The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 23, 1932, ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION, Page 3, Image 11

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    I wed hand or an elbow in the way,
d his sharp punches went for
Xhe first grew warmer as the
:th round ended and the seventh
jpan. The rivalry was growing;
5 cool-headed fighters were
inging wildly now. The Hurri
r»e was doing his share of the
ding, and it was the leading that
pt the crowd in an uproar,
icugh Dempsey had a first-class
Fense ard few of the leads did
ich dam ge, there were no coun
s to them—at least none which
ided effectively. The kid had
:k rattled also by his way of
king a quick feint and following
with the blow which he feinted.
:n crashing his other hand up
down, leaving himself, apparent
wide >en. But when tried
counter, his blows usually went
her short or vide. Dempsey
11 retained some of the elusive
ss of old.
Wl.ew ” grunte ' the Hurricane
er the seventh frame had ended,
hat guy can hit.”
He didn’t hurt you, did he?” I
:ed him.
No, not yet. But boy! If I let
'bleaching cream
is the Most Effective
and Most Economical
Bleaching Cream
money can buy!
Because Black and White
is the only bleaching cream
on the market with the ex
clusive Double Strength fea
ture, it is the only bleach
^that has sufficient power to
■penetrate down to your
■ skin's fourth layer where
I coloring is regulated. That's
■ why this marvelous, scien
■ tifically-made Black and
V White Bleaching Cream
f whitens your skin twice as
quick as ordinary bleaches;
drives away humps, dark
P spots, mole discolorations
in record-breaking time.
This large hand
some opal jar
mt your f norite
drug store or
toilet goods
e o u m t e r
Rebecca Green, who celebrated her 116th
birthday recently. She not only was a
slave on the Caton Plantation, near Tow
son, but saw her three pretty daughters
sold to slave owners, who liked mulattoes.
him hit me just once, he’d hurt!
He’s taking plenty, I mean. He
don’t like me to punel him ir the
side any more—that must be both
ering him some. And his nose is
‘‘Well, Kid," I told him, “it's get
tin’ along. Now look—there's ten
grand in this fight alone for you—
if you win. You can quit the fight
game ever.—and get married. You
can buy a house and do whatever
you want to do for a couple of
years—just on what you'll make
here tonight. Now won’t you go
in there nd take this guy over?
He’s no better than anybody else—
he’s old; his wine’s gone. Give
him everything you’ve got. He can't
take it :\ny more.”
“O.K.," grunted the Hurricane.
The bell rang. I jumped out of
the ring, whisking my boy’s stool
and towel behind me. Dempsey
was in the center of the ring, his
head still on his shculder, both eyes
half closed.
And from that moment on, the
Hurricane made things exceedingly
interestin’ for the Manassa Mauler.
But Dempsey hadn’t spent his life
in the ring for nothing. Many a
fight he had weathered through,
even in spite of inspired rallies on
the part of his opponents. Jack
clinched and hung on, tucked his
I Its Principles Will Help You. 8
Information Free—Write or Call
211 W. 137th SL New York. N.Y. W
r® sell LUCKY MO-JO In
Hsense and Lucky Goods Make
*» week. Write now. MO-JO
CO.. Dept. c. IN Cottage
"—1— Groee Are., Chicago, m.
jaw deeper in his shoulder andj
waited for the opening.
The Hurricane left plenty of
openings, but he didn't leave them
long enough for the Mauler’s blows \
to penetrate. Twice the Hurricane
landed hard rights on Jack's jaw—
to the latter's bewilderment. The
gloves seemed to loom up out of
nowhere, and there was no face
to receive the counter. But the fans
could see everything that was hap
pening, no they sensed that some
thing momentous was taking place.
The round ended in the midst of a
clinch and the two men staggered
to their corners.
Panting, the Hurricane whisper
ed to me as I rubbed him down in
the minute’s intermission. “Watch
me sock him this round!”
The bell rang again, and this time
my boy fairly leaped from his cor
ner. And now he was all over the
great Jack. He plastered him with
uppercut and sharp jabs to the
ribs; he rained rights and lefts,
leading first with ne hand, then
the other, and sometimes appar
ently with both hands at once. And
all the while he was ducking right
and left, swaying di~dly on his
feet. And Dempsiy failed to re
turn the volley. My boy was
laughing now, and the contrast
was showing Demp^’y up, demon
strating that he was old and slow.
The Mauler tried one last, desper
ate lash, but my boy wasn't there.
To the fans, he side-stepped; to
Dempsey, he seemed to vanish
from sight. Then suddenly from
somewhere came streaking leather,
and Dempsey's head crashed back
guaruitee to help
you pet a new start, lei life. Ns I
««e beyond hope. Stop vs Vyiap! Write .
»> today. Islor seat non Ft? Kg' If. It
Jf11*1***. *•' Nerpev lee., Jeryee ft
City, N.J., Dept. F. ^ \
with a resounding ‘*blop” that could |
be heard even above the noise of
the cheering thousands.
Intense surprise swept across the
Mauler's face for just an !nstant,
and then his hands fell, slowly. He
turned, staggered mice, then, like
a log, dropped to t : resined canvas
There was no response to the
referee's tenth wave of white-,
sleeved ..rro in the air.
• • *
Conquerer of Dempsey—well
on his way to tbe world's hravy
weight champion hip crown!
What will be the Hurricane's
next move in his struggle for
recognition? And how will he
explain to Martha when he
reaches Harlem the erroneous
report of his engagement to
Edna Masters?
Bi ight Sayings
of the Children
What Do Yours Say?
Send them to as; well be glad
to publish them.
While visiting in the country the
other day there were two poodle
dogs. One was very clean and the
other very dirty. My little daugh
ter, three years old, started to play
with them, when suddenly she
looked up and said, “Oh, daddy,
there is a new' dog and an old dog?'
-R. T.
• * *
Four-year-old Zelma had been
picking feathers from her pillow
and strewing them over the bed
room floor. When her mother
told her to stop doing it, Zelma
"Don’t worry, mother. There are
lots more feathers left in the pil
low!’’—A. G.
* * *
Little Mae was very fond of call
ing on the neighbors. One day she
was ready to go when her mother
said, “Dear, it is raining so hard
I’m afraid you can't go.” Mae was
a trifle crestfallen for a moment,
but her face brightened and she
said, excitedly, “O, mother, I won’t
get wet. I’ll run hard and pass the
rain.”—M. 3 S.
About two weeks ago, Allen, my
3-year-old nephew. was much
amused while we watched a monkey
dance to the tune of a hurdy-gur
dy which was playing some classi
cal selections.
Recently, we were listening to a
radio program. Allen stopped play
ing suddenly to listen, and I think
he must have thought it sounded
the same, as he said. “Don’t that1
hears like a monkey?”—F. S. C.
• * *
On his return from his first partv!
I asked Robert, aged 6, if he had
thanked the hostess for the pleas
ant time. He answered, “No.!
mother. I forgot, but I asked her
when she was going to have an
other party.’’—N. A. W.
Words Often Misused
Do not say "We h .ve got to pre
pare for it now.” Say "We have
to prepare.” Omit “got.”
Words Often Misspelled
Stirrup; two r's.
Words Often Mispronounced
Cocain. Pronounce ko-ka-in, o
as in "no,” a unstressed, i as in
“in.” accent first syllable, and et
ko-kane as so commonly heard.
Transform, transfigure, transmute
and convert.
Word Stndy
ACCEDE; to agree; assent. "He
acceded to my request.”
PRESENTIMENT; a feeling or
expectation as to what will take
place. “A presentiment of evil de
terred hi ..”
Meat and fish should be removed
from the pap:r as soon as possible
and placed in an earthenware dish
on ice. or in a very cool plrce.
Have the Skin
All Men Love
You can't go against nature and
it is men's nature to love a light,
clear, soft skin. Of all known meth
ods of clearing the complexion of
ruinous, unnatural impurities, black
heads. pimples, freckles and other
blotches, Nadinola Cream is the sim
plest, quickest and most satisfactory
—just apply this white fragrant
cream at bedtime—no massaging, no
rubbing. Nadinola quickly brings
fresh, youthful beauty to your skin;
restoring a soft textured, smooth,
radiant, flawless complexion; closing
up large, ugly pores and leaving the
skin ivory-white, lovely. Don’t risk
your face, neck, arms and hands to
?heap bleaching creams, ointments or
lotions, hut be sure to use real
Nadinola Bleaching Cream with its
DOUBLE ACTING qualities foil ml in
no other product. Get a lag iOc jar
of Nadinola Bleaching Cream at any
toilet counter; begin using it tonight,
and tomorrow you will see a hint of
the wonderful results to expect.
Money-back guarantee in every
Manufactured by National Toilet Co.,
Paris, Ttnu.
Why worry al*>ut delayed periods from unnatural
causes. Cet Quick Results using FEMINESIL—
LiquKi-Tafctet KelieL Used l>y doctors. Moves case*
long overdue. PTeasant, safe, no interference any
dutiei. Satisfaction guaranteed treatment $295.
Postage if COD. SpeonBy Compounded for Very
OUtinate Cases $5.00. Illustrated Folder Free with
order. PETONE CO.. Dept. !• F St. Louis Mo.
---i—.- „ ■/
Youthful Women
Women must keep YOUNG to
day if they expect to play their part
in today's fast moving world. Not
necessarily young in years, but
You Are Only As
Young As You Feel
Don't allow yourself to get out of
step with this “age of youth” by com
plaining all the time, feeling “worn
out,'' being tired, listless and lazy.
Snap out of it! Oimb upon the band
wagon of happiness today with the
thousands of youthful, bright-eyed
women alt around you who are get- :
ting their share of this life’s pleasure. !
Famous G.F.P. Tonic Will
Keep You Feeling Young
Keep youthful—keep full of pep—
have “It”—have personality appeal—
have the sparkle of health and energy
in your eye! Be strong, vigorous,
active, with the will to do things and
enjoy them. That’s what St.Joseph's
G.F.P. will do for you. This fine 50
year-old tonic contains roots and herbs
of unequalled medicinal merit and
from the very start its remarkable
strength-building, energy-developing
properties will make you feel like a
new woman. Your druggist sells the
big dollar bottle of St.Joseph's G.F.P.
mi am absolute money-back guarantee.