The independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1902-1907, April 25, 1907, Page 13, Image 13

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    APFJL 25, 1007.
Th opportunity occurred in con
nection with a visit which his majesty
paid to the "Berliner theater, now con
ducted by the actor rerdinand Bonn.
As a theatrical manager Herr Bonn
has been unanimously condemned by
the dramatic critics of every newspa
per in the capital. ..'Before he assumed
managerial duties Herr Bonn was
a popular actor, and he now keenly
resents the press criticism, and pro
claims open hostility to the newspa
pers and all connected with them. Just
at present Herr Bonn's own adaptation
of "The Hound of the Baskervilles'- is
being given nightly, and he has worked
into the text several veiled attacks on
the newspapers.
After one performance the emperor
summoned Herr Bonn to his box and
said: "I admire in : particular the
courage wherewith you have dared to
express certain truths in this play. I
now understand what opposition you
have been obliged to overcome here."
The "Tageblatt," referring to the im
perial utterance writes: "In our opin
ion the emperor's allusion to certain
courageous truths can only meanthe
veiled attacks which Herr Bonn directs
against the newspaper press in his
play. We, however, retain our opinion
that the criticism to which Herr Bcnn
is obliged to submit Is TuJIy Justified
by the kind of dramatic art he culti
vates at his theater." , i.
It is clear that in this case the em
peror adopted . an attitude not only
hostile to the newspaper press, but also
diametrically opposed to prevailing
public opinion in intellectual circles in
When the kaiser traveled to Munich
last November- the newspapers men
tioned that his majesty stopped his
train for a quarter of" an hour at a
wayside station in order to get shaved
This important item of news was re
produced by the Nuremberg newspa
per, the "Fraenkische Tagespost,"
which added that the associations of
loyal military veterans in the nergu
borhood had stormed the barber for
the lather which had been scraped off
the kaiser's chin, a.nd that this liad
been, distributed among them, while
a band played the national anthem.
As this was a; socialist1 Journal,' the
veteran associations considered them
selves insulted, and brought an action
against the editor. The trial was very
amusing, the court joining in the
laughter; but the editor, nevertheless,
was fined for overstepping the bounds
of fair comment.
The name of M. Cheren, under sec
retary of war, is a byword in the
French army, on account of his sur
prise visits at night to different bar
racks to see if the soldiers are prop
erly cared for. An ingenious thief lias
taken advantage of the fact for his
own base purposes.
Two regiments at Chateau d'Eau
were wrapped in slumber a few
nights ago when, just after midnight,
a silent figure enleref the dormitories
and leant over a ?nofitig sbldier. ' The
soldier woke, but the stranger soothed
him, saying, "Do they look after you
properly? Is your bed comfortable
and warm? Very well! Don't let me
disturb you. -Go "to sleep again." Tne
soldier watched the stranger examine
his garments at the foot "of " the bed,
and murmuring, "It must be Cheron,"
went to sleep again.
Tho performance" was repeated
whenovtr a soldier awoke, and the
news quickly spread from one bed to
the next that M. Cheron was paying
a visit to the barracks. Soon a 'whole
great room was awake, and the men
sitting up in bed, chuckled at the
thoroughness of the stranger's in
spection. Then someone .struck a match, and
the stranger's face was revealed. 'It's
not Charon at all," a man shouted, ind
as lie did so the stranger fled quickly
from the room. The alarmist was de
rided, his comrades saying that n:ne
but M. Cheron could possibly have
made an entrance.
But when they drcss-ed in the morn
ing, wiys the "Matin," every man
found that his pockets had been
Mnny V'c.i for the I.iaon.
The Ou'ing Magazine: Preserving
the bison on sentimental grounds is
sufmi'-nt reason for the intelligent of
our people, but uUm-ntal ground is
not id all sunk-lent to the average
Americ'in mir.d. An,; it is, therefor',
wi h wisdom tint JUr. Baynes has
nought to extend the nppeal which the
bison his for many different kin. is of
people. For example, V:;t sumnvr he
took UP I he intention ;if buffalo won.
A small quatitKy wn.'i obtained Just us
it is sin 1 h.V tiio anlm iN, wa.s c.irdod
r.t a fur'uiy ii nd I'tl'-f hpun and
k!:it d in'' mIov- wlti!i j.i V"d very
warm '.'.m. ; ' Cm a.4 e-uld b" Judged
fiom a ft v mouth-1' w a", durable us
veil. Sa !. of Uds wool and yarn
luw l"H submUt.-d io i virmr.i. igrers,
who nil n,ri'e that the wool U of a
very Rood quality, that for n while !t
v,onM demand u hl.-h l i h e us a nov
elty and lattr a very good price fur
gctif r il tlllty purposes win-re litfht
colors are not n quired. O'.ltT men.
Wf. r.iyiu,-i lux fojnd, who tire Int'T-
esteJ .a the bison as a beef anim!,
and still other? who are inclined to
give ear t. the voice of the society
because they believe, that by crossing
the bison with certain breeds of do
mestic tattle, a valuable new breed
may in time be evolved. Indeed some
rather conservative scientific men
have expressed the opinion that bison
farms would prove profitable in any of
the states included in the animal's
former range.
New York Post: The story of silk
is .perhaps, the most universally In
teresting of all those with which Dame
Mode is regaling us this spring. Silk
costumes are in vogue for all occas
sions, even some simple tailored ones
for morning wear, all of which is quite
in accord with the note of luxurious
ness that prevails throughout the
realm of dress. It is all so different
from what it was a few years back,
say twenty, when the best black silk,
was a phrase with which to conjure,
and made its appearance only on
state occasions, principally weddings
and funerals. N
It is a Veritable treat to go into tne
exclusive shops and.Jhear the history
of the new weaves, of which there is
a sufficient number to dazzle the eyes
of even the connisseur, and as for
the names, well, here one may be ex
cused for paraphrasing, for certainly
if the word of the man behind the
goods is of any worth a silk by any
other name is just as good, will wear
just as long, and is equally stylish.
Also, a piece of silk, in this season of
1907, plays many parts. For example,
a silk, glossy, roughly woven and of
firm texture, is known at the Import
er's as Tuscan foulard, at one shop
it goes by the name of "amaranth,"
while still another firm answers to
the call of it when it comes, as voile
surah. Hence, it is well to seek further
when one does not at oncefind the
silk desired. '
AH. of the silks show an unusually
wide range of beautiful colors, both
light and dark shades. This range in
cludes almost every tint known nere
tofore, reinforced by scores of new
ones, many of them novel. In the
French models these odd shades,
which are perhaps in themselves try
ing, are cleverly'worked up into com
binations which not only render them
vastly becoming, .bu.t..d.istinguishqd
There has not been a season in many
a year when we could so aptly say
"the old things have passed away."
We may still make use of old materials,
old colors, old ideas, but they must
enter into calculations rather as ac
cessories to be combined with new sug
gestions than as a whole. The spirit of
Change is abroad in the land, and it
makes it?elC felt nowhere more potent
ly than In dress. We may wear last
season's clothes, but not as they were,
and to the economically inclined this
must be a season of pure delight, for
the old things never lent themselves
so adaptably to refurbishing as now,
and here again silks are their salvar
tion. It is the exception when a gown
of silk itself is, not trimmed with a silk
uf another weave, if not of a different
color. Taffeta, is used rather for orna
mental purposes than as entire cos
tumes, except in black,-, which is as
popular as ever. A smart suit of black
taffeta seen at one of the recent exhi
bitions i3 well worthy of mention and
sounds a new note in the construction
of this somewhat hackneyed toilet. The
fdurt was laid in half-inch knife plaits
around the hips and stiched to a depth
of ten inches, and pressed the rest of
their length. Around the bottom were
two four-inch folds of satin sparsely
scattered with white pin dots and
headed with just the narrowest pos
sible piping of green silk. The bodice
was of point lace, with shoulder
caps and strappings of black silk bor
dered, with the silk piped, satin bands
of the skirt, and over this was a little
coat, a short pony effect, with a French
back, the seams outlined with the full
width bands and the front trimmed
also with the bands extending from
the shoulder and having two wide re
vers of satin notched, piped with green,
and trimmed with liny metal buttons
of green and gold.
The Parisian dress-makers and cer
tain modistr-s on this side are using
the foft natin and silk linings in prt-f-en
iK f to taffeta. These are attractive
shimmering through the thin, loosely
woven materia!?! which we are using,
but the average American woman
likt-8 n lining with more body to it,
and, incidentally, she likes the slight,
alinoyt Imperceptible rustle of the new
tafr.-tas, although. Hue the sensible be
ing he-ls, she has foregone the ag
grcslvo, crackling taffeta that she
adopt d with ho much zest a few
yen re ago.
The majority of silks nre figured,
yet plain weaves are, strictly speaking,
Just as good. Hilln duchesse, which
lias been on the market for many
neon, M h raided as a novelty for
coat mits, and those of Its conrttrue-
Year shoe mtney vIQ g twice
3 as Sir If yea boy the straaf.
wdl-made and bard -It -wear-of
tnr fwwa rwl rirla. Thr? are
httt ieasoned unoer leather and
soles and have fewer seams than
Mavrr firhool shoes are shaped
injury to growing children's feet. They
dealer has them
make the
and Western
tf-'-Jl I on everv sole
47 VWe also
( i'0r
Milwaukee Wis.
tion are indeed very smart. For this
purpose, both colors and black are
in order, but as satin duchesse
is heavy and warm, it is only desira
ble for the earlier spring days, and,
on the whole, seems much better
adapted to fall wear. In lieu of this,
there is faille francaise, which is more
suitable, but best of all are the orient
al silks and all silks of rough
weaves. Tuscan, shantvng, tus
sah, rajah and mirage, all are popular
for day and evening costumes, for coat
suits, for formal or informal occasions,
for separate coats or for entire suits.
They . . require but' little trimming,
drape gracefully, wear well, and alto
gether possess those' qualities which
go to make up a satisfactory t ing
fabric. ' Most of thes-e silks come in
monotone or fancy effects. One of the
prettiest of Tuscan designs shows
crescents of varying sizes, interspersed
with solid dots. The little figures are
shaded 'blue, on a darker blue ground,
or brown or green, a goodly variety of
colors.. ..Another Tuscan design shows
a hair-line check, each little square
having a polka dot at Its intersection,
and still another shows shallow stripes
crossed by invisible checks.
One of the new silks, without any
special name, is a faille striped with
satin. These stripes are o different
widths, one, pattern showing a broad
b i.-d, then alternating eighth-inch
s'.r'pes of black and white with a
group of hair-line stripes next that.
These seemingly conspicuous patterns
are made up into whole costumes, as
well as utilized for trimmings. A smart
example of this was noticed in a din
ner gown of dark blue and white
striped faille; the skirt hung full from
the waist, and was trimmed with a
double vow of chiffon ruching of dark
blue, put on in serpentine fashion, the
two rows intersecting each other. The
waist was surplice style, folding over
a guimpe - of dotted net and edged
around with a bias band of plain blue
silk embroidered in blue and gold. The
straight shoulder caps were also bor
dered with the bands and the girdle of
blue silk was likewise decorated.
The Introduction of new designs in
foulards has given them new value,
and they are seen in shirt-waist suits
and more dressy creations. The large
dots and disks were so largely dupli
cated last year in cotton materials that
these patterns may not be called ex
clusive, but there are many new con
ventional designs, which are even pret
tier. To accord with the predilection
for stripes, hair-line and other stripes
have been introduced into foulards, and
ar charming when properly developed.
The use of stripes is hazardous always,
and requires the skill of the artist, but
under those conditions there is nothing
more effective or distingue.
For more elaborate dresses the fheer
Filk materials are most in evidence
and here we find even a wider range,
both in the way of colors and weaves.
Silk voile promises to be the leading
fabric. It Is both practical and beau
tiful. Marquisettes, chiffon paquin,
chiffon ISordeaux, "ninon voile, surface
point Persian, all are intererting, and
each id to be had in numberless nov
elties. The plain weaves are very apt
to bo made over plaided, striped r
figured lining, while the fancy on-i
have plain foundations and are equal
ly popular. The shades of brown from
old-fashioned Seal to mauve and cham
pagne, nre far and away fashion's bent
liked colors, with the preponderance
of favor with the golden browns.
Theno shades, however, are difficult to
find, as the outpuut was putty well
exhausted lust fall when the tide of
popularity begun to turn in this di
rection. There Is no color that lends ItSflf
made of thf
tough solid
other shoes.
to prevent
or will get them for you
The Mayer trade-mark is stamped
"Hooerblli" shoes for
Lady shoes
Boot & Shoe Co.
less attractively to trimming thaw
brown; that Is, the dark shades, and
therefore a model constructed along
simple lines is preferable. Bilk of the
same or darker shades, braids and
flat trimmings in monotone arc most
effective. A new model Known In gold
en brown marquisette, and which is
to form part of a wedding trousseau,
has the skirt laid in a triple box plait
the length of the front, forming a
panel. Around the bottom are three
wide tucks, and each is heavily braid
ed with soutache of the gown had.".
The braided pattern extends up -over
the-front panel in pyramidal form.
The bodice Is a Jumper with the neck
cut in a scalloped point, the scallop
buttonholed and embroidered In Eng
lish eylet and braided and the front
also is well covered with a braided de
The twenty-second annual report
of the bureau of animal industry' of
the United .States department of Agri
culture has just been published It Is
a cloth-bound volume of 361 pages,
illustrated by 23 plates and 22 text
figures, and contaias special articles
and Information of interest iinrt value
alike to the stockman, tie dairyman,
the poultryman, the farmer, and the
This report is issued as a 'fngres
sional publication, and a limited noTi
ber of copies Is assigned to each wn
ator, representative, and delegate in
the Fifty-ninth congress for distribu
tion among his constituents. The
bureau of animal Industry has no
copies for general distribution, its q;io
ta being required for its own em
ployees and such outsiders as coop
erate if its work. The book is on
sale to the public by. the superinten
dent of documents, government print
ing office, Washington, I). C for 50
The volume contains the following
articles: "Report of the chief of the
bureau for the fiscal year t-nffM Jimw
30, 1903;" "Notes on the cattle tik
and Texas fever," by 11 C. Hchroeder;
"The persistence of the Texa fvtr
organism in the blood youthrn
cattle," by K. C. Schroed-r and W. K.
Cotton; "Soft-cheese studies in IJnr
ope," by Charles Thorn; "Jiecmls of
dairy cows: Their varue and Import
ance ir, economic milk production."
by Clarence 1J. Iane; "Government en
counigomcnt of imported breeds of
horses." by George M. Itonmiel;
"WtlKh L'ia.-k cattle," by John K'-b-eits;
"Ilaby beef," by Ernest O. IUtz
man; "Poultry management," by G.
Arthur Dell; "Capons and caponizing,"
by Rob II. Slocuru; "Annual production
of animals for food, and vr capita
consumption of meat la the United
States," by John Robert.
'1 ho average importation yciwly of
horses Imported for breeding purpose
Is plac-d ut .vlth an aver
age valii of ti'fi a head. Ilonus
brought in for breeding prrposes
art allowed to enter free of duly,
subject to certain restrictions tin to
puro breeding; lienco trade Is regula
ted by the Government. Unfortunate
ly thero have become associated with
th- lion-e-lmjKirtlng trade certain evils
which tho Department of Agriculture
Is end' aorlnsr to remedy. George M.
Rommel. Ar.lrnol Husbandman of th
Ilureau of Animal Industry, In an arti
cle on th subject, point cut the u un