiastic meeting thus far held was at the Omaha Urban League, Wednesday, August 3rd, when the various units packed the league headquarters. Business men, profess ional men, and laymen were special guests of the women at this meet ing. Brief addresses were given by the chairwomen of the various units and by members of the advisory com-' mittee. i Stray Bullet ! Strikes Child Two Holdups In Rapid Succession In Kansas City, Kansas Kansas City, Kans—Little five year old Harold Stephenson, 910 Wal ker avenue, Kansas City, Kansas, was struck by the bullet fired from the revolver of a bandit, Saturday night at the comer of Fifth street and I Minnesota avenue, as he stood with his mother, Mrs. Carrie Stephenson, waiting for a street car. The band it had just robbed the Wyandotte Cigar store, 500 Minnesota. Gets Cash and Flees About 8:30 o’clock the bandit, a white man, walked into the cigar store and pulled a 45 calibre auto matic o nthe proprietor, Sam Karas, 1517 Minnesota avenue and obtained $100 and fled. As the bandit depart-; ed, Karas grasped his revolver and pursued. He hesitated to shoot, he said, because of the large crowd near the intersection. He did shoot how ever, and the bandit fell or threw him self prone on the street. After Kar as’ second shot, the bandit fired four *or five times in return, from Fifth street, on0 Of the bullet* striking 5[lI31J3lOLfPnj3J3Lr3Uairai-13U3Ur3U5 little Harold. Boy Sent To Hospital The child was rushed to the Doug lass hospital in a police ambulance. His wound, however was reported not serious. He was the only one struck. The bandit ran to State avenue and made his escape in a car. It is said that the police were able to get a description of the car and the license number. Second Hold-up The second hold-up of the night oc curred at the Glen Holm Grocery. store, 1106 North Seventh street, shortly after the one on Minnesota I avenue. Two Negroes entered the, store armed with revolvers and an-' nounced they intended to stage a hold up. One of the bandits “covered” the j people in the store, while the other j made an unsuccessful attempt to open | the cash drawer. He also overlooked a bag with the day’s receipts that was lying near the register. They both backed out of the store without tak ing anything. Uc=u UcrJ UcrJ UcrJ UcrJ UcrJ lk=J UcrJ H-—*1 Ih-M UcrJ UcrJ UcrJ Ib-M Uc=*l —11 IU-H UcrJ UcrJ UczJ U«—>11U-U II.—»l 1U-M ll-JI L [ , Get Your Next Week’s Guide The following are a few of the many interesting things that will be in next week’s issue published Thursday, August 11th, dated Saturday. August 13th. DON’T MISS YOUR COPY. Fifty news boys to serve you. Call Webster 1750, and ask for Mrs. Estella Craig, Circulation Dept. , No. 1. “WHAT TEN FAMILIES IN A BUYING 'CLUB CAN DO TO IMPROVE THE ECONOMIC STATUS,” by that fam- i ous economist, George S. Schuyler. < 1 Garner's Wife Writes 1 No. 2. Mrs. E. R. Garner, wife of the Speaker of the House * of Representatives, writes Dr. Geo. B. Lennox. Wlatch for the letter in next week’s paper. --- , No. 3. “LAUNDRY SOAP and ITS EFFECT”, by George i S. Schuyler. 1 No. 4. President Hoover’s Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership and his full report on the Nation’s Inefficient Housing Practices Found Cause of Serious Condition in Negro Hous- . ing. J No. 5 "DIGESTING The NEWS” by CLIFFORD C. MITCHELL, one of the race’s greatest writers. , “Negro Employment in Omaha Branch of the Ford Plant” No. 6. Henry Ford’s manager in Detroit, Michigan answers Dr. G. B. Lennox on “Negro Employment in Omaha Ford Branch Factory.” Watch for letter in next week’s paper. No. 7. Omaha Guide organizes working Men’s Commission ers and employs a permanent Secretary. “Our Job will be to get YOU a Job.” Commissioners will meet Friday, August 12th, at 5 p. m., to form a permanent organization. Watch next week’s paper for full details. No. 8. Have you a mortgage on your Home? Are you a boul to lose your Home? Do you need your home re-financed? Do you understand the Home Loan Banking Bill signed by the President just a few days ago? We have a copy «f this bill in our office. Starting in the August 13th issue, we will publish a part of it each week until a full report of the bill has been published. Don’t Miss An Issue. No. 9. The Omaha Guide will organize the North Omaha Unemployed Married Men’s Council. Watch next week’s issue of this paper for full details. No. 10. “The Negro Loses His Soul” by that Great Historian, CARTER G. WOODSON. Leaves Wounded Man on Sidewalk Escapes in Taxi; Both Shot In Al tercation Kansas City Mo.. —Howard Whit worth, 38, 2322 Brooklyn, a chauf feur for R. A. Roberts, 5433 Missouri Drive, was shot and fatally wound ed last Thursday evening by his for mer common-law wife, Sarah Toran, who is also known as Sarah W’hit worth, in front of 2210 E. 25t.h St. Whitworth was visiting at the1 Twenty-fifth street address and his car, a new Chevrolet, was parked out side. Waits in Man’s Car Evidently the woman saw the emp ty car and decided to wait for him. There were no witnesses, however it. is thought that the couple engaged in an argument. Whitworth made a deathbed siaUv ment saying that when he walked up to the car the woman said that she was going to kill him and drew a 3S calibre Colt automatic. He attempt ed to wrest the pistol from her and was shot in the left leg and left side, the shot piercing his intestines. The woman was also wounded. Leaves Victim on Sidewalk Whitworth fell to the sidewalk af ter he was wounded and the woman hailed a passing Taxi and went to 1226 Paseo to the home of Mrs. Wil liams. She was found later and c*r ried to the bu in ordo, "‘that : «ii wou«ds njight he treated. She L still there under the care of the doc. or. Her wounds are said to be (light and she will recover. People in the vicinity attracted by he sounds of the shots rushed to the icene to find the man writhing in igony on the street. He wag rushed o the hospital where he died the text day. Couple Lived Together It is s»id that Whitworth’s real lame is Elmer Williams and was hanged because of some trouble he lad been in some time ago. He and he Toran woman had lived together or about ten yars. They separated anuary of 1931. He stated before le died that he had not seen her for >ver two months. It is said that the •nly reason that could be given for ter attack upon him was jealousy, as he had accused him of leaving her or another woman. 4. PHILLIP RANDOLPH OMAHA’S GUEST A monster mass meeting will be leld Sunday August 14th, at Zion Baptist Church, 3 p. m. at which ;ime A. Phillip Randolph, of New fork. President of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters will speak. Mr. Randolph is a nationally known orat >r, labor economist and scholar. He s making a nation-wide campaign n the interest of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters organizations md the general labor conditions of he Negro. His subject will be ‘What Shall the Negro Do to be Bayed in this Hour .of Economic trial?” SPECIAL SERVICES AT BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY For the benefit of the Young Pe0 >Ie and the public at large, our Pas °r, Rev'- J- H- Jackson, is delivering \ Special addr«* Sunday evening ™>. 1932 ,t the Bethel 1W ASt Church, 29th and T Streets. Subject, “Staging the Negro’s Re lgion. In this address he will •aise the following questions. 1- , ^hy is the Negrro now attempt, ng to dramatize, and in many cases, 2 esw£\hVelifrion on the sta^ 2- Wh*t aff«* has such on the present, past and the future of the ^egro Church? 3. Shall we keep our spirituals, if so, for what purpose? Worship begins at 8 p. m We lre 5nvi’ting you and your friends to ■nsit and share with us in our wor dup and to hear the message that he pastor shall bring. Committee: Hallie Johnson, Sarah Turdock. Ella Elizabeth Smith, Iheresa Tinker, Ethel Hughes