APK1L 27,. 1907. THE NEBRASKA; INDEPENDENT 7 FURTHER ADVANCE IN WHEAT 1)1101X11 l.N , KAX$AS FlUMSIIKI IXCKXTIVE FOR HIS I'. JULY CLOSES HALF HIGHER Corn Wast lp Half a Cent and Oats Af KiKlidi-Wbeat at Mver pool Wan Mack Stronser. CHICAGO, April 24. -Drouth in Kan pus , furnished the chief incentive to a further advance in wheat prices here to day, the July delivery clising at a net gain of V2C Corn was also up 4c and oals Wi'Mc. Provisions were 7&10c to UVzC lower. - .The continued absence of rain in Kan sas as shown by the weather bureau caused a ntrong- opening in the wheat pit, there being an active demand. An ad vance of VtS,d in the price of wheat at Liverpool said to have been due to un favorable crop from this country and also advices of a similar kind from Ger many and. other parts of Europe nerved to stimulate additional bullish sentiment among: local traders. Demand continued urgent all day and in tpite of heavy real izing tialej, prices were well maintained. A report from New York which claimed ninety boatloads of wheat had been tak en there for export tended to inspire fresh enthusiasm among the bulls late in the session. Primary receipts were lib eral, total arrivals today being 733,000 bushels compared with 272,000 for the cor responding day a year ago. This brought out active profit-taking but all offers were readily absorbed. . The market closed ntrong. July opened W$c ioy c. higher at 8)4H81c, sold at Sl'4c and then advanced to 81c, closing fit 8iyiiSlc. Clearances of wheat and Hour were equal to 133,000 bushels. Min neapolis, Duiuth and Chicago reported receipts of 595 cars against 93 cars last week and 177 cars a year ago. Trading in corn was more active than for some time past and the tone of the market was strung. A sharp advance in the price of com at Kansas City had a ' bullish-'effect on the market here. Other infimnees contributing to the strength were the advance in wheat, smal' re ceipts and unfavorable weather for farm work Shorts aril commission houses were the principal buyers while local longs were the chief sellers. The market closed strong. July opened '4c to Ac higher at 4HiSc, advanced to 49 49',ic and closed at 49c. Local receipts were 111 cars with seven of contract grade. Oats were quite strong early in the day because of numerous crop damage re ports and also because of the strength of wheat. Later the marke: reacted somewhat owing to the free selliug by longs. The volume of trading was only moderate. Increased offerings from the wountry had a depressing effect. July opened 'ic to ijuVo higher at 41c to 4i,,i4114o, sold at 41V4c and then declined to 407'ke. The close was 4iy8f41Vic. Local receipts -were 221, cars.. , There was little trading i provisions and the tone of the market was rather weak. x A StilOc decline in the price of live hogs brought out moderate Helling by local packers. Demand came chiefly from shorts. At the close July pork was off 10c at $15.90. Lard was down, V&c at $8-70. Ribs were 7VTyl0c lower at S.o6. ' Kstimated receipts -for tomorrow are: Wheat. 27 cars; corn, 130 cars; at3, i95 curs, hogs, 27,000 head. Cash quotations were as follows Flour Irregular. Wheat No. 2 spring, 82g85c; No. 8. 74 8lcr No. 2 rod, WMiTilc. Com No. 2, 48'4c; No.- 2 yellow. 4!ic Oats No. 2, 4Zc; No. 3 white, 4'MUc. Rye No. 2. 68e. llarlev Fair to choice malting, 6$7Cc. Flax seed -No 1, $1.11; No. 1 north western. $1.18. Timothy seed Prime. $4.23. Strut ribs, siles (loose), $S.3iQ8.45. Pork Mess, per barrel, $15.75 15. 87'i. Lard -Per 100 pounds, $8.55. Short clear sides (boxed), $8.759.00. Whisky-$1.29. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 47,800 4!).3ii0 Wheat, bushels 83,000 6.200 Corn, bushels 210.400 49.400 (Uts, bushels ..4OG.50 16S,H Rye. bushels 9.W) Hurley bushels ,. 74,000 i.100 On th iroil!i'e exchange today the but ter market wis easy; creameries. 2'ri33c; dalrl-3, '.'V'f:: .vgn--Steady; tit mark rasi-n Included, HViilKV: firsts. 15'4c: prime tirntsu-Ki'ic. Chet Steadv, U'u 1.1c. P.miirv-Live, steady : turkeys. 12c; 1 -hiekt n. I.'e; springs. 12e. 'Open. 'IUkIi. I Low. (Close. Whru M .1. ! s ; D (V-in Ma.' Juh Si' 1 'I .it. Mav .1 i. jii I' l k V.U 4-l'. t iil.t M . J. I - t1' l;.i- M,v J id 0 s p: 1 I '7Si 75 OS I I li lit 'It's !4"4i 1 I 11 .. . 11; : 11. m ,ns , to.ff. 1 75 .iC4j M r& in i :;'r nw m ! I C" 'A I i I v.--, 7 Lirrrpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. April 24. Wheat-Spot. No. 2 red western winter, steady, (is 2'T4d; Ne. 1 alifornla, steady, 6s 4d. Futures, i'Mn; March, July. 6a 4d. . Corn Firm; American mixed, iew, 4s 7d; ditto, old, 5s d. Futures, tinn; May, 4s 6d; July. 4s 7Vd; September, 4s 7d. Sew" York I'rodnce Mnrki-t. NEW YORK. April 24. -Flour-Receipts, 18,693 barrels; exports, 13,101 barrels; mar ket firm but quiet. ' Rye flour Firm. , 1 Wheat-Receipts, 19,000 head; exports, 38,000 bushels. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, 84c, elevator, and 857gC, f. 0. b ailoat; No, 1 northern Duiuth, 95&c, opening naviga tion, f. o. b. alloat; No. 2 hard, winter, 89c, opening navigation, f. o. b. afloat After opening stronger on bullish cables and dry weather in Kansas, wheat turned easy owing to predictions of rain hi the west but was finally rallied by export re ports, closing fic net higher. May, opened at &7&87;'sc and -closed at 87&c; July opened at 88 7-lWi89 l-16c and closed at 8Sc; September, opened at 89390o and dosed at 90'4c. Corn Receipts, 237,575 bushels; exports, 93,231 bushels. Spot, lirm; No. 2, 58c, elevator, and 5oc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 white, 574c; No 2 yellow, 5Gc, f. o. b. afloat. The option market was most act ive and stronger on a bullish cash po sition, elosinglc net higher. May closed at 57'Ac; July, WV&olc; closed at 57c. Oats Receipts, 123,000 bushels; ' spot, steady; mixed oats, 47o; natural white, 40&&OVfcc; clipped white, 49V454c. Lard KiiKy; western prime. $8.75418.85; refined barely steady. Continent, J9.25; S. A., $10.00; compound, 8'4''a8'&c. Sugar Raw, steady; fair refining, 3.26c; centrifugal, 90 test, 3.76c-; molasses sugar, 3.04c; reiintd steady; No. 6, 4.40c; No. 7, 4.35c; No. 8, 4.30c; No. 9, 4.25c; No. 10, 4.15c; No. 11, 4.10c; No. 12, 4.05c; No. 13, 4.00c; No. 14, 3.95c; confectioners' A, 4.60c; mould A., 5.15c; cutloaf, 5.50c; crushed, 5.5i'c; powdered, 4.50c; granulated, 4.S0c; cube, 5.053. Butter Firm; street price, extra cream ery, 34,'i5c; official prices, creamery, common to extra, 25iU34c; held common to extra, 32?r33cL state dairy, common to finest, 2.t33c; renovated, common to ex tra, 18fit29e; western factory, common to firsts, 20&24c; imitation creamery extras, 2STu29c; Jims. 25r)26c. Cheese Firm; state, full cream .colored and white, small, September fancy, 15c; same, October best, 14UlAc; good to prime, 13fcl3V4c;-winter made average best, 124c; large, September fancy, 15c; same, October best, 1414; same good to prime, 12il34c. Eggs Steady; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected, white, 20c; same, choice, 19tel9Vc; same, brown mixed ex tra, lS'valSc; firsts, to extra firsts, 17 18c; western storage packed, 16V4il8c; of ficial price storage packed, 16tfMc, Poultry Alive, steady; chickens, 9llc; fowls, 13c; turkeys, 11c. Dressed, steady; chickens, iOfrlO'ic; turkeys, 10yi4c; fowls, 1014c. . .. - - Coffee Steady; No. 7 Rio, 6c; No. 4 Santos, 7c. , . St. liOnis Grain Market. ST. LOUIS, April 24.-Wheat-Higher; on strack. No. 2 red cash, 7960c: No. 2 hard, 77i78c; May, 76o( July, 79V4 79c. ... . ' Corn Higher; on track No. 2 cash. I'Jc; May, 16Vc; July. 47yc; No. 2 white. MVf 50c. Outs-Higher; on track No. 2 cash, 431 42c; May, 4lic; July, 38"ic; No. 2 white, 43-V. Iead Dull, j.92. Spelter-Weak, $.52. Poultry - Weak; chickens. llltlllic; springs, 2Ka4c; turkeys, 12til21ic; ducks, 12e; geese, 7c. Butter Firm; creamery, 2&fi3Cc; dairy, 2?27c. Kggs Steady, 14c, case count. Xetv York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 24. -Cotton-Futures opened steady; April, 9.6.5c bid; May, 9.7Gc; June, 9.05c; July. 9.74c; August, 9.75c; September, 9.79c asked; October, 9.99c; Deeember. 10.04c; January, 10.19c; March, 10.3oc bid. Spot closed steady; middling uplands, 11.25c; mi Idling gulf. l.50c. Sales were 300 bales. Futures closed steady; April, 9.e; May, 3.8."c; June, 9.Slc; July, 9-8(c; August, 9.83c; September, 9.85e; October, 10.06c; Novemlier. lO.OSc; December, 10.12c: Jan uary, 10.28c; February, 10.33c; March. 10. lie. KnuMitn City (.rain Market. KANSAS CITY, April 24.-Wheat -M.ty, 71c; July, V-i'e, September, 75e. Cash No. 2 hard, 73-ii7Afec; No. 3. 70'u'iac; No. 2 red. 77-fi77c; No. 3, W'riTte; Corn-May. Viu; July. 44ic; Septem ber, i-'i'c. ( ?iish No. 2 mixed. 45Vjc; No. 2 white, 47iil7'e! No. 3, 47c. Oal! No. 2 white. 424c; No. 2 irdxed, IPiSMlc. Hutler-Creamery. 29c; packing. 2"c. F.ggi-Kl'Mnly. lmc. Re eipt? heat, earn. Mew York Ctiier Market. NEW YORK, April 24. Copper was "nither u luidiin wih spot advancing tt 5.s t- JUHd "l fiilurrw 4.1 o il'i I'm. Locally the market wan quiet and tui f luiid wilh price piaelii ully niiminiil. I.iki- 1 ieW"d at JS.I. rleetrulytie at VX.Vt-tU.Z; cahfing at IZ.UHca.Zu. fliiinha I. ralu Matket. OMAHA. Neb. April 24.-Wheat -N. 2 b.inl. ?''r;'; Ntf I hant. tr,ut ile; No. 4 li.ird, 6k(Ce; N. 3 Kinni. iwfiTJi' lirn- ,V 2. 4l',rl2c; N. 4. no cr4. 2ff?e; Nil 8 lw, :HiilV; No. I uhlt 4V. l)4t-'No. X 4m-i; N'. S. 4i'H'. l. loala Waal Market, M f lAiVlH. April :i -W4d -S4i. Terrtterr and aitern milium a, .Vi; ftn medium, ltf: Bne, 14h14 THE LIVE STOCK MARKETS i.ii;nr hkevi:s ami fukdkhh STi-nnv, iieayikh lowkb, Horn Five Cent Lower Sheep Tum ble Ten Ceiiln.ou Advice From ICaat. . SOUTH celpts of OMAHA, Neb April 4.-Re- live stock were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 6,j'-!7 4,821 11.41.1 . 6,53, 8,387 6,742 ... 10.CO3 6.200 Official Monday . OfPcial Tuesday . Oflleial Wedneiaj Three Same S.i me Sam-.' Snwi' S i mo days this week.lS.2.'8 days last week 19,2f-7 2ii,t49 two wecka ago.l5.V,,9 23,916 3 Wfi3k3 ogo ..115(9 12,513 4 week f.g.j li.4l I8,.'i97 days last year.12.J57 25,471 24,40.1 45.800 22,777 31,250 2U,7iy 30.795 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Good to choice corn-fed steers.. $5. 4040.00 Fair to good corn-fed steers... , 4.9-j(6.40 Common to fair steers 4.00414 80 Good to choice fed cows 4.50(5 00 Fair to good cows and heifers.. 3.25.JH.25 Common to fair cows 2.0O'3.25 Fair to choice stockers & feeders 4.60ifu .00 Fair to good Blockers and feeders 4.Uo0f4 40 Common to fair stockers 3.00'iJ4.00 Bulls, stags, etc 2.75r4.5 Veal calves 4.0O''b5O The following table shows the avsrag price of hogs at South Omaha for tn last several days, with comparisons: Date 1907 1 906 1905 1901 1903 1902 1901 April 9. April 10. April 11. April 12. April 13. April 14. April 15., April 18., April 17. April 18. April J9. April 20. April 21. April 22. April 23. April 21. 6.33 6.25 6.3846.30 6.410.33 4.42i(6.34 6.446.38 6.39 6.39 6.45 6.43146.49 6.3836.51 6.326.51 6.30846.44 C.i'46.42 5.30 6.334 G.386.34 , , .. C.29 5.25 5.28 5.31 5.28 5.28 5.26 5 23 5.28 5.27 5.23 4.80 5.33 5.36 4.91 4.96 4.88 4.81 4.81 4.86 4.89 4.80 4.75 4.28 7.11 4.81 4.82 7.25 7.25 7-22 7.19 7.19 7.22 7.07 7.13 7.14 7.10 6.89 7.07 7.02 7. t 6.67 6.80 650' 6.84 . 6.86 6.91 6.95 6.99 6.9- it 6.86 6.80 6.H9 .92 E.87 5.92 5.99 6.04 6.04 5.94 5.93 5.85 5.90 5.85 5.42 5.S1 5.80 5.76 'R and ay. cattle. Receipts continue liberal and the three days' supply has been about as large as for the first half of last week. The quality of the offerings was very good, the big bulk of the receipts showing that they had been in the feed lots for several months. ' Early advices from eastern markets were decidedly bearish and while there was the usual srood demand from all the local dressed beef men, as well as con siderable inquiry for shipping account, all classes ( f buyers were Insisting on lower prices and bids were generally pretty close to 0c lower than yester day's figures. Salesmen were slow to accept the situation and competition for the light and handy weight grades was sufficient to hold values very nearly steady. Most of the plain, heavy nd unfinished cattle, however, sold 5f10o lower than yesterday and were slow at that. , There were only about thirty loads of cows and heifers on the market and the demand for them was fully as good as It haa been and the limited supply changed huiuls in good Heason. Voa calves were nlow and about 50e lower than last week. The market for bulls, stags, etc., was fairly active and fully steady. Receipts of stockers and feeders were very light and with a good demand from all the speculators the market was active, an far as it went, and prkies were fully steady. There was not a J;ry extensive country demand, but the general tone to the market was fully steady. Hog receipts were of fair proportion and there' was littie change In the gen eral character of the offerings. On ac count of liberal receipts at eastern points and lower prices there the trade opened out slow with bids and sales generally about 5c lower than yesterday. As has been the ca.se for some time past the de mand was best for the light and bacon grades, and these continue to command a good premium, while the rough, heavy and packing grades are 8low and unsatis factory sellers. Tops reached W-4.i today for choii" light weights, as against $6.50 yesterday, and the bulk of the trade was iit $8..Wi6.374, as against .:T,'iii.i yes terday. sue p. Receipts of sheep were moderate this morning and were made up almost en tirely of hom stuff. Prices enat have declined rather sharply, but, until today the market at Ibis point has been well unstained on all grades. This morning INu keis were Inclined to shade prices n most -kind and value wro around IV lower than yesterday In nympathv with the decline at eautern point a. Shorn ewe similar t thm'e f llfg at V. '". enrtir tn the week br.ji:ght !' tit today. Winded Until Ht were about 1'ie lower than Uil atyle nf stuff brought yenleniay. Nhurn vinr linen at t.l? nllCcp und M'.ir tingw at V.S3 and h1)ii. ut $" ere nil finite a trifle off N' withntanding Ihn WUh. the i"aik-t w In verv fair whape and price comparatively wel' up to fintent standard. Quotation 0.1 wool.'il k'.!lri: (ini la rholre ittinNa, $f.'V"i1 SO; fair to gfo Uirit a. tT.f"t,( , g". f t 1 hole -ear-lint lari.li we $7 f-'t ti vtMid xyearllne. l-ir.ib wrtzlua. t ."i7."; I hl in eholft. yearll'ir. I uvvh !t,ti. $1 rrt f l g''d yfMllna mv w 'ttht, $.5 .V; R-wtil o 1 hoire ! ;iii, .; ,'ieuj u t x If rlde- . tft !N ; fair t I ewe i :! Wt clipped afuep ai4 i-imla fell naayt 0 ff from a,Hv qittlAna. St. Louia Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. --AdHI 24.-Cattle-Receipts. 3,;VK head; market 10c lower. Native shipping and export steers. $5.15fti4l.50: dressed beef and hnteher steers. Jl.7064 5.40; stockers and feeders t3.S05.25; cows ami neirers. sj.8oni;.t.5:- canners, ja.uuw 2.75; bulls. $3.2S4.50; calves, $3.5ix6.25. lloss Reccints. 7.500 head: market 5c Jower. Pig.s and lights, $6.oms$6.ti5; pack ers, $i!.2iV?i6.62Vi; butchers and lo8t heavy, tb.burcfti.-A'. Sheet) Receipts, 2,5ini head; market weak. Native muttons, $3.2y;f6.50; iambs. $3.5T''i7.75. Kanaas Cily Live Stock Market. KAVSAfi mTV Alril 24. Cattle Re ceipts. 10,000 head; market steady to 10c lower; hoice export and dressed beef steers, $5.00fii.6.25; fair to good, $4.7&S'5.56; stocKers ami reeaers, 5J.wcpw.a; nauva cows, $3.25'ii4.35: calves. $4.7yg6.50. Hogs Receipts, 16,400 h'nd-; market 60 10c lower; top, $i.Wi; bulk. . $6.40ftS6.5fi; heavy. $6.405rt.47V4: packers, !,:fi.42Mfrri)6.55; light, $fi.5.i0: p'gs, $3.2,Vi6.00. Sheep Receipts, :j.73o head; matket steady; lambs, $7.008.65; ewes and, year lings, $n.25Ai4i.60; stockers and feeders, $4.lHm5.0. . ' St. Jeaeitli Live Stock .'Market. . SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, April 24. Cattle Receipts. 3,790 head; market 10c lower. Natives, $4.5tVaN6.2G; cows and heifers. t2.2&CS.25: stockers and feeders. $3,759 4.40. Hogs Receipts, 7,675 head; market m 10c lower; top, $6.60; medium and heavy. (i,40'6.52: bulk of sales, $6.45Ca6.KiV4. Sheep Receipts, .1,155 head; -market 10c lower. Lambs, $8,0048.60; ewes. $6.006.50. C'bieuKo 1,1 ve Stock Market. CHICAGO. April 24.-Cattle Receipts, 23,000 head; market mostly 10c lower. Com mon to prime steers, $4.5C6.70; luifer. . $3.00J?5.50; stockers and feeders. $3.00te4.(iO; bulls; $3.4X(4.00; calves, $2.755.75. f Hogs Receipts, 35,000 head; market 10c lower; heavy, $6.50Ta.60; butcher weights. $6,5776.62; good to prime mixed, $0 550 6. ISO; packinfi $6.20Ci?:5.fj0. Sheep Receipts, 20,000 head; market steady to 10c lower; sheep, $4.25W5.26; yearlings. $5.2517.75; lambs. $6.508.75. Trenaury Uaiaurea. WASHINGTON. April 24. - Today's statement of the treasury balances In the general fund, exclusive of the 150, 000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance $217.6, 45 Gold coin and bullion 15,174,529 Gold certificates 39.M2.67Q Spring represents a period of the year when the akin suffers perhaps more than at any other time. The painful effects of cutting winds when walking, driving or motoring long dis tancea are only realized to, the full by those who possess a-dry skin. Nothing Js more effective in euch a ca.se-than to ii .1 good cream into the face before starting, and for this purpose the wo man who is troubled in this way should be careful to find a pure one that ab solutely agrees with her skin. After an appl'eatlon of such a cream there .should lie a dusting of an equally puns powder. STINGY. . giU" J1 She Your l1bcr must be awful mean ; him a shoe maker and you wearin' them shoes! HeSay, your lather's a dentist, yet your baby ain t got no teeth. in Stock-CeiuHiisjieii Cattls Hogs Sheip Nje Sclieidcr Fowler Co. SOUTH OMAHA, NEl RAlKA. 1 t rl (e tt Tire in 11 'lrj.1rune:ii Wi i witeunfer n rVrw or oihtr ln(uriutioj. Long d imi Ouibt ption lKiu!t i